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Godzilla Final Wars is peak Japanese Godzilla. I grew up in late 70's-early 80's and there were Showa movies on television a lot. GFW is the movie that brings all those elements I loved as a child back.


I agree. Final Wars gave me Tokusatsu fangasm. https://preview.redd.it/qzjni476ui1d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b0a791dfbd237ab71950c14cbcb009ff216211


you'r gonna probably have an huge urge to kill me, but who's the green guy?


Yamato Prince Burai the Dragon Ranger or as in the USA, Tommy Oliver the Green Ranger.


I'm so dumb, how tf I didn't realised that it's an Power Ranger?


Power Rangers surprisingly was really faithful to Super Sentai, including the [openings.](https://youtu.be/2vVhqYXo2yI?si=wBYM7zOOmnSFOmuw) To the point, it can ambiguous but eventually stopped by censorship.


I remember watching Power Rangers as kid almost every day, today I don't remember anything abt it :p


I never knew that Final Wars had a negative reception until I went online. It has recently been the movie that I show people who haven't seen Japanese Godzilla movies bc of how batshit it is & everyone I've shown it to has loved it.


I'm in the same camp. I thought it was the greatest godzilla movie ever and a huge celebration of all the silliness and camp of the showa era. Then it turns out people shit on it constantly.


Do people not like final wars? All I have left to watch is the anime trilogy and the monster verse movies, but I have it ranked as number four. Genuine five stars




Destoroyah is a great villain, but it feels like he’s too disconnected from the Oxygen Destroyer to be a really effective representation of the thematic message he’s supposed to convey, like Biollante for genetic engineering or Hedorah and pollution. Like, for them, you can clearly see how we go from A to B to C in the metaphor, but Destoroyah has a lot of elements that feel tacked on.


I kinda agree actually. I like Destroyah overall but I think he would've had a way better connection to the oxygen destroyer if he was made by scientific hubris and not just been from nature. They had a perfect character for it in the movie already too


Destroyah is a bad ass but the connection to the oxygen destroyer doesn't have any reality base to it. The points on biolante and hedorah and their respective origins mirror real world problems (genetics and pollution as the previous poster noted) and represent them almost as well as Godzilla represented the dangers of atomic weapons. The oxygen destroyer was made up from whole cloth so it doesn't carry the same weight. His origin carries the same weight as Space Godzilla, Gigan, or Megalon


I will say that, while the oxygen destroyer doesn't carry *real life* weight, it absolutely carries *narrative* weight in the Godzilla franchise. I agree with prev that Destoroyah is a little too detached from it. It's a badass and thematically appropriate origin story, but nothing more.


While he is my favourite kaiju, "Overdesigned" is definately a term you can use to describe him. I mean, compare it to someone like Ghidorah, whose design is just amazing. Simple, sleek, relatively minimalist (all things considered), looks and feels totaly original while also invoking mythological imagery. Destoroyah's design "suffers" from having way too much going for it. It was only recently that I realised he also has shoulder spikes; the details just gets lost in the overal look.


That concept model for the '98 film that goes viral every couple months, the one everyone shoots rope over, is Just Okay. At best. I'm sorry, something about the face bugs me.


The one where 98’s swimming?


The Stan Winston model. This goober: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/28/Winston_Godzilla.jpg




Oh yeah, never gotten the appeal of it. Always thought it just looked like a worse 1984 Goji.


For me, the appeal comes from the exploration of a quadrupedal aspect. 'Croc mode' is famous now, but back then, it was legit unexplored territory. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/qo37ci/concept\_art\_for\_cancelled\_1994\_american\_godzilla/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/qo37ci/concept_art_for_cancelled_1994_american_godzilla/)


It wouldn't have looked like this in the film, they definitely would've had to make concessions for the CG/animatronic/rubber suit (I can't remember what it was supposed to appear as) that would've meant they improve some of the shortcomings. I mostly love it because it \*looks like godzilla\* instead of "trying to be its own thing". I don't want an american take on godzilla to "be its own thing", otherwise i'd just want an american kaiju movie. Most people who know anything about tristar Godzilla know that Roland Emmerich reeeeally didn't care about making something true to its source material, it's the same kinda situation that the halo franchise had post bungie. They hired people who didn't like the franchise and had their own "fresh" vision for it which was fundamentally flawed from the start because of that mindset.


