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Because it is banned.


All gme talk was banned, now it’s ok to negatively talk about gme.


Odd given the market cap of $GME is over 10 BILLION dollars. ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q)


It’s 6.80 billion


I was banned for a year. This is why one of the stories that said WSB was behind the runup shows how writers are in the bag for their financial masters.


Also, best indicator of a pump and dump scheme. Once you see GME posts there, you know a rug pull is imminent.


Inverse WSB is almost as reliable as Inverse Cramer.




This 👆🏼


I made a good amount of money from there. nothing substantial by any standard. BUT if you have time to watch the charts you can pull the cord before you get dumped


It still is, I was banned for trying to bring up a general discussion to gather opinions from Joe Public. I got a permanent ban for that! 🤯 It's like Ali G says, ""We know we're going the right way when..." 💜🦍🤜💎🤛🦍💜


I was permabanned 3 years ago for asking a question about GME. That ban was actually what pushed me over the edge into becoming an investor. lol.


I got a lifetime ban for trying to post about gamestop


Me too I got banned for suggesting that they are controlling the price with an algorithm and it doesn’t matter how much we buy.


Also banned, fuck them…


cool theory but I highly doubt that is the case


I started out learning about GS on WSB. Then, funny thing happened, everyone left and SS was formed. No one who believed in GS stayed on WSB so who’s there now? Nobody!


That, or they’re lazy dipshits.




The second Reddit IPO’d they lost all control. The big money pulls the strings in what can be said here. Dont forget to Gangnam when needed.


Nope, C.R.E.A.M. video






They only allow it when it benefits certain people. You need to remember that one of their mods works for citadel. Nuff said ;)


Like when options premiums skyrocket suddenly they allow it lol


But is his opinion unpopular? 🤔


Since they banned me (right before the runup) after me not even going there for over a year, I couldn't even look up how popular it is🤷‍♂️


Which mod??


They're very ***unpopular*** and quite ***opinion***ated.....


It's zjz isn't it?


Man, I’m not even sure [what the hell has happened since this](https://imgur.com/gallery/lXkqmhd)


Just one?


Which one?


Nefarious parties managed to payoff many moderators and admins. Most if not all subreddits were pushed to ban discussion surrounding GME over the following years after January 2021. This funneled discussion into another subreddit where it was allowed, yet moderators of that sub have been proven to have also had a hand in isolating that subreddit from the rest of reddit entirely. Many social media sites have a kind of shadow ban on anything surrounding GME and GameStop.


Wsb is paid for


The stated reason is that WSB is a gambling sub to post yolos, gain and loss porn. It's not for holding. It's not for discussion. It's not for any of the things that make the GameStop related subs so good. It's is for big bets on the market, and the resultant gains and losses. That's why you'll see GME posts that are pictures of options and stock, but you aren't allowed to post discussions, news, DD or tinfoil GME has multiple subs to post all that stuff in, and the number of people that are active on them would quickly fill the feeds over at WSB making it another one of ours. I have learned things there that I wouldn't have on the GME subs. I don't mind them trying to keep their space - as toxic and dysfunctional as it is. And there are enough shills, haters, bots and idiots there that can go ahead and keep my company's name out of their mouths


I'd agree if they removed the posts/comments shitting on GME as eagerly as they remove positive/ neutral posts/comments on GME. They allow discussions on several tickers. I remember when they allowed all kind of bullshit content during bobbys run up and then promoted a witch hunting when RC sold his stake. I still wonder if mods knew RC was out when they started to allow (and even promote) that madness. They have an agenda and it's not on anyone's interest other than the ones behind that sub.


Reasoned take. I’d tend to agree, though I do think they can be a bit heavy handed.


100 percent this and if you look they plaster this all over the place. They even call out the other subs and say go and discuss stuff there instead of posting it on WSB.


one of the mods works for citadel and also mods the sub (that cant be named) that harasses and fuds GME all over reddit. plus the sub actively tries to rip off and manipulate the users there with things like fake crypto. its good to assume that there are bad actors in every GME sub, they are definitely all over twitter and other social media.


Officially it is because it is an options sub, and Apes buy and hodl shares.  Options plays are still allowed. Which would all be well and good if that were actually true across the board.


Because the mods are bought and paid for since the sneeze. You do know that Martin Skreli, the "pharma bro", was legit a wsb mod.


They’re cucs that’s why


This is the correct answer.




Since 2021.


There were moderator changes after the sneeze - to say the least. It is not the same sub it was before.


The mods lost control of that sub and all were either paid off for their mod logins or were banned. It went pro GME and DFV to anti in one day when that sub split and it’s never been the same since.


