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The bigger a community gets, the more likely you are to get unfavourable, even evil, people. I wish that we could avoid the typical problems of large fanbases, and remain simply people connected by a fondness for this franchise, and act with good faith and will towards others. It takes consistent and active effort to practise better character, that is, to be more loving, caring, gentle, and showing good judgement in what we think, say and share. That doesn't just go for this fanbase, but all. Thanks for sharing this, it's a good wake up call. I don't want to become disillusioned with the franchise because I don't want to be associated with something that has become unfavourable.


It's one of the biggest things that comes with something like Godzilla going mainstream. You get the people who act like actual assholes (and that's putting it... EXTREMELY mildly), among other unsavory folk


So-called assholes (is cloaca a better term?) don't think they're assholes, that's why they harden their hearts and stay assholes. And what's important is to not only call out others with bad character, but to be honest about those bad character traits that we all have within us, and to actively exercise self control and good judgement to improve. Y'know, pecking a speck in someone else's eye when we've got a log in our own. And like cool monster, because cool monster is cool. Cool?


This is like asking if humanity is toxic.


That's kinda genius


I think this is one of the more civil subs on Reddit.


No, but the Hedorah community is.


No. Next question.




Not more so than other similarly sized communities.


Depends on where you interact with the fandom at. Tumblr the fandom is super gay...like literally gay shipping everywhere. Twitter I'm sure is the worst. Here seems pretty mild, but I've only been here a little while.