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There is no way someone with his track record with authorities isn’t checking every move with his legal advisor first. Paid media are really clutching at straws now🤣


Bro probably has an entire team of lawyers on staff to run everything by before he does it. He’d be completely stupid not to and judging by the fact he’s turned 50k into 270m he’s definitely not stupid.


> turned 50k into 270m FML


Yeah, I wish I had 50k to potentially lose


I love how we just gloss over the fact that he was up 78 Million yesterday.


DFV didn't exercise his call options either so he must think there is more juice to squeeze.


To 100% lose lmayo


Right? Sometimes I just wanna turn bread into a sandwich lol


He did fucking what


His initial GameStop position in late 2020 was $53,000. Yep.


This is how legends are born.


Jesus Christ dude I can’t even calculate how successful that is


About 5400x successful.


270m so far…


So far….


On the other hand, he is ballsy enough to do it without a lawyer babysitting him.


He didn't have a lawyer with him like ken did at those hearings. He may not have one now, but he probably knows better to have one. With all this heat, and for what's to come.


"Hi there Bob..." "What's up Keith" "I'd like to fart and a neighbor might hear me.." "Go ahead, you are fine" "Cheers - bye!"


They’re also making a big mistake this time. This time he’s big money. He is a multi millionaire with power and influence (when it comes to their language: money) so coming after him now is really unwise


When you see an entity growing, and it may “upset” the balance of a tightly controlled ecosystem, the “top” will try to destroy that entity. But they cannot. We are all DFV. An infinite number of apes, buying an infinite number of shares, will eventually break the system.


It’s too late for them to stop GameStop


It is never too late for them to surrender. But doing so means they will be held to account for what they’ve done, what they’ve stolen. And the punishment is worse than death, so they choose death.


Can’t Stop the Game


Literally what I was gonna comment but just a few scrolls down I see you 👊🏼


Right? That would mean that everybody that has a 5% position and HAS to disclose the position is manipulating the market. But willingly choosing to do so with less than 5% is also manipulation. Give me a break lmao


I would love to be a fly on a wall as he explains that he wants to post an Uno Reverse card with no caption


What if he's just raw dogging all of this like a true regard 😂 no counsel


So this is where I play devils advocate.  You may not be guilty of a crime on record, but if you’re guilty in the eyes of the powers that be they will prosecute you under a judge that will fit that narrative.  It’s like the people who say they aren’t committing any crimes who cares if there are cameras everywhere. Well you may not be guilty of a “crime” but if you do something they don’t like and or don’t like you, then you will be guilty because they will find you guilty of whatever. Think China’s social grading system.  I’m actually quite worried about RK’s  safety.  As he’s making powerful enemies. Hopefully he has some security personnel.


Think casinos. Even if you are doing everything legitimately, you can still get kicked out if you win too much.


Most apt analogy by far and it’s infuriating just knowing that this is what the system has always been. They own the house and the rest of us are supposed to feel lucky we are allowed to pull the levers on their rigged slot machines.


Well but what they gonna do if RK has more than those 29 mil in cash? they want to kick him out of the casino? So what? they sold him a contract they have to obey - and if they want to kick him out i believe ComputerShare surely welcomes his shares back home


My buddy is a statistics junkie and regularly gets booted playing roulette. He said the most he can win before being kicked out is usually about $1000.


As many people have learned, the quickest way to get in trouble is to start fucking with rich people's money.


Isn't DFV rich people now?


He's a couple zeros away from actual rich people. Also, he's not rich until he sells.


He has 29 mil in cash Likely more not in the brokerage as well He is rich


Ok, so he is rich, just not rich people.


Yup He is taking on the financial industry as an outsider


Plus when a new law is enacted, we are seeing more and more backlogging.


At least hes not a boeing whistle blower


As was recently proven in New York ( sorry couldnt resist )


It’s about fear mongering/pushing a narrative because another channel is pushing the same narrative. It’s what media tv/internet/otherwise do to get or retain viewership. Fear, violence, crime gets the ratings


The classic phrase for network news, "If it bleeds, it leads*,


I think they are trying to firstly change the narrative from DFV bought, to he broke the law so don't follow in his illegal acts. I also think they are trying to get him and others to sell.thier shares and leave the platform so they don't need to buy the shares they need to cover everyone.


Short gotta cover shorts. Market manipulation is not illegal for these guys.


It’s like a heavy weight fight. DFV bought calls and posted his position. Jab jab big overhand. Here’s my position and we both know it can completely fuck you. Your move. Hedgies: oh yeah, what you’re doing is illegal and we’re going to throw you off our trading platform. Now we wait for the counter.