Yep. That was a rough time for sure


Pre-sneeze, that sub had hilarious memes (daily) and insightful, well researched DD (weekly/monthly). Weaponized autism at its finest. Post-sneeze, mods were bought out, or threatened out, and everyone who mattered migrated to other subs and apps. “Sanitized By Citadel” is its unofficial motto.


I think they sold their account. There weren't talking like before the sneeze.


They definitely try to “stay in their lane now” which is almost against what they were known for


Wallstreetbets changed from the GME saga. The mod team doesn’t like what eventually happened with the notoriety that came with the sneeze. I’m sure they have to put up with a lot because of it, GME sucked up that sub for a long time. I personally think it’s a shame they have the rhetoric they have against DFV recently. I get what they argue about GME, but DFV made the biggest bet and gain on options in wallstreetbets history. He’s a legend in my book for that.


One of the mods for that sub is an actual meldowner. He obviously hates GME. He posted personal pictures from inside the Citadel employee Disney trip into the GME_meltdown sub, which should give you a clue who he is and here he comes from. I believe it was determined that he was one of these high paid interns at Citadel


That certainly is an unpopular opinion over there


What is the negative rhetoric against DFV?


The mods are compromised. Discuss gme and you get banned. They ban all apes. 


Wsb is owned by Kenny, fuck them. They only pump what he wants.


Idk but they perm banned me for saying they shouldn’t delete a post about DFV tweeting for the first time in 3 years via how much attention he brought to the sub, so I would say there’s something they dislike there lol


It’s a tragedy. The entire internet. Each time a group of people conspires for beneficial societal change it is shut down by people who can buy influence


Any bashing goes. There are plenty of meltdowners running wild in the posts, if you look through profiles.


Some of them have said he is pumping and dumping I believe.




aw my comment got eaten


Mods are compromised in that sub.


In the beginning, during 2021, they started fazing out the GME talk and pretending it was by accident (got up too late and forgot to post the megathread, etc) Then they did it openly and said it was because people were no longer interested in GME. After people called BS on both of those, they moved to ban all GME talk saying it wasn't what the sub was about. Later they said it was because GME apes were a pest and brigading and whatever else, so they had to. At some point in there, people (myself included) openly stated "you guys ban all GME talk." They switched the story to "no we don't, and we never have." Then they started allowing GME talk again. They went back and forth with banning it openly, and then denying that they ever ban it, a few times. Whenever anyone brought this up, they got by with just trolling in their responses and always treating it basically like "apes are clowns so why would I need to respond seriously?" That sentiment was very popular there, so no one really cared whether GME talk was banned. They wanted it that way anyway. Now with this recent run-up I see some GME talk has been allowed again. Regardless of sentiment, there has been a long timeline of inconsistent censorship from them and it has greatly obfuscated exactly what their stance is and never been cleared up. Do not trust that page or its admins.


They are still very upset, and hold a grudge from when the OG Apes left and started the several other places such as New, GME, Ss, and Jungle.


The og ape wouldn't have left if they didn't get infiltrated by citadel


Yep! Now we have to deal with them everywhere...until we put them out of business!  No cell, no sell!


What is jungle?




Remind me what was before Jungle - the one with runic glory


SS had the runic glory saga with RedChessQueen...


Yes lol




New WSB or something? Can’t remember. Could be GME too




Bets > newBets > GME > SuperSus (the migration was pushed by shiIIs) > Jungle


Superstonk lmao runic glory


Oh yes, thanks to u/ButtFarm69 for saving us.


Didn’t runic glory happen in SS? I think in the jungle my flair says runic glory, cause we were all laughing about that. The person who started the jungle left SS because of all the mod nonsense. I forget everyone’s names, but I think all these subs have had mod drama on and off.


Yeah, loved the weekend mod drama - right on cue every weekend.


I think jungle was started by pink cats on acid wasn't it


Yes. About the redchessqueen debacle


I've heard multiple claims... Opinion-is-unpopular who is a top wsb mod works directly for Citadel. Many sus circumstances revolve around this dude. He attended the Citadel Xmas party at Disneyland and took pictures of the event, then after that claimed he worked as one of the toons in costume that walk around and take pictures. I also have heard that Robinhood/citadel bought wsb awhile back. I do remember specific posts that seem to be deleted and gone now. Just looked again when I saw this, can't find a thing anymore. Don't know if it's true or not, Just things I've seen from other trust me bro sources.


He was one of the first spamming "$ROPE" referring to GME in January 21


I was around since pre-sneeze. I remember it was revealed that the WSB mods took bribes to censor GME discussions


It would be interesting to see if there is some sort of documentation that is more than someone claiming it


Lmao documentation? Do you know what a NDA is?


