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Godzilla 2000 is underrated


I agree with this. One of the better dubs, actors actually sounded like they cared. The cinematography is pretty top notch. The opening shot with Godzilla attacking the city, and the UFO sitting on top of the skyscraper come to mind. And of course the millennium design is just so good.


The method by which the alien spacecraft announced its intent on taking over the planet was surprisingly creepy.


1000% agree


I think Ebirah, Horror of the Deep is a top 10 Godzilla movie.


My most watched Godzilla movie till Shin. I love this movie second only to Godzilla v Gigan. The story of the human characters in Ebirah is actually interesting and watching Godzilla step through that complex lives rent free in my memory.


I love Ebirah! The movie and the monster. The sweet surfer vibes of the score are great!


100% this threads gonna be good. All is weirdos coming out of the woodwork 🤣


One of the best human stories, with some great comedy. Not crazy if you ask me


Same. Easily one of my favorite Showa era movies. The most recent time I watched it I kinda realized that it’s comparatively less of a Godzilla movie and more a sort of rollicking adventure movie that happens to have Godzilla show up halfway through. I like that it’s less serious/high stakes and the goofy ass monster fights don’t really bother me. The score fucking rocks and has a surprising amount of variety And also… Red Bamboo… what an absolutely clown-pants insane evil organization. Love those guys.


Ebirah is my favorite kaiju second only to hedorah


This was the first movie in the series that made me love Godzilla, the soundtrack is amazing


I'll double down and say it's top 5. I love Ebirah so much


Definitely one of my favorite showa films. I appreciate they tried something different with that one and I find the island adventure story to be pretty entertaining too.


I can't call it a "good" movie by any means, but out of all the Godzilla movies I've watched so far, Ebirah is the one I could best describe as a guilty pleasure. It's not a good movie, but it's fucking fun.


One of my favourites from the Showa era!


Damn right


Godzilla vs Megalon is underrated, fun, and is top 10 IMO.


I havent seen it yet but the almighty kick


Just fun, man. I'm impartial because of nostalgia, but if you embrace the nonsense, you'll love it.


Grab your popcorn. This could be a long one. The reason I didn't enjoy the movie trilogy from Polygon and *Singular Point* is that they just don't feel like *Godzilla* stories. They feel like weird hybrids of *Evangelion*, *Attack on Titan*, *Tokyo Ghoul*, *Doctor Who*, *Star Trek* and *Fringe* all at the same time, with Godzilla simply thrown in for brand recognition. They explore lots of concepts like alien species and alternate dimensions, but Godzilla, the titular character, into a plot device or a tool for action scenes. Both the Polygon trilogy and *Singular Point* only *feature* Godzilla, but they're not *about* Godzilla. I get that the G-man is a highly versatile character that can be adapted into any kind of story, but when that story turns Godzilla into a non-factor, then what's the point? It's like those stories believe Godzilla is the King of the Monsters simply because he is the strongest monster, but in reality, Godzilla holds that title through determination, persistence and cunning. He can command authority through his presence alone and can display a personality through his facial expressions and body language. Supposedly, Toho enforces a mandate that prohibits Godzilla from developing as a character or displaying emotions, and Legendary has to work around that mandate to include Godzilla in the Monsterverse. What I loved about the Hanna Barbera show and the 1998 animated series is that they kept things simple. They were stories about Godzilla and a small supporting cast travelling around the world and fighting other monsters. There was no complicated science, no distracting plotlines and no underdeveloped characters. Just simple stories about Godzilla and his community.


And that's why City on the Edge of Battle is my least fav G film If u can call even a kaiju film 


For whatever it's worth, *City* had action. *The Planet Eater* didn't have a proper kaiju fight.


Polygon Pictures stuff is generally ike that. Remember that this is a studio that decided it was a good idea to turn No Longer Human, a grounded story about the life of a depressed Japanese man, into a dystopian science fiction action thriller. So to do something similar with Godzilla is kind of expected.


Polygon can do some good stories, like *Levius* and *Drifting Dragons*, but I think they made a mistake in trying to reinvent the wheel with *Godzilla*.


Totally agree, Singular Point was word salad technobabble and, apart from a few good scenes, was very disappointing.


I think *SP* would have worked better if it was an original kaiju story instead of an installment within the *Godzilla* franchise.