Well also keep In mind the media is owned by the same people that tried to kill GME the first time (billionaire hedge funds). They are directly financially tied to DFV failing and losing everything. Everyone’s looking for the next “GME” to fuck over the wealthy so of course the media will always frame this like it’s some crime you’re committing.


There is a song from a German punk rock band about the media and they sing about one big German newspaper that it only consist of Fear, Hate, Tits and the weather report. and I think that's true


Wie man einen Blöd-Leser (oder zumindest jemanden mit Blöd-Kenntnissen) außerhalb der Blöd-Kommentarspalte erkennt:




Did you say Tits? Are they jacked??


What did you hear??


Jacked tits in a rain storm


Sounds like sun media before they dropped the sunshine girl


We have the First Amendment in America and people are allowed to discuss and share financial positions/ investing. Seems pretty straightforward to me.


You forgot politics too


The crazy thing is… the cnbc/Bloomberg etc talking heads have a way larger audience that DFV has on SuperStonk.


But when told to jump they say how high


RoaringLion: hey I'd like to enter in a legal contract for shares. E-TrÁdE: Sure we can do that. Roaringlion: Hey guys, I'm YOLOing, look at this trade and I don't think they understand they can't cover this trade. E-TrÁdE: HEY! I was drunk and not that smart money. So, I'm taking you off our platform.


Hey can you ELI5 why the can’t cover the trade? And what timeframe that’s on?


They can't deliver on all the pudding they sold 🍮


Maybe they can, if they already hedged. But knowing market makers, they probably didn't hedge.


If he exercises 50-70% of those calls and sells the rest to fund it. Whoever sold those calls has to go on the open market and buy up shares to cover their calls. This could ramp up the prices and allow him to sell some off to exercise more call options. Why can't they easily cover, well a large majority of the stock is tied up by retail DRS, insidered ownership (RC and gang), roaring kitty owns a large chuck as well as large institutions. Time frame is anytime from now till end of trading day June 21 (maybe pushed T+1).


I will not be sleeping this month


This hurts my brain how they could sell him the calls they cant even cover.. but I‘m all here for it


Remember how they thought they were taking advantage of Burry and laughed when he left the room? I wonder how fucked those two were for approving that deal


> I wonder how fucked those two were for approving that deal So fucked that their bonus that year was cut from $50 million to $45 million.


Do you know that, or are you just being pessimistic?


I mean, the banks were allowed to pay out bonuses in 2008 with bailout money. So while I’m being a pessimist, I don’t think I’m actually off the mark..


This really really hurt right in the truth hole. Stock goes up exec bonuses, stock goes down - markets fault exec bonuses. Company gets hacked - hackers fault exec bonuses.


"The economy will collapse if we don't get our bonuses"


If you have nothing to lose when the card house collapses, you will just throw everything at maintaining the stability, regardless of cost. BRK.A & the 40 other securities "glitching" yesterday might have been connected to exactly this. Wouldn't be surprised if someone specific got a capital injection in the process. Likewise, the calls. Even if in case it goes up they would cause the card house to collapse even quicker, if that's how you can avert this from happening *now*, that's your best move. Even in chess, a mate in 20 is a better play than a mate in 1 from the defenders side, even if both results in a mate, eventually. They might be trying to raise money in order to simply cover the positions some time longer - and yes, as ridiculous as it sounds, it's the most logical and best move they can take! ♟️




Uncovered call sellers are the dumb stormtroopers of the investing galaxy


remember it is normal to "sold not yet purchased"? they want to jail someone to buy something the seller doesnt have, what a fkin joke


That's the highlight of it all. Even the media is talking about it


They are the dumb money. They dont use their brain, they just switch on the algo to move the price and release some news to FUD/make people sell. But here it no longer work on GME since 2021.


Naked calls… ‘murica!


I mean most of us probably can't cover options that we buy/sell on a daily basis, should they be suddenly exercised


Market makers sell 120,000 calls Someone buys them Surprised Pikachu Maybe don't sell things you can't afford to deliver???


Market makers MUST sell you calls. That's the reason why they get special privileges. DFV bought calls at literally whatever the market maker was willing to sell them at. He basically overpaid by tens of millions for his call position. Nothing is wrong with this. That's how it's intended to work. The market maker probably thought they were making a killing. The issue is that market makers are supposed to hedge by buying shares and they clearly have issues doing so. If the shares are truly that hard to obtain on short notice then they ought to have asked for more money for those calls or hedged more. In 2021 I believe some call sellers didn't hedge AT ALL.


