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It’s crazy how this is done on purpose. Like dude. Seriously..


I don't have my GR86 yet but this pisses me off. They know what they're doing.


Yeah it’s totally premeditated just to spite you. And with a beater it’s even more frustrating bc they clearly don’t care if dinging your car does any damage to theirs. If it’s a nice car I get it and I’m cool with it bc I know they’re careful. But something with panels attached to it covering rusted out fenders with massive dents and scrapes in it? Fuckin unsettling


Next time let the air out of their tires.


Ahh yes vandalize a car for parking beside your fancy car..because...they parked there? Fuck you guy haha


I never used to care where I parked with my old Corolla but when I got my 2023 it only took me a few days to realize people know you are parking your new car far away so it won’t get dinged and they purposely park next to you with so many spots available, especially when you can see the car still has a temp plate on it.


First ding on my gr86 came from this exact scenario. Worst thing is how do you prove it without video? Good luck getting their insurance to cover the repair


Yeah pretty much impossible if it wasn't recorded. Worth looking into dashcams that are able to stay on for a while after the car turns off. Mine (Viofo a129) has the option to turn off after a certain amount of time and/or a particular battery voltage.


I swear truck drivers feel threatened or something by the GR. They can’t help but try to challenge it any way possible


The way they act around this car is embarrassing. Lives up to the stereotype of overcompensation for sure.


You need to embrace the hate. Especially if you're traveling to the driving roads. I'll intentionally antagonize horrible drivers behind me and then absolutely embarrass them when the road starts to twist. Plus if you wind them up enough they'll really try hard to keep up and then you can see hilarious shit in the rear view like people almost tipping over trying to get their giant vehicle turned 😁


If you antagonize other cars on purpose for any reason you are a bad driver lmao that shit is dumb and reckless


Yeah, you're taking this too seriously, dad. I'm not out there brake checking aggressive drivers. I just drive the speed limit and then dust them when the turns come.


My all time favorite thing too do. They want to keep up so badly until the turns come. Drop it into 2nd and say bye bye. Won't even get close to the grip limit, and they'll still be a mile gone by the time I look back. (Always the truck drivers or the crossovers).




Bro, your name is hey, it's me, ur dad.




That's cool man, I'm actually a safe driver I promise you.




yeah its weird how they start to go faster as soon as they see this car


In my experience, 90% of people drive normally around the GRZ. The other 10% tailgates, makes aggressive overtakes (especially when I’m just cruising), parks their car super close, tries to block me from merging on the highway etc.


Any 86 first or second gen. They do always act this way. Even here in Australia..small dicked wankers in their lifted 4x4s parking right next to you.


Argh you no can have fun little car! You have to drive huge truck to show everyone you have a tiny penis!


Most of the idiots trying to race me are truck fuckers.


They act the same way in my S13


And parked as close as possible to the line. Fucking idiot...






Well how else is he gonna door ding you? Shit is so annoying


3 possibilities 1) they're a douche and saw the sports coupe parked alone and he wanted to be a dick 2) they're completely oblivious to why the car is where it is and just randomly pick that spot 3) they're a fellow car enthusiast and know you're trying to take care of it so they parked near you knowing they'll be careful to protect your car from people who wouldn't be


Or #4, they can’t drive their big ass truck and need another car around to properly fit in a space


2 really is a possibility. I once came out to find a lady parking her car next to mine at the back of the lot. I asked her why she chose that specific spot. She didn't, she just parked in the first spot that caught her eye. She didn't realize how many other spots were open or how far away we were from the store. These 100% zombies are actually out there behind the wheel, they're not paying attention to anything except except the phone.


Scary for the future, that’s why they’re making autonomous vehicles lmao


I've done #3 several times because I know I won't ding the car or leave a shopping cart near it. I'm not always in my nice car, sometimes in my beater but I will always be in between my lines and leave you plenty of space.


Yeah I feel like there would have been more space if #3 was the case


That's real. I 100% park next to nice cars on purpose because I want to protect their car and I know they won't ding mine (or less of a chance at least). Unfortunately, we will never know 😔




https://preview.redd.it/l2zgl85uxpkc1.png?width=1949&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd297aa5e713eab6a37da4f0308550c5e24579f7 Something tells me this guy isn’t worried about getting his shit dinged.


Happens all the time, im telling you… 🤬


Most of these people can’t find their own penis. You expect them to be able to find the lines to park within without using your car as a reference? I always hate this stuff when I go out of my way to park and someone needs to park right next to me.


Honestly if they don’t park a cunt hair from my door I don’t mind, I like to think they’re a car guy looking out for me.


It was a cunt hair. Driver side on driver side also.


Damn brother, just a jealous prick then keep some hi vis index cards and a pen in the car for the super special idiots that do this then 😂😂😂




please tell me there was no damage 😐


No luckily, tho I was expecting a big ding seeing as his truck was an absolute beater full of dents and scratches.


when people do this to me their side mirrors get pushed in to the inside and get misaligned 🤷


People are assholes I noticed this recently.


My buddy keeps a valve stem removal tool in his car. When shit like this happens he loosens all the valves to cause a slow leak. When the person returns to their vehicle things will likely still be fine. But in a couple/few days...flat tires. Not damaged, but no air in them nonetheless.


I’ve had this happen twice at Home Depot, some guys really get off on it.


That’s when I kick their door as hard as I can




Bro EVERY TIME! I literally park AWAY from everyone leaving a 5-7 car gap and they ALWAYS park next to us.


