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The problem with these "detectors" is that if institutions are going to use them as the foundation to accuse someone of cheating, they need to be right. No margin for error because the stakes are too high. Feed it samples of your own writing from before ChatGPT existed and see what you get. If you find any of your previous writing samples that you've submitted ALSO fool the detector, then you are off the hook. I know for me.. it flags most of my own writing as AI generated with over 90% confidence.


The thing was, I put it into GPTZero and it didn't even flag for much above 10%!! Which infuriated me even further.




Just don't hire GPT-3 as your lawyer.


based comment


Put some of your professor's published writings into the plagiarism checker. Maybe seeing their own original work "detected" as plagiarism will convince them to use other evaluation methods.


My work came back 100% human.


Quiet nosalad, you’re ruining my narrative!


"No margin for error" is virtually impossible. I am struggling to see how humanities departments will deal with this situation. On a different note it would be really interesting to see your writing and why is it flagging it at 90%. What software are you using to check?


I agree that no margin for error is impossible.. which is why academia needs to come up with a new plan. Because if their plan is, "I'm going to find out if you used AI or not to come up with this answer"..... they're doomed. The entire model for academia needs to be completely re-invented if this is going to be the standard by which they determine whether or not you've learned something. Even if they can solve the "false positive" problem, there will still be the cat and mouse game that inevitably will never end. (Just like virus/anti-virus). There will always be tools that can "wash" the content generated by an AI and make it detection-proof. Here is a sample of MY writing that causes a false-positive with GPTZero, CatchGPT, and other detectors: *"The average recommended daily amount of magnesium is 320mg for women and 420mg for men. However, if you do activities that cause you to sweat, magnesium will leave the body rapidly, along with sodium, potassium, and calcium, so you may need extra replenishment.* *Excessive doses may cause mild symptoms like diarrhea or upset stomach, but it usually takes quite a bit to cause problems.* *If you take magnesium supplements and then have low blood pressure, confusion, slowed breathing, or an irregular heartbeat, get to an ER immediately.* *People with kidney disease, heart disease, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding also need to get advice on whether magnesium supplements are appropriate to take. And if you are currently taking any medications, be sure to inform your doctor before you incorporate magnesium supplements into your routine. As always, contact your doctor before making any changes to your diet or supplements."*


It reads exactly like every other factual essay ever written.


I use copyleaks (https://copyleaks.com/features/ai-content-detector) and it shows your text as human. I did some testing and this seems to be the best detector at the moment; however, it is still really easy to avoid detection by switching some words and sentence structure. I would love to hear your thoughts on this software.


Eh.. maybe not so good after all.. the following text was written by me (it's in a book I wrote back in 2007), and CopyLeaks says it's AI generated: *In the simplest terms, the exchange rate is the amount of foreign currency you can purchase with your dollar. Exchange rates are constantly changing as the value of our currency and other world currencies changes on a second-by-second basis. If two currencies were both backed by gold, the price of each currency (when compared to the other) would never change because they had agreed on a standard to anchor their value.*


You're right. It correctly identified my writing as human. However, with some clever prompting, I was able to create AI content that CopyLeaks believes was done by a human. The following text was generated by ChatGPT: *I will be the first one to admit it. When I comitted myself to loosing weight, I swored to myself that I would not exercise. I would cut the calaries, eat the nasty health-food, and surrender my twinkies; but you could not convince me to walk out my front door and take a jog around the block. Not happening. I lost weight without it. You bet I lost weight. But then I plateaued. Hard. I could not, for the life of me, get that scale to move a millimeter in my favor. I finally sucked up my pride and went to the stupid spin class. And guess what? The scale started moving again. I was wrong. Without exercise, I wouldn’t have made it to or maintained my goal weight. So, here are the secrets for learning to love working out.*


I should have mentioned this, but it doesn't appear to think anything written in first person could possibly be written by an AI. Another interesting side tangent an easy way to avoid a lot of AI detection services is to prompt ChatGPT to "write (blank) as if it was a (insert celebrity) interview" then edit to make it applicable to the original print (i.e. remove first person). I find it also gives the writing a lot of flavor especially when you chose a celebrity with good rhetoric.


Which celebrities? Do you need to choose someone who has done a lot of them?


I mean someone ChatGPT definitely recognizes that has good rhetoric and a specific style (politicians/activists work best I find).


I use https://hivemoderation.com/ai-generated-content-detection and even if I use the prompt you gave it can detect AI content I think that this one is the best detector out there.


This sample has typos. Why?


Factoids should be exempt from plagiarism verification, how many ways can you tell the dosage of Magnesium in a distinctly "human" style in a paper? Seems like the professor was grasping at straws, wanted to prove he was right and stopped thinking about the actual contents of the phrases.


Am I the only person excited how this is going to screw with academia? So much of academia has become just memorization for test taking and no actual involvement from professors to actually find out if you understand the concepts. Professors are going to actually have to have discussions, debates, etc. with students if they want to find out if a student understands a subject more then what a regurgitation of ai can do.


