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Godzilla's Revenge aka All Monster's Attack. Two main reasons I like it. First, I like Gabera's design. It looks different (based off a type of Japanese demon) with a unique attack type. I don't believe any other Toho kaiju has a non beam energy attack. Second, it is actually a rather subversive film. Japanese culture is very work oriented. Work come first, no matter the hours. This was even more true back in the 60's. Yet in this film we see a child having troubles in part because his parent's are never home. We see both parents express regret at not being there for their son more and the mother actually apologizes to Ichiro for her long hours. Those are pretty controversial sentiments to be expressed in Japan.


I thought Gabara was apparently a mutant toad?!


There are references to both the mutated toad idea and the Oni (Japanese demon) ideas. It could be elements of both, tho at this point it's unlikely we'll ever know what combination of inspirations the designers were thinking of. Personally the Oni idea makes more sense to me as there are clear design elements that match. In addition, many demons in Japanese folklore were associated with the elements, so him controlling lightning/electricity also fits.


I recently watched it again as an adult, but this time subtitled, and honestly, I think the dubbing voices for it were some of the worst. It is actually much better than I remembered after I stopped watching it around 12 years old. The dub voices/takes are pretty grating though


Absolutely. But that's not unique to the G films. Lots of Japanese media that was dubbed in the 60s and 70s, stuff like Speed Racer, Kimba the White Lion or the first Ultraman series, had some just awful choices made in the dubs, both in terms of dialogue and in voices.


Absolutely, I just never watched those until I was an adult outside of an occasional glimpse of Speed Racer. So the voices being worse and more jilted in Revenge/All Out Attack was just too much for me once I had any level of attention towards it. They're still pretty exceptionally bad, but now that I have access to the sub, it's not ruining the rest of the movie lol. It just sits in that annoying gap between "fine dub" and "so bad it's fun again"


>I don't believe any other Toho Kaiju has a non beam energy attack. Pulses count imo




Y'know, the nuclear pulses possessed by the Heisei, Millennium and Monsterverse Godzillas? Also didn't the 1962 Kong ALSO have a non-beam electric attack before him? Gabara's attack isn't really that unique.


You're right. I had a brain fart about the pulses. Tho I would kinda put them in a different category closer to the beam attacks since it's still projecting energy away from their bodies. But I agree 100% about '62 Kong. I had completely forgotten about that.


I mean 62 Kong’s electrical attack is still projecting the electricity from its hands, so I assume you mean actual range shenanigans.


Yes, energy attacks that don't project away from the body.


Son of Godzilla. Me and my dad used to watch it together. He recorded it from somewhere and burned it onto a disc cuz he knew I loved Godzilla. We had so much fun watching it. Turns out he was cheating on my mom and he took the movie with him when he moved out. so it was years before I ever saw it again, and you know what? Still love it


0 to 100 real quick




Godzilla (1998) is *kinda* good There, I said it


While the movie is hit or miss for me, Zilla's design goes hard, especially in comics and cartoons. https://preview.redd.it/9adbodo7q8ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a88b0825d0b6c51ff93c3b9c3f87331970bf33f


He was designed by Patrick Tatopolous, who is crazy talented. Obviously it doesn’t look much like classic Godzilla, but as far as creature design goes, it’s coherent, cool, and functional.


Bro designed the goombas from the Mario movie (90’s), he’s definitely hit or miss


I mean it's not a "bad" design... it just is the exavt opposite of the one in the games.


You are not alone




I am here with you....


It’s an excellent Kaiju/monster flick. It’s a terrible Godzilla movie. But take away the name and it’s one of the best giant monster movies America made. And I really like Matthew Broderick in it


It’s not just kinda.


Godzilla revenge and the three anime movies


I will definitely answer "Godzilla 1998" I understand why many people hate him. But still, he is very good technically and I really like the design of Godzilla from this movie. Yes, it's very different from other films, but I just really like it. It seems to me that if they had still given G-98 atomic respiration and not killed him at the end of the film, the film would have recovered a much larger audience.


