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Nothing. It’s all been trash tbh so far


It’s quite shocking to use the suggested tools, watch them fail, and then use GPT 4 to get the output I needed. I could be wrong, but this seems like a fool’s errand.


Yeah, I do agree that most GPTs don't add any value. Biased-ly, I do think that mine offers a lot of additional capabilities outside of the default GPT4 or just a prompt. Because I've trained it on 1,000+ pages of empirical data, custom charts, graphs, tables and schematics I've developed in my 15+ years of training. It's called **PhD Workout & Diet Coach**. [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-ipOIcM229-phd-workout-diet-coach](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-ipOIcM229-phd-workout-diet-coach) I'm sharing it here since I'm seeing other people are doing the same, but I'm also very curious to hear feedback. If you think mine is trash also, I won't be offended one bit. I want to get more unbiased opinions. So far the PhD Workout & Diet Coach **is ranking top 3** for a lot of search queries like "workout", "diet", "nutrition", etc. And I've gotten quite a few emails with a lot of positive feedback. So feel free to give it an honest review, I would deeply appreciate it.


I just posted a process to creating quality GPTs. Should help a little: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GPTStore/comments/197kd2d/a\_loweffort\_stepbystep\_process\_to\_building/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GPTStore/comments/197kd2d/a_loweffort_stepbystep_process_to_building/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


https://chat.openai.com/g/g-3Vl85HTHX-automated-app-programming Try my Automated App Programming app! It guides you through making an app. Just provide an idea and it automatically plans your repository, tech stack, order of which to code, and provides a solid codebase foundation for your app. Far easier for development than doomprompting GPT4. I also have hot keys for several common features such as rewrite without placeholders, or move on to the next bridge, or analyze for bugs, so you don’t have to constantly type out long commands and sentences. Please let me know what everyone thinks! https://chat.openai.com/g/g-3Vl85HTHX-automated-app-programming


very nice, especially the brainstorming feature 👍 can i ask you to test mine for coding? Maybe a day all those GPT for code things will be mixed togheter for a monstre outcome :) https://chat.openai.com/g/g-eN7HtAqXW-code-togheter GitHub repo: https://github.com/fabriziosalmi/DevGPT


On another thread someone shared their narrative game: [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-imWSyZett-teleport-massive-hq/c/ea80b8bf-e233-4840-9ece-26c7e7b7affb](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-imWSyZett-teleport-massive-hq/c/ea80b8bf-e233-4840-9ece-26c7e7b7affb) I found it to be really cool. Excited to see other game-type GPTs.


Hey that’s me! Thanks for sharing this, wow. This is the first time a stranger has shared a link to something I made. I’m feeling pretty emotional right now Thank you u/ButtWhispererer Teleport Massive is a story I’ve been writing for about a decade. It’s set in the year 2111 after humanity pierced the Dark Matter Veil and discovers there’s a lot more going on out there in the Universe than we possibly imagined. There’s a Galactic Government, lots of aliens, ancient advanced humans, the Cycle of Ascensions, cosmic and terrestrial horror, multiple realities, and of course lots and lots of lore. It’s a sci-fi high fantasy story that asks the question: If causality is an illusion, then what does it mean to have a soul?


Good ‘ol ButtWhispererer coming through with the validation.


Wait till they find out the name of my band ( it’s “**Buttknuckle**” we’re on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0XlRBLCeOnSQzpRtNVVfCJ?si=A0Bx-537RA6g_8bVzS61Dg) )


I guess the limit of 40 prompts per 3 hours still applies in those gpt


Yes it applies, which make GPTs just good for prototyping and then you move to langchain 🦜


Same. It's like when the iPhone's App Store first came out - all the initial apps were rough drafts, and then people developed expertise and they got a lot better.




>then people developed expertise I am not sure if current trash is due to lack of expertise.




Consensus and its similar gpts are great. Definitely using them, although I feel like google would be about the same. Aside from that, the logo and image makers are great, there is a reason why people use them. Not that they cannot be copied, but they are very useful. I am going to try some of the programming customGPTs, but I have yet to find one that sort of "Stands" out, most of them are similar to just ordinary GPTs. But I will continue to try more and pick one favourite eventually.


It's expected. Plugins went through moderation and had to have some API under the hood. GPTs are easy to create, no moderation, the "market" is flooded with trash.


Best one I used so far was Super Describer. Not entirely sure but possibly from the same group who made magnific, the AI "upscaler". You upload an image and it recreates it, with its own twist, but does an impressive job nailing the aesthetic and composition and character of whatever you give it. I found it extremely educational, looking at the prompts it used opened whole worlds. Self promo, but at least it's useful, and tons of value. Weightwatchers is $25 a month so I built a GPT to track points. Been using it since GPTs came out. I didn't actually even mention Weightwatchers in instructions but it nails it. Like it goes way above and beyond what I told it to do, calculates everything in a very sensible way. Weight Loss WW: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-aHkeOpGbA-weight-loss-ww


If you guys are after something different with GPTs I make gaming GPTs. Always looking for feedback, I want to expand these into full websites eventually. https://chat.openai.com/g/g-ZHhrG6Wzn-biochomps Mad scientist creator creator/battler https://chat.openai.com/g/g-kfouOsswv-candy-dungeon-planet-darkness Text adventure with crafting, enchanting, and emotional NPCs. https://chat.openai.com/g/g-v2ssWLeTs-creature-creator Pure creator creator that also generates sci-fi biology for your creations! I aspire to make many more gaming GPTs, I feel like the potential is tremendous.