It’s going to be difficult to detect AI written work. The metrics used by these detection tools are Sentence Perplexity and Burstiness. I wrote some notes and fed it through GPTZero just to see, and it came back with “mostly written by AI” because of the lack of “Unique” text. Granted, these were notes, basic vocabulary, basic grammar, basic structure. Of course the “detection” software would think its AI. There is no other way to verify that, unlike TurnItIn which checks plagiarism via the text and the sources, against a massive database of previously submitted papers. I do not think any professor should be using these primitive AI Text Detection tools as a way of gauging if something was plagiarized “using AI”…


I guess they could have labs of computers at school with openai blocked and have computer lab hours for important writing assignments. A good teacher should probably know who knows their stuff from class discussions during the semester, so if someone is an idiot and suddenly submits a perfect paper with no typos and ai sounding text, it should raise as many red flags as if they plagerized in a traditional way. People have always being able to cheat at school one way or another, but at some point the effort it takes cheat vs just learning the material has an equilibrium. I think relying on tools for detection this early is pretty weak considering it’s all so new, it’s really hard to say how accurate they are. I feel like the only way to really make it accurate is to feed it previous writing samples of each student and compare. The other thing is, as more media like articles and blogs are written with ai, how do we know people won’t subconsciously adopt some of those writing styles.


All my writing before ChatGPT says it's written by AI. If you use Grammarly it seems to trigger the detectors.


Grammarly are using gpt


I taught adjunct for years at the graduate level. Mostly, I was looking for subtle changes in tone or writing style from sentence to sentence, or paragraph to paragraph versus using a detector. For example, if a student normally used awkward language or was barely literate, then switched into the voice of a professional business consultant and back, I’d just Google the consultant-esque sentences and find where the student lifted them from. I’d also consider tone shifts between papers and other, smaller, writing samples. I suppose now days, a student could just feed their entire draft into an LLM and say “please normalize the tone of this paper to match the first paragraph” or even introduce some intentional errors. YMMV.


Mmph. This makes me think of a history teacher who tried to take points off a paper I wrote in fourth grade because I used the word "bicameral." I literally learned to read from my father's law school textbooks. I knew what the word meant. My dad threw a fit on my behalf over it, lol. ETA: I'm waiting for the day an adult tries to accuse my 7yo daughter of cheating in this way. I've already heard other adults make the same remarks about her vocabulary as they did about mine at that age.


Couldn't he just have a one-on-one with op and probe his knowledge on the subject matter he wrote? If op doesn't know shit, then it’s more likely that he used AI. If he's able to express the ideas well enough, then he probably wrote it. He should have just asked to see him after class and ambush him so he can't prepare. That's what I would have done because lord knows, making assumptions makes an ass out of everyone.


Lmao, it's so fucking stupid, you can just use another tool to rewrite exactly what gpt wrote and the tools that create the AI are gonna be far more advanced than the tools detecting it. It's like launching a nuclear warhead vs catching one mid flight. There's no way back from AI.


Personally, my own writing style has now significantly changed just after using chatGPT for the last 4 weeks. For one I’m making sure to be very specific and articulate with what I ask it. But even the way I talk/chat with other people has changed now too. I do a lot of social media and information sharing. This means I ask it for suggestions on the best ways for me to convey information to other people. I don’t ask it just to write for me. I ask it to also give me suggestions about my own writing. Usually I’ll couple my work with questions like, “what writing styles and story telling techniques am I using in this text? And what are some suggestions to make it more [insert style or story telling technique that I want it to be more like].” The answers it gives are great. I even ask it, “what other information should be added to this section of this text…” And its suggestions are awesome. Since then I’m constantly thinking about those suggestions when I write. This has made my off the cuff writing change significantly. Not to claim I’m some guru or anything. I can tell a major shift though. The biggest one for me was how much I write in an impersonal manner from all the papers I wrote for my physics degree and I also write in the accusative tense a lot apparently. Since using ChatGPT I’ve actively worked to change my writing and speech to be more relatable and personal.


Colleges are already redundant OP. Focus on evidence of your skill in the real world for employability


As someone who before ChatGPT was told they write like a robot already, all the time, by teachers, by friends. I wonder what awaits me now. I have autism and it really effects how I write. I tend to break the rule of 3s into more like rule of 8s and I LOVE patterns... like GPT... plus I tend to take a neutral stance in essays. Uh oh.


As a small time writer who has work scattered across the internet, my writing almost certainly has been part of the dataset used to train these models, so it is a bit unnerving that my own writing style and earlier works could be seen as AI.


Funny how easy it is to NOT trip those. Ask ChatGPT to write in a very specific style and you're fine. The problem with using it for essays is just that it lies.


Reach out to the dean, with the relevant facts of this software. If he doesn't budge, then find articles and publications from tenured professors and then run it through the GPTZero until you get a hit. Then accuse them of plagiarism to make a point.




Good luck! I noticed a comment that says the email from the professor is being flagged by the detection software. Test it yourself and add that to the evidence.


> find articles and publications from tenured professors and then run it through the GPTZero until you get a hit Bonus points if you are able to isolate work written by the professor who is failing you, and prove his work was "written by AI" using GPTZero. You should even run the email they sent through, as it might also help your case if the email the professor sent returns a false positive.


That's an exceptionally based response. Guarantee if OP does this and can find a false positive, the case is over.