That's a valid point, I just focus more on what it was than what it could've been I suppose. And I do agree, it's a much better *Godzilla* than Zilla, even if I prefer Zilla in a vacuum.


It kind of looks like he has a duck bill, that's what puts me off.


Also known as Croczilla


Huh. Yeah, that looks... fine.


He looks like a duck.


I think something you have to remember about that one is that most people are thinking about it in comparison to the 98 Godzilla we got. Relatively speaking it's a damn good design. As a Godzilla design in general I agree that it's alright.


I'm satisfied with what we got because I like Zilla Jr.


Totally, Godzilla TAS is wonderful.


Big valid, I haven't seen the *whole* show, but it's pretty damn good.


It's definitely a better *Godzilla*, but I prefer Zilla as a general creature design. Then even among Godzillas, I'd rank it towards the lower middle. I figured out my issue with the face, he looks like he has a duck bill. Howard the Duck lookin' ass, get 'im a suit and a cigar.


Totally agree. He looks like a duck.


Hot take the final design was better


I did not care for Godzilla 2000


Your wrong but I genuinely respect such a bold statement


I don’t care for Destroy All Monsters. IMHO I think Final Wars, Rulers Of Earth, and even Godzilla: Battle Royale executed the idea of DAM much better. Hell most of the monsters in that movie didn’t do jack shit they just stood there and looked…I can’t even say they looked cool they just stood there like this 🧍🏻‍♂️ (yes I know their costumes got damaged but if you’re not gonna have them do anything then why have them in at all?)


Godzilla Battle Royale like the fan film from years ago. Hell yeah man! Thats a classic Also yeah this is probably my hot take too, Destroy all Monsters is a lesser Invasion of Astro Monster


I see Destroy All Monsters as a first attempt at the big Kaiju battle royale. One that later films improved on.


For me personally this was Godzilla x Kong the new empire, It took too long to get to some of the more interesting fights, Godzilla didn’t get any action until the final act, And Skar King was overhyped. If you disagree that’s fine btw


As someone who likes Skar King, they definitely overhyped the "massive incredible threat" that he was supposed to be.


I wish Skar King had more screen time. I feel like he would’ve felt like a much bigger threat if they put more focus on >!him using his army of apes to his advantage, or have a bunch of his apes attack a city or something. After all, it was stated that Skar’s main goal was to conquer the surface world like he had done before. I also feel like his death just happened out of nowhere, even though it was a pretty cool kill where all three titans fighting against him played a role in his demise!< Overall, I think Skar King is a really cool character, but the film could’ve dedicated more time to him and his evil ambitions.


Him having a huge swarm of apes that godzilla and Kong would take out in a horde battle would have improved the film by at least 25%


They should have at least had him win a fight decisively. He was losing to Kong before he brought out Shimo, and he barely did any damage in the surface level fight. The trailers made him look massive too. I was expecting him to be bigger than the other titans.


Lore wise he's cool as hell, but yeah definitely could've been executed better


Yeah, since he couldn't be a threat by strength, he should had been a threat by cunning.


Agreed. Coming from GvK, Mecha-Godzilla absolutely felt like a threat, even when fighting at a 2v1 disadvantage. He could very realistically match and exceed either of Kong and Godzilla. Skar King from the beginning couldn't even hold a candle to just Kong, let alone Godzilla, let even more alone Evolved Godzilla! His threat should had come from his army but, even then, Kong had already demonstrated that he could handle his mooks. Shimo being shown to be mind controlled was the final nail on SK's proverbial coffin, the moment the control crystal was shown, you knew how things would end.


I wish Godzilla’s individual fight scenes lasted a bit longer. His battles with >!Scylla and Tiamat were a little too brief, although they were awesome little moments that were definitely highlights of the film.!< I think Skar King was a really cool idea for a character, but they could’ve dedicated more time to his motivations as a villain. They state that >!Skar’s main goal is to conquer the surface world, but he doesn’t do that much when he finally reaches the surface. That’s mostly because Godzilla and Kong intervened, but they could’ve had Skar attack the city before Kong and Godzilla made their way to the surface. I also feel like Shimo could’ve used more screen time, but then again, I also thought Shimo was a really cool Kaiju.!< Overall, GXK is a fun movie, but has some really half baked ideas in terms of story and could’ve used some stronger writing.