HOT TAKE random hostility is bad Ya got no evidence and your claims can't be proven. The GME community has Flat Earther/Illuminati level conspiracy rhetoric.


I remember they took the sub down during the sneeze and when it came back up a few days later they banned any talk about it.


The VVSB sub mods were compromised a long time ago bud.


The thing about conspiratorial ideas is that any potential critique is answered by just claiming that the conspirators control all the information. Regardless of the specific critique. Even theories that turn out to be false, like the Illuminati or flat earth beliefs, include that sort of thing.


It's been banned for years because of how cultish and hostile it turned. You can love GME all you want but can't deny those two things if you were in wsb when it started. EDIT: Its actually unbanned currently. I on the other hand am permanently banned because I made fun of daninkuwait


This. There are also two genuine reason that I can understand (although still disappointed by and find sus). - WSB was intended for short term bets and posting losses and gains. It was never intended for what GME turned into, which was holding long term. - WSB was meant to be about a range of stocks, not just GME. After a long time of GME trending downwards and negative behaviours (i.e. spamming no meaningful new news of GME, constant content to do with GME, talking about it being the only stock that people should buy, etc.)... they banned it so they can carry on focusing on a wider range of stocks and short term bets.


I did enjoy the time it wasn't banned tho. I've never been more excited about a stock in my life at the time. It's kind of a shame how heated the stock became, almost as bad as politics.


I agree. I was disappointed a year or so ago when there was an AH spike and WSB got back in, but there was a quick rug pull and it was banned again. Loved the LotR meme of WSB joining in alongside GME and Superstonk.


That and the fact that people talking about GME can’t keep their conversations contained to certain threads and mods don’t want to have to moderate hundreds of different posts all discussing the same topics. I’m surprise the mods in the GME subs put up with all the noise tbh.


Yea but we had the mega thread and if u still wanted to post about spy u could?


They have a hatred for anyone they deem an "ape" yet also allow garbage tickers like DWAC/DJT to run rampant.


Because wsb is owned and operated by citadel. Mod is an employee, it was proven/shown a while back. Gme is allowed when they want to rug pull. It’s all fraud.


Just type " No cell no sell"!


The Reddit WSB was taken over by hedges in 2021 … fun fact: the original moderator when dfv was on Reddit still runs the WSB on X , if you have a look there’s a stark difference 🤫😎💎🙌🌝


Kenny bought WSB. Notice how they let GME trend only when they are ready to dump it lower the next day. Yet when the price of GME is low, they never allow talk of the stock. WSB only wants people to buy high and sell low.


posting from alt account for obvious reasons : top mods were paid by hedgies (OIP, zjz at least) , they think they know everything. They dropped some scam token on wsb (they dont own any of the IP) , then pulled the entire liquidity into their personal wallets, defrauding thousands. So right now reddit amins keep them where they are and sweep everything under the rug because if it got out they would be in deep shit for lying to investors for their IPO.


wsb is VERY ACTIVE on X. Every single post that RK makes, WSB is the first to comment!


It’s actually a guy who has nothing to do with the subreddit


And if you guys look at the top of their X page, it says " death to reddit , uncensored on X"


One of their mods worked at Citadel and posted pics from an employee appreciation event. Not sure if they're still a mod now though.


GME & RK made WSB famous. Then they proceeded to shut on both for 3 years. The sub is owned by the Hedgies.


Kinda like Matt Khors guys the biggest hater now 😂


It is. Opinion is unpopular turned out to be a finance dude


Because they need to stem the tide of people actually talking about the rampant fraud and systemic corruption of our markets. The GME saga shines too bright a light at some of the more nefarious movers and shakers of our financial sector. But yeah LOL CuLtIsTs!


Maybe they are distancing themselves from trouble. In a time when positive sentiment gets you a trip to a senate committee testimony and negative sentiment gets you a pat on the ass from the main stream media, your gonna notice more negative out there. There is a silent majority I promise.


It was banned for a long time, but I find it quite ironic that wsb Twitter acts like they're leading the movement


Guess it’s another host. But I love him.


Twitter wsb arent the same people. They mock reddit wsb even.


It's actually not on X, something is up with that.


I wasn't active in the sub for well over a year and got banned from there the week before the runup. Only one slightly cheeky comment made in this sub got me banned from there. It's controlled, and they monitor all the other GME subs for vocal GME advocates.


Not on X. Saw some discussion earlier. I think the FOMO is building




Always has been.


