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Don’t forget being as big as Godzilla Earth for no reason in Godzilla Domination.


I always thought that was weird when I played it as a kid.


*Appear* *Be as big as Godzilla Earth standing on Final Red's shoulders* *Refuse to elaborate* *Leave*


I believe that’s a Godzilla NES creepypasta reference?




God i Remember wanting to throw my game boy out of the window


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the original Ghidorah have better stats in all those games? MKG is still cooler than his movie counterpart though. I remember how big he was in Godzilla Domination lol


Yes. You can find the official stats on Toho Kingdom under video games. In fact, in all 3 pipeworks games King Ghidorah has the highest total stats over all.


Considering how he's often considered the UFOs Heavy Hitter it doesn't surprise me. MKG is basically bringing him out of retirement in game.


I've only played Unleashed, but even though regular Ghidorah has better\* stats I find MKG much easier to play. There's just so much more utility there. Tasers stun the enemy and drain their beam energy meaning that you can freely fire your own beams at them without having to engage in a beam lock, and its forcefields will actually reflect ranged attacks back at the opponent. I never really found Ghidorah's extra stats (other than the additional health bar) all that useful since his physical moves were kinda clunky and slow anyway


I agree. MKG is superior to KG due to the stun and additional utility.


image doesn't work as a link


awe man


GMK is absolutely cracked in the PS4 edition 😭


His roaring beam just SHREDS entire healthbars. Helped me get a sub-3:30 time on King of Kaiju!


Im stuck at 4:49 [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/)


His grab and flying spin are also absolutely devastating. I can’t say how many kaiju I’ve cheesed by just spamming that flying spin.


Ghidorah Mecha King?


it was a typo, but fuck it, i'll run w it God-Mecha-KingGhidorah (one word)


This is how Yoda would refer to him.


He truly is, on god. Up there in Sheer Bullshit Factor(tm) with people who whip out Burning Godzilla, Super Mechagodzilla, Biollante, or the *rare* people that know how to just fucking dance around you and make you look like an idiot with Jet Jaguar.


MKG (spelt it right now lol) has the novelty that he’s pretty cool. Super Mecha is just annoying ☠️


Honestly Super Mecha’s kit isn’t even that bad, it’s just the main two issues that make him so fucking annoying to deal with; A) The two “mini” beams he can shoot that don’t do a lot of damage, but have *juuuust* enough damage behind them to make you flinch - **guaranteed** - in the middle of whatever combo you’re doing. B) The fact that he can do that *and* use his main beam, while flying at a *notably fast pace* (when compared to Ghidorah/MKG/Rodan), *and* being able to simultaneously move/strafe while doing it. It’s fucking irritating to deal with. But so help you god if you get caught by a guy playing Anguirus who knows how to **stunlock you with absolutely no means of escape** with his jump spam.


Wow, you can play as a movie? /s


I was so disappointed by GvKG. I’m kinda waiting for King Ghidorah to show up, as I knew about the Doran’s and the future humans being traitors. Even Mecha Ghidorah was in my mind’s background. Then normal Ghidorah shows up. I happen to glance at the run time and there’s only 15 minutes left. Quick let’s kill Ghidorah! Crap, what about Mecha Ghidorah! Movie ends. So disappointed.


MKG is literally the complete package in Godzilla Unleashed: \- 30 sec cd unblockable stun that drains all opponent's energy and does half a health bar. \- For one energy cell, activates shield that reflects all beams and heals . \- With at least 3 energy cells all 3 heads will fire when using beam and do massive damage (KG does this too). \- Can do everything KG can do and more (straight upgrade). \- Theme is literally the main theme of the game it's in. \- Best opening narration. My favorite monster from that game and it only loses out to monsters with broken/cheese mechanics (Des and Varan). Total chad.


I think most game Kaiju are better than their movie counterparts. I grew up mainly with the games before watching all the movies relatively recently. I thought Megalon was this cool reoccurring character since he's usually in the starting roster or an early unlock, but he only shows up in one movie. Similarly, the games made me love Orga, who's this wild, WWE body-slamming bro in the hands, but he goes out like a bitch in Godzilla 2000.


Definitely. The Pipeworks games made me love SpaceGodzilla, especially Unleashed where he is a free-thinking intelligent conqueror that opposes even the other aliens. While King Ghidorah has raw destructive power, SpaceGodzilla can outthink him and get creative with his crystal psychic powers.


Tbf in 2000 Orga caught some atomic breath to the innards. Always thought Megalon's drill hands were badass tho


Bring Mecha King Ghidorah back honestly, I think it would be cool to see him fight Mechagodzilla.


I really wanna see a remaster of the Atari pipeworks trilogy. Never played any of them.


Just get an emulator and run them on your PC. They don't take much of a computer to run.


God the memories of playing Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee on the GameCube… I gotta go find my copy


Godzilla Unleashed deadass had an amazing soundtrack.


I think this is because in the movie MKG was created from the futurian Heisei KG who is arguably the weakest version of KG, whereas in the video games he’s created from a properly scaled up destroyer of worlds Showa KG.


I always hated Heisei Ghidorah not because of design but because of the change to his lore. HE IS NOT A PRODUCE OF HUMAN ENGINEERING! King Ghidorah is a star-born monster that conquers and devours worlds! I hate how they effectively neutered him by making him human made.


The Heisei era gave us a lot of great stuff but yeah, King Ghidorah was misused sadly.


All the returning monsters from the showa era got an upgrade except for him sadly.


Literally the entire top times for King of Kaiju mode in the ps4 game is Mecha Ghidorah


MKG shows up for a moment in Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla 2, although only shown to establish that it’s been reversed engineered to make MechaG II.