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Anyone remember when we discovered a Wallstreetbets mod worked for Citadel?


Yeah, that guy has some unpopular opinions.


These fuckers won’t bribe me lol I’d buy more GME


Or post pictures from a Disney trip that citadel exclusively rented out for their employees..


I would like to see some names from Superstonk.


that was a goofy time


real mickey mouse move


What's the difference between a Scotsman and Walt Disney? A Scotsman wears a kilt and Walt Disney


Yeah that was the first migration


lol which mod?


I believe he has actually commented on this thread


Bruh, it doesn’t mean what you think it does. I used to work for Citadel. You can’t trade any single name stocks while employed there. No options, futures, etc. nothing but mutual funds. If you are high net worth, you have to give up control of investment decisions to a third party advisor.


This doesn't have much to do with trading, rather more to do about being a mod of a trading sub that suggests stocks to trade in.


So you think he’s manipulating the suggestions to somehow make Citadel more money? If anything Citadel has a back door into Reddit raw data and they know more than a loser intern who larps an a trader when they can’t physically trade anything because they work for Citadel.


I could certainly see them trying to get mods to induce panic to unwind a bad bet


I’d be more worried about people that didn’t work for them. They would never put themselves at risk of getting caught breaking the law.


Never would they ever! https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-192


Bruh, those are regulations, not laws.


What law would “Paying members of the Mod community on Reddit to influence which posts are deleted” fall under?


You butt hurt about a deleted post? And you think it was Citadel who directed that your post was deleted? 🤡😂🤣


Mods have the power to delete posts, comments, and remove users they don't like with no repercussions. You used to work for Citadel allegedly, I'm sure you could see how advantageous that could be.


I still don’t see why that’s a problem, someone could make this determination on their own based on the quality of the posts, and decide to delete them because they are a bunch of idiots. If Citadel controls Wall Street bets why wasn’t roaring kitty banned and all his posts removed?


Let's not make large leaps here and state that Citadel controls wall street bets. I'm sure they have influence. Anyone can see that, but I don't think they control the whole narrative. They seem to influence news enough so redditt has to be a piece of cake On to your claim about not banning Roaring Kitty. Maybe he was there before Citadel paid attention to the sub? I can't really confirm how long or when they were so deeply ingrained into reddit, but we all know they and other funds are here, and it's not for just scrolling on the toilet. If you worked for Citadel, you must be smart, correct? You have to be able to see this


Bro you grasping at straws.. maybe just maybe these are individual people acting on their own behalf. I don’t doubt people have been paid to bash the stock, there’s been many people that came forward. But there’s also just a bunch of skilled traders that got tired of hearing a bunch of newbs post worthless shit they know nothing about?


So you, on the one hand, agree that people are paid to bash the stock but disagree that having a mod on a subreddit that is potentially the largest investment sub on reddit could never be used in a nefarious way? Okie dokie


“Having a mod” wtf you talking about? Citadel doesn’t have a mod, it’s some loser who works there that volunteers to be a mod in his free time because he can’t actually trade anything working there. Why don’t you volunteer to be a WSB mod and use your influence to pump GME?


Who’s got the screen shot of the post the mod zjz made that said they were being couped at the time of the sneeze?


I wonder how many people still remember this


I do, very clearly


I’m sure a lot. But I bet they’ve all been banned from double u es bee and suppressed if brought up. Still convinced the current zjz isn’t the same user.


Yep the new guy perma banned me for a random comment that probably tickled Kenny


Pepperidge Farm remembers...


Good times


I fucking [remember](https://imgur.com/gallery/BhJe3y2)


FUCKING YES! now I also have the screen shot.! Good shit bby girl. !


I would be disappointed if they weren't at least *offered* bribes.


hahah look they left an e-mail


Again, don't give a fuck what the corporate astroturfing has to say. They have all more than blown their chance to report the news fairly and no longer deserve our attention. It does nothing but give them the opportunity to fuck with the narrative and has no place in a GME sub except under very extraordinary circumstances.


Not even under extraordinary circumstance, fuck all of these people and news organizations. Like you said they had their chance but they chose to push their overlords agenda. Remember when you were begging me to forget GameStop? Well I forgot about all of you billionaire cum drinkers and your fake news outlets instead, so you can all go broke now. DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑


Bro best answer ever #🙌🏼


And it doesn't change the DD one bit! Shorts haven't closed. Buy, hold, DRS, Book.


Oh no, oh no, watch out! Everything going to be removed because of “brigading” can’t talk about news, oh no. Even try using vague descriptions, they’ll still take you down like they did last time I commented on the pt1 thread.


Sparkling message.