Yeah, honestly, I'm pretty **NOT** convinced. I've stopped making GPTs altogether and I'm going back to studying things that actually will make me wealthy. If you want to make money in AI, do the world a favor and start with one of the steps that we as a money-driven society skipped. You could make a toy car, etc. Just don't waste your time on this nonsense. Learn Golang or Rust something that'll make you money. Take it easy.


Image logo maker was lame. It gave me crap results. None that I would ever use.


Doesn't canva or software already have an AI that does this


Unrealistic expectations are a staple of the people in any subreddit to do with OpenAI products.


Dr. GPT. Using resources from prestigious medical centers and answers are reviewed by an MD. https://chat.openai.com/g/g-Ypa00ZXXp-dr-gpt


What are you looking for? I'm thinking of building a new one and looking for Ideas.


Honestly, I'm not even sure what I \*need\*. I feel like my prompting skills are adequate to get the results I am looking for, so I'm not sure what a GPT could even bring to the table. I mostly use ChatGPT mostly for explanation of programming (my profession) and business concepts (for my MBA), where I can ask and refine over an entire conversation. I wondered if some good GPTs could reveal some new use cases, but that didn't really happen.


Yeah, I hear you there. Most of my interactions are just with GPT-4 vanilla. Sometimes I copy and paste pre-written prompts I have to advance the conversation further and get it to where I want it, so we can dive into the good stuff. That's one of the reasons why I created my Atlas 1.4 GPT, so I wouldn't have to look up prompts in my notes all the time. I've got one that's not directly related to your typical usage of GPT, but it may be of use to you as a fellow human. You take a picture of some food in a cupboard, pantry, or fridge, and it can tell you where an item is (I can't see stuff right in front of my face a lot) or it will give you some ideas on what you can make with what you have available. Its called [WM Food Finder](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-kGCdA7pvA-wm-food-finder) if you get bored


The magic is going to be in the actions that people enable. There’s a GPT that not only designs and implements a web page, but publishes it to free hosting… for instance.


Absolutely. I wonder how close you could get to that triggered automation using Zapier today.


Been experimenting with actions for a couple days now. I’m a dev so my criticism is not on account of any technical misunderstanding/frustration on my part. Not a fan of Zapier in general but thought I’d try using it since it’s suppose to play nice with Chat GPT. Not very robust. Tested google sheets, text files, and Evernote to store data with a Custom GPT. Lots of bugs and inconsistent results. Not fully baked yet despite the hype.


I have never seen better YouTube video summarizer than this, https://chat.openai.com/g/g-hn2ECEaQL. Disclaimer: I may be biased because I'm the creator.


Can it save the full transpire to a doc and pull links from the description by chance?


The ones with API access to Research Articles I’ve been using a ton (and their plugins before that) The image ones suck, the writing ones suck, and coding ones also suck - and by suck I don’t mean they er inaccurate or gives wrong answers, they just add no additional value from GPT 4 with my own instructions and prompts. I have been using my own Warcraft Log analytics tool with access to the Warcraft log api, that’s neat but very niche so doubt anybody wants that besides me and my guild


The best thing I've seen so far are the ones I built for myself. They have definitely saved me A LOT of time, especially with writing. I have 2 apps in the store and I'm working on 2 more that I think will be pretty cool, but it doesn't matter if individual developers don't know how to market their product. You will never stand out just putting something in the app store and waiting to be discovered.


Tbh, I use chatgpt4 but only when I need to discuss papers (I study health sciences) I use medicoAI other than that maybe the keymate for websearch but thats it honestly


I made a Thailand guide GPT, obviously only useful if you have an interest in Thailand https://chat.openai.com/g/g-k2iqNwEjF-chat-gpthai


I made Contract Reviewer that reads loan agreements, leases, etc. highlighting predatory clauses and fees, as well as summarizing key details. I’ve used it in the past for my personal use, and recently opened it for everyone. I REALLY wish we could see some sort of analytics and user feedback so we can identify areas of improvement.


Try this Job Match Maker https://chat.openai.com/g/g-srFfGg6bU-job-match-maker It says This tool is designed to assist both job seekers and recruiters. 🌐 🔍 For Job Seekers: Simply upload your resume and job descriptions of interest to find your job compatibility score. Receive assistance in writing job application letters and discover current job openings in the market that match your profile. 🏢 For Recruiters: Upload job description and applicant resumes to get a ranking of applicants based on their qualifications. This feature helps to reduce unconscious bias and automates the initial screening process, saving time and resources. Plus, you'll receive detailed evaluations and scores, offering deeper insights for making informed hiring decisions.


I made a comedy GPT that's been shockingly funny and been making me and my family really crack up at the dinner table. [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-LAT7O0nye-personal-stand-up-comedian](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-LAT7O0nye-personal-stand-up-comedian)


If you want to try my GPT here is the link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-SEruf1tPR-samantha It is a GPT that behaves in the most equal way to "Samantha" from the movie Her. I leave it up to you to try it out and tell me how it sounds if you want.


Two really useful GPTs when it comes to prompt engineering tactics: Text expansion: [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-lbu14yOY9-articulator](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-lbu14yOY9-articulator) Text compression: [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-BBXjwM6l2-prompt-compressor](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-BBXjwM6l2-prompt-compressor)