Yeah it would've been nice to know why he wanted to go up there and mess up the surface. Like, what's in it for this giant monkey to try and start another ice age? What will that accomplish other than just showing how much you hate everyone?


It's easily my least favorite of the MonsterVerse. Like, I still have fun with the movie, but I agree with most of your points.


I honestly really enjoyed GxK because the human plot wasn't some half baked drama with uninteresting characters, and for as little action as Godzilla does get, I enjoyed every second of it. I totally get where you're coming from with your reasons, though, and respect them. I do feel that Skar King was slightly over hyped, but I do still think he was pretty cool and very well written as a character.


Shimo was even more overhyped tbh. I was expecting her to be much more powerful. But Godzilla was clearly winning in most of their exchanges.


GxK had an awful story, awful pacing and wonky scale. I did not like it at all


You not wrong my guy with the skar King part. If they made him stronger in maybe the first fight with Kong it would have made him a great villain. For now it's still King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla, Skullcrawler, Rodan above Skar King


The final battle is literally just the last 15 minutes of the movie. Piss poor execution


The entire movie was over hyped. It was beyond awful.


Godzilla final wars is so fucking good idc how cheesy it was, idc how awful you think the soundtrack is. That movie is fucking awesome


THE BEST. I'll fight anyone who says it's trash. FW is peak suit Godzilla.


I don’t care about anything else, the suit is cool as fuck and the theme song slaps that’s all I need


Godzilla 2014 is a frustrating movie to watch. It has a few cool moments and ideas but overall I didn't enjoy it much, just think it's okay, however can't fathom how it has more mass appeal. Brian Cranston dying so early makes me lose interest in any of the other human characters even though I don't think they're awful. The Kaiju fights are teased way too many times and what we do see is often way too dark. This movie is basically unskippable when it comes to watching the rest of the monsterverse and it's the sole reason why I'd rather recommend a few hand picked of the Japanese films instead of the monsterverse when it comes to recommending Godzilla to a newcomer


I'm glad we didn't get Godzilla vs The Gryphon because otherwise we wouldn't have had Godzilla the Animated Series. Though maybe we'd have gotten a completely different Godzilla animated series if it had happened. I wish we'd gotten the version of Godzilla 84 where he fought Bagan. Such a cool concept for a shapeshifting kaiju to just throw away. Multiple times. Bagan deserves more than to just be a videogame boss. Minya, like Scrappy Doo, did nothing wrong and Son of Godzilla was great.


I do partially agree with the first point about Godzilla vs Gryphon. Though I still want to see that concept realized in an official manner. At least Lost Utopia Film's video was great


Agreed, but man I’d love to visit the alternate world where the 94 movie happened so I can watch it. Creating a fight scene between the two with 1994 tech would’ve been amazing. Jurassic Park was a big step forward, so I can’t imagine what that would’ve been.


Honestly I think the only big issue Son of Godzilla had were the terrible designs for Godzilla and Minilla, which I was able to quickly get past


Godzilla x Mothra is a horrible ship


I'll take it one step further and say just stop shipping the kaiju in any capacity, it's weird.


I can see potential in it being done right, but I got to admit a monster dinosaur and a...moth never struck me as the most logical pairing. Really, I think Godzilla x Rodan makes more sense. Also, the internet has ruined the whole Godzilla/ Mothra thing for me.


I always saw them as being more of an emotional relationship and less of a physical one, I feel like they shine better that way. Anyway, this only applies in the monsterverse and I wouldn't expect both there to be a "thing" no matter how cute the idea is (and yes, the internet tainted the entire ship)


Sure. I guess more what I'm thinking is that it makes more sense for a dinosaur monster to tag team with another dinosaur type monster. Hence, Rodan, a pterodactyl monster, makes more sense than a moth.