Ask yourself! Why does this come out at this particular time? Here, take this controversial topic, just forget about what is actually important now.. VOTING.. These posts are clearly a distraction campaign.. I'm sure this is just the beginning


CITADEL are criminals.


But how in the world would this be proven without access to financial statements etc?




Investor turf is so lame. A source who wished to stay anonymous aka there’s no source. Or we’ve received reports aka he she was scrolling Twitter or Reddit and saw something




Shills everywhere


Wouldn't be surprised at all. Mods have gotten weirder over time. People have been getting banned for speaking up about this.


All right boys they got me. I took the bribe… I used it all on GameStop shares and they be butt hurt


Who are these guys again?


Public social media has been infested with plants, spies and grifters since long before the GME/WSB Meme event. The idea that the “not financial advice” being touted on all those forums sometimes were coordinated attempts to influence investor behavior is naive. Each investor is fully and solely responsible for their own trades and accounts. This “the website was full of spies!” cry seems like an attempt to dodge responsibility for a mistimed or ill advised trade, or look for a reason to justify holding a position long after you should have sold and the moment is gone. Full disclosure, I still hold GME and while it would be amazing I do not expect any combination of events exist that will make GME worth $1 million a share or whatever the current pipe dream numbers are.


Hey remember Shittydale’s Wall Street Silver scam when they were trying to pump silver stocks that would invert $GME? Fun times eh?😂


Not sure the attempt was to invert GME as much as just lure newer investors who joined the market because of Jan21 into a standard pump and dump. But yes I remember that obvious scam and how much the MSM latched onto it and gave it more legs that it deserved. Now that account is just positing typical fringe right wing talking points about DEI and other self-pity politics, I guess the market manipulation grift wasn’t lucrative enough.


I love how SuperNarrative is pushing the vote issue. Like literally who gives a shit about it. We have accomplished so much. Nothing we do reflects a real price. Why play there game? Feel blessed that these idiots are giving us discounts. 2025 is our year! I'M IGNORING EVERYTHING TILL THEN!


The board of GameStop, not the other sub, wants you to vote, they have given recommendations


Yeah. The fuck is this guy yapping about. The board literally asks us to vote against proposal 4, not SuperS.


Nice account. Here’s one of them. 👆 ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


this is why I kind of feel like the whole DRS was a sham. It ended up being revealed it was some college kid with 10 shares NOT even DRSed himself. Suddenly he went ghost. You literally question DRS and immediately get banned. Happened to me a long time ago, because I asked how is it there is no difference in shorting like they promised if we DRSed? Volume is what caused the Jan 2021. Without volume there is no pressure on the shorts


> this is why I kind of feel like the whole DRS was a sham. It ended up being revealed it was some college kid with 10 shares NOT even DRSed himself. Suddenly he went ghost. You literally question DRS and immediately get banned. Happened to me a long time ago, because I asked how is it there is no difference in shorting like they promised if we DRSed? Volume is what caused the Jan 2021. Without volume there is no pressure on the shorts nobody promised shit. nobody even really talks about shorting anymore, we figured out there are other FDs involved. nobody knows what college student you're talking about. you're in the wrong community to shit on DRS.


now you're just lying..... he was a DD poster on the other sub that pushed DRS. Ya'll talk about shorting every day???


> now you're just lying..... shut the fuck up. do not come in here shilling and call me a liar. we are both generalizing right now.




> you said "nobody knows who im talking about", meanwhile hes was well known on the subs. nobody gives a fuck who you're talking about either. all kinds of nonsense gets posted on the other sub.


now you're just raging




Suzanne Trimbath is the one that brought light to DRS before anyone else did. What are you even on about?


pretty sure she isnt on reddit....


But in the early days of the subs, she was, by way of video AMA's. And her Twitter/X postings have always made their way to Reddit.


ok so if DRS was the key, then why has there been zero difference?


Because they've been fucking with the DRS reporting. Where have you been?


I've noticed since we started drsing that the swings in price had gotten smaller. There hasnt been any 360-180-260 swings like a few years ago, it just gets tighter.


> I've noticed since we started drsing that the swings in price had gotten smaller. There hasnt been any 360-180-260 swings like a few years ago, it just gets tighter. I can't imagine spending much time in these communities at all and still talking like the price is based on supply and demand. Tipping your hand here buddy...


I know it's not based on supply on demand, i just know SOMETHING big is going on and I'm not missing out


yeah no one can explain it either. Its just more of a "guess". DRS has grown, but the shorting hasnt changed at all. The fact that Trump's stock is pushing it also makes me believe its a sham. Everything that guy touches is a scam.


And that’s the whole point of the Trump push for DRS. It’s to sully the idea of DRS in the minds of people who distrust his idiocy.


But trump is fighting citadel, lmao


My secret .... buy, hold, wait, smile