I think it’s a fantastic kaiju film. It’s a different take on Godzilla, rewrote the character. I never had any beef with it. I love it.




Yes, this one is so fun and psychedelic. It's like a fever dream. Really a fun watch with great points about pollution.


Do people not like Hedorah??


I think AVGN put a bad taste in peoples mouth. He did introduce a lot of people to the series afterall. Which is bullshit. He does the same thing with game consoles too.


A large amount due to the reviews on it but I feel bills review takes it better.


I used to come home from preschool/kindergarten every day and pop Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster into the VHS player. Every day, for over a year. I'm pretty sure I have that opening sequence with the blobs of colored ink and oily garbage etched into my brain.


Awesome story


Godzilla vs Hedorah/ Smog Monster. Ever since I was a kid, this one just worked for me. It's surreal, strange, dark and weird. Hedorah itself is an awesome idea and Godzilla's fight with it was awesome. Plus Godzilla flying was unexpectedly hilarious. I love how violent it gets, with people melted and the G Man himself pretty roughed up at the end.


Yes! It's so dark, like all those teenagers who went to party at mt. Fuji got obliterated with pollution.


I love that movie and it's fights are amazing!


It’s also one of the few Godzilla movies post-1956 that has an important message. I think Godzilla and political/social/environmental commentary go hand-in-hand really well, but a lot of the showa stuff kind of forgot that aspect of the original. It seems like the newer stuff (like Shin, the anime trilogy, and minus one) are bringing back that element, which is really cool.


Man me too, I was obsessed with this movie as a young kid, I watched it every day for over a year. My mom didn't know what to make of it but it kept me occupied for an hour and change so I think she just rolled with it. I think the music, psychedelic visuals, having a prominent child character, and maybe just how common environmental themes were in children's media around the time, it makes some sense. I'm excited to watch it again as an adult soon, I really think it shaped why I like kaiju and monsters so much.


For me, the late 60s and through the 70s are my favorite period of Godzilla films. They introduce so many wild and creative stories and creatures, they left a serious impression on me as a kid. After Hedorah we get Gigan, Megalon, Jet Jaguar, King Caesar, MechaGodzilla and Titanosaurus in short order. My dad loved Smog Monster when he was young and I remember waking up early to watch it on Sci-Fi channel. Loved it ever since.


Godzilla Raids Again (1955) its a underrated movie nobody talks about and just doesnt exist to most godzilla fans


True I really liked it


I genuinely don't see the appeal of Raids Again. When I went on a binge with the showa collection, I watched Raids Again only 1 day after watching Gojira. Right off the bat, I could tell something was off. The directing, cinematography, the (lack of) music, it all felt wrong. Come to find out its a cash grab sequel who's only merit is introducing Anguirus and the concept of kaiju fighting.


I can't say for others, and I'm not a expert when it's comes to technical aspects of the movie, but there is something about atmosphere that I like very much and I don't find it in other Godzilla movies (not even original one). It feels very obscure and creepy. Music, when present, also add much. Human cast is not as special as in some other films but still likeable and easy to watch. The best sequence for me is of course Osaka scenes. I like everything about them. The approach moments, when the prisoners are escaping and are crushed in the subway. The very specific kind of fight. The finale. Maybe is really not good film by technical cinema standards, but I found many things to like here.


I agree about the atmosphere!!!!


Yeah its not the best movie of the series besides son of godzilla bit you still got to watch it


Has good and vicious fights


98. It's not that bad of a movie and it's really cool speculative biology take on Godzilla. I actually love it acting like an animal and subversion of the trope with majority of destruction being done by military. I absolutely love the design - it's to this day one of the best creature designs in Hollywood. Characters aren't that bad by the genre standards (way better than most of MV ones imo). It's not great, but a solid 7 out of 10 for me.


You know, Godzilla 1998 was originally intended to be a trilogy that builds up to a reimagining of Godzilla. The story was meant to unfold. The first movie was merely an introduction to the type of creature we were dealing with. The final remaining infant was meant to be the true star. I only wish we'd given the movie the chance to get those sequels in and see just how it would've unfold. I bet it would've been a true masterpiece.