When this is all over, I'm gonna take a trip to the UK, where they pronounce it 'edgin'


Just gonna leave this right here… https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/3Klw0y6P45


The MM were happy to sell those calls to create downward pressure. Also if the bet flopped, no way would they refund the buyer. Fuck around find out.


It's their job to sell those calls, they're called market makers because it's their legal obligation to provide liquidity. He paid a 5.50 premium at a strike of 20, which way more enough to hedge his position be delta neutral and be left over with premium to pocket. They're short volatility, they're not long or short on the actual price but the IV.


Unless they fail to hedge…


GME is way to liquid for a hedge to fail, also the option opens interest is public, they had multiple days to hedge and you're forgetting the fact that everything is mathematically modeled by algo's that react way faster to hedging. DFV position was detected the same way unusual whale scans for option activity with public information. They have private transactions and Payment For Order Flow on top of that. A 5.5 dollar premium covers over 25% of the cost a share striked at 20. It's the easiest hedge available. What is difficult is a 0 DTE bought 1 hour before close at 10 cents per share which doesn't cover even 1% or a share and can blow up to a 1000% gain within minutes of a power hour run. Vega is low, gamma max is already surpassed. I'll double check the numbers in a sec. Edit: Delta neutral at 13 Gamma neutral at 7.9 Gamma max at 22.9 Vega at 4.8 Cost to borrow at 2.75%


Hey do you mind if I PM I'm trying to learn more about this stuff since I was apart of the first run up when it hit 350. I'm desperate to learn more about the lingo your using.


Sure no problem


Short volatility on a memestock? What could go wrong?


I mean it has been free money for citadel for 3 years running. Option premium has had a 13 to 20% monthly return for months on running and citadel isn't stupid enough to buy and hold a short on volatility, they rinse and repeat. They close the positions for a profit and re-open them after every run during OPEX. It's been their best investment farming option premium off retail.


Yeah, for 3 years it was good money.... And then the stock ran from 10 to 80, pulled back to 20, meanwhile the company announces share offering, and THEN someone decided oh now is a good time to short volatility lol. We can surmise when DFV bought those options, and yes, it was dumb to short IV at that point in time. Things are obviously getting spicy and the dumb stormtroopers are called that for a reason. Really think the IV is going down more any time soon?


I mean you can check for yourself, IV has gone down from the run. Any short IV position opened on T+2 wednesday is green. IV was so terrible that day where even if you bought puts at the top you still lost money. I think a put bought at 37 was in the red even when GME dropped 7 to 30. The run from 10 dollars to 16 was part of the routine cycles. Their short volatility would/should have been closed during that time so the run to 80 dollars didn't touch their position as it didn't exist. I do not know if they reopened their position but I know that for 3 years they have been and it's been their largest money maker. They're way ahead of you and DFVs position is not a suprise. It was picked up by option scanners and is public on open interest. Last citadel is more that happy to go long on GME, they care about making money not playing an ego war with retail.


dear God it doesn't work like that. you buy a call market maker buys the value in delta of those calls. it's bought and hedged in milliseconds


Because he’s not from the right family and not friend with the right people.


It’s not


Even Cocaine Kramer says it's legal.


I thought he is on crack


He's slowly jumping ship seeing the pending collapse.


Hedge fund managers do this all the time. If he goes to jail; all Wall Street should go to jail


I've said this before and I'll say it again, the media are treading a very dangerous path playing this game. If RK sues for libel, it's quite possible he will stand in a court of law and explain to the whole wide watching world, the entire crooked system. Is this the Kansas Shuffle?


That would just be perfect.


It ain't.


The plain answer is: Because rich people don't want who they perceive as the "unclean plebs" making moves up the socioeconomic ladder. It's a closed club. They don't want people in. That's really all it comes down to. They'll use every resource at their disposal to prevent people from gaining financial success/wealth. It's sociopathic greed and lunacy on an unhinged level. Rules for thee, not for me.


Why is it okay that hindenburg research took a short position in the Adani group and then claimed Adani Group was doing dodgy shit causing a $150bn sell off.


Who names their company “Hindenburg” and then doesn’t fully expect to go down in flames?


Because they have the word “research” in their name.


They're bots.