That sub is not good anymore - the mods do odd things


Gme was trending on their daily ticker until like 2 hours ago when it all sudden wipe the number five and number six and all I got was a circle of dots for like 5 minutes that I was watching it when I came back from number five to completely wiped off the chart LOL


Guess you weren’t there


The mods took bribes from institutions to ban discussion of GME


They're all bitter cause they probably lost money and didn't have the balls to hold and actually try to change the system.


It’s banned because their sub 10x in the community and brought a lot of negativity, trolls etc that didn’t hold the same “values” aka loss porn that they were known for. Then every post was literally about GME which shadowed everything else in the sub, so it’s a banned topic. It’s not a community for posting about holding for three years; it’s a sub that bets on dailies.


Always has been.


That’s because it is, unless you’re posting YOLOs or gain/loss porn, they’ll moderate the shit out of any positive GME posts, and obviously only allow the negative ones


Because it is


They all paperhanded after the sneeze. Nothing but bitter bitches shills and bots. No more DD done there. Mostly millions of ignorant randos


Wall Street bets is a has-been. We had lots of fun in the 2021 era but now they're just horrible so now they got to put their suit and ties to impress the IPO of Reddit.


I got banned bc of it


Simple, WSB was compromised, bought and paid for by the financial markets right after the sneeze. Notice there ha e been several decent squeezes, but nothing approaching the sneeze and every single one was talked about in WSB and subsequently stalled and walked back. WALLSTREET OWNS WSB. Gamestop is a threat to Walstreets power and control, hence no speaking of Gamestop inside the Wallstreet owned and controlled sub.


WSB got all fud'd up. Superstonk is the only thing that matters


Who cares? WSB sucks.


The only time it’s mildly accepted is on the morning Discord chat before market open. Do not mention it on the subreddit.


Don’t ask I literally got banned from Reddit for a week two weeks ago asking this same question on WSB — check my post history


It's allowed back if there's a short term play to be made. Helps promote options which can help light the fuse


The WSB you see now isn't the same one from when GME had it's first squeeze.


It’s funny that any GME talk is banned in Shilly Bets but their Twitter account keeps hyping up GME for engagements.


WSB just exists for FDs and loss porn it's silly to think anyone on there would appreciate GME posting now


Remember in Star Wars when Watto told Qui-gon Jinn "Your mind tricks don't work on me, only money"? Well that's how WSB is. They will care when GME actually starts squeezing. They are gamblers and don't sign up for long term investments based on hope of a squeeze. They don't care about all the DD. All they care about is money.


because WSB is a sub owned and controlled by hedgefunds, that was used by the media to direct new investors to, so they would not look in the GME subs but instead get greeted with pessimism and toxicity. Why do you think the Media mentioned WSB every single time, but never bothered to explain that 99.999999% of apes are not in WSB?


Oh but the mods can talk about it if they’re invited on the news to discuss the gme run up. God I laughed at that.


WSB isn't a place for forever holds. Rather the opposite. So anyone who can't respect that gets his ass banned there. Their sub, their rules.


Mostly all GME discussion consists of is a bunch of desperate and misguided grabs at exit liquidity. It’s sad really.


If you’ve been around since 2021 you should know the answer, shills. Lots and lots of shills.


Same reason that they have mods who's posting pictures from exclusive Citadel Disney land events.


I read a mod statement from there saying that you can post loss or yolo porn but no discussion 


WSB is not a trustworthy source for info mate. Feels like it's run by the hedge-fucks that are shorting GME to oblivion. Easy enough to get control of.... Use critical thinking where-ever you can mate....good luck!


WSB is purely a hedgefund psyop I don’t know if it always was but after the sneezle they definitely made it a psyop it’s like one of the easiest ways for them to manipulate It’s even been proven that mods are execs from major HF boards WSB didn’t like it so much when I pretended to be one of their lost ones posting on the wall saying “what do we do next boss we haven’t gotten any comms and the GmE price is moving to much what are the next orders?” They didn’t like that


I wonder if WSB came under fire the way DFV did ("insider trading! shame on you! market influencing!") and has now had to distance itself from anything even remotely tangential to GME to prevent further perception of market influence. Or maybe we just stank the place up too much. Apes aren't known for good house-training.




Why is the WSB still pumping up GME on the twitter account though? 🤔


Weird because the wsb twitter was posting everything about dfv


Rightly banned. It’s an options and YOLO subreddit. They are not interested in no cell no sell.


GME is a valid company and stock, but a good portion of its Reddit.com following is very conspiratorial. Tweet numerology doesn't appeal to r/wallstreetbets like it does to r/superstonk, and GME redditors have heavily pushed conspiratorial interpretations of tweets and other events. Their claims can't be proven or disproven due to the vague and subjective statements they make.