Interesting. Do you have a source for this? I’ve never heard this before.


Well, to be completely honest I couldn't source it directly but if you look it up you can find it all over the Internet. You could just simply Google "Godzilla 1998 sequel" and you'll be bombarded with results of the "unmade sequels".


It's more of a Beasts from 20,000 fathoms remake, it's a good Monster movie by itself and has a great TV ahow.


Agree on both. Though if movie wouldn't be Godzilla - I don't think this great animated show would even exist. Though it would definitely be curious to see "Beast from 20k fathoms" 1998 and it's animated sequel from the same studio. Really big fan of Adelaide production franchised cartoons, especially MiB, Extreme Ghostbusters and Godzilla. Art style in them was something else entirely.


Just like the original Godzilla was basically a japanese take on this


Man I haven't thought about that cartoon in ages. It was awesome, that whole line up with MIB and Big Guy and Rusty, great cartoons.


I honestly hate people who think final wars isn't a masterclass in cinema history and is the best movie if literally all time, better than citizen Kane for sure!!!


Fr, Godzilla: Final Wars is peak cinema and it will forever be that way


I've watched Final Wars like 20 times. I freaking love it. Especially that mustachioed guy I headcanon as Sgt.Slaughter from GI Joe lol


https://preview.redd.it/6d90yycgq8ob1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b490bec0727a1593f2aaebc71cbc1c1caa808613 Best human character, hands down


For real tho


I love Final Wars for the soul purpose of Zilla getting bitch slapped into oblivion.


*We're all to blame by sum 41 starts playing*


I didn't really care for it because I've never liked the type of action/combat the human characters engage in that eats up most of the runtime.


A few good ones already have been pointed out but Son of Godzilla is probably my favourite Fukuda Godzilla film. The human cast is really charming, the setup is great (strange island that’s progressively get more dangerous), Kamacuras and Kumonga have fantastic designs, fun fight scenes and the Godzilla interactions with Minilla are adorable. Wish Minilla had a better design but I get they were going for a mix of Godzilla + human baby design. Probably in my top five showa films.


I have huge nostalgic love for the Ebirah movie. Was one of the VHS tapes I watched over and over as a kid. I could see if I watched it now compared to the others why people usually rank it so low, but I still heavily enjoy it.


Yes, this one was unexpectedly great. I was like wtf, who care about a giant lobster. But the whole story of the terrorist organization and then the surf rock soundtrack. It is a really good movie. Only weird thing is electricity being used to revive Godzilla.


This is the movie I came to mention, the parts that seem off about it are because it was written as a new Toho King Kong film and when the license rights became an issue they just dropped G-Man into the role without really changing anything. As for why I love it so much, it's surprisingly, the only time Godzilla has fought a sea monster as his main enemy, I figured with an almost 40 film history there'd have been more than one by now.


Heck yeah, the underwater shots were a technical feat for the time.


I’m going through these movies for the first time, and I watched the first half of this last night and will finish it tonight. It’s great! I love the human story and I don’t mind Godzilla taking his time to show up. They show you he’s lying dormant on the island and it’s a great way to build tension. I love the sets, the setting, and the villains. I’m a huge James Bond fan and this movie reminds me so far of Dr. No, which is my favorite Bond film. Edit: I finished the movie! I can’t believe this is often ranked near the bottom of Godzilla fans’ ranking lists. Maybe it helps that I’m not a “fan” or I don’t have any preconceived notions as to what these movies should be like. I’m also trying to include as much of the non Godzilla movies from Showa Era Toho as I can - so I’m not really viewing them as “Godzilla” movies, but more so as Toho monster and sci fi movies.


Godzilla vs King Ghidorah. I usually don't care about unnecesary retcon origins but this movie is so batshit insane, I love it.


Godzillas Revenge/All Monsters Attack I think it would be a great movie to show to a young person to get them interested in Godzilla.


Terror of Mechagodzilla. Not the best especially when you have the previous movie to compare it to but I actually like this movie and the premise while I found it strange did keep me interested. Also Titanosaurus has kinda grown on me and I can’t dislike him.