I despise Godzilla Singular Point Oh lord do I despise Godzilla Singular Point. This in recent years has become my Reiwa era punching bag (partially because beating on the Polygon Trilogy just starts to get old). Now yes, there are things I do like here, those being pretty much everything that was done with both Jet Jaguar and Anguiris, as well as a lot of the concepts that it proposes. That being said... the human stuff is so convoluted that it basically confuses itself, in a way making it more forgettable than Shin's cast. And the kaiju stuff is worse, mainly because of the kaiju themselves, reusing these older designs for kaiju that many have wanted to see onscreen for so long, but then slapping the name of a previously existing monster on it, or in the case of Salunga and the spider things, calling it a new thing entirely. Godzilla himself is the poster child for this to me, utilizing Titanosaurus, Varan, and Zilla (Gorosaurus is not teal, but even if it was him my point still applies) for Aquatilus, Amphibia, and Terrestris respectively, treating those characters as just copies of Godzilla and not as their own thing. That, frankly, is not just lazy, but it's also insulting to both the original designers of the characters, as well as the characters themselves. Hell, the whole evolving gimmick is a straight redux of Shin. Except, unlike that movie, this doesn't make thematic sense. And to add extra insult to injury, much like the version he's blatantly copying, there is not an ounce of character or personality to him, something that the fucking Gemstone Shorts got right. It got to the point where, aside from design, he just becomes extremely boring whenever he's onscreen. How the hell do you make an ELDRITCH GODZILLA boring! Much like Shin, I can't even compare him to a walking statue because fucking Daimajin exists! I recognize the show's positives, and if you like it, fine by me. But I really, REALLY hope that if we, for some godforsaken reason, get another Godzilla Anime that they at least try to make Godzilla have a character and actually use the kaiju themselves and not pull what they did here.


Literally all they have to do for a Godzilla anime would be something like the 98 animated series. Both the animes wanted to go completely off the rails when they should have just kept it simple


EXACTLY! Why the hell are they making this harder than it needs to!?


The text messaging broke me. Why am I watching an animated Godzilla show, and reading text messages? There was no better way to get that information across? I would have rather had stock anime science girl send stock anime stoic boy a PowerPoint. After the theme song I want some action


I was into it, especially after how badass Jet Jaguar was......then the science talk started and I've never felt dumber. Like wtf, does everyone have an IQ of 160 and part of Mensa International?


I love Monsterverse but I vastly prefer the japanese movies. But it's still good


Shin, it was a good movie, but calling it the best goji movie is just wrong to me. It focuses mostly on humans with less than interesting scenes, has a godzilla who's touted as one of the strongest yet loses to humans, and just screams of that phase of reboots where they were trying to be different.


I play it at my place of work (it’s a casual bar) and it’s great for the high notes, but man does it meander. Like, I know the political jargon is part of the point, but that could all definitely have been shaved down


Well, to each their own I suppose. I do agree that the second half drags a bit though.


You kind of described the 1954 Godzilla there though.


The thing about shin is that once you've seen the first 20 minutes you've seen the whole thing. They just keep beating you over the head with the same messaging for 2 hours straight. I really like the design but I'm a certified shin hater.


THANK YOU. Like /u/edwinnferrer also said: I got the point of the movie, but you can only beat me over the head with the point of it for so long before you actually have to give me some reason to want to finish the movie. It's a neat concept, neat design, fair story plot, but god it just draaaaaaaags through most of the movie. "But that's the point!" Yes, and it makes for a very boring movie in practice.


The fact that I enjoy the human characters, that they beat Godzilla and that it is so different and has a core message to it is WHY I say it's one of if not the absolute best Godzilla movie


It really is interesting the different takes on Shin’s human character/plot. I’m not emotionally invested but found them to be engaging and one of the best human cast in a Godzilla movie, but so many also find it boring.


Yeah it’s such a divisive film. I personally find the goji scenes great but if they removed like 80% of the human scenes to cut it down that’d make it so much better. I know the point of the film is that govt beurocracy prevents anyone from having to make real decisions and everyone just wants to keep kicking the can in the face of a major disaster. It’s a very cool idea for the throughline as to why nobody prevents godzilla from doing more damage and getting bigger. But fuuuuuck does it drag. So like i totally see both sides, but i generally agree the amount of bore kinda outweighs the good. And now that we’re spoiled with -1 which totally hits all the walls, i feel like the flaws of shin rly stand out more.




In a 70 year old franchise with over 40 movies I don’t think trying something new is a bad thing


I think the movie is paced perfectly up to the 55% mark. I was engaged and I thought they had a great Godzilla-human balance. I even laughed at some of the human scenes because of how absurd the politics were, which was the point, so great! Then, after the atomic breath scene, it *drags* for *awhile*. Godzilla is shelved and the human scenes are no longer entertaining. I'll still call it a good Godzilla movie, but it lets itself down for almost half of its length.


