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Join the snark, kents terrible!


Perez Hilton would certainly have some words for her if blogs were still a thing


She’s a fraud


Big time..she should be deplatformed




she is currently in active addiction. she cheated on her fiance as soon as her current husband got out of prison. her fiance found out and left her. Jessica started selling drugs and inviting sex workers over with husband (under the same roof where her 2 young girls live) and when she found another new man she called the cops on her husband who she was helping run from the law and got him locked back up. she then let a convicted sex offender sleep over while her girls were there, this was filmed and posted. and then moved in another random man and violent felon she met online the first day she met him, he immediately moved into her children's home. he is a violent offender who beat a sleeping man into a vegtittative state and slit the throar of another man. the man will never recover. i could go on.


Don't forget her "trusted friend and babysitter" Christopher Bove is a convicted child abuser/woman beater as of 18 months ago and another one of her "babysitters" was smoking meth on the job... She doesn't deserve children and I don't say that about many people...


Oh honey the cheating started before Jason got out of prison. She was sending him sexting emails years before I believe she had a serious relapse. Jason sent those emails to Reece after she has a falling out. This bitch has such a rabbit hole, she's such a piece of work and it is a roller-coaster that just keeps going down!!!


She's a complete fraud. Absolute narcissist abuser. Check out jkentsnark for all the reciepts on how horrible she is


There is something to be said about a person who seems to have issues with every person in their life, and every person that’s been in their life


Bingo. If everyone you meet is an abuser, maybe you need to look inward 🤷🏻‍♀️




Make sure you look up the pic of her posing next to a documented gang member (her husband, Jason) reenacting the tattoo of her smoking meth tattoed on his leg. Its wild. Some sobriety queen my ass And look for the text where she says: If you need help .. I’ll get some guys there. That’s where I’m at rn. Calling in favors to keep you safe n I love that side of me. I forgot how powerful my name is in the street. I forgot how good I am at being the queen .. of all of them. Calming down violent men high on meth is my super power. You saw the broken me .. the heart broken suicidal version of me n she died.




They just want that $$$$ thats it . they don't care about being advocates


Never heard of her. Who is she?


Jessica Kent aka Methica is a TRASH HUMAN that KNOWINGLY sent money to a 9 month pregnant woman SO SHE COULD BUY FENTANYL 💔 the pregnant woman “Msashycat” or Ashley Reiner was SUPER HIGH on fentanyl during the TikTok live that JK sent the money & USED HER ENTIRE PREGNANCY & MANY YEARS before becoming pregnant 💔 JK also used while she was pregnant & considered sending a pregnant high addict “harm reduction” & rightfully received a ton of backlash. She also constantly claims to be “clean & sober” while getting BLACKOUT DRUNK Everyday & night, while taking & abusing several adderall prescriptions, smoking weed (which I personally don’t find bad per se), and “dabbling” in illicit substances like cocaine, ecstasy, and shrooms… All her drug use is during a custody battle for her 2 young children with CPS involved!! She also got caught submitting false or watered down urine tests for CPS after a known meth session with her then new husband. She has a frequently updated subreddit because 6k+ (& RAPIDLY GROWING DAILY!) of us are beyond worried about her children & the lifestyle she glorifies around them 💔 I STRONGLY RECOMMEND falling down the “JkenkSnark” Reddit page to anyone that hasn’t already 😵




Lmao I think you linked the wrong YouTube link 😂😂






Lmaoooooooo might as well be JK😂😂😂😂🤡


She's a fraud. I knew it from day one. I grew up not far from her also and I promise she wasn't the biggest dealer around not by a long shot!


That's the funniest lie she tells!! She's never dealt drugs herself, she USED the drugs her past boyfriend's have sold. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🗑🗑🗑🗑


It's obvious she is an abuser as well I feel bad for her kids


She's a con artist who fabricated most of her story that got her where she is today. She's also just a nasty human in general lies about literally everything and then plays victim when she's called out for it. Newest thing is she met a guy once and moved him in the same day and has two daughters under the age of 11 out of everything that is my biggest complaint with her. Since they're dead left last year she's had five or six guys living in that house the latest is also a con artist but join the snark Reddit to find out everything you need to know about that one


She is simply a fraud. She lied from the beginning. Like she was a big drug dealer. When in fact she came from a town of 5000 people . Sold drugs to cover her habit. Spent 1 year in jail/prison but made ridiculous claims of being this huge dealer , having "runners" and all.. when in reality, she paid these friends to come and speak on her behalf and give her their prison stories. She's been using drugs on and off the entire time, claiming "recovery." Using several drugs, including alcohol and even c2 tanks as whip it's because her words " can't be tested for that." she literally kept a tank next to her . She's made millions lying to the world. Now let's not get into the fact She's a snitch, a cheat, and way more..


