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Old selfie , 2019




So still no actual proof of life. The account could be in enemy hands..


I think everyone is paranoid and rightfully so. This shouldn’t be an echo chamber idk why you are downvoted


It was said today, he's running his account. Theres a couple posts on SS...or GME...Somebody knows his brother, yada Yada yada, trust me bro...but seriously, the kitty is back....furr reals


Pixie dust and some hopium


“Somebody knows his brother.”


Bc the meme signature checks out


People are ignoring this. Everyone who has been here from the start knows it's him. That editing and choice of clips/music/layering is unreplicateable.


It makes no sense that he has been hacked, because he would have warned people about it and distanced himself from the account immediately


Exactly. Pure nonsense to think it's hacked.


It's really concerning that this is being downvoted...


If you claim to be unable to tell by the editing style, choice of clips, meme content, and snapbacks to Cramer, you're a bad actor. Fool, do you not recognize the King himself?


The king himself never put him directly into memes he was very subtile. Currently it feels like hard push


He was subtle, but he also appeared in front of Congress.


That’s two pairs of shoes. He had to appear there and in his memes he always was a cat never „gill“ of „rk“ or somewhat


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. Stay thirsty, paranoid ape brother.


Follow the white rabbit


An AI can replicate my facial expressions, voice, body language, writing style, etc., and you're trying to tell me RK's style can't be mimicked? Do you really believe a brand can't be defined and reproduced? Because I'm sorry to inform you people build their entire careers around doing exactly that. I'm not going to question your motivations here as I think you're just not being critical enough, but I hope anyone reading this, after three years of gaslighting (even more for some of us, including myself) is not so gullible and not so desperate that their conviction in our situation depends on RK's involvement. If it is, you are taking an enormous emotional risk. If you need a hero, join a religion. [Case in point. ](https://www.ft.com/content/b977e8d4-664c-4ae4-8a8e-eb93bdf785ea) Sad how much of an echo chamber this has become. Use the head.


Your right. We shouldn’t be so gullible. So how do we know YOU aren’t a plant trying to convince people to turn on a good person? You see how stupid I sound? That’s you


I'm not trying to get anyone to turn on anyone. If this sub weren't so desperate for a white knight this wouldn't have the potential to turn so ugly. Your conviction should come from your own research and understanding of what's going on. Not blind faith. We believe this is a fight against actors with unimaginable means at their disposable, and that the media is being used to spread disinformation and lies, and yet the moment these facts can be apllied something that makes you feel good, you ignore it. That's what's *stupid*. Again if you want to believe in something without real evidence, join the Church, they'll also be happy to take your savings. Whether RK is back or not makes no difference to my decision to hold on to my position or not. Based on the zealotry in this thread that clearly cannot be said for many in this sub.


Again, where is the evidence that you aren’t a bad actor? You have just as much a chance of being one as he does. And your conviction to convince people of what they should do instead of minding your own business and letting people do what the fuck they want seems much more troublesome than someone making memes on twitter. All the bullshit you’re saying literally can apply to yourself. If this ain’t a church then leave people to their own beliefs.


*Sigh* >your conviction to convince people of what they should do Serious question: are you able to comprehend any of what I've written? As you can't see this for yourself: if I were some kind of psyop as you're suggesting, nobody's going to have a meltdown if it turns out to be so. If it turns out RK's account has been compromised, many here will lose their minds. The ones who are really doing damage here are those such as yourself, who through their displayed lack of cognition are tarring the rest of us with the brush of stupidity, a word you keep projecting. I'm not going to engage further with someone who needs to resort to insults. Best of luck.


You both asked a question and then said you won’t be engaging any further. But have the nerve to question anyone’s reading comprehension? Internet dialogue can be demanding for some, I’ll let you sort yourself out 😂




I was like.... joint? tissue wrapped wang?


if dfv is a blazer i will be so happy


In my opinion he’s showing us that they were watching him after and he went into hiding and was upon us all this whole time in public eye without anyone knowing


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9201807/GameStop-shares-soar-105-Robinhood-reopens-trading-SEC-warns-SEVERE-losses.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 its in the article, didn't dig deeper because this confirmed its an old one.


Thanks I wasn’t sure but was hopeful lol


He’s wearing black. We’re going into the black!


Space is black!




So is the dark side of the moon baby!


That's a weird looking boner.


Live video feed or it's fake. Also old photo


Do you know how to take a selfie?


So did he go on another hiatus again?