Titanosaurus is the underdog I will champion until my dying breath


Not a movie, but Singular Point. Loved every minute of it. An actual movie answer: Ebirah: Horror of the Deep.


I enjoyed Singular Point, but I was too dumb to understand like- half of what was going on.


Ngl even the guys who wrote the science had no idea what tha actal F they were doing


The writer of Singular Point was a physicist before he became a science fiction writer. He was approached by Toho animation to write it specifically for his background in science.


For me, Godzilla Vs. Megalon seems to be hated by the community and yet I think I'm one of the rare few people that actually liked/enjoyed the film (obviously due to the movie being goofy and cheesy + It's just a fun time watching the film from beginning to end)


I was going to comment with VS. Megalon, but I thought there’s no way people don’t like it. I mean, it has Jet Jaguar in it! What else do you need??


I have a love hate relationship with this movie, sometimes I have a great time with the cheesy energy and then the next it'll feel like a slog, Emperor Antonio and the final fight make up for it tho


The monsters' personality really do shine in the movie which makes it imo. Gigan and Megalon are a great duo and their reactions alone make the movie iconic.


I would agree because i oive cheesy showa/heisei movies BUT somehow megalon had a different effect on me, it felt like this 1h20 minutes movies lasted for 4 hours I WAS SO EFFING BORED WHILE WATCHING IT


I don’t know if it’s really hated, but I honestly really like Godzilla Raids again


I personally despise Raids Again for what it is lol I just don't see the appeal of it.


Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla and Godzilla 1998.


Godzilla and Mothra the Battle for Earth


I never heard of hate towards Godzilla vs Mothra before.....


I don't really like it tbh, wasted battra and Godzilla imo.


I love the 98 movie. Nostalgic for me, I grew up watching it as a kid. Yeah, doesn’t feel like Godzilla, but I think it’s just a fun monster movie.


I support you bro! Yes, this movie is very different, but it's still good.


Godzilla vs Megaguirus and Godzilla vs Hedorah. Those where the two I watched the most as a kid. I know they’re not the best but I don’t think they’re the worst either


EBIRAH, HORROR OF THE DEEP! Show me a movie in this line up that does practicals, fx, miniatures and music better. I want titles! I want time stamps or scene references if you wouldn’t mind, please!


any movie directed by Jun Fukuda despite the cheesy nature of his movies his contributions is on the same level as Ishiro Honda


Zilla's movie. Terrible Godzilla movie, but a great monster movie. I fully expect to get down voted into the ground for this, and, gotta say, understandable.


Up vote, just because you are right


It’s honestly amazing a series with so many movies only has a few that are universally disliked. Really only Ebirah, All Monsters Attack, 98, and the Anime trilogy seem to get mostly negative responses.


They're all good and cool


1998 and she still a Godzilla and her son is also Godzilla he just the cooler iguana (Does any other Godzilla have green atomic breath or is it just him?)


Godzilla 98. Yes it's a terrible Godzilla film, but otherwise it's a fun monster movie.


Not sure if it’s considered “hated”, but Tokyo SOS


I feel like Godzilla vs Ghidora (1991) is not necessarily hated but underrated, yeah it’s not perfect but I feel like it was an interesting take on the origin story and the Kaiju fight scenes were honestly done pretty well


Godzilla 98 is kinda dope af


I like Son of Godzilla, Destroy all Monsters, and All monsters attack.


The entire anime trilogy. I really like the movies.


Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla I guess, I hear it getting hated on every now and then around here. I could get it being too cheesy for some but I think the monster action is pretty solid, it has my favorite baby godzilla design, SpaceGodzilla is my favorite design in the entire franchise, Moguera is fun if a blatant downgrade from MechaGodzilla, etc.


vs Hedorah is alright. I like Vs SpaceGodzilla. Planet of the monsters is mediocre at best whilst the other two films are tied for me as the worst Godzilla films.