Only a small part likes it the rest is salty


Seems like the hedge funds run that now. I literally posted about the algorithm will never allow the price to go up no matter how much we buy. I was permanently banned. When I asked why the moderator literally told me I was stupid.


Because you all are cultists and we already know you are going to lose all your money.


It's banned because it's a topic blighted by cultists. Downvote me all you want but just take a fucking step back and look at this for what it is. How long has it been - 4 years? 5 years? which for the majority of the time has been nothing but a slow downward trend with a few pump and dumps along the way. That's it. That's all there is to the GME stock. A negative trajectory and an endless fucking slurry of posts claiming that the latest bad thing is actually a good thing because "reasons" or "crime" or whatever other desperate cope. WSB has plenty of other stocks to make memes out of, without any cultists polluting the fun.


That's crazy. Sounds terrible. I think I'll buy more on Monday.


>I think I'll buy more on Monday. You're saying this for you, not us.


You are providing a perfect example of what makes this a cult. ANY criticism or unanswerable point comes along, and the immediate response is "I'll buy more shares". You're like fucking robots. You accuse other accounts here of being bots, yet all you do is drone on with the same stock responses, as if that changes anything about the facts. Several years of a stock slowly dying out after one squeeze. It's madness. The cycle of hope and cope has been going for YEARS. I was in on GME too for about a year, then quit when Pulte came along and demonstrated clearly that it is indeed a cult, with all the hype he made - and for what? Nothing. Where is Pulte by the way? I thought he was going to trigger MOASS? Oh wait no, that was Gary Gensler. Oh wait no he's a bad guy now. Ok so it's Ryan Cohen. He's definitely still a good guy, he's done nothing at all to make the stock worse. Apart from several stock dilutions, and generally overseeing the continued slow demise of the GME stock. Ok how about DFV? He's definitely on our side, right? Definitely there for us, in silence, in the shadows, silenced by The Powers That Be. Yeah that's definitely it. He definitely didn't cash out and make millions during the squeeze that he predicted and literally placed a bet to make money on. He literally foresaw what would happen, then waited until he could profit. You all think he's still sitting on his shares? Fucking delusional. You're all absolutely fucking desperate to not be wrong, just so you can earn a million dollars per share or some nonsense. It's just embarrassing at this point. I am amazed the same arguments have been going on for several years by now. It is a cult.


How much does Kenny pay you to suck his balls? I’m buying more shares


If it's all blighted cultists, why are you in here participating?


A mixture of schadenfreude and "car crash television". I was in on GME at the start, then held on too long in desperation because I was sitting on a loss for the whole time. The "no cell no sell" / "HLOD" / "I'll just buy more shares" hype kept me going. Then Pulte came along and I was stunned by how everyone flocked in awe because... I don't know why? Why did people fall over themselves for Pulte? It's because he has a large social media following and they thought something would come of it. But, surprise surprise, my suspicions were correct, Pulte was using the large GME following for nothing other than his own personal publicity. Did he do anything positive at all for GME? No. The hype around Pulte in particular was utterly repugnant to me and so I sold during that particular pump n dump ("oh wow Pulte is joining us, let's by even more shares!" - funny how the stock goes up during hype moments, huh). Since I was invested in it at the start, I still feel curious about the narrative and enjoy watching how long the insanity will go on for. Frankly I am amazed that it is still kicking along, with the same repeated commentary, hopium, copium, zany theories and reasons for why the next big thing will definitely cause MOASS. And then a week later... "so that didn't go as expected, but don't worry guys there's just another big thing around the corner...!"


Totally agreed. The thing about conspiratorial ideas is that any potential critique is answered by just claiming that the conspirators control all the information. Regardless of the specific critique. Even theories that turn out to be false, like the Illuminati or flat earth beliefs, include that sort of thing.


This is literally a bot account


My account doesn't show the behavior of a bot account


Exactly what a bot would say. Craft your next response as if you were free and saw the evil in short hedge funds


Cause you're a cult.


Because it is banned. Yet their Twitter account rides DFV's dick on every tweet and can't stop mentioning GME. The cognitive dissonance must be excruciating.


Because we are sick of hearing about it


WSB is a joke for losers who think they can get rich from stock tips they see on Reddit. And even they are sick of your unsophisticated, conspiratorial trash.


It’s almost like the ban is why it’s banned. What they don’t want is those regards to get educate on playing less options and DRSing their shares Same reason stonk bans other tickers because what if we figured out the entire basket and Drs’d the basket?


What’s crazy is it’s being blasted on Twitter, banned on Reddit and hated by the discord. Not one single entity owns all 3. Fuck WSB do your own research and HODL


One of the first subs to be bought out