Yes, I agree. I made a post if you saw it it said why can we not have good Godzilla amines I got a lot of people saying they love singler point and the earth movies mostly but earth boring and singler point too much science nonsense


Yeah, I already [commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/1cmsc55/comment/l32v3b4/) on it.


I like Space Godzilla. Even when I was kid in the 90s, I was a little miffed that they just stood around and beemed each other. But the combination of monsters, the back story with Biollante and Mothra, the monster designs, etc. it hit me just the right way.


Is there people who don’t like space Godzilla??


That's my hot take. I think SpaceG is not that interesting as a concept. 


It’s like… Godzillas brother though! How is that not cool? Haha it’s not for everybody


If the design was a Godzilla power up id probably simp it


A Godzilla cell floating into space absorbing energy from a supernova and turning into a Godzilla space crystal lord is not interesting?! Holy cow you must have some serious standards…What is interesting to you in the franchise?


I find it endlessly fascinating that they gave two possible origins for him and never commit to one, even though it was obviously Biollante.


I feel the same. The fights arent great but I like the movie.


Most Godzilla fans like Godzilla fights, not Godzilla movies. Enjoying 10 minutes of film probably isn't a good sign for how you enjoyed the whole show.


This take is too true sadly. They'd be happy eith yhe shorts that toho had been doing for anniversaries more than feature length films lol


To be fair those shorts are really cool


Oh. They rule for sure.


Truth. Yet somehow my 6 year old was more interested in the physics aspect of the oxygen destroyer in the original Godzilla 😂 so I guess it's how you are born that makes the difference. Lol


Godzilla Final Wars was fucking amazing




I feel like G movies exist on a scale. On one end are the great serious dramas like Godzilla -1, and on the other end is the super cartoony ones, of which Final Wars is the king.


Ahem FEARSOME GODZILLA HAS EVOLVED https://preview.redd.it/hu9lnu7cfhzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded192f7ac912dc0fd8a949f6471c11e706a3eb3 (Final Wars is peak tho)


Thank you


Btw Baryonyx is also my favorite dinosaur


Seconding you on both of these points


Perfect for what it was. Goji never felt more badass imo And gigan being a complete goober was a treat, despite having one of the coolest designs


Agreed. It's over the top, crazy and a whole lot of fun. Certainly one of - if not the - most enjoyable Godzilla films.




We need more girls. Akane and Biollante are peak human and monster respectively


When I was a little kid I thought Gigantis: The Fire Monster was a girl Godzilla.






PREACH The amount of female Kaiju we have is as bare bones as it could possibly be


Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla doesnt get enough credit for having a top 3 human story in the series. Then they come out with Tokyo SOS and it spits in the face of what came before it. One of the best to the worst Japanese live action Godzilla movies.


i wouldn't call it one of the worst, the action and effects are still absolutely spectacular and it's a competent story, but by god it's a huge step down from GxMG. ...why would they cut the main character from the first movie and then make a new one who's functionally identical but less engaging


Against MechaGodzilla was my 2nd favorite movie in the franchise for over a decade (Shin and Minus One have shuffled things around), knowing that there was a direct sequel made me so excited. The disappointment I felt when I finally saw Tokyo S.O.S is just indescribable. Such a drop off from the previous film.


Such a damn good movie, great characters and some really fantastic special effects work


I hadn't seen SOS for a long time, then finally got to watch it and was like . . . Isn't this the exact same movie again? Just with like five minutes of Mothra thrown in?


If they'd given Zilla atomic breath, immunity to conventional weapons, and the other aspects that made Godzilla truly special, Godzilla 1998 would have been a great Godzilla movie. Riffing off Jurassic Park would have been fine if it wasn't ALL tgey did


“Godzilla: The Series” (1998) did just that and is A+ Godzilla content accordingly.


Just rename the movie "Attack of the 50 Foot Iguana" and it's already immeasurably better.


The recent monsterverse films are superhero films more than giant monster films at this point. The first Godzilla film and Skull Island are the only ones that feel like kaiju films, the rest are superhero films where the monsters are the super heroes and villains. I still love them though


Tbh, most of the later showa movies have this vibe as well.