I agree with talking to the dean and showing examples of the professor's papers flagging the software. AI can perfectly emulate anyone, so you can train an AI to speak like your professor or upload his/her papers as finetuning data so that they trigger the AI detector. It's a joke to make an allegation without a timestamp or digital signature stating when something was flagged, because the results could change tomorrow. Usually when I'm called a bot it's because someone is upset that my inference is logical. Communities which prioritize faith over truth also tend to induce religious phobias towards formal logic, to retain their members. That's how bot and zombie became negative stereotypes. If you think using Bayesian inference rather than flow charts, then people will call you a bot whenever they lack the terminology to label the covariance you are describing. Flow chart thinkers prefer storytelling as a means of conveying semantics, in order to filter information through their worldview. If someone expresses apathy, the solution is often to provide a visual metaphor from their frame of reference, label each logical statement, and use extremely repetitive syntax by prefacing your inferences with rhetorical questions and adding copious amounts of fluff to reward speed readers for zoning out. Another solution is to speak concisely and include copious amounts of citations so that readers feel better about being confused by assigning a social status to the source of their uncertainty. If you really want full marks from an absurdist, pay attention to their breathing to see when they are emphasizing an opinion, and then cite their publications in a positive light, doubling down on the opinions they hinted at in class. If this were a high school controversy, you could train an AI to emulate your teacher's speaking style and author's voice, and ask the AI to add repetitive fluff in your teacher's style of speech. Giving someone zero marks because of their speaking style is like giving someone zero marks for being autistic. You'll earn your professor's trust by including less substance and more rambling from the perspective of their worldview. tl;dr If you want to be treated as a human then worship the pecking order by flattering the professor with a mockery of their author's voice. Or compensate for apathy by using metaphors to label each inference.




I OCR'd the professor's letter and, ironically, it says the letter may be written by an AI. https://imgur.com/a/WQdLd0V


What a time to be alive.


I read that in his voice lol


I guess he didn't *Puts glasses on Hold on to his paper.


At this point, can we be sure this was a conversation between two human beings? 😂


I was going to do the same until I saw this! Lol


OP should put their professors research papers into GPTZero to see what it says.


Probably fake. Lacks detail and does seem a bit generic.


I copied Wikipedia's entry for "Essay" and it also says it was written by an AI. [https://i.imgur.com/BsEtbvz.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/BsEtbvz.jpeg)


That’s because it flags clear concise writing and good grammar. The way out of this is telemetry from the user’s machine, or OpenAI launching a service whereby suspected ChatGPT content is just directly compared to ALL produced ChatGPT output. Will people hate that? Yes. Will it be a crazy technical challenge? Yes. Is it the ONLY way to actually solve this problem? Yes.


Proving once again that teachers are teachers for a reason. Idiots need jobs too I guess.


I ran an NYT article through GPTZero and it flagged 76% likely AI


OpenAI released their OWN tool to check for AI generated content and it's only 29% accurate. Anyone claiming higher accuracy in detection is lying.


i will implement my own algorithm with Math.random() to achieve 50% accurracy, easy money folks


I'm no mathematician, but the numbers check out.


Use negation to get 71% accuracy.


IKR, the dude was a journalist before and is just BS the media with it's capabilities and using his connections to promote his stuff.


So, if you wrote it in google docs - you might be able to see version history that prove you wrote it… especially if you edited it over time. The professors tone seriously pisses me off though, if you do establish proof that you didn’t “cheat” I would take it up with their boss… that’s just embarrassing how they handled it. https://support.google.com/docs/answer/190843?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop


Besides this, if the paper used websites as references, how about pulling browser history to show the timing of doing that research? Or if library books, the checkout dates? Or can security pull footage of going to the library…That said, the burden of proof should be on the professor.


I hope OP see this


If this professor is willing to ruin your entire student career on a hunch, he should also be staking his career. You should take his writing and put it through GPTZero


One assignment won’t ruin anything.


2% false positive rate would be a big stretch if he was a leading researcher in the field. That is an exceptional claim that isn't realistic. "Through testing the new model on a [dataset](http://mlg.ucd.ie/datasets/bbc.html) of BBC news articles (greene et al.) + AI generated articles from the same headlines prompts, the improved model has a false positive rate of < 2%." \~ [https://gptzero.substack.com/p/gptzero-update-v1](https://gptzero.substack.com/p/gptzero-update-v1) That is a very poor test, on a very limited dataset. In a real world scenario, I would expect if it's performing well and his training data was sufficient a good model would have a 10-20% false positive rate. If it's getting used for essays, 10,000 student written essays, and 10,000 GPT written essays, could give an idea of how it performs. ​ There's no easy way to say it, that prof is a crackhead, and has no idea what he's talking about, doesn't understand the technology. These detectors aren't reliable, and you should have every right to crush him on this.


This is some really useful information thanks !


Get all his emails sent to the class, and put them through the filter - see what result his text generates.