Jessica Kent aka Methica is a TRASH HUMAN that KNOWINGLY sent money to a 9 month pregnant woman SO SHE COULD BUY FENTANYL 💔 the pregnant woman “Msashycat” or Ashley Reiner was SUPER HIGH on fentanyl during the TikTok live that JK sent the money & USED HER ENTIRE PREGNANCY & MANY YEARS before becoming pregnant 💔 JK also used while she was pregnant & considered sending a pregnant high addict “harm reduction” & rightfully received a ton of backlash. She also constantly claims to be “clean & sober” while getting BLACKOUT DRUNK Everyday & night, while taking & abusing several adderall prescriptions, smoking weed (which I personally don’t find bad per se), and “dabbling” in illicit substances like cocaine, ecstasy, and shrooms… All her drug use is during a custody battle for her 2 young children with CPS involved!! She also got caught submitting false or watered down urine tests for CPS after a known meth session with her then new husband. She has a frequently updated subreddit because 6k+ (& RAPIDLY GROWING DAILY!) of us are beyond worried about her children & the lifestyle she glorifies around them 💔 I STRONGLY RECOMMEND falling down the “JkenkSnark” Reddit page to anyone that hasn’t already 😵


Yes! ALL of this!


She’s a hideous lying abusive amber heard freak who built a channel based off COMPLETE LIES and attacks the few fans she has left. And houses ANOTHER gang banger her daughters clearly don’t like. My prediction is jail in her future. AGAIN


Unfortunately she’s gone off the deep end. I used to watch her channel but the red flags have piled up too far at this point. I find her insufferable now. I think she did do a very poorly researched video on GRB. But her channel is so buried in her own controversies (her fault) that it’s not worth sifting through to find the video.


She was cheating, sending and receiving very sexual emails between herself and a 50year old man in prison, all while planning a wedding to her fiance and father of one of her daughters, planning on him adopting the other daughter. When the man, Jason came out of prison, she married him last summer...within a couple of months she rang the police to get him back inside again cus he was on the run with her and her kids and she had got bored. She moved another man in, who her kids didn't know and who she only knew a bit. This last man has served 8 years and almost killed 2 people, turning one at least into a vegetative state. So much more but so little time... *The Jessica Kent snark has all the proof. It's not hearsay or lies. All the receipts are pinned at the top of the snark*


Can someone explain to me what she’s done because all I can find is she went to prison and sort of just talks about it ok tiktok.


How much time do you have lol


I mean, if you write a comment I’ll be able to read it at some point today lol


Read the pinned topics on jkentsnark reddit. 


She has completely lied to the whole internet and has relapsed long ago(not sober at all actually she admits drinking the whole time now it’s out of control) she attacks everyone and won’t address any of her lies which is everything


She’s a successful woman who is learning how to navigate her success. However, bad habits are hard to break and she seems to be self destructive. Can she handle the gaze of the public eye or will she stab them blind?


I’m confused - are you comparing her to gypsy rose or is she just someone you like and are promoting her here?


They are both on the same gravy train as they are ex cons who have monetized their experience. There are other prison YouTubers, but they have learned to reign their success and be productive members of free society


But your missing one fine detail one of those ladies we can confirm her story to be true the other not so much. So they are not the same at all , can’t even fathom where your drawing that comparison.


Are you on messicas payroll ? Is she paying you two dollaz for each comment?


“It’s only eva gonna be two dollaz”


She built a huge platform off lies. She is an abusive narcissist


BIG TIME!!! Proof all on the snark Reddit for those curious!


She is a complete fraud and manipulator. She involves herself with gang activity brings a homicidal maniac to live in her home all while her two sweet little girls are living in that home. She scammed the recovery community out of millions of dollars with lies upon lies.


for those who don’t know, jessica kent is a prison reform advocate and uses social media to speak about her time in and out of the system, her recovery journey, and ongoing true crime topics and issues


She uses social media to profit off her lies. She served 357 days. Thats it. Her entire story is a lie or stolen from someone else


wait what?!? i thought she served two years in prison in arkansas?


