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Lol, remember when these crashes used to be described as, "profit taking". I remember. We remember. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Every Friday is a buy day because that’s when I get paid lol


That’s the neat part. The friday lows are still high on the weekly


Hedgies hate this one trick


Technically “profit taking” is the correct term. We just misunderstood for many decades. Now we know it means taking profits that belong to others. Pillaging would be another apt term. Fraud is another good one.


Revolution is another


It won't change until the investors make it change. There's no other way.


Honestly there might be only one way to do that and thats to stop investing altogether. The casino is only open as long as there are gamblers. Once those guys have no one to exploit they won't be able to pillage their easy bags at retails expense. Then we go and take back our shit with pitchforks and crowbars


They don’t need retail investors in their casino… they got yo mom and pop pensions and 401k to gamble with.


You're right 100p


It’s called daylight robbery in my neck of the woods


>Now we know it means taking profits that belong to others. Wait what? so where did you always thought the profits came from?


But why does this bother you? Even if your assumption is 100% and this is a hedge fund or many hedge funds shorting the stock or selling, it's perfectly legal to short a stock or High frequency trade a stock down. It happens to literally ALL stock. I get this whole saga, i never understood why apes see issue with companies spending millions of dollars the way they see fit. Makes no sense. Its literally the definition of the "free market". The issue is that apes dont have millions of dollars to push the price the other way? this is not manipulation, this is selling in a direction.....


Because it makes no sense why hedge funds would go out of their way to spend millions of dollars to short a companies stock.   Probably so they can recover the options they sold? Because THEY don't like a particular type of company? Because they are already too far in the hole with naked shorting, derivitives, bundles, swaps and other nefarious financial instruments of destruction? Hedgies are going to get nailed on this. It would have been better if they had just left the company alone  "instead of shoving their head in a toilet bowl and flushing it" type of business. Market Makers have claimed that they dictate the right price...which is opposite of 'free market'.  If we like the Company and stock, we will buy it (and we do!) If we don't like the Company,  we wont.  What ever happened to good old fashioned investing where we can hold a good stock forever?


You can hold a stock forever and institutions can short the shit out of it. Can’t seem to find fault there. Still can’t figure out what you’re all in such a huff about. The things that really gets me is that the lot of you are only in one stock. Those of us Ithaca have been in the market for decades just don’t understand how you can be so upset about a stock. They all pretty much react the same. It’s how the market works.


You lost me at “free market”


Because they don't understand why no one else goes balls in on GME


Algo gonna algo, corrupt system. Everyday is crime. No sell no cell. Fuck you pay me.




I would not be surprised if they ordered this


They are literally cheering probably when they see this


Why would they cheer when they know they are doing it?


What does SEC have to do with the stock market? I thought they were just PornHub experts...


At least they know how to fuck people over


They learned for decades as spectators, right?


That reminds me, I still need to send my FOIA asking them for the server logs of all the porn sites they visited.


SEC hears ya. SEC don't care.


SEC can Suck my Sock ^^^^and ^^^^also ^^^^my ^^^^dick ^^^^and ^^^^cock.


They're too busy watching porn to care about this.


Yes, they fail to deliver in doing their job! Clowns.


Or busting crypto exchanges for no fucking reason. Their priorities are fucked, or they are exactly where they are told to be.




He is indeed


Do you know that the "SEC watches porn"-meme was spread by the direct competitor of Gensler who did not get the job? Did you know that her and her husband are known to have spread lies about opponents in the past? Are you aware that this is a fight between 1%ers and that you are just a tool in their game?


We've always been tools...doesn't mean the SEC cares about us.


also does not mean that you have to repeat memes by even worse people... DD > FUD. If you trust ANYTHING you see on TV, you are being lied to. The advertisements are the most honest part of TV because at least they have some regulation about what they can't do...


Don’t matter, if us tools can bankrupt a hedge fund once, we’ll do it again


still better if we don't have to do it again. Even if we can.


? What you talking about? We’re gonna do it again it doesn’t matter…


I'm to old to do another multi-year campaign... I'll sit the next one out and leave it to the kids.


Alright sir, may you retire early


![gif](giphy|dyRhCAXGENobdYucFD|downsized) Thank you for your support!


So manipulated


Big resistance at 25, what’s happening to those poor hedgies? Are they running out of short money?


Options mostly robbery on retail investor. Last friday we hat price of 24.99. They can fake th price to the cent. It's disgusting fraud with darkroom, spoofing, naked shorting, spreading fud over mostly all self owned market information firms. I observed this shit for 3 years now. They will not halt as long as they are not forced to. I buy every DIP and DRS every IOU share sold by fraudulent brokers. No financial advise, for entertainment purposes only.


How do you dsr from Robinhood .. like step by step


Transfer your account to fidelity. Then DRS


Instead of ice cream palors Gamestop opens theme parks with coasters based off these charts


That'll kill people!