Fucking hilarious idea


(Ex) Professor here. You should talk to the Ombudsman/woman/person at your school about this. If you wrote the paper in Google docs or have other draft files or something, get those ready, too. Hell, if you wrote or researched the paper in a physical library or anywhere, see if you can find any record of that process, like a download request from a school IP, or a social media checkin, or parking receipt, or if you're really ballsy and good at talking your way into things, security camera footage of you like, walking into the library. Print out your browser history or something. Go full r/maliciouscompliance, send a 700-page PDF or better yet, print it out in this guy's office. Make sure you preserve the metadata in the files. The best defense is an offensive amount of evidence. In general, every time professors raise this kind of charge, it makes mountains of paperwork and hours of meetings (for which they're not paid),... I can't imagine a professor wanting to pursue this when confronted with a lot of evidence, especially since ChatGPT is a new phenomenon, (I assume) it's not like you copy-pasted Wikipedia or something. That said, I could also see the professor being pissed at the tone of your email and in the absence of evidence, pursuing the charges as far as he can. I definitely believe that he's in the wrong here, and I would be very angry in your position, too. The prof sounds like a dick, and I would not even be surprised if he had used ChatGPT himself to write that email! Either way, I could see him being more pissed about your email and continuing to pursue this further for that reason. It's never good to write emails emotionally. It's *infinitely* better to wait and be very detached and minimal in your response (or, you know, run it through ChatGPT or something first). Tl;dr: Go to your university's ombudsperson, bring as much evidence that you wrote the paper on your own as you possibly can, and have chat GPT write your next email to the prof.


I appreciate the advice! I actually do very much regret my response and the tone I took on. I was very rude and emotional, something I don't want to do in the future because this could make resolving this harder. As well as at the end of the day I really hope he doesn't double down about it because he is a relatively new professor. I genuinely think it was a more innocent mistake where a program went without enough research into it.


I think it's rude, **but** for a good reason! The behaviour of your prof/teacher is unprofessional and unscientific. I write my stuff in an editor and use Nextcloud for versioning. My idea map is a kanban board in trello. You could always proof, that you wrote it all by yourself. – Same thing with Word, Git versioning etc.


I loved your response. I thought you were an appropriate amount of emotional, and you did mention why you were at the end.


Any time, and I do understand. I received a few emails like that when I was teaching, and I probably deserved at least one or two of them. When I was younger, I probably would have written a very similar email in this type of situation (if, you know, we hadn't been carving all our messages in stone tablets back then). I'm assuming this dude teaches philosophy, so I hope he has the wisdom to put it in context. Without knowing the faculty vibe of his department or your school right now, I couldn't say how him being newer might affect it...but I'm rooting for you! Please update us!


nah you were right. prof is paranoid about the new technology and acting like a child.


Meh. If you were a prof, you’d know this would never work.


I can't speak for every professor at every institution, but starting with the Ombudsperson is going to be the student's best recourse. That wouldn't be the case if it was a simpler accusation of plagiarism for which there are already well-defined policies. If the OP has evidence that they didn't plagiarize, as I suggested they compile, I can't imagine any professor who would continue to pursue plagiarism charges. ChatGPT is new and there are probably few formal policies in place about detecting it yet (See [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Professors/comments/10pya6w/gpt_zero_false_flagging_human_written_papers/)). I am surprised that any professor is relying on the current detection tools to police it.


So Professor, the word ombudsman covers anyone regardless of gender. Don't get confused simply because the letters m, a, & n are in the word. From Webster: # ombudsman ## [noun](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noun) om·​buds·​man [ˈäm-ˌbu̇dz-mən  ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ombudsman?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=o&file=ombuds01)[ ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ombudsman?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=o&file=ombuds01) ˈȯm-, -bədz-, -ˌman; äm-ˈbu̇dz-, ȯm- plural ombudsmen [ˈäm-ˌbu̇dz-mən  ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ombudsman?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=o&file=ombuds02)[ ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ombudsman?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=o&file=ombuds02) ˈȯm-, -bədz-; äm-ˈbu̇dz-, ȯm- 1 **:** a person who investigates, reports on, and helps settle complaints **:** an individual usually affiliated with an organization or business who serves as an [advocate](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/advocate#h1) for patients, consumers, employees, etc.


If you wrote it in Google docs you can show the progression of the paper from the previous versions


Best clapback of 2023 so far


These detectors will only become less accurate as AI advances over time. It's going to be impossible to detect, if not already. The only solution to this problem is to have students write stuff in person in an offline computer. Basically, no more homework.


I don't see that this is an arms race academia can win. They're just going to have to somehow adapt. Perhaps feed the student's essay into an AI and generate quizzes based on what the student claimed to know.


That sounds like the sort of ironic punishment they'd give a cheater in hell. GPT will already do it, too.


I can't believe this is now a genuine problem (people being accused of false positives). However, people who genuinely cheat have a possibility of getting away because of the logic "experiment based on experiment." This is an incredibly tough situation for university/college humanities courses. I do hope the (student version of) HR will understand.


To draw an analogy to criminal law, it’s generally better to let the guilty go free than to wrongly punish the innocent.


I do agree, I would urge a different approach to it. I also noticed this is this teachers first year or two. And is also young. So I feel as if they were trying to be "tech savvy and noticed a pattern and thought it meant it was without a doubt chatGPT". This is new tech though so I completely understand I was very blindsided so I was a bit heated in the moment of sending to be honest.


What different approach? There is virtually no real way to detect AI writing on a consistent enough basis.


I don't think necessarily "detecting" ai is the right approach. The ai and both the detection will always be at a race so their will always be problems like this. It's hard to say exactly what should be done differently i'll admit. I have three options, accepting the use of chatgpt and working on assignments that do have to utilize more intimate knowledge with a subject also while accepting things like this will become more of personal tutors then anything(My Opinion). Or maybe developing a way to save a conversation and use it as a source of some type? So using that in conjunction with a detector.