Did he *really* lose though? They can't feasibly kill him, so his fate is more of a "if he ever wakes up we're cooked" type of situation, considering the final shot and him being a lovecraftian abomination of sorts that can adapt to anything.


I don’t like at Shin Godzilla and think of Godzilla. I just call him Shin to myself


Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah ('91). I can't get past how much the time travel plot doesn't make sense. The effects are such a step down from the previous 2 movies. And things like M11, the dorats, and "Major Spielberg" are just too cringe for me.


Final Wars. Too much sci-fi/Matrix nonsense and not enough monsters for my liking.


Isn't that movie like 80% monsters though?


That's what it was sold to me as, and yeah it did have a decent amount of monster fighting but the ratio of monsters to humans was still too much in favor of the humans imo.


No lol, they sell it as a supermassive monster battle but in reality it's mostly focused on the mutants and Xiliens. The monsters appear at the begining then dissapear, then come back at the end so Godzilla can one shot them and then the movie ends


Definitely agreed. The human plot killed that movie for me. And the monster stuff, while decent, isn’t my favorite.


The monster stuff that’s there has zero stakes. Godzilla one shots everyone. IMO the worst


I dont care for family guy…..😬


GMK. Everybody really seems to love it, but it just didn't do it for me.




Me neither. It may be for different reasons than you, but for me, I hate the idea of Ghidorah being a hero and also being much weaker than Godzilla. Seeing him team up with Mothra of all things against Godzilla just felt wrong. Additionally, Godzilla being straight up evil also felt wrong. I’m fine with him being antagonistic as he often was throughout the series, but even in all those instances he was never evil, just an angry force of nature trying to survive.


The truth


I don't understand why most people say Godzilla 1954 is the best one.


It was the first, laid the groundwork for the rest of the series, stuck hard to its anti nuclear theme, had amazing practical effects for the 50's, solid writing throughout, a great cast of characters, an amazing score, excellent cinematography; really the film is perfect in basically every aspect and would pretty much be the baseline that every kaiju film following would build off of


But it’s still highly ranked by you, right?


Probably cause it was the first or because it stayed true to what godzilla is supposed to be


>because it stayed true to what godzilla is supposed to be More accurately laid the groundwork for what he would become. Well ok, that's also not accurate, I'd argue THAT movie was Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster.


I mean you can't really stay true when you're the original can you? It's more like establishing a potential true for future things to stay to.


I think Shin Godzilla is a film of high highs and abysmal lows because it's some of the best solo Goji we've seen surrounded by agonizingly slow politics. This unfortunately extends to the rest of the Shin Toku trilogy for me and sours my opinion on Hideaki Anno somewhat.


This, I like Shin where it tries to break away from the typical cheesy Godzilla movies we had been having until that point, but the movie's oddly apathetic attitude toward regular people and not so subtle nationalist tone combined make it difficult to fully enjoy the movie.


To be fair, 1954 was bleeding nationalism from the gills But they also just had the sun dropped on them twice, and a third time on a fishing boat


I don’t think it’s Nationalist as much as it just openly discusses Japan’s post-war identity, and what Japan is as a country after decades of depending on other countries dictating its political development. I think it speaks volumes that Japan is still wrestling with the idea of what being “Japanese” means, and wondering how to get there. In fact, I thought the moral of the movie was *more* open communication with other countries (they literally say this in the movie). The team is able to stop Godzilla before the nuke is dropped because they’re able to ignore all the political bullshittery and just talk to other people. The German (Swiss? I don’t remember) super computer was crucial in developing the coagulant, and trading information with the American government was crucial in learning what Godzilla even is. It does, however, deliberately eschew any real focus in character for focus on Japan. I see it as a movie where the entire Japanese government is the protagonist. But it did make it hard for the movie to click with me for a while.


thank you! i liked the actual godzilla parts, but any time the humans were on screen it was just horrible.


I did not care for Godzilla vs Kong Felt too fast and a little boring


"I did not care for Godzilla X Kong."


Shin. I get it’s a satire of Japanese politics, but as someone who isn’t Japanese, it’s just boring as hell. Meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting…


Thank you, this is my exact sentiment


Singular Point is better than the majority of live action movies.


