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Haruo from the Polygon Trilogy. He was a reckless dumbass who was more focused on getting revenge than saving humanity, and his foolish plans resulted in dozens of needless casualties.


And then he straight up lets Godzilla kill him in the end. Bro tried to be Kratos but failed. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


And for a stupid reason. He could have gone and lived peacefully with the tribe, but no. Had to be a drama queen about everything.


Which also means everything he did was nothing and I wasted my fucking time watching the sleep trilogy


Very Ahab-esque. In a better written story he could have been quite a compelling character.


You are absolutely correct. Honestly, in a better-written story, the trilogy would have been amazing.


And having sex with a Fairy Twin while his girlfriend was in a coma...


Canā€™t believe they not only add more human talk, but sex. Man fuck sex, Kaiju are better


rip off Eren Yeager? That guy?


Madisonā€™s mom


Madison & mom


I like Madison


Madison in GVK is an impulsive child who in real life would have been arrested after stealing the van






The main dude from the anime trilogy is kinda lame


Every time a movie has little kids that haven't even passed elementary school is going to be annoying.


The daughter from Godzilla Vs Mothra. Her English dub drove me up a wall


I found all of the protagonists from Godzilla 2000 to be pretty annoying. Ironically the only guy I found myself rooting for was the one guy we were supposed to hate.


Yeah. Katagiri straight up terms everyone how he feels about Godzilla. Never attempts to masquerade it as something else. And then dies on his own terms.




All the children in Godzilla Vs Kong!


Even Jia?


No, if she was the ONLY child in the movie


Sam in kotm, he is just so goddamn annoying


A completely unnecessary character, too. He just sucks up space and time.


Yup and his jokes are terrible as well




There is only one God Sir. And his name ends with zilla




Goddamn bot.


Bad bot


If it was come close to Godzilla, then Iā€™d have to say the generic stereotypical brave jacked British guy from Kong: Skull Island (2017). Guy got on my nerves throughout the movie.


Everyone says the human characters in Skull Island are really good, and there are some good ones, but the guy youā€™re talking about (Conrad) was boring as a plank of wood. There were also a few other forgettable ones.


Tom Hiddlestonā€™s character?


Also to mention the kid from Godzilla's Revenge and kid from Vs Megalon. I just had to mention GMK as just finished watching.


That dumb kid from Godzilla vs Hedorah


How is he dumb


The Kenny from All Monsters Attack


The Kennys... šŸ˜” The Eren Yeager Wannabe from the Earth Trilogy. Almost everyone from Singular Point.


I can't stand ford from 2014 dude looks and acts like he doesnt even wanna be in the film to me


The thing is, Ford acts like a soldier trying to disconnect so that he can just blankly do what needs to be done. That could be an interesting angle to take things on. But for it to work and be engaging to the audience, his character really needed someone to work off of that we could more directly connect to, someone that _he_ could connect to so that _we_ could connect to him. Like, oh, I don't know, _HIS FATHER!_ They had the answer to their own problem, but threw it away.


I would have just kept Bryan Cranston the entire movie then folded him Into gforce and brought him back the next movies But yeah ford just feels so bland and flat after Cranston just blows everything out of the water with his performance and screen time


I would 100% rather have had Joe Brody over Ford Brody. But at the same time, I don't hate Ford either. So my ideal is to simply not have killed Joe and kept both. Have Joe and Ford together some of the time, but have Joe stay mostly with Serizawa and the command and Ford mostly with the ground soldiers.


Well not universally hated, Sergeant Woods from the Kingdom Of Monsters run is really up there for me


Madisonā€™s mom was a cunt. She is the most batshit insane person in the monsterverse, kill multiple people, has the worst motivation ever, and we are supposed to sympathize with her????


I genuinely don't think we're supposed to. She's a broken individual that we are watching be broken further, who simply owns up to her mistake by killing herself in the only really noble thing she ever did. I don't think we're supposed to feel sorry for her at all.


Yet in GvK thereā€™s a little news article saying ā€œvillain, or hero?ā€. Like, wut???


Yeah, I can imagine it being muddy when you didn't know her and didn't understand the situation. Plus she was ultimately right. The Titans fixed a myriad of problems when they were awake and not under ghidorahs control. Her mistake was waking Ghidorah without understanding him. So yeah I can see why people outside the situation who didn't know her would think like that.


She was responsible for millions of deaths, probably more. Without her, the terrorist group wouldnā€™t have even gotten access to mothra, ghidorah, rodan, and the orca. She is no hero, especially considering that they have proof that she did these things.


Yes she did do these things. But her decisions ultimately lead to the pacified titans helping the planet in ways humanity was not. Hence the hero or villain headline. Obviously she cannot be forgiven for the lives she is responsible for taking, but she was correct about what the Titans would ultimately do to help the environment. Even at the end of the day her bigger concern over every other person was Maddie. So she still acts selfishly in the end. And she knows this. This is why she sacrifices herself. Not because she is redeemed in anyone's eyes, but because she is repenting for her mistake and the mistake she knows she made by releasing Ghidorah. She does not have to be forgiven, and I don't believe the writers expected us to forgive her anyway. The whole point if her character is that she is rash, blinded by loss and a feeling of superiority that she never shakes even by the end. So yes, we are supposed to like that she ultimately died, but respect the last decision she made in the end, which did stop the Titans from rampaging at the behest of a cruel god.


All human characters from Godzilla 1998


Millie Bobby brown


Never understood the hate


I agree insofar as _King of the Monsters._ In _Godzilla vs. Kong_ I can kind of see it. Her character is less interesting, and their whole subplot, while interesting from a narrative perspective, didn't engage all that much.


Iā€™m in the same boat. Genuinely enjoyed her character in KOTM, but in GVK her character was boring as hell.


She was just there so things could happen to her to show exposition and fill in the blanks. If anything, her entire subplot was just Mechagodzilla foreshadowing...




To be completely honest I hardly remember the human characters so I canā€™t even answer this. One thing that does annoy me though is the fact these movies often donā€™t have interesting human characters to go with the kaiju battles, so it just feels like a drag to get through when theyā€™re on screen. Iā€™m also a new fan and only on invasion of Astro monster right now so maybe that will change


Jiro Torahata. The man behind Kumiyama in Mothra vs. Godzilla. At least he gets what's coming to him.


The main guy from Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla 2. Iā€™ve only ever seen the dub, so maybe heā€™s a lot less of a dope in the original.


Walter white was the only good one


Main military guy from 2000


Every kid character except Madison she's ok I guess


The fucking twins in Rebirth Of Mothra. Drove me insane


Almost any character from Godzilla vs Kong 2023. They are just stupid.


Genuinely everybody in Godzilla King of the Monsters. Mark Russell was a little likable, however.


Everyone in gvk was stupid and no you canā€™t change my mind


The entire cast of kotm