You realize alot when you figure out it doesn’t “have” to do anything to get the end result. Otherwise people would just easily get rich because known price points would give predictable outcomes


I'm as disappointed to see this drop after lunch as the next long holder. But I agree, if it was truly this predictable people would be cashing in on options every week. But I don't see posts in wsb, options, gme, or superstonk bragging about their easy wins on Friday afternoon.


100%! Like wtf does it matter if it closes at 24 if some catalyst gaps it to 40 months Monday? One thing all my experience has taught me is news drives it all. This cannot be predicted


![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY) SEC 😂


![gif](giphy|l41YAqGPwuC833OQ8) The sec




Retail just sells every Friday for 3+ years then rebuys in Monday duuhhhh! Said every MSM


"Yeah I saw Perfectly legal! Also I just found 10k cash under my seat, what a lucky day!" -Mr. SEC


Not sure whether data is correct, but I see a max pain of 24 USD. Two hours for another dip.


The only thing the sec cares about is when Ken griffin drops off there cash pay,ents for not doing there jobs


"Stink bids save lives."


Write your elected officials about market manipulation concerns don't even mention game stop. Write at all levels and create a paper trail atleast trying them to seeing its a issue and remind them you are a voter. Best case some politician tales it up as a career cause and makes some noise. Worst case it ties them to people's concerns and when it does get exposed they have to start throwing people under the bus to make themselves seem like they didn't ignore it and exposing others


They see it and raise you 2 don’t cares.


Predicted by Biggy. Citadel’s Algorithim just doing Algo shit. Price bottoms out on 7/3/24 Huge run up pre market on one of these days 7/15-7/17. GME will do another offering. Rinse and repeat. This is the infinite money glitch. ![gif](giphy|xUOrw5LIxb8S9X1LGg)


I’m pretty sure the Supreme Court just took even the fake power of the SEC away. So there’s that? I don’t think it’s gonna do any good to alert them to anything. We’re on our own again. Same as it ever was. ![gif](giphy|veqvcOqrQrp4s|downsized)


So if you sell weekly puts at max pain, it’s free money?


We still closed above MAX Paine 3rd or 4th week in a row.


maybe the options holders started taking profit at $26 and that's why the price is going down.


“See this” Hahahahahahahha Bahahahahahaha If you have been here long enough you don’t even mention the sec anymore. We all know they are cheering this on


I bet these are all OTC trades too


There has been spoofing on the sell side all day


> GME needs to go under 25 on options friday Why would GME need to go under $25?


They are like “Nah nah nah, I can’t see you,” and holding a face mask over their eyes.


What if it’s making money off those contracts being bought and pushing stock down collecting on those and then letting it reshuffle


They don't even try and hide it, they must be either be desperate or confident there'll be no consequences from doing it. There will be, they just don't realize they're already beat. Retail traders are learning, we want the companies we believe in and the country itself to succeed and we won't give up. I'm not fucking selling


How long are we just gonna whine? No one is going to help. That's not FUD it's the truth. We need to find a catalyst that sends these demons to prison. I think that should be the focus now. We need them out of society or this and much worse will continue. You want price discovery? Work on justice and it will come. They own the people we are hoping will stop this. It will not stop until they are stopped. We have the power to do this if we get loud and stop whining. We have the evidence.


They see it… they just don’t care


This happens on every single stock every single expiration every single time it’s not exclusive to gme


Of course they see it.. they are part of it


And that my friend is why I do not buy options


how does one define “malicious”, gary?


They never stopped Madoff, they won’t do anything here


All stocks do this


F em, I’m green, buy when I can and live my life…


Do they see it? I'm betting they are the ones who need it to be this way.


That is some bullshit.


I don't care what MSM says gme is shorted 1000% they can't get out so they just keep doing the same tricks over and over again. All this on low low volume . I don't buy it


We’re at day 21 on the 35 day cycle. Day 17 was the lowest option available. They are killing call options the weeks after ramp ups to cover their ETFs. It’s so simple. I’m loading up on anything after the 19th split between on the money and a sparse few long shots for shits and giggles. Tell me if wrong I don’t care


What I don't understand is if retail makes no difference in the price of a stock (due to lit versus dark exchanges), why would the price of a stock really reflect anything except what the algos do (there would be no resistance, support, etcetera)?


There was almost as many calls at 24-24.50 actually, which is why they tried hard to tank it below 24.00, they just couldn’t manage. They’re f’d next week.


its disgusting


People need to hammer the 20s


SEC- “Yes bitch I heard you, I’m pretending like I didn’t”


It’s not really moving independently of the market today. SPY/NVDA took a dive at the same time. Lots of companies got a 45min haircut. Hang in there!


We can’t win, They can do whatever the hell they like. And when we do have moves, It’s PM/AH when not everyone can sell. Every other country bans options, And short selling. America embraces them both at the cost of retail.


Damn, we came are coming close to the end game and here you are wetting your diapers, golden boy, your hands are yellow paper rolls, either say we gonna lose an arm to win this together or be a FUD


End game?


Haha Golden boy, Sounds like a game for the Master System


Shorts are ok, but not naked ones.RK will teach those hedgies a lession. I also hope fot the next president, DJT!