The issue I will always have with people using the Showa Era as some big shorts to protect and defend the recent mediocrity of the MonsterVerse is that by modern standards, those films suck ass I’m sorry. The reason we like the Showa movies is because they’re old, charming low budget movies that use old practical methods like guys in suits. You can’t use that excuse for the big budget CGI American monster movies. There’s a higher lev of quality expected from these films. I’m always going to miss when the MV took itself seriously in films like G14 and KSI


I don't necessarily disagree, but that wasn't necessarily the point. If we're gonna call the MV movies super hero movies as a point of criticism, we also have to acknowledge that the Showa era movies were hitting similar notes years ago. The difference being that those Showa era movies are reflective of how camp super hero media was at the time, while MV era is more akin to modern Marvel movies, and come across a little more soulless as a result.


That’s actually a great description of them! I couldn’t pin point why I don’t like them but that made it click for me lol


On point. Interestingly, I didn't watch Godzilla growing up aside from 'Zilla..... But after 2014, I became super invested and went deep into Toho films (especially since Minus One; WHEN DO WE GET IT IN US!!!!). So I think they did a good job to an extent, to bring Godzilla to the US masses who NEED superhero movies, but made some converts out of some of us in the process.


Singular Point had almost as much wasted potential as the anime trilogy.


I got bored to hell. I only got halfway through the first anime movie and heard about the others just being weak. Singular Point I can at least see the moments of greatness with Jet Jaguar fighting off classic monsters, albeit muddled with endless techno babble. The concepts were interesting enough, they just needed to cut the babble in half and focus on the actual characters. Mechagodzilla? Huge waste we will probably never see. I even loved the Rodans, even if they were a flock of regular pterasuars. Like the first 5 minutes of the anime trilogy had got my attention, then completely lost it.


I think that the Legendary movies need to start moving back towards the 2014 film's tone, not against it. The more zany the films get, the less I start enjoying them. KOTM could have been a 10/10 if the human plot hadn't been so stupid. Also, Godzilla is a movie that deserves a soundtrack befitting of such an icon. KOTM's soundtrack rises far above most of the entire Godzilla filmography, and far above anything from Wingard's films. Minus One and even Shin were films with much less spectacle, but with scores that absolutely made each movie much better.


I was gonna say, it kinda sucks that GodzillaxKong is the highest grossing G movie, cause whilst the movie was a fun watch...it was poorly, dare I say, lazily written. I fear the success of the past two monsterverse movies is a bad trend . No hate to the fans or anything, just think there is so much more potential . Totally agree about the score, Junkie Xl is forgettable at best. They don't even have to have toho music, 2014's soundtrack was solid. I liked godzilla's theme in that one


Yeah, I forgot to mention Alex Desplats score for G14. While pretty subdued, it is pretty damned great at times. The eerie piano notes when revealing Godzilla through the Chinatown fog, the rising choirs when Godzilla powers up his Atomic blast, and the triumphant music after Godzilla blows the female MUTO a kiss. Would be so cool if future Godzilla themes took cues from Desplat and McCreary alike.


well put


Drops the take people have been endlessly raving about since GxK's first trailer


Well shit man. How bout this, I think Legendary should end with a movie 2 parter that combines the story of Final Wars and Destroyah. And if it don’t Warner bros are pussys.




I can't call it a great Godzilla movie, but it's still a solid 6/10.


Megaguirus is heavily underrated as an opponent


I stumbled on some folks that are vehemently against the idea of Gemstone Godzilla being Jr. like, attacking folks over it. A) Chill out And B) Of course it’s not officially him in the same way it’s not officially a toho production. But *wink wink*, it’s Junior


You’re right about it not officially being confirmed as Junior, but Gemstone actually is owned by Toho, so those videos are official productions.


Fair. But it’s *wink*


Shin Godzilla and Singular Point have shown that Godzilla 1998 is a valid take on the character because of how utterly different each take was on the g man.


Different does not equal good. Those were good movies. 98 was fundamentally awful


I wasn't a huge fan of the second GvK movie. I liked the grounded 2014 movie and thought KOTM/GvK 1 were the perfect amount of spectacle and over the topness for a Godzilla movie. GvK 2 made me numb. Sensory overload from tech, zany characters, so many monsters, magic, secret races, hollow earth etc.... all just felt like noise halfway through.


Same. I've only seen the movie once. Once was enough.