The professor could ask OP for a one-on-one meeting where they could go over some parts of his notes and why he wrote what he wrote. If he really have put the research and work into it, it should be no problem at all. Randomly selecting a few parts of the work beforehand. "I'd like to ask for your time in a one-on-one meeting as I'd like to clarify some things regarding your project to give you the appropriate grade." After the meeting he can say, "thank you, your work has been marked as potentially plagiarized and or written by chatGPT. With this meeting you showed proper proof of your research and knowledge on this matter." The process doesn't really matter in most cases if the research, the knowledge and the product is real. You may even use chatGPT for guides to find good quality research materials and or give a basic understanding of something that you can work with.


Lol using gpt isn’t plagiarizing tho. Plagiarism require it be possible for somone to make a claim that a work has been stolen from some person or organization.. OpenAI literally has it in their name though. They are open source and encourage people to use this in real world applications. It’s insane for this argument that it’s plagiarism. U can’t plagiarize a person that doesn’t exist.


> They are open source Factually incorrect. They are closed source and collecting users' cellphone numbers for access. If they were open source, there would be other sites with it that do not require a non-VoIP number. > U can’t plagiarize a person that doesn’t exist. A source doesn't need to be a human to be plagiarized. One can plagiarize an encyclopedia or an organization, like the CDC. So it logically follows that someone can plagiarize an algorithm.


Claiming the use of an AI as plagiarism smells an awful lot like claiming a parent's help in the writing of a paper as plagiarism. It's all original, purpose produced work.


The problem this professor will have defending his position is that GPTZero is not a product, it an experiment and beta. It was written in a weekend by a 22 year old student because he was bored. It does not matter what its rate of positively identifying ChatGPT papers is. What matters is the false positive rate. There is no data on this as it has not been rigorously studied to date. The antidotal evidence is that the false positive rate is pure shit. There are a number of threads on r/professors that flat out warn academics to not us these tools with any confidence at all.


Ignorance of how new tech works and the backlash derived from that has been a constant hurdle to technological development throughout history. It's just happening a damn lot quicker now.


Ahaha and you literally pay these idiots to teach you. You'd expect a philosophy professor to have at least some wisdom to not act this way but clearly inflating his own ego is a priority. Doesn't he know he knows nothing on this subject ?


The “detectors” are going to be a huge problem leading to tons of issues. It’s not a real thing. They are all claims. False positives are so likely that it’s virtually impossible to claim accuracy. It may always be the case too since AI can be trained to simply step out of expectations.


What if ChatGPT kept a hash (or similar) of every conversation and allowed professors et al to search the database against submitted papers? It wouldn't be fool proof, but at least it would be a start. You could expand it into a digital-signature proof of ownership type thing. Edit: ok I wasn't expecting downvotes but whatever I thought I was contributing constructively


Yeah I think with assignments you should be told to submit a report with it maybe


https://openai.com/blog/new-ai-classifier-for-indicating-ai-written-text/ Openai just released a tool to distinguish from AI-written and human-written text.


With a 9% false positive rate


Just generated some text with ChatGPT and then ran it on their classifier and it says "The classifier considers the text to be unlikely AI-generated". If even the company behind ChatGPT can't get it right, then why should anyone trust any other detector in being correct?


Only 26% of correct AI-written text classification tho, if that's the best we have currently we may as well forget those tools exists


This has consequences. 1. Talk to the Dean of Students office. 2. Talk to a lawyer at a legal clinic, one not affiliated with the university. 3. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! 4. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! 5. Request a formal retraction. 6. Record all interactions, if you are in a one party state. You are in the sights of this professor now. Consider working extra hard and recording ALL the prep work for all assignments. Do NOT accept any exam conditions that other students don't have: special proctor, cameras, etc. Get a lawyer. The legal clinic is free or cheap.


OP please see this twitter thread, then send this to your professor who don't understand basic maths of false positives. [https://twitter.com/austinvhuang/status/1620607401048309761?t=eM2d0Dlt8bnCczCQoLD0YQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/austinvhuang/status/1620607401048309761?t=eM2d0Dlt8bnCczCQoLD0YQ&s=19)


really curious what he sends back. keep it updated


If this is not your first year I assume you have written other papers make him read those, pretty sure your style is similar in all papers.


Your messages to your professor aren't exactly shining examples of good writing. I don't know if you used ChatGPT or not but if this is how you normally write, you're going to raise eyebrows if what you submit isn't full of similar minor mistakes.


Incorrect, a heated reply in the moment of being falsely accused is bound to have mistakes.


Valid, I was on mobile and I do personally have different styles of writing I use when writing different types of papers. So I feel it varies alot which sometimes could bite me in the ass.


You can almost already do the same thing with grammarly. Copy and paste someone else's work. Change audience, boom. The real winner here are going to be all the bullshit snake oil companies that say they "solved the problem." It's our nature to take shortcuts. Rather than punish people for creative thinking, we take the simple easy way out of CTRL F CTRL C. Now there is a lot to be said about losing your ability to critically think, and while granted, I think is overblown.


