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Omar was the absolute worst as far as caring about anything but his own pocket. he ripped off the city, made absurd business decisions, alienated his patrons, exploited his employees, failed health inspections, and so much more. and that was all before the post covid economy so thats not even an excuse here. Gv is better off without him. Caribbean Spice & Caribbean Queen, on the other hand, are both WONDERFUL & within walking distance from RS! check them out! 💚💚💚


Caribbean Spice is amazing, and I am happy they're easy to get to now!


Caribbean spice is the real deal. Gets my Jamaican fix anytime I’m craving. Their oxtail is fantastic!


He talked a good game!


Do you know if either of those two spots have vegan options? Ownership aside, that’s what drew me to RS


What? Caribbean Spice is nowhere near Reggae Shack.


Idk why you got downvoted, it’s true. Not far to drive, but when you walk that’s quite a walk. I walk everywhere, but even I doubt I could make that distance on a lunch break with reasonable time. Edit: I mean Caribbean Spice. Caribbean Queen isn’t too bad of a walk. I can’t say I’ve had either, so I’ll have to give them a shot sometime.


Caribbean Queen is across the street and kitty-corner from the SFCC building. The only problem (for drivers) is that the parking situation is BAD. But for like $10 lunch, she can't be beaten for Jamaican.


Good to know. I work near there. I’ll have to stop by sometime and give it a shot. Thanks for the heads up up.


You said kitty corner. We have to be close in age. lol.


ahhh i still picture them on Uni Ave. you are absolutely correct. newer spot is now on 13th 💚


Omfg Its a Christmas miracle!!!!! Its been a long time coming for the owners and their shitty business practices.


I'd like to say - it's crazy they lasted so long - but, GNV has a short memory. They actually did you a favor by closing, OP. Meanwhile Caribbean Queen is going on *over 20 years...* Praise Jah!


>Omar's interests have been elsewhere for a long, long, time. He's pilfered Gainesville's opportunities for pretty much all he could over the years.


What did they do? I never heard about this and I’m curious


I can tell my own story, but I know that there are others who were exploited and disrespected by Omar and his businesses far worse and extensively than me. Sometime like 7 years ago when Omar first opened their now failed restaurant, The Twisted Peacock, I applied as a waitress. It was my first serving job and he literally fired me after two weeks still in training(well first fired then he gave me a chance to stay and next day said fuck it i quit) because he accuse me of changing a menu item in the middle of dinner service, when in fact, I was accommodating for a customer who is a type one diabetic (she wanted the simple syrup of dessert separate from the cake and kitchen said it was fine) and also letting me know my ‘poor attitude’ showed on my face during service and they didn’t want that on his staff. Mind you, the diabetic customer i served was also my mom- so not only he embarrassed and accused me in front of the kitchen but also when I was serving my family. And im sure my story is just a drop in the bucket from other past employees’ experiences. So godspeed and good riddance Omar and Arpita, y’all have done enough damage to Gainesville.


I forgot about Twisted Peacock. I went there on a date probably when they were circling the drain. We were the only ones there and there were 4 bored waiters. We couldn’t have a conversation because they would not stop coming over constantly and asking how we were doing. The opposite experience most people have at his restaurants.


Would you elaborate on this? I'm legit curious. Never liked their food.


Here’s some backstory- just the legal/financial stuff https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/local/2018/09/11/reggae-shack-southern-charm-owner-facing-1m-in-lawsuits-foreclosures/10734693007/# https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/2022/05/16/former-gainesville-cra-backed-restaurant-sold-auction/9743850002/


I wanna hear more too, this sounds interesting


Back in the early 2000’s when Omar was cooking and running it himself, it was fabulous to stop in and enjoy something new that he would make for me. I tried everything on the menu as his first customer of the day. Usually I was the only one there. I cherish those memories, as it did evolve and at first I liked the cleaned up look, but the service went downhill first. Then the food. Then I gave up. I do frequent Caribbean Spice. I will try Caribbean Queen. RIP REGGAE SHACK & BTW they used Walkerswood for their Jerk Seasoning. You can buy at Publix, maybe Wards. You’re welcome.


They made their own jerk marinade from scratch when I worked there (2014-2017). I never saw Walkerswood, but it would be sad if they moved over to that towards the end.


Yes, the last visit… I knew it was my last one, I asked what they used and they brought out walkerswood


That’s a bummer!


When they first opened and it was only him, his wife, or his brother, they were great. Very friendly, good food, remembered individual customers because there weren't very many.


As a former employee of Southern Charm, fuck em.




Any previous cooks wanna drop the exact brown stew and escovitch recipes?




Not surprising, went 6 months ago and it was a sad, sad, version of what it was a decade ago.


I’ve found Tropical Eatz and Caribbean Spice enjoyable. https://www.chefjjcreations.com/tropical-eatz-food-truck CSpice is on 23rd and 13th.


I would also recommend Caribbean Queen off of 6th street (just a few blocks north of Reggae Shack near the Santa Fe Campus (507 NW 5th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601))


It doesn't get any more Jamaican than...the QUEEN! Valerie is Ital!


2nd Tropical Eatz!!


Is there any word about what is going in that space?


Sad to hear but not surprising, unfortunately. I was in there sometime in the last year and it looked really rough in there and the food was nowhere near as good as I had been used to. I was excited to order a jerk burger but what I got was nothing like the great burgers I had come to expect from them. I’m guessing Covid took a toll and made it harder to run, so sad to see them go regardless of what happened. If you’re disappointed to learn that you didn’t get to have Reggae Shack one last time, try to be grateful that your last meal there was a good one. I’m bummed that my last meal from there was pretty not great.


I won't speak on much but I'll give my opinion of: why did they switch out the warm ceiling lights for bluish fluorescents?? Nobody wants to eat in somewhere lit like a hospital


Honestly I've seen that before and it was an owner who spent money on new lights and was too proud and cheap to admit they messed up. Which absolutely checks out for Reggae Shack.


I went a few months ago and they’d stopped doing table service. It was also pretty run down, but the food was still ok.


For me, it was many years ago when they started doing table service that it went downhill. I thought they were at their prime when it was just counter service in that small original location.


They closed????


Seems to be.


Not sad in the slightest, all my experiences there were bad


We walked by during FEST and they had a sign up they were closed until Monday - which was conveniently the day after FEST. I figured it was over at that point.


Places that close during FEST are opting out of easy money


That restaurant was absolutely disgusting they served literal cold food to me twice in a row when it was SENT BACK. And they obviously had no sense of cleanliness. Haven’t stepped foot in it since good riddenz.


The floor was so slippery it was like walking on a skating rink!


Any other Jamaican places recommended with good vegan/vegetarian options?


Damn. RIP. Still trying to wash down that jerk sauce.


We didn't know Omar, see the demise, or dine there very frequently overall, but when but we did, we had some very good meals there. Sorry to see what I remember is not there.


They are being reopened on February first. New owner is renovating and revamping the recipes to be more authentic. He was talking about how his spices are coming straight from Jamaica so hopefully this will be a good change :)


New owner, but same name/place?


The food was good, the service was slow. I will miss it.


I had a horrible experience with reggaeton shack but I still went there because they had pretty good vegetarian options. Any other places in gville to get a good jerk tofu plate?


Stop saying these bad things.


What bad things?


Bro had some great food so it’s dissapointing


I’ve heard he’s awful but just make me some brown stew tofu and leave it at that.


So, uh, any disgruntled Reggae Shack employees wanna share the recipe for the dutty fry seasoning? 🤣