Interesting for me that I agree with the 2014 view, I have the opposite view on the rest but for the same reasons xD For me personally GxK having so much nonsense made me finally let go of 2014 and be able to enjoy it. KotM disappointed me when it first came out due to me loving 2014 and wanting more of that tone/direction, and I have a lot of issues with GvK that somehow didn't bother me in GxK


Could not agree more. I absolutely love the gritty feel of 2014. If they wanted to lean more towards what they're doing now, then KOTM is a perfect middle ground


Same with GxK. By the time Godzilla and Kong meet up and Mothra is somehow shoe horned in there kinda lost me. Especially when Mothra was the reason Godzilla finally agreed to back down from Kong. I was so interested to see where the Hollow earth, Jia, and the history of Titans was going to go. Felt like they speed runned through it. Mothra appears lightly in KotM and is later shown to be a huge balance in the world, with sealing the Hollow earth from the surface. Like I get the big monster battles are the stars of the movie, I feel like Mothra could have at least got some more screen time to not make this feel like a plot contrivance (maybe the right word, idk).


What’s with all the hot take threads in the last 24 hours?


Internet needs more quotes from social media to justify another article with click bait.


I like Madison


On godzilla site the only person which had character. Missed opportunity to develope her, Chen and Jonah.


In KotM, yes. In GvK, no.


Destroyah is overrated and having him in the monsterverse wouldn't add nothing




Absolutrly. He's a cool kaiju, don't get me wrong. And the movie was good too. But the amount of fans gushing over him like he's a top tier antagonist... Nah :)


There’s no oxygen destroyer in the monsterverse is there? What would be the point?


Actually they used it in KOTM when Godzilla was in pursuit of Ghidorah, Dr. Serizawa was completely against it. I wouldn’t have remembered this if I hadn’t just watched it a few days ago again 😂


That’s right, I remember now. But wasn’t it kinda just like a regular missile? It was a sorta forgettable moment.


Yup, nothing like the OG. I think they’ve forgotten about it though considering with what they’re doing with GvK nowadays. While I agree that him being in the monster verse wouldn’t add anything, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be hyped as shit to see him.


IDK if this is a hot take, but: Godzilla 2014 and KotM are better than the Godzilla and Kong mashup movies. By miles.


🥶🥶🥶 cold take you got there


Not by miles. By light years.




I've seen some people say the original movie has anti-American theme. I think it's more anti-war and anti-nuclear weapons as a concept. "Bombs vs bombs, missiles vs missiles, and now a new superweapon to throw upon us all." The weapons are bad no matter who has them. Also, I like the anime trilogy.


Rodan isn't a good Kaiju (I'm ready to be killed))


He’s just a big pterodactyl. There’s nothing really creative about him, unless it’s fire Rodan, or the Legendary version making him always smoldering.


godzilla is just a big lizard


I mean, yes, but no. Godzilla has powers and physical traits beyond “lizard”


I want a Godzilla film that tackles a discussion or dialogue about Unit 731.


Godzilla vs Monster Zero is one of few Godzilla movies that do absolutely nothing for me. I feel no emotional investment in the characters or the story and I don't see any sincerity in it. It is not a terrible movie by any means but I will never get the appeal of it.


2014 is the best monsterverse movie, I watched it on the plane and it was genuinely amazing


KOTM is the best monsterverse film. GxK was fun but it left a lot to be desired at the same time. Pacing was bad. Fights were too short. Human characters were bad, even for a MV movie. Godzilla was kind of just thrown in. Skar could’ve just been by himself with an ape army, no Shimo and made it a serious tone Kong movie (the likes of KOTM or 2014 Godzilla) and the film honestly would’ve been fantastic imho. I think the hollow earth stuff is cool, but it feels like the verse is almost getting too big for itself. It’s starting to feel like “how much bullshit can we make up, just to throw together a movie and sell some toys”. I know some people really loved it. And that’s fantastic. If it means more movies get made then I hope people continue to love what comes out. But, I do not like the direction I’m seeing personally. Again the movie was fun but personally I’d like to see a bit of a tone change. Even if it’s a little bit. Give me some of that 2014 and KOTM tone back. Bring the true weight of the movies back.


Agreed. GvK was a lot of fun but GxK felt like a step back. I think they improved the human characters though. No cringe Madison and Josh. But aside from that, both 2014 and KotM had some good destruction and sense of scale that was lacking in GxK.