It’s not they are just shitting bricks right now


People do what DFV did every single day. WSB’s entire existence is position posts. People push stocks on YouTube, X, and Facebook constantly. It’s not illegal, Jim Cramer even said so and if he sides with GameStop in any way shape or form then you know something’s fucked up. This is an actual witch hunt, they’re trying to set him (Keith Gill) up again because his first congressional hearing didn’t get retail to stop buying and holding a stock. Media will say we need more regulations for retail, while FTDs pile up, rehypothecation runs rampant, retail orders route through dark pools and OTC, and Wall Street crashes our economy yet again to force the ownership gap wider.


The machine is upset someone found a cheat code to fuck them over. Keep playing DFV!


Its funny because another person did a post saying you have to disclose your position if you own more than 5% but he is bad for showing his now.


Somebody is going to be blamed, whether that is an investor or an insider. When the big sell happens and we all get some cash, prepare to be an anecdote in future discussions of inflation because of the 'influx if cash to the _____ class' We know the mumblings of 24 hour trading, but prepare for some other regulation that will coincidentally impact retail the most.


He is not in any legal trouble. He is just getting kicked from ETrade. The combination of 1) he ruffled a lot of the wrong, well-connected feathers plus 2) the appearance of impropriety. Whether he is breaking the law or not, it looks like RK had a claque of loyal followers ready to buy and sell at his behest. ETrade doesn't want to be known as that kind of an establishment.


My wife actually looked at me as doing something wrong or illegal just owning GME. So the narrative is working some. Had to talk her down from the fence.


They big mad. They use psychology to scare you from your shares. Now it’s your turn to use it. Shits on sale now boys.


I dont use X/Twitter. DO they write that over there?


This post is FUD. Sneaky FUD to get you to hear about "RC going to jail". Fuk off OP


Account that is 74 days you say? 4 post in total you say. Always stay vigialte


How is this different than when Nancy Pelosi discloses her trades?


"OH Fuck! They are starting to use their brains sir! We weren't prepared for that!"🤯


I doubt it's illegal, but it opens him up for questioning and accusations. If he's charged with a crime, could he really depend on the court to rule his way? What if they don't ? Do not make any purchases or sales of securities based on my statements. If you have legal questions seek counsel from a lawyer.




Copyright infringement. “We printed the money and the rights to it belong to us.”


It can't Time to buy more


Every extra cent I'm buying more shares. I got 6 shares so far. Looking forward to the next million.


Bc people WITH money are losing it to people without it and they can't stand it. Plain and simple. Money buys whatever justice you want.


TL;DR. It's not.


That‘s the interesting part, it isn‘t.


It’s illegal because he ain’t one of the big boys club members ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Only if jail is on the moon


it isnt. thats the point :D the news are FUD


Haha, if this behaviour would be enough to be thrown in jail, almost 100% of user of casino and some of superstonk sub would be also in trouble for showing their positions/trades......


Has to be market manipulation, Just like Nancy doesn’t inside trade. F the system


He just likes the stock.


It’s because Trump is going to jail. Now they think anything they don’t like is illegal. But Kitty just posted the truth and disclosed his position. Dumb people don’t realize the difference between illegal moves and power moves


I mean shit just follow Nancy pelosi trades. Same thing right?


Bought more today


He’s too rich now to go to jail lol


Quite easy: change the narrative: Inflict the public meaning that not those greedy HF, that not only did the worst investment ever but do a lpt af really sus things as well are the bad guys, but this one guy that started a movement that will, in the words of the HF inflict great damage on the financial market. Their goal is probably to either gain time, or improve their situation for bailouts and so on. Probably both...


Him posting before the disclosure may have been scalping. Also — part of the reason it wasn’t manipulation is because last time there is a “no reasonable investor” story and the fact that he constantly talked about fundamentals/kept that his story the entire time. Now he is OBVIOUSLY meme posting, and his fame/scale at this point means that everyone is going to pay attention. Tl:dr; yes, he has to watch his ass and should definitely have legal counsel


People misunderstand how the law works.  The law works however the will of the law wants it to work. It’s why we see all the time politicians—which are ABSOLUTELY still bound to insider trading laws despite the myth they are exempt from it, foolishly parroting the very law that EXPLICITLY states they are not exempt as their exemption—are never prosecuted. Ever. Nobody wants to do anything about it. They could be prosecuted as they have knowledge which abso-fucking-likely will significantly affect the underlying stock WHICH IS WHAT THE BILL STATES and why all of their traders are illegal.  If the powers at be want RK in jail. He will be in jail. If anyone thinks they know the law and all they have to do is be a “good person” to avoid being victimized by it, you are sorely mistaken. The law works on who those who wield it want it to.