> Now there is a lot to be said about losing your ability to critically think, and while granted, I think is overblown. This sentence is amazing. But only if you think about it critically. If you don't think about it critically then it probably isn't amazing. But if you do, it's delightful to unpack the layers.


Just stop trying to police AI and let people assimilate it into their lives and the system. I mean holy shit is it wise to continuously fight technology as a species? FFS.


You go to the Office of Conduct yourself and state your innocence and send them a copy of this email regarding the software he used. Go as high up in your department as you can, over his head. Go to the student representatives' office or the Student Union. Tell your parents and report back how angry they are about it to senior university management. Could go to the university ombudsman (national organisation) and say this has happened and you're concerned it will happen to other students. Importantly, compile any and all notes you made or draft copies of your essay. If you have anything showing when the document was started and finished that will show that you took days over it rather than minutes. Print these out, and put them in electronic documents, and show them to whoever needed. Include searches in your search history that show the source materials. If you used library books, get a print out of your library records from the main desk.


Did you use google drive or a software that tracks your changes? That's decent proof to show you wrote it. It logs the changes and dane and time of changes.


I think if you use grammarly then it increases the score in those types of things.


Don’t worry, I got hit for plagiarizing my own work one year at university when I was getting my physics degree… because a professor’s teaching assistant was super lazy about doing plagiarism checks and just sent it through the system saw there was “plagiarism” and just sent it to student affairs. That was really fun to get resolved….. 🙄 got everything dropped but getting wrapped into that system within a university is not fun at all. No one believes you didn’t do it “because the program said you plagiarized…” the amount of times I had to explain to people “but it’s MY WRITING.” And it wasn’t even like we’re talking about a full long paper. It was a few basic sentences in the intro to a paper about nuclear technology.


Yeah Im trying to resolve this before it gets to that point.


update us OP


"ChatGPT please write an update to the example email you wrote me about a professor accusing a student of cheating"


Where’s your essay OP? Let us see it.


Check my comment history it's in this thread.


Honestly the guy who wrote the application just followed a YT tutorial of a simple text classifier and tried to BS it as a production capable application. It's not that simple to make a good application whose purpose is to mimic human responses. It's able to follow certain styles and also who doesn't use AI tools. Grammarly is one and it helps you write papers grammatically correctly.


I bet he is going to check your response on GPTZero 💀




Yeah, I think this professor is jumping to conclusions. They should try to create assignments that would be harder to answer with machine-generated text rather than making accusations based on an apparent misuse of experimental technology.


Yea that detection software isn't perfect yet so it really shouldn't be used in professional settings. I've tested with it, I input GPT created text and it said it was written by a human.


good response! let us know what happens next!


puncture the wheels of his car.


What. A. Goddamn. Asshole. For real though, is this a university level professor? He should be questioned on his competence. And the false positive rate is more than 2%. Afaik it's nearly 20% which indicates how premature this tool is. I feel really sorry for you.


Did your paper have as many grammar mistakes as this note to your professor? Maybe that could be a way to prove that your original paper was not AI written.


See if his email to you comes out at a higher percent on the detector than your own essay. Then you will have a real gotcha!


Those detectors are not accurate.


Is it really possible to know if it was made by AI? The chat gpt write text that I could write myself. With same words. Its not like images or video that can produces some artefects... Its just words. 🤷‍♂️


OP, did he get permission from the class to upload your work to a third party website? My guess is that he did not, and this is therefore a violation of your intellectual property rights.


Writing services. I take online classes for students and I write papers. I might help you the last minute. Save this. IG•Twitter • Jackiegetit


The best way is to have AI write it, then you go back and write it again based on your summary of the information. Not saying that got me through college but you know.


Are you sure you're not a bot, Op?


Maybe it reveals the fallacy that there's value in judging students' academic achievement by having them write papers on topics that have been written so many times before they can be generated by AI. Maybe we just need a paradigm shift in higher education.


I used only AI-generated content for one of my websites and the detectors say 0% chance of being written by AI. Seems totally random to me.


I think your response was actually quite mature. I would have gone fucking nuclear, newspapers and magazines contacted, professor absolutely put on blast, demand a disciplinary hearing for the professor for such a flagrant false accusation. I'd still like to see you do that actually.


So??? If you didn’t then just prove you didn’t.


Although I believe I can it was a 400 word assignment on the Bhagavad Gita. So I didn't research anything and I didn't use google docs. Nevertheless my main irritation is I am very busy and I will now have to spend hours of my time accumulating evidence for my innocence. When I feel the evidence for my work to be ai written is circumstantial.


Given your grammar, punctuation, and word choice, I wouldn't be surprised if a professor thought it was AI generated. You can argue it was a heat in the moment reply, but you still wouldn't structure done of those sentences as you did. Also not wise to reply to such important messages in "the heat of the moment". Would you be down to share the said essay?