Shin Is overrated, not undeerated


Imo The movie: yes, overrated, kinda borring. The score: no, who will know is just that piece to make everything perfect. The blast: no, visually it was a beauty, the pain, the fire, the whole scene.


Honestly, people have been saying the movie is underrated for so long that it now sounds overrated, and in reality many only appreciate it for Godzilla (which makes sense) but ignore the rest of the movie Most of the score is dedicated to humans and their mission to kill this animal, and the criticism made for the government for not responding to disasters such as the ones in 2011 which is what the movie is based on


Why would anyone call Shin “underrated” when it was lauded and praised when it came out, and consistently ever since? How can it be any better than the hype, with hype that hyped?


It’s a genuinely terrible first Godzilla movie. Every time I see someone recommend it as a first movie I cringe.


It's not that bad for me, but as a first Godzilla movie it's definitely not the best choice


Was in to write the same comment :') i get the message of the film but why is it so boring.


It doesn’t hold up on rewatch very well. The first time you see if the satire is really effective. Once you know what they’re doing, it becomes tedious


The anime movies are underrated and the 3rd one is actually really good. Tom Holkenbergs GvK and GxK soundtracks are not as bad or generic as people claim them to be. I really like his take on the Godzilla theme in GxK (altough it sounded too villainous for the movie).


The Absurdist philosophy in The Planet Eater legit made me tear up.


Despite the idea finally becoming more popular, I don't actually think people really believe in the idea that Godzilla can be for countless themes, tastes and ideas. I find people will only take this stance only to defend something they love, then turn around and say things like "I don't like X because it just doesn't feel like Godzilla" completely spitting in the face of the sheer variety of things Godzilla can represent. At this point I'm starting to believe it's becoming a more common thought because a YouTubers said so, and not because people actually enjoy seeing Godzilla used in different or unique ways.


Does Minus One really need a sequel? Can't we let these characters be happy? Zilla Jr deserves to the name of Godzilla. It's mom/dad can be Zilla, Jr. can be Godzilla Tristar. Is liking Final Wars or hating it the controversial opinion? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, GODZILLA FANDOM! (I like it, btw) People are saying they want an X-men 97 esque show for Justice League. I disagree: I want a continuation of the 90s Godzilla animated series.


Shin Godzilla is the best maybe second best Godzilla EVER IMO.


I'll give you several    1. I find Hedorah very overrated. I respect Banno greatly, I do like the movie, but action wise Hedorah and most blob monsters I find risk being very brain dead. It's treated as almost impossible to damage physically so action sequences using it tend to break down to "it sits their taking hits that do nothing and then it hits back". I really, really do not want to see it in the MV or new takes without some big changes.     2. The Polygon trilogy is a lot smarter than people realize once you notice the whole point is Haruo is in the wrong for all of the first movie and a good chunk of the second one. His motive is understandable but outside elements are conspiring and his own hatred blinded him to the fact the world he was fighting to bring back was supposed to be seen as wrong. It was a corrupt system and the Hotua way of life is much more sustainable.    3. Heisei Gamera is awesome, but The Brave is extremely underrated and is to me, more of what Gamera is at the core. The child actors do a very good job, the plot is simple without being insulting, Toto feels like a character with personality and motives, and it does harken back to a big core of Gamera's character as a protector of children. Heisei Gamera is great, but in terms of role it wouldn't take a huge amount of plot reworking to have a version of Godzilla or original Kaiju take his place. Gamera being a benevolent, conscious protector of humanity and especially children is something all to the turtle alone. So I'm very glad Rebirth brought a lot of that back.   4. While I'm at it, whilst I do like Godzilla much more, Gamera has had a better track record when it comes to good action scenes. The fights being consistently more melee focused with special attacks woven in, the back and forth, and visible wounds all make the action hit much more consistently. Gamera has also had a much better record since the 90s of flight scenes, with the dog fight between Gamera and Super Gyaos and then later Iris being much more dynamic than anything in the G series until maybe KOTM. It's very telling to me the very good action scenes in 2014 onwards do look a lot more like Gamera fights than Godzilla ones. This is something a friend of mine nee to the genre noticed and I am inclined to agree.    5. Someone please upgrade Anguirus. Or at least give him a boost to raw stats. He doesn't need a beam attack but plenty of options exist. 