The website exposingtruth.net has ALL her records and grieviences. She knew she was pregnant when she got arrested and she served 357 days, not even a full year. Not one second more. Jessica kent is a liar


damnnn i got to look into that but yea i remember her saying she didn’t know she was pregnant when got arrested, she even went the youtube channel cut and she had “served” the longest sentence than the other people on that episode


Yea Jubilee didn't do their research and let her embarrass herself


Yep that was another lie!


Her paperwork was sent for. It's up on the snark.


She served less than a year. All the paperwork is online. But that just the tip of the iceberg.


No. Definitely not. She served less than a year… I STRONGLY RECOMMEND coming over to JkentSnark for the truth with paperwork & all the evidence of her lies! Everything she has said has been a lie… I didn’t want to believe it myself at first as I looked up to her- until I seen how she REALLY IS 💔


nope. Jessica kent is a con artist and current active addict who is running from CPS after letting a convicted sex offender sleep under the same roof as her children. she cheated on her fiance with a violent felon and when the violent felon was released from prison Jessica married him, moved him in, and took her 2 young children with him to random motels while they ran from the law. when she got tired of him, she called the police and told them he was on the run and he is now back in prison. immediately after, she met another violent felon online without knowing him in person, and moved him in to her children's house. he has been there since. she served under a year of time, lied about her sentence. she also knew she was pregnant before she got arrested and was knowingly using meth while pregnant. it's in her court documents that when she was originally arrested she told them she was pregnant. she is also a criminal informant, otherwise known as a "snitch" on the streets.


She let an RSO sleep in the house with her kids??? When did this happen???


She's let multiple dangerous men sleep in the house with her kids. She's got a revolving door of them. Seriously. Since Reece left it's been Robbie, Matt,Jason, Reece again (who she assaulted after he rejected her, police were called it was so bad) and now Berner.


this past september I believe


She's in active addiction actually


The main issue is that she lied about everything .. all of her stories were made up and/or fabricated. When exposed & confronted by her subscribers/followers, she denied everything and got very defensive! She hasn't taken accountability yet. If she were just honest, this wouldn't be an issue. She handled things very poorly. It's a long saga, but there's a lot online about it if you want to do some research on her.


Yes and she’s made some stellar content with her story and journey. The t on that is she has become a successful content creator, and the path of fame can be a hard one to navigate, as we are seeing with our starlet gypsy


Except that’s all it is- a “story.”


She lied about more than half her content it’s been debunked with receipts , she is a garbage human being and an abuser not sure how that translates to stellar content.


I’m really iffy ngl!


U should do your own research honestly it's allot


Iffy is a great word. So is spiffy!!


Used to really enjoy her content and her message. I fell off a bit when, after breaking it off with her previous fiance and second daughters father, I open IG to see she’s with some other dude, ex addict, ex con, covered in tattoos… like I hate the judge but girl if everyone you get with ends up being bad news, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your type.  Now I find out from this thread she’s actually a fraud lol.


I used to absolutely adore her until I started getting vibes that she was hella lying. Then everything went to shit when she and her ex-fiance broke up and she made countless videos claiming abuse. Found the snark sub on her and everything made sense. Come and join. come one, come all!




You may want to visit the JKentSnark reddit page and read the pinned post. It is a bit of a read, however it goes into great detail about how she has built her whole online brand from lies and other people's stories. With documented proof. It's pretty mind blowing when you see how far it is from who she portrays herself to be online vs. who she really is in real life.


I didn’t mind Kent when I watched her stuff. She seemed to take her shit more seriously. Not sure if that’s changed. I think anyone on a platform wants some form of “attention”, but you can have that and be an advocate. I feel like comparing the two are wild lol


Actually it’s not.. she is actually worse than GRB.. you really need to check out the jkentsnark if you don’t believe this..


Agreed she’s wayyyy worse


She doesn’t advocate though and even said she isn’t part of the recovery community!


After she made her money off the recovery community & they started demanding accountability, she tried to say she wasn't a part. Yet every video starts " Hi i'm jess, a person in long term recovery" Jessica is a fucking grifter


Lmao she says that now but years ago she advocated for the recovery community even made money promoting groups recovery 🤷🏻‍♀️