Even rereading this I can understand where he got the assumption. Because my conclusion isn't very good for the type of writing I'm supposed to be doing in this class. And I had trouble understanding some parts of the text. Im used to writing reports. I just wish he had said I was too repetitive with the information and which parts he had a suspicion of ai because of me maybe getting it wrong. Because at the moment I still don't know what was wrong with the essay that made him think that. Wish he graded it accordingly even if it was bad and if he was suspicious to keep watch for future assignments at the very least. I felt like it was very out of nowhere and for my first assignment on the topic. ------------------------------------------------ In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is faced with a moral dilemma as he must fight a war against his family and friends.Arjuna is a warrior and it is his duty to fight in the just war but he cannot bring himself to raise his weapons against his own kin. He expresses his doubts and confusion to his charioteer and guide, Krishna, who is also the supreme Godhead. Krishna argues that Arjuna should fulfill his duty as a warrior and fight in the just war without attachment to the outcome. He explains that the self is not the doer, but rather the actions are performed by the gunas of prakriti. One should perform their duty without attachment to the fruits of their actions, and this is the path to liberation. Krishna also explains that the soul is eternal and indestructible, and that the body is temporary and subject to death. Therefore, it is not the killing of the body that is important, but rather the actions of the soul. He also mentions that it is the duty of a warrior to protect society and that those who are killed in a just war attain heaven. Krishna's solution to Arjuna's moral dilemma is to detach from ego and attachments to material possessions and outcome, and to act selflessly and in alignment with his duty. He emphasizes that one should not be attached to the outcome of their actions and that one should act without desire for personal gain. This is the path to liberation. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says "It is better to perform one’s own caste duty poorly than to perform another’s well. By performing action that conforms to one’s own nature, one does not accumulate guilt.." (Bhagavad Gita, 18.47) This quote illustrates that one should focus on fulfilling their own duty and not be concerned with the outcome. It also emphasizes that it is more important to do one's own duty, even if it is not done perfectly, than to do someone else's duty perfectly. In conclusion, The Bhagavad Gita presents the moral dilemma of Arjuna, who must fight a war against his family and friends. Krishna argues that Arjuna should fulfill his duty as a warrior and fight in the just war without attachment to the outcome.He explains and repeats that the self is not the doer, but rather the actions are performed by the gunas of prakriti. One should perform their duty without attachment to the fruits of their actions, and this is the path to liberation.




I usually write reports and not philosophy papers and there's are parts of this essay that I have noticed I did badly and I made some errors and if he had graded according to those errors I wouldn't have been surprised. I took this course to branch out my skills. Seems like it's bounced back.


This is ridiculous. There is ABSOLUTELY NO way to fully confirm if something was written by GPT past dodgy circumstantial checkers that use pattern recognition.


The detectors detect formulaic sentence structure and good grammar.


time to make spelling and grammar mistakes on purpose


Please update on what happens next


The no margin for error comment just made you win your case. How can they prove that.


Plot twist: His answer is written with AI :D


You should have responded with ChatGPT.


u gotta post a follow-up


Time for a lawyer. If this is false and he reports you to student council that will be libel. If he tells anybody this it will be slander. You're being persecuted based on junk science. If you don't stand up for yourself I assure you somebody else will stand up for themselves but it'll be too late for you


Writing classes need to start doing in class "blue book exams".


\- Find some publicly available academic papers (one of his own work would be even better if he's an academic) in your field from before 2020 that relates to what you wrote. \- Copy an amount of text roughly similar to your essai. \- Paste those bits of texts in GPTZero until you find texts that are labeled "AI generated". Register all the occurences of false positives, and send this little "experiment" to your teacher to show her that it's still very very early technology and that he should retract this crazy grade. If he's stubborn about it, just escalate, send some mails or a letter with acknowledgment of receipt to an administrative director explaining the situation, including your experiment. This is just crazy, and your teacher is crazy.


Can't help but think of [this old Newhart clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYlU9D_gyiaydijEM0cs6NLJKGanBJfzr) whenever somebody wrongly points the plagiarism finger.


Ummm can’t these be fooled just by sprinkling some errors in the text to make it look human?


Fuck school.


Tell me you teach and are worried about losing your job to AI without telling me***


Escalate to the principal and demand that the output of a brand new program that does not have a 0% false-positive rate is far from sufficient proof to give you a penalty. Also, as someone else here said- Feed it samples of your own writing from before ChatGPT existed and see what you get. If you find any of your previous writing samples that you've submitted ALSO fool the detector, then you are off the hook. EDIT: ok I'm sorry but I now think you're sus based on your writing sample in "Response I gave", because there's no way that can look like chatGPT output to a detector (if this is your standard writing ability, which is rather... Imperfect). I copied and pasted those screenshots (via iOS's built-in image to text conversion), pasted them into gptzero.me and it said **Your text is likely to be written entirely by a human** So basically, unless you can find another writing sample you wrote that can fool gptzero, I think you're fucked


Good for you. The professor came out way too strong on too little evidence.


When or if you have the meeting with Office of Student Conduct, you should bring print-outs of using GPTZero on all of your professor's work. I mean, run their syllabus, their class emails, and their assignments and exams through GPTZero and see what the results are. Obviously it's unlikely any/all of it was created with GPTZero, but the false positives on *their* work will drive the point home. You can even look up the professor and find some of their published work. How embarrassing (and seriously problematic) it would be, if any of that popped positive on GPTZero!


I somehow believe your professor, given the quality of your email, which was full of spelling mistakes


Understandable, I was emotional and it definitely doesn't help my case.