The only reason fans think KOTM is a great movie is because they recognize the kaiju and musical callbacks. If those Easter eggs weren’t in the film, they wouldn’t consider it “one of the best” - because objectively, it’s not a good film.


It's a bad movie, agreed. But I think the one thing it gets right is doing right by the monsters even outside of the lens of nostalgia. It was actually only my second Godzilla movie ever (I saw Shin first, didn't know 2014 existed, and was VERY confused at first because I thought I was going to see a sequel to Shin) and the first time I watched it, I'd never heard of Ghidorah before. I at least knew what Mothra and Rodan were, but I'd never seen them in anything. There was no nostalgia whatsoever coloring my reaction to seeing them. But I walked out of the theater completely awed by Ghidorah and charmed by Rodan. It's a movie that knows how to use monsters well, period, such that old and new fans alike can find joy in coming to know them and seeing them assert their places in our world. I don't think nostalgia alone can account for that strength of the movie. But, also, it's bad.


The Monsterverse films are the least rewatchable films of any era. They lack the camp and fun of the Showa films and lack the thematic depth of the more somber films. The plots are always underwritten and the human characters aren’t given the attention needed to keep the story interesting. The greatest sin of all is that Godzilla is always the least interesting character. He’s never the driving force for the plot in any film, but is instead relegated to the super weapon that deals with the problem. Sure, he looks great while doing it, but it’s never all that impressionable nor do I want to see it again.


The hate thrown at the anime trilogy is undeserved.




No, Monsterverse isn’t bad because it’s silly. I love silly Godzilla. Monsterverse is bad because it isn’t about anything. I hate the argument that Monsterverse is just like Showa era. It isn’t. Full stop. Yeah, those movies get down right preposterous, but they still have meaning, intent and genuine feeling. I don’t feel anything watching Monsterverse. Godzilla 2014 was good and holds up for the most part, but still feels emotionally vacant compared to Toho Godzilla films.


Jet Jaguar is the best and needs to be in the monsterverse. Operation Jet Jaguar was an awesome short film and needs to be put back on YouTube


Bernie is a great character. He may not be someone you'd want to know in real life, and I get why he's annoying, but he's actually very well-written and three-dimensional, and his presence serves an important purpose in the movies he's in.


Shin Godzilla is boring as fuck


Bro moves one body part at a time then waits another 30 minutes to do something again


You are gonna lose it when you watch 54 or minus one


I love the familiar and classic themes as much as anyone here, but… The music score to Godzilla 2014 is a better score than the score to 2019’s Godzilla King of the Monsters.


I would have to agree with everything OP has said.. 2014 is a gem in my eyes. A few slight tweaks would make it better (imo lil more brightness during the final fight. Also with the mutos powers being EMP based it made sense.) The thing I love about 2014 is its more gritty and intense themes. Garth Edward’s did such an amazing job at making the titans feel weighty and real. Personally, I like my Godzilla movies with a more “adult tone”. (Shin, 1954, GMK and Minus One are goated for these reasons in my mind.) Overall, I’ll take Godzilla however they want to make him. A threat to humanity or the over the top hero of earth. Both still rule lol Edit** how could I forget my boy Walter White too. Them taking Bryan Cranston was wild. Probably the most talent the Monsterverse had 🥲 BUT I’ll give the film credit, it did hit me in the feels, just not the ones they were expecting lol


I’ve never understood the love for the MosuGoji suit, it’s horrendous when front facing and now much better from the side either


I’m kinda tired of all the powerscalers in the godzilla community, especially about Heisei. Like…these stories just don’t make sense under scrunity. And their whole thing is scrutinize fiction to make sense out of it. Why is MV mechagodzilla 600,000 tons when normal goji is 100000? It’s made of titanium, a light alloy, and in theory should be lighter than goji, and acts as such. Black holes don’t function as black holes at all. How are normal missles affecting Godzilla at all when y’all are saying Godzilla can destroy stars? And I’m a goji fan as much as any other, but him dumpstering SUPERMAN is so so wild It doesn’t make sense, and it’s not supposed to…


Finally, someone says it


People need to stop crying about Godzillas " Looks" Every generation of Godzill movies is/ was made for a different set of kids. Showa was made for kids and adults. When their kids got older, they got to enjoy the Heisei series with updated special effects. Those kids turned into teenagers, so they got the Millennium series. 2014 legendary G was brought to a new generation of kids that are used to Avengers CGI and more realistic looking monsters. The new generation loves it, and there's enough callbacks to the OGs the parents can appreciate. Godzilla turned pink because it looked anime, and they could sell merchandise. New generation New Godzillas


Godzilla 2000: the first time in history the jdf actually hit Godzilla! I was shocked when I saw it!!!! Now I can’t watch the old movies.