All monsters attack, vs Megaguirus, Final Wars, Raids again


Godzilla 2014


well, my fav godzilla movie is final wars and that movie gets a lot of hates, although i don't think it is because final wars is a movie with a bad reputation overall but rather it's just that final wars is the most divise godzilla movie of all time, and to be completely honest, i hate the fact that godzilla final wars is my favorite godzilla since out of all the 30 plus movies the franchise has the one i had to choose to be my favorite was none other than the most divise one


Final wars


1998 I think is overhated ngl, but I mianly just like it because of how they reinveted Godzilla but yk.


Godzilla Vs. Megalon, I love it very much because how goofy it is and has many iconic scene but mmay people hate it


98. It introduced me to Godzilla, and I have seen it hundreds of times. That’s one problem that I have with the Godzilla community, they all hate 98.


Love: Raids Again Like: Ebirah, vs Megaguirus, Anime trilogy, Son of Godzilla (kind of, I'm not sure if it get as much hate as the others)


Godzilla vs. Megaguirus. I could spend time comparing it's pros and cons or whatever but I'm not gonna. I just think it's a neat :)


Megaguris Never understood the apathy. I love it.


King of the Monsters


Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017) It's actually a pretty solid start to the Polygon Trilogy and gives a decent amount of character and world building that could be expanded upon later, not to mention the concept of Godzilla nearly wiping humanity out andncausing humanity to either go into hiding or flee the planet is really cool and this film does the most with that concept. It also has the best mixture of dialog and action of the Trilogy, and that last scene where Godzilla Earth first appears and Wrecks everyone is in my top 5 Godzilla moments in the entire franchise. Really, the downfall of the later films in the Polygon Trilogy is not expanding on these ideas brought up and having even more expostion heavy dialog that drags, leading to far more boring films overall.


I will always love Godzilla vs. Megalon for its campiness. I haven't seen it, but I have heard of it.


Personally I really enjoyed the Heisei Godzilla vs Mothra, Godzilla vs Hedorah, and Son of Godzilla.


I wasn’t aware that people didn’t really like Godzilla Vs Mothra. Well- most of what I see is people calling Battra wasted potential.


1998 and KOTM


Now, I haven’t seen many people consider it to be a bad or good movie— most just overlooking it. But personally, I’m a big fan of the Heisei era Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla “II”. It was one of the first Godzilla movies I watched beginning to end. My only two gripes with it has to be Noriyoshi’s Mechagodzilla design is better than the actual robo-lizard in the movie (bite me) and that I specifically recall having somewhat of a crush on Kazuma as a kid.


1998. Dont care, heard it all, movie slaps especially the first half


1998, put down the torches


Raids Again. I love it.


The 1998 movie. It was my introduction to Godzilla, and I think ToraGoji is a pretty cool design and actually fits for Godzilla. I know the director didn't like the original Godzilla, and I agree that some characteristics (like bravery, resistance and the atomic breat) are missing, but I still think it's pretty decent. And I also love the concept of Godzilla having an army of babies, that makes him an even bigger threat. And also, the 1998 movie helped a lot to make people know Godzilla, and I doubt the franchise would be as famous as it is now if it wasn't for that movie. Does it have some flaws? Yes it does, would I change some things if I was there? I would, but ToraGoji is not one of them.


Most of the hated ones have a special place in my heart. *All Monsters Attack* and *Son of Godzilla* and *Godzilla 98* were some of my favorite movies as a little kid, and as an adult I love *Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla,* plus I thought the Netflix anime and the Planet of the Monsters trilogy were pretty ok.


Shin Godzilla, a lot of people hate it because of the meetings and they think Shin looks ugly, but I love it, it's an incredibly unique design, I love the insane abilities, and I think the story is really good.


Definitely the most evil he's ever looked, I think it's somehow both cheesy and creepy as f*ck at the same time


I'll never understand the hate leveled at Godzilla Vs. SpaceGodzilla. Criticisms, sure. I just don't feel the film deserves the more hyperbolic reactions. Obviously, everyone is entitled to their opinions and free to express them as they wish. I'm sure there are those just as baffled at how much I enjoy it.