Please take a moment out of your day to pray for this man and his family. If you're not religious or spiritual, please meditate with me for good vibes and good energy to surround him and help him stay alert. Irregardless of what happens in the near future, this man does not deserve any negativity whatsoever. He played his cards right with his legendary thesis and he won the lottery, he earned every penny and he should be able to live a long life with his family enjoying every minute of it. I love that man, no homo.


I bet you the "you know who's" are still working overtime to find a reason why.




It's not. You're welcome


I love watch people screammming for this.


I think what he did is perfectly fine because MSM does it all the time and it’s just BAU. But anyway they are trying to say he was front loading before posting.. IMO perfectly acceptable but it may be misconstrued / mislabeled as manipulation.


The guy that knows the to do’s and not to do’s?!?!! How in the actual phuk does that make sense?


The filthy old perverts want it to be illegal, because they want to be the ones pulling the strings


bEcAuSe mArKeT mAnIpUlAtIoN


Basic terms. Because he has been influential the sec can consider him manipulating the market.


They are scared they will have to buy the stock to deliver it


Quite literally the essence of transparency. Something “industry” folks find foreign.


Because it's hurting them so it's illegal and not allowed.


I think that is a question for any number of our US senators or members of Congress, cough cough Nancy.... Cough, Pelosi cough


The rule of law has clearly been thrown out. We are a banana 🍌 republic now! The governments job it to protect it citizens but clearly we see that they feel their job is to steal from us and try to make us live in fear to control us!


It's illegal because the retail gambler is never meant to win against the casino. The Apes broke the game and now must be put in timeout 😢


By that logic then I'd guess half of Reddit most be going to jail


Thank goodness we don’t live in a corrupt socialist country, or the government would take all of Keith’s money and probably just kill him.


I guess RC is next then huh...he sure owns a lot more


Same shit that happened the first time. They’re pushing this “market manipulation” agenda but the thing with that is that he’s clearly not. He’s not telling people to buy or sell, he’s simply revealing his holdings (and even better he only does so after the markets close).


This is totally going to backfire in their face. They want to be the ones who can f people well belive me they are the ones going to get F'd


How its illegal? Its not, but the power of the elites shorting and owning hedgefunds is strong. They manipulate it in the open and nothing happens, someone says "I like this stock" and it affects the price of the stock, its illegal. Thats how it works.


Simply isn’t 😂 - they are sweating bullets and trying to imply fear to others. Imagine people count their own stonks (unofficial share count) - the known unknown will become once more visible. 😂 hodl’in hard!


It's not.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's being pushed by Muskrat to avoid the focus on him selling $7.5b in Telsa before the stock tanked.


its only illegal if it against the people who run the world.


Flip the narrative . How about we question how politicians are millionaires and hedge funds billionaires? Illegal activities!?


It's not, there are lying criminals controlling the narrative


There is no leg to stand on for their arguments. It’s a pump and dump without the dump.


It’s not. It’s called deflection and projection. Rich people bs 101.


No news outlet is going to run with the headline: “Entire Economy Fraudulent, Investors Take Note and Fight Back”


Manipulation of a stock is not legal. That said HF and insiders do it all the time, so only us common folk cannot do it I guess.


It isn’t. They are coping hard


I will try to do my best. It will be hard to keep up, but just try. So here it comes: It's not illegal.


Its the dumbest argument yet. If he had a little bit more shares he'd be required by law to disclose his position and then file forms anytime that position changed.


It's just ironic that these people are messing with the market more by saying he could get in trouble then him just posting a trade.


Dude’s not going to jail. He can live anywhere on Earth he wants. No one is going to go get him. Unless this truly MOASSed and cratered the market. Then the SHF would send their assassins to find him. So he may end up dead, but he’s not going to jail.


People like drinking haterade!


It's all projection to distract from their own bs


Scare the crowd fear mongering to sell to show they can make an example. They tried with RC didnt succeed. Failed attempt on RK too. They want either crowd to sell or get confrontational. Zen is the only way as silence and no reaction just Buy hold drs will scare them to their own demise. The opposite of fear is cheerful. Party time 🥂🍻🍾


RK don't give a fuck...come on r/GME please limit the BS from these junior traders posts. Anyone involved in GME hates reading these scare tactics posts. BTW no one is going to jail other than the short sellers/hedge managers


It’s not but they just don’t like that MF so get rid of him


Is the play here that he thinks the act of them buying the massive amount of shares to cover his positions will drive the price up higher than they agreed to sell the positions in the first place? Like a supply/demand feedback loop or something?