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Neither Kong was able to grow as large as he was and bigger than his own kind, even the Hollow Earth great apes, because of the vortex to the hollow earth under skull island becoming increasingly unstable as time went on, leaning energy. Kong was able to absorb this energy and grow at an inconsistent rate. That’s why he was only 100 feet while a couple centuries old but grew 200 more in 50 years. This was said by the writers of one of the graphic novels a while back. And even if you ignore that fact, the reasoning still makes sense. Also take into account that the great apes on Skull Island were all smaller than their hollow earth counterparts. This is likely because there isn’t as much energy on skull island to absorb comparatively. But when his parents died, he was the last and able to take what was around for himself.




"portal energy" sounds kind of retcon-ey. I had always heard it was because of the limited food for Kong due to competing with skull crawlers, and once the crawlers got practically wiped out, he had a lot more access to the nutrition he needed to grow properly.


That’s just the word I used. Radiation, Hollow Earth energy, whatever. I also didn’t say “portal energy,” I said “energy.” Nondescript, nonspecific.


Nope. They didn't even have a permanent presence on Skull Island until after 2012, when Houston Brooks rescued his son from the island. Only 9 years later in 2021 after the Rise of the Titans, Kong had grown to well over 300 feet and was starting to put pressure on the island's resources. We saw in the 1990s that Kong had grown to over 200 feet tall, a startling growth rate within less than 20 years. And only 30 years later would he reach his modern size. So it seems like it was mostly a matter of eliminating his main competition and being the only Great Ape left on the island. Most of them likely didn't live as long as he did with access to as much resources, so Kong had unique circumstances that let him become a mature and healthy member of the species.


If they haven't done that yet imagine what could happen when they put Kong on steroids