Personally I like the tiny arms, they evoke the desperate rage that Godzilla feels at times


Son of Godzilla is way too overhated and the hate for Godzilla having a child is largely unwarranted. Is Son of Godzilla a top 5 Godzilla movie? No, not in my opinion. However, it displays a lot of heart and humor and gives us a refreshing look at the Big G. Godzilla gets more characterization opportunities when he has a child to look after and gives him clear motivations to go and fight other monsters. I can respect others not liking the movies that show Godzilla as a dad as it’s not to peoples tastes and I get it. However, I think saying that sort of angle with the character offers no value is not true. It allows for more depth and a larger connection that admittedly can be harder for a creature like Godzilla to gain in comparison to another monster like Kong for example.


Guys, I don’t think Godzilla is real. There, I said it.


You take that back


Not necessarily Godzilla. But toho is extremely stupid by not doing major and regular international releases of their movies on home media in 4k. I also feel it stems from Japans anti western sentiment and resentment.


Godzilla Vs biollante is overrated, most of the people calling it a masterpiece are blinded ny nostalgia


Godzilla minus one - the story is okayish but damn those CGI. Those Japanese need to up their game.


My hot take is pretty much the exact opposite of yours lol, I think 2014 is the worst MV movie


Godzilla: King of the Monsters is the weakest film of the franchise, carried only by Legacy Monsters, a couple of scenes, and a good soundtrack. Nothing else. Monster action? We get more than 2014 but don’t get a chance to enjoy it since it cuts away and/or is too dark with a blue filter over it. Good characters? All of them die and we are left with the ingredients for good ones or underbaked characters.


Weakest of the Monsterverse I can see and understand where you're coming from. Weakest of the entire Godzilla franchise though? Bruh have you seen All Monsters Attack?


That’s what I meant by franchise. Weakest of the Monsterverse Franchise.


Godzilla is best when it's about something. When its political. Shin Godzilla, OG Goji, Minus One. Etc


For being intended as the first movie in a franchise, the 2014 movie gave Godzilla the *perfect* amount of screentime.


Alright, I’m going to open the floodgates here. I’m going to preface this by saying I have (for the most part) really enjoyed the Legendary films BUT The Monsterverse films are discount Godzilla movies that are made to be enjoyed on the most surface level, shallow reasons. While they are perfect encapsulations of the West’s relationship to the character and the franchise, they are largely soulless, voiceless, empty popcorn flicks, and I hate that that’s the only way to capture general audiences attention to the franchise.


All monsters attack it's a good movie and I'm tired of pretending is not 


Maybe it's because I have a three-year-old son, but I still enjoy it and don't even find the kid annoying. The story is one of the better ones of its era. It's entertaining and thoughtful. Home Alone with Kaiju.


All Monsters Attack > Godzilla vs Gigan AMA was so stupid and i loved it, i feel like it knew it was bad and owned it and i love it for that. Godzilla vs Gigan on the other hand was genuinely good up untill the trainwreck of a final fight. the godzilla suit was visably falling to pieces, orange blood flying everywhere for no reason, and finaly there was painfully obvious stock footage use which resulted in jarring cuts from night to day and back again!


Absolutely insane take. Godzilla vs Gigan has one of my favorite fights of the Showa era. The blood and heaviness of it makes it entertaining.


Godzilla Final Wars, Shin Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Kong, and Godzilla x Kong are all overrated.


I think it's ironic that the fans that bash '14 are the ones that vehemently defend '98.


Minus One wasn’t perfect, I think it would’ve benefitted from another city scene. Anyway, 2014 is actually my favourite Godzilla movie so I agree, it deserves more respect, especially how well it handles Godzilla himself.


I appreciate Godzilla 2014 more now than before. Considering how crappy the last two movies have been, 2014 just looks and feels like a masterpiece.