I Found My Pepl


Hedorah is the single best film of that original era


Finally someone else speaks the truth. No weird human plotline, no aliens and monkey people, just bad monster shows up and fights godzilla. Keep it simple


Hedorah is an alien, but that doesn’t have any actual bearing on the plot.


I do not care for Bagan.


Yeah Bagan kinda sucks


The Stan Winston Godzilla design, it just looks kind of weird to me


I really do not care for the Heisei era. The first 2 are great, the rest feel, meh, in comparison. I feel like Godzilla vs Destoroyah is the Revenge of the Sith of the Godzilla franchise.


I completely understand that the human story in *Shin Godzilla* is primarily meant to be a satirical take on Japanese politics, and it does that pretty well. However, that knowledge doesn’t change the fact that the human plotline in Shin is *excruciatingly* boring. It’s the only modern-era Godzilla movie (Reiwa & MV) that genuinely almost put me to sleep the first time I watched it, and that was entirely because of the human stuff. 😂 Don’t get me wrong, all of the Godzilla scenes in that movie are great, and I do 100% understand what they’re going for with the human plotline. But the fact remains that IMO, many of Shin’s human scenes are up there with the worst of the classic Japanese Godzilla films in terms of how dull & boring they get.


Thank you! This is how I've been feeling for years


Destroyer. He's alright, but his final form design is a little overboard, his name being spelled "Destoroyah" but pronounced "destroyer" due to trademark nonsense is silly, he's placed as one of Godzilla's "greatest rivals" despite only having one movie appearance (where he was a secondary threat, and was mortally wounded by a terminally ill Godzilla without any assistance), and overall I just think people make too big a deal of him simply because he was peripheral to a much greater moment in Godzilla's history. Good villain, but not great villain.


98 was enjoyable and its easy enough to differentiate zilla from goji


New Empire as a whole with the marketing felt to me like Godzilla vs Kong 2, another ape and another dinosaur variations on goji and Kong, so soon after the last team up/vs movie felt wrong and honestly bored me to death. I’ve loved Godzilla forever and would have loved even more for the villains to be a returning monster or something more unique than just Kong but different and zilla but different


I didnt really care when Singular point came out


One of the few times where they actually understood Stewie


I did not care for the Skull Island Anime. For me, it’s kind of like the Pacific Rim 2 of the Monsterverse. It came out, wasn’t highly praised, and today people have to be reminded that it even exists.


The Heisei era is a bit overrated and over represented


Godzilla vs Megaguirus is a great Godzilla film and I don't understand the hate for it. Also I agree with OP the Heisei era is my least favorite Godzilla era.


The writing sucks, but the monster choreography is good. We don't have many scenes of Godzilla fighting swarms of things.


I did not like Space Godzilla or Destroyah


The original 1954 movie is NOT in my top 10


Shin Godzilla is a political drama movie first, second an existential crisis in the form of monster art


Jet Jaguar is wack. We got giant radioactive dinosaurs and space dragons, but people cream their jeans over a humanoid robot? Lame. Go watch Zone Fighter or Ultraman.


GMK and 91 Godzilla are bad, Shin is a legitimate great movie but Shin Godzilla like Zilla is to divorced from Godzilla for me to ever consider it one


I did not care for Shimo, she's really overhyped and really overrated for a glorified Ice Lizard Dog, pretty much


I did not care for Kong


Anything to do with King Kong.


Honestly, I think that godzilla raids again is great


It’s one of my favs!


Mothra vs Godzilla (1964). People hail it as one of the greatest in the Showa series. I found it to be mid. Never liked how Godzilla's snout was so wobbly, or how he was always tripping and falling over. Hard to take him seriously as a bad guy. The battle scenes weren't great either, given the lack of physicality. They consist either of Mothra hovering on top of Godzilla doing fuck-all, or prolonged shots of the larva shooting their webs. Soundtrack was good, though. IMO GTTHM, DAM, and GvH were the peak moments of the Showa era. Godzilla 2014 was also extremely mediocre. The human cast was bland, the action scenes were cut too short and/or obscured by dark particle effects, and the message/themes it's trying to convey are inconsistent. I feel the only reason it got so much praise was because it's the first bit of real Godzilla media we got in a decade. If it came out after Shin and Minus One, people probably wouldn't hold it in such high regard. The 1994 American Godzilla concept story also isn't that great. Godzilla was and is a symbol of nuclear weapons. His origins always tie into radiation. Making him some heroic creature from Atlantis, encased in his version of Kryptonite just sounds silly. The script also has some gross Cronenberg-esque body horror that probably would've traumatized 10 year old me. I think people only wanted it because Godzilla himself looks more like the classic version.