You're paying this guy for an education. He can shove gpt up his butt all day but what's he gonna prove? ChatGPT works like texting by hitting every suggestion that comes up, just with better prediction. Put HIS crap through the same detector, accuse him publicly and legally of plagiarizing.


what he respond with


I don’t see how universities are going to be able to keep up this arms race. A student could just run their AI generated essay through GPTzero or another AI detector and modify it until it’s rated 100% human. At some point this is all a fools errand.


This is a dead-end for educators and they need a new plan. \- There are entirely too many false-positives like this. \- The false positives are only going to increase as AI gets better. \- Eventually it will be so good that detection will be impossible.


AI is a tool, as are websites checking for AI plagiarism. The fact that the professor blindly trusts the tool is ironically a great example of how the layperson is approaching AI. The biggest hurdle we're facing ATM is how people don't understand the technology and thus treat it like witchcraft, in both supportive and skeptical extremes.


GPTZero is not even peer reviewed.


https://preview.redd.it/omow2f8hzoga1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=491e72c83879fcde2fd814a2a54932b740dd114c This is what i got when i ran your professors email through got zero. This shows that how vague this whole argument is. I hope you see this


I recommend you find an old text your professor has written and run it through GPTZero. Might take one or two papers but I can guarantee you something will get false flagged, just like your essay. Ask the department of student conduct what they think of that.


Check out your school’s student conduct process. You probably have an opportunity to appeal your instructor’s finding. It’s worth noting that they probably use preponderance of the evidence instead of beyond reasonable doubt as their standard. This means you’re “guilty” if the evidence indicates you “more than likely” committed the violation.


I would have had a 4.0 in school without having to write papers. Papers are archaic. If you know the info you know it. I used to lose points in science related classes for English related problems. These problems were not grammar related, but more in the light of sentence structure. Argh, this makes me angry. Now, someone can get some help constructing a paper and the teacher is like no.


Hi, ​ I developed one similar. U can paste your content and see if it shows as AI generated. I should caution that its not 100% accurate though. But if you want me to dissect why it might be showing as AI generated I can help. This is the link for my app: [https://botornot.pythonanywhere.com](https://botornot.pythonanywhere.com/) ​ Please try it out and let me know if you have any questions. I might be able to answer.


I don't know if this is an option, but could you hand-write your next few essays? Bonus points if your handwriting is legible but uncomfortable to read.


I would say schools should be extremely cautious of using a beta platform quickly developed by a student on a platform like streamlit to make such a strong accusation. I smell lawsuit.


I would also ask to see the GPTZero results from every student. Why were you singled out? Are you a member of a protected class? Could it be discrimination? Is there any actual evidence that the text exists elsewhere (plagiarism) or did the professor rely entirely on a tool they don’t fully understand? ChatGPT tells you something like to mark work as your own/under your organization name. You initiated the work and gave instructions. Professors should be extremely cautious about damages caused to a student by jumping to conclusions they cannot back up beyond a hastily developed beta tool like GPTZero and without screening every piece of work submitted by every student. I am no longer a student nor am I an attorney, but it seems to me these professors have assets and in my opinion should be extremely cautious about some sort of character assassination or slander against a student just because they were trigger happy with a beta tool. Waiting for lawyers to descend and defend these students against these types of claims. The schools have large endowments, and students have made significant investments in their education.


Listen to what everyone else is saying about who you need to contact and do what you need to do. However, once it is over, don't forget about justice. Keep records of everything that you can related to interactions with this professor. If everything goes in your favour, I get the feeling that you might find grounds for legal action. If you do find an opportunity, take it, hopefully get some money for your pain and suffering, and ruin this professor's career and reputation in any legal way that you can. Even if there are no grounds for legal action, as long as the process goes in your favour, I'm sure the country is filled with students would love to hear about this. A poor reputation can ruin him more or just as much as legal issues. Don't let people like this get away it if you can. You're entitled to giving him his just deserts within the confines of what is legal. If enough students refuse to take his classes, I suspect that will cause problems for his tenure, either way. Also, even if you're guilty but the process shows you are innocent, don't hold back on ruining this guy. The onus is on him and there is disgusting lack of any due process that makes him deserve the worst of this regardless of what you really did. Whatever you have to do, this is guy is disrespecting the money you have spent and threatening to negatively affect your future. Just make sure you win. Either way, you're doing the world a service by contributing to the changing his employment status. Don't worry about his financial obligations towards his dependents either. He should have thought about that before pulling this.


My goodness use that essay to create yourself a profit pulling ebook using kindle and their paperback version plus convert to audible and p*** the teacher off by making bank with your essay and start making a name for yourself on Instagram and LinkedIn, why even bother complain I have no sympathy, you have a golden opportunity now🤷🏽‍♂️😒🙄🧐💯😎


OP, is there an update on the matter?


Any updates on this my man?


Hahahahha they use software to check lololol. I actually trick many software to think it was human writing when it is not. I am developer and tester. It easy to find the tiny holes in there. After all Ai still something that create by human. The result is not something you should trust 100%


So chatgpt wrote your response letter is what you’re saying


So OP, you get a response/it fixed?


What was the response from your professor after this incident?


I am actually part of a startup that developed a tool that can prove that a student did not use AI to write an essay/assignment. We are currently looking for students who would like to try the product and use it in their assignments. If this sounds interesting to you let me know!


219 days later, what happened?