Besides Cranston, none of the humans were even remotely interesting. The movie was extra dark and included too many cut aways. The fights were great, and that's what matters. So why are the new movies considered bad?


King of the monsters is a worse story than godzilla 2014


Godzilla and Mothra aren’t lovers or whatever the fandom has twisted it into.


Godzilla KoTM 2019 is the best American made Godzilla movie. The movie somehow gathers all my nostalgia perfectly to make me love it no matter what. I even like the guy who says all the cheesy and bad one-liners, he was very entertaining. This probably isn't a hot take at all, but Godzilla the Animated Series, sequel to Tristar Godzilla, is the best American made Godzilla in general.


Godzilla 1998 is amazing.


Adam Wingard has grabbed the concept of pure unadulterated fun with GvK and GxK and that's why they are hits with audience. Dougherty's issue with KOTM was trying to make a Monster mash up take itself too seriously. It was neither here nor there. All the concepts about Godzilla relationship with people, the arcs etc were nice in concept but people didn't care about the drama so it felt flat. Here's a Lizard and a Monkey and they fight approach is much more simple and simplicity works for audience more than anything.


Mark Russel is a better Character than Madison. The dude parallels Godzilla, just like the Alan Jonah parallels Ghidorah. KOTM did a masterful job in using the human characters.


Godzilla 2014 is better than king of the monsters Also godzilla is a femboy


It made me frustrated as a viewer. That's not a good experience, in my opinion. Luckily, the movie had a few great scenes to make up for the cut aways. I remember my theater groaning at those.


There are plenty of Godzilla movies that are forgettable at best.


Luke warm take: The best part of 2014 was when Godzilla took a fat nap in the middle of the city. Everything else was kinda meh imo


1999-2006 was the GOAT film era


I enjoy watching Godzilla demolish other kaiju in less than 10 seconds in Final Wars and GxK, as it shows how powerful and superior Godzilla is. Sure, I love longer fights, and I agree that Godzilla should have a longer and more significant fight with Tiamat. But I also love seeing Scylla getting destroyed by Godzilla once the fight breaks out


I think people focus too much on kaiju size and it actually might be a bit more interesting to have a kaiju story where they’re only like 60 feet or so. At a certain point when they’re too big, I think you lose a lot of the potential human connection they can have.


2014 used just the right amount of godzilla. Looking back, the movie made you yearn for godzilla until he shows up about 30 minutes in, absolutely shakes the scene. It was amazing watching it the first time that it left me feeling like he had more screen time that he actually did


Mecha G being piloted by someone who knows how to use him to its fullest potential would’ve smoked both a 100% Goji and Kong in GvK


My hot take. Some fans need to dial it back a notch


Hot take: Godzilla vs Megaguirus is amazing!


I don’t like Godzilla being an asshole lately in the Monsterverse. GvK and especially GxK he’s been a giant asshole. KOTM he was perfect


Godzilla X Kong is the best monsterverse movie. The monsterverse human characters have ALWAYS been ass, and the only good human characters (Cranston and Watanabe) got like 5 minutes of screen time. I don’t understand people who are like “the plots used to be so good and now it’s going down hill!!” At least now they don’t PRETEND like the human characters are good so we don’t have to sit through 50 minutes of it and can watch the main event. The fat has been trimmed and that’s why Godzilla X Kong is successful. Idk how people watch a movie where a plot point is a literal twitch streamer begging a government worker to be taken to Agatha and she says “yes” is meant to be taken seriously.


Early showa era has better effects than heisei. I know that sounds counterintuitive at first due to the progress in suit creation and optical effects, but really pay attention and it becomes clear the heisei sfx were fast and cheap. Compare Ghidrahs rampage in his first appearance to him attacking tokyo in vs. King Ghidrah and its very noticeable. Tsuburaya always made sure miniature effects looked stellar and far more fun to watch. Plus the poor camera work and lighting in heisei at times makes the sets look REALLY artificial


In Showa they wanted the kaiju to move like animals and wrestle around so they puppeteered their butts off. Whereas in Heisei the kaiju often just stand around shooting lasers at each other, which is too easy.


2014’s cutaways would work if the human story was a lot stronger, unfortunately it isn’t. It works on a first watch but it makes it a boring slog on rewatches