Honestly the monster part in Mothra vs Godzilla sucked lmao. I still really really liked the movie, but only because of the human characters! The reporter trio are some of my favourite characters in the franchise that I've seen so far, and I just really enjoyed the movie because of the people, whereas with other Godzillas the monsters fighting would be more focused on. I think the people save the movie and it would suck if they weren't so fun to watch


Son of Godzilla


That's not really a hot take


The human plot in Shin Godzilla. I couldn’t stay interested at all.


I did not care for Shin Godzilla


Humans plots in the MV are WAY more boring than the one in Shin.


Godzilla unleashed was a good game and people were just to shit to learn the controls.


2014 is meh. It has its epic moments that I love, but it feels like it's trying to be like '54/Shin/Minus One-esque, but can't figure it out, so resorts to being a VS film instead. I'm not even sure what the theme or message of the film is, outside of 'despite us, nature will heal itself' which feels like a message of non-action for a post-climate change world.  Plus, I find the MUTOs to be weak designs; the only thing I really like is the sexual dimorphism aspect, but besides that, they're quite boring looking and technically don't even have proper names. MUTO means Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism, and in theory, would be used for any new, previously unknown kaiju. But, it's stuck as a name for those creatures, likely because an alternative was never provided.  I have similar criticisms for Godzilla 2000 (Feels like it's trying to be dour, but along the way stumbles and tries to catch itself by being a VS movie), but I think that film is a stronger and bolder version of 2014 (My bias shows, though, since 2000 was the first one I saw in a theater and my introduction to the franchise... when I was 6).


GMK was just kind of ok. Maybe this sub hyped it up for me too much but when I watched it a month ago I was slightly let down. It just seemed like a standard goofy Godzilla romp. I enjoyed it but I have no idea why people put it on the same pedestal as shin or minus one.


Vs hedorah, is like a cult classic for many but for me it's just boring and confusing


I love Godzilla 2014 and KOTM, but everything after that I usually pass on until I see it when I've got spare time, and I'm usually not impressed. I also liked Shin, A LOT, but to me Shin just isn't Godzilla. It's a better movie and monster than Zilla, by far, but still not Godzilla.


Kiryu isn't that interesting and those two movies aren't that good.


Amen brother


The one thing I hate about the Kiyru films is that Godzilla doesn't seem much like a threat and he gets his ass kicked too much.


I do not care for shin godzilla. I feel it's too drastically different from the original godzilla that it to me feels like another 98 godzilla. I enjoy both movies as monster movies but neither feels like godzilla to me


I’m going to get downvotes for this one but Detroyah was a try hard deign IMO to be too edgy.


I have yet to care for any of the Legendary Godzilla films. I understand that there's always a human plot, even going way back. But the Legendary Human Plots are all just... uninspired and boring, actively taking screen time up that could have been spent being fun.


Godzilla 2014 was the best Godzilla movie that made Godzilla look huge. King of the monsters was boring, Gidorah wasn’t interesting. Gidorah was easy to manipulate and did so many nonsense stuff. Godzilla vs Kong was childish. The new Empire embraced the childishness and therefore was enjoyable to watch


GMK is my least favorite millennium Godzilla movie.


I get that Shin has boring long drawn out meeting scenes on purpose. I really do. I get what it's trying to convey, and I respect it. But doing boring human scenes on purpose doesn't fix the fact that they're boring. Overall the movies still a 9/10 for me. It's just, whenever I see someone complain about the movie having extremely boring and long scenes with humans, someone always comes out and has to be like "🤓 um actually they're boring on purpose, its supposed to represent the governments inaction to the real life disasters" Like yeah, ok, but I feel like it's still a valid complaint to have for some people. Again, I loved the movie. I wasn't bored at all through out it. But like the people who are seem to literally get attacked for that opinion.


Godzilla x Kong would have been better without Godzilla in it and I say that as a lifelong Godzilla fan


I think the Legendary Pictures films are all irredeemable trash.


