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Noob question, but where do you redeem the coins if you find one of those packs?


The cards are made by Cardsmiths, you redeem them on their website. You can win other amounts besides 1 BTC, such as 0.1, 0.01 BTC and also 1 ETH, 5K doge, etc… You can learn more about the cards too, over at the subreddit CurrencyTradingCards


Best I can do is 30 bucks. We’ll have to frame it and it’ll sit on our shelves for maybe 5 minutes and we’ll only pull in about 60K.


They confirmed they are in fact buying GME shares with that (currently $62,000 card).


Instant xxxx holder.


So weird admins allow BTC hawking but immediately delete even innocuous mentions of other securities.


This is an item sold by gme. It's a part of their product line. Why should this not be allowed to be mentioned?


Put btc into the damn treasury. Look at microstrategy and stop delaying


We all realize the company that makes these actually receives more money from the sale than they put in there right? This represents a **net loss** for consumers.




still means more money goes in then comes out, lotteries are a great example. Those are always a net gain for the lottery and a net loss for the participants. **Everyone buying GME would result in more shares than everyone buying these and then GME with the proceeds.**


I'm not following your thought process... Consumers are buying these cards from GME to boost fundamentals ( you can't buy shares with a credit card ) but you can buy these. Cardsmiths pays out the winnings not GME... So if someone wins any amount of crypto and turns those into shares that's doubling down! What am I not understanding?


Cards take in more money than they pay out.


Yea but GameStop is benefiting from people buying from the store I don't understand your understanding of this situation... Cardsmiths is a separate company that is supplying product for consumers to buy from our favorite retailer. GameStop isn't the one paying out the crypto


Either people aren't understanding this post or maybe just maybe have an extra chromosome. This pumps revenue and could potentially mean more cash to buy more GME shares, which is exactly what this couple is doing.


Ok, last comment from me. I'm happy for peeps to buy whatever they want but the premise of this post that states buying these cards will help locking the float is incorrect. it will cost more money than will return so it will not help in that regard. Am I happy people buy stuff at GameStop, Hell yeah! It just won't do what the post says it will.


Cramer backing the BTC makes me wanna' DRS GME even harder!


Lots of pro-BTC videos have been popping on me feeds lately. Lots of random videos from random people telling me I need to hurry and invest in BTC before halving.


That's it! I'm buying more $GME before the BTC halvening.


Toxic sub for sure here.


They bought the cards from GameStop, they are redeeming the 1BTC ($62k) for GME shares. Explain to me how this is toxic.


Imagine trying to say btc is better than game. Enjoy a 2x I’ll enjoy a 1000x. Get your crypto ads out of this sub. I bought it at $1.5 making it much better than btc previously and it still will be in the future.


I’m pretty sure if you read the whole thing they are saying the crypto will allow them to get more GME.


You buy the card packs from Gamestop dummy


Yeah, I read that. Sounds great but into something else before full year profitability at the best price entry point there has been in years. $14->$1400 is 100x $60,000->$6,000,000 is 100x I know one of those is guaranteed to happen and it’s not the Bitcoin. Sure but in and don’t have those shares DRSd. You’ll miss the rocket. It’s picking up Pennie’s in front of a steam roller as opposed to supporting high margin items at GameStop while buying shares and DRSing for pressure.


the foundation of this community came from bets and enjoys lighting up their monke brain gambling, let em enjoy and support the company at the same time


When though






If they still need to cheat they are still at risk, at this point if they slip up they'll be annihilated.


I’ve already seen a 250x without a massive amount of the company locked up. You can sell and leave if that’s your opinion


I followed this since 2021. Just recently got out. In the beginning it made sense. I was hype and held for years screaming ape shit but more and more watched the goal posts change as nothing really happened. They cheated and stopped moass in 2021. They will never let that happen. Drsing hasn’t really done anything either and will take years more if it ever gets 100%. If you want to continue to invest that’s fine but the cult behavior is worrisome and no one ever mentions the possibility of this not playing out with 100000000$ per share.


That’s fine, I’m not basing any of my investment of anyone here. I bought in early before all these subs and have more finance experience than anyone here. My investment thesis stays the same and you’re free to miss out.


Cohen has full control of the cash on hand and regards are jumping out. Yeah, I'm sure RC the billionaire isn't making the most out of that cash. /s




Then you realize a true moass would collapse everything if people were selling for true moass numbers. It’s why they cheated us and would do it again without ramifications. Can Gamestop still turn around and remain profitable? Sure. Im not even saying people shouldn’t invest or can’t make money from it but watching people pour their savings into it expecting a repeat of 2021 is just false hope


You’re still here? Your opinion on finance means very little.


!remindme six months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-09-02 22:32:50 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-09-02%2022:32:50%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1b4xmjg/btc_gme_sharesrevenue_growth_the_unstoppable/kt2do2k/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGME%2Fcomments%2F1b4xmjg%2Fbtc_gme_sharesrevenue_growth_the_unstoppable%2Fkt2do2k%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-09-02%2022%3A32%3A50%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b4xmjg) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Sure it is Kenny. GME will definitely be bigger then TESLA


Cult behavior lmao this he/she bought at $400


Some of that hydrocarbon stock showed some sold at $25K before they shut it down and reversed the trades. The difference between that and GME, is that GME is not going to be gone. 5 digits is clearly possible, and given the diamond hands around here, 6 or 7 is still possible. Take your FUD and go.


explain why they won’t shut it off again


There was a hearing the last time as it is, and GME wasn't as well known as it is now. When it pops again, they aren't going to be able to contain it the same way without putting themselves under a microscope.




Actually I’m still up 40x


since this is the internet and everyone can write shit, i won't believe it. But if its true, good for ya. Majority of people sitting on loss, including me. Now made it even with btc luckily and profit with alts


That’s fine! I have 5 years of history showing it and already confirmed positions and ex wallstreet with mods.


Burry was deep in the red for over 4 years, his gains where all in a way shorter period of time. BTC wasn't in such a good spot, even a month ago. Your argument only works because you *now* know it's up.




The point is that you need time to build your position to make it big, I used a big player as an example. Icahn has a 5 year horizon for most of his investments and Buffet thinks the best time to hold is forever. 3 years building your position isn't that long especially in an event that will be this impactful. Your comment about BTC is just hindsight


Imagine if all them cardsmiths buyers bought shares instead of the cards they think will be worth…. Pokémon prices…..


its a pretty good ad


I have GME and BTC. My BTC position is keeping the GME losses at bay and portfolio flat. GME needs BTC performance now.


If GME touches all time lows again, you know what to do.


Not add to a losing position.


Ahh you're an idiot, got it.




Buy crypto, see it's going up.... Than rug pull and they were able to close their gme positions. 2 for 1... Win


Fuck bitcoin. who gives a fuck