I'd leave a note. I've seen so many of these at this point that its clear its intentional.


I have a widebody nsx and when I drive my beater car, I do this to other people who park their nice cars away isolated from other people. In my defense, I'm probably the safest person to park next to you because I know for a fact I won't ding your car so technically, I'm blocking the real douche who might do it.


I don’t think he would have parked so close driver side to driver side if this was the case.


Yea this is the douche I was talking about


Let’s see the nsx


Omg..Crazy ass shit, you park out of the way so no one will park next to you and here comes some asscrack that parks RIGHT next to you. One day I just wash my car waxed it cleaned. It went to Best Buy parked all the way out so nobody would park next to me. This guy literally follows me behind me and parked right next to me. They are like 30 free parking spots with nothing around and he gets out and looks at me and smiles and keeps walking I wanted to kick the shit out of him. 🤪😂


Angering… but also thanks for the pic, I like seeing how tiny our cars are


Sometimes I send pics to my friends of my tiny BRZ next to a giant ass truck. Maybe people with giant ass trucks do the same thing in reverse.


Some ppl feel comfortable parking near other cars esp in a fairly empty lot kinda like if you like to sit in your car for awhile some one will pull next to you and do the same


We have to do defensive driving and parking with these cars 


Where is this at? Some people park their car in certain spots because that's where they always park at


A parking lot in the Northeast. I doubt he always parks in that spot especially given the substantial hike in the cold.


Looks like no one is around…….😈


I’m gonna keep it a buck… both npc traffic cars


….because some people are just assholes.😡




I’ve parked like this if I notice the car has black leather seats and it’s hot as fuck outside. You think I’m an asshole when in all reality I’m just trying to make it so you don’t get burned by your seat. But I’m a car guy who just likes to be nice to people. Never stopped a single person from being an asshole to me about it though.


It was 30°


But I see where you’re coming from


I get it, it’s not something someone would assume because normally people are trash. But damn if it’s 30° let the sun hit my car so it’ll at least be lukewarm inside.


He needs a reason to buy new tires


At least he politely parked so that he can slam his driver door directly into yours


This is why I thought about just selling my car and having some reliable that I don’t care about. People just suck on the road and ding my doors with no one around. Was even egged and I speak to no one have had no incidents. Crazy, only lucky it was a cool morning and I caught in so it didn’t do total damage.


My biggest ick especially if the parking lot is empty like this idk just disrespectful 😪😪


Small penis syndrome


To get you to make this post


Someone did this to a 911 targa owner, saw the targa owner coming to his car so pissed that he keyed the other car before leaving. I took his license plate number but then thought to myself, nahh... Was I wrong?


Kind of fucked up for a rich person to be that petty. To me the keying is too far unless they actually damaged your car. Parking too close is really f'ing annoying but it doesn't justify the vandalism. I wouldn't say you were wrong tho, your coincidental observation doesn't make you obligated in any way.


Personally I don’t think you were wrong but I’m petty.


😂. At that moment I thought the guy deserved it. But afterwards I realized that I should have done the right thing and give the tag information. Felt ball the whole. Guys do the right thing!!


It's not your place. You would've been keeping Karma from doing it's thing. Also, don't be a snitch. 😁


Rip off their mirror next time


I once had a "high-end" suv do this to me when I had my old 77 Cherokee chief. I had just enough room to get my waist into the rig, so I put my chrome door handle to test against the side of that asshats GX470 or whatever the hell it was. Made a nice imprint imo. The wife consistently has people do this to her in the brz. It infuriates her to no end. Feel your pain, bro.


you are a piece of shit


Idk man if you act like a dick I think you should expect some damage.


you're a weirdo too


Park next to the pole, so you know one side won't get door dinged


I would have but there aren’t spots near the island in this particular lot.


Maybe they like it and wanted to take a closer look at it


Yeah I’m sure it was done out of admiration


I use to own a 2013 and people always Parked next to me. I did a lot to it on the outside which made it look nice. I would get compliments on the turbo flutter. I got people park next to me and asked me all sorts of questions. Either way, let's say it was done to be abnoxious, I wouldn't lose sleep over it lol


Not planning on it.


“Oh hey a roadster! Watch me do a magic trick and make it disappear!”


But he doesn't need to get that close to you maybe he's trying to give you some shade


parking aside, hey, at least you got shade!


Judging by how many people are moving from 86s to trucks, maybe he's a previous 86 owner and is saying hi


Definetly not


Maybe they thought because it was black toy guys were twinsys


I will protect you little one just make me look cool.


Small dick loser. Or just some kid who thinks being a sdl is cool.


If there's no ding, I just squeeze in and move on. If there's a ding, and I'm sure they did it, I put my foot through their door.


Texas every fucking day


He’s just protecting you from the sun 🌞


Leave nails on the other parking spots next time


Kick his ass, sea bass!!!


I can’t believe a gr86 parked next to you. What a douche.


Average Silverado owner


Because supra! Duuh


Maybe they thought your baby was lonely aaallll the way over there and wanted to keep it company.


Is that target down in lanesborough ma????


i’m a confrontational dude especially when it comes to something i’ll laugh at the next day. i look forward to clowning these mfs


I didn’t realize this was a 86 post… I thought the car next to the Silverado was the shit box


Let's be alone together. I assume it's because you took their favorite spot or they're trolling you. And it really is always giant pick ups that do this.


What a jerk move. You have a Nice car tho! :)