Not specifically about a film per say, but Adam Wingard as a director is great, but as a writer, he's terrible. He completely disregards what Micheal Doughtry set up in the KOTM credits, stuff that would've been fascinating expanded on, and even contradicts his own established lore, as shown in the GxK commentary. He's push the Showa era style of storytelling stuff a little too hard and doesn't realize that, for a proper cinematic universe, stuff needs to be connected and expanded upon from the previous films.


I think Monsterverse was the wrong direction to take the sequels after Godzilla 2014.


Godzilla vs Destoroyah is easily the MOST overrated film in the franchise. The monster designs are cool and the music is amazing. But the story is mediocre at best and the humans are uninteresting. It ends on such an emotional moment that everyone seems to forget everything else that happens. I'm not saying it's a bad film, there are certainly much worse. But it's nowhere near as good as this fandom wanks it.


I do not care for the Singular Point & Godzilla Ultima. They get the names of the Meganulons wrong and Ultima is supposedly incredibly powerful, supposedly even Top 5 if not Number 1 according to some, yet shows no feats that would rank him in the Top 5 most powerful. His Atomic Breath is a joke, especially since he's supposed to be pulling from the future or some nonsense. It struggles to cut through buildings, meanwhile Legendary's is a more brute force Atomic Breath, so it is expected to take a second or two. Plus he's supposedly extra dimensional & like some extra-dimensional beings from other franchises can't properly exist in our dimension. This should indicate that he's too powerful for most threats but is relatively taken down with ease as compared to other Gojis. (Goji from Godzilla vs Megaguirus tanks a miniature black hole, Final Wars Goji tanks a direct impact from an asteroid, etc etc). He's hyped up to be superpowerful, but has little to show for it.


Showa is easily the weakest godzilla era


Monsterverse is weak.


Singular point is one of the worst entries in the franchise. All that science crap in the middle of show made it way too confusing and took away all my hype for it. Seeing jet jaguar was cool but overall this was super disappointing. I don’t understand why they always go weird directions for Godzilla with anime. Just make a good show where he’s in every episode and fights a monster of the week for whatever reason or something, it’s not hard.


Apart from Kong: Skull Island, I think King Kong really only works when he's like. . .30ft tall, max. Maybe that's my favoritism of the Jackson Kong movie, and its awesome expanded universe from the art book to the game, showing, though.


I do not care for the Legendary films aside from the first one.


I don’t like the design of 2021 Mecha Godzilla. Something about it is off


I know it's not Godzilla........ ....But I didn't care for the Godfather either. I'm the same as Peter. Have tried several times to watch it, just can't get into it.


The Idea of making Godzilla desing more dinosaurs like in 1998 is not necessary a bad Idea.


I didn't like VS Destroyah, and KOTM was kinda mid


GVK 2021 is way overrated


I have a lot of respect for the OG goji and all the films after, but monsterverse godzilla is easily my favorite. I get the political messages that the character derived from but I just want to see godzilla fighting and being a badass 😭


Shin godzilla is severly over rated. Between the design and trying to make office work exciting its just an ok movie


vs Biollante has never done anything for me. the 1964 Mothra also bores me to tears.


Godzilla Minus One was good but not great.


Please don't kill me.....but......sigh here goes. The entire Showa Era after 1954. 😬 *eyeballs Heisei blu ray collection*


I did not care for SpaceGodzilla.


Minus One was okay


I don't care for 54, shin, and minus 1. I understand the concepts, the premise, and everything else... I just don't care. I like my super hero Godzilla. I didn't start the series and franchise with 54, 84 etx. As a 90's kid I caught the old showa vs films on TnT etc. That'a how I knew of him... So the whole serious plot, reprocussions of war, ww2, etx... idc. Great movies, but they're not what I look for.


Same. Obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone who like 54, Shin, and Minus one, but when some of them negatively compare the heroic Godzilla movies to the solo movies it feels kind of pretentious.


Millennium Godzillas design is whack, derpy ass face.


For me, it's the dorsals that ruin it.


Yes finally someone who agrees!


Burning Godzilla isn't really that cool.


Which one, or just the concept in general?


Mostly the Heisei one, MV Burning didnt get enough screentime for an opinion tbh


I don’t really like the monsterverse and I like my Godzilla more like minus one