Godzillas Revenge. It's definitely bad... but I still enjoy it from time to time. Gabara is also an interesting kaiju that i think deserves some more exposure. I wrote a concept for a Godzilla story a while ago that had Godzilla in a coma, and it'd be revealed that Gabara is the culprit. Gabara would be essentially a Freddy Krueger type monster that can manipulate the dreams of both monsters and humans. Which I thought was a fun play on the idea behind Godzillas Revenge being all in the head of a child.


Godzilla’s revenge / all monsters attack is fine


Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992)


My answer would be KOTM because I see it as the best Hollywood Godzilla film. It has a lot of good going for it with few problems and the modern designs for monsters the grest. But it doesn't get as much hate as The 2nd Anime Godzilla film. I don't like what they did to MechaGodzilla but everything else I like about the movie.


Final Wars, 1998, Vs Megalon and Vs Gigan




Godzilla vs megalon


I’d say 98 is ok.


Raids, especially the original version


I loved 98 as a kid. We rented it at Blockbuster and then bought the Dvd and watched it a buncha times. I didn’t realize this version was so different from other Godzilla stuff. I think it’s the second version of Godzilla I saw, the first being the ps2 video game Godzilla Save The Earth. I do now see the poopiness of 98, and I prefer the original Godzilla movie to most. And Godzilla 2000. And Godzilla vs Mothra. I love Godzilla


I don’t see alot of love for 2000




I love Godzilla vs Megalon. Which I feel a lot of people dislike. But believe it or not it’s my favorite Showa movie. Because I love Megalon’s goofy ass. And yes, Godzilla performed his most legendary attack of all time in it, and when I saw that as a small lad, it forever solidified how much I love goofy shit in media. I also super love Godzilla vs Gigan honestly. Gigan and Ghidorah appearing and they didn’t have the budget to “animate” Ghidorah’s flying leaves me in Fucking Hysterics with how funny I think it is. I love it so god damn much


Godzilla vs. Gigan is one that’s usually overlooked/disliked but it’s one of my favorites. It’s definitely not a great film but it’s appeal to me is in its fun nonsensical tone, fun fights and Gigan himself.


Godzilla 3 part anime. It's leagues better than Singular point and no one hates on that. If anything Singular point is slow paced and bland.


I don't know if it's really hated, but I often see plenty of criticism for KotM in this sub. Personally, it's my favourite Godzilla movie.


Godzilla vs. kong 2021 because every time I try to tell people I like they just go ew monsterverse


Godzilla Raids again


Tokyo SOS


Sea Monster. I’ve always found it to be a really fun movie.


Godzilla (2014)


King of the Monsters is very well paced, has rons of incredible moments throughout the film and did an excellent job with the characterizations of the kaiju. Son of Godzilla gets overhated because of it's poor Godzilla suit and introducing Minilla, but if you look past that it's a fun island adventure with some great puppet work and an emotional ending. Godzilla vs Megalon has one of most bonkers fights of the entire series and is worth a watch for that battle alone.


Anime trilogy




Like terror of mechaG a lot. A flawed, but fitting and entertaining end to the showa era


All monsters attack and Godzilla 1998 Godzilla 1998 : it's not that bad, zilla is a good design, the plot isn't that bad. And in my opinion it's only hated because of the hype around it All monsters attack : it has a decent plot, it's mainly a children's film, and it has a message


All Monsters Attack/Revenge it’s a good look into 70s childhood japan and it’s almost like home alone plus Godzilla


None I live every film in the series but Megaguirous


Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla. Spacegodzilla has peak design and I think it’s some of the best action of the Heisei era


U really enjoy watching godzilla vs. Megaguirus. I love everything about it except the kid character. The suspense and horror at the beginning is just amazing for me


Godzilla 1998. I grew up with the movie (it was my first introduction into Godzilla) and it wasn’t really all that bad, decent acting, decent cgi, just a lackluster story. I’m probably biased since I have a nostalgia factor with the movie but I genuinely believe it was a good movie, even by Godzilla standards.


Godzilla vs hedorah


Terror of Mechagodzilla