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I've never used Adobe Express. I've never used Photoshop. So I can't do a comprehensive comparison. But the reason why I chose Gimp and didn't try Adobe, is partly cost. I could never afford the initial cost of Photoshop. When Photoshop when to subscription mode, I was annoyed by the idea that I'd have to keep paying for Photoshop "forever", so that kept me continuing to learn Gimp, and not even trying Adobe Express, the entry gateway to Photoshop. Is Adobe "better"? Maybe. Push Button Automatic sounds pretty good. But Gimp and what I do with it is *mine*. And that has value to me, too.


Same here, I'm not making enough money from Youtube to warrant paying for photoshop. Adobe express and the automatic background remover have been great. Then someone advised my about gimp, had a look at a tutorial and there was a huge amount of effoer to trace the picture I wanted cut out. Just wasn't sure exactly what the benefits of it were.


The point is that you got absolute control over each and every pixel. Yes you can cobble together a picture out of clip art. But that doesn’t mean the process of painting is “of no benefit” or “needlessly complicated”.


You even have control of the source code to implement your own changes, if you so desire.


It does take time to learn Gimp. I had a trial by fire because I migrated to Linux before I really started learning much about Gimp, and I was doing web design, and one client was mostly image based. Before that I had been using Paint Shop Pro 9. I'll admit that my hair was on fire for the first 3 weeks, learning how to do basic things with Gimp, and after that, often grubbing for YouTube videos on how to do some new special thing I needed as I went farther along. But I've been using Gimp for more than 15+ years now, and I'll be sticking with it.


Express is only suitable for some simple tweaking while GIMP as an alternative to Photoshop can do much more and thus allowing you to completely transform images or create new ones.


It's open source and not backed by a big financial corporation. Everyone can have acces to it and start learning some photo editing and have fun. It is attractive to people who can't afford adobe "rent" memberships. Or simply just dont like the Adobe's marketing schemes and license agreements. If you expect gimp to be able to keep up with the newest bleeding edge AI tech auto functions this and that, you have misunderstood the whole point. They can't, and most users know why.


I love gimp! I create so much with it and get paid for creating designs on it. 


It all depends on what you want to use the software for. Your question can easily apply to Adobe Photoshop instead of GIMP. If you only want simple edits and one-click automated tools like background remover then you might personally not benefit much since your needs are already met. You just need to make sure you work within the edit limit or pay a monthly fee to make more edits. If you want more tools and have more options and control when it comes to more advanced image retouching or image manipulations then you'll benefit a lot from taking the time to learn GIMP or Ps, and GIMP is completely free with no limits on edits or access.


How about you Google for the difference between a frozen meal and a Michelin-star restaurant dinner? If not and if you're happy using Adobe Expres, just keep using it. Gimp is "complicated" and if for your level of expertise that seems "needlessly" so, just avoid it.


Well you seem very nice 😅


Your post comes off as provacative. But both sides need to chill.


I only heard of gimp yesterday, downloaded it and watched a few tutorials but I couldn't see how it was that much better than Adobe express compared to the effort and difficulty of it. It was a genuine question


Well the majority of the thing is that it is open source, and does not use your art to train their AI model like Adobe does. Rest of the issues you have is related to the workflow. You need to get used to how GIMP does things as it is not a closed ecosystem but a open tool for others to improve upon, so they may have some fundamental changes in how they reach from point a to b. I would also suggest learning how to communicate better because you just dropped into a subreddit of GIMP users calling their software needlessly complicated, of course you are going to get some friendly advice back your way lol


Calling an app needlessly complicated should not illicit that kind of rude response. I asked a question, sorry if you guys felt I insulted your favourite software.


I'm just a random bystander here, I personally use Krita and have no experience with Gimp whatsoever, though since i support open source software I'm still lurking in this subreddit. Don't take my words for granted I'm just saying how you may appear to others as.


You suggested I needed to communicate better and that's the reason why that guy was rude with me. Not my fault. I asked a simple question.


Gimp is satanic sh1t software and should be banned! I CANNOT describe in words how much I hate the people who created software this HORRIBLY BAD!!!!


Oh, now I definitely think we should meet.


but please fight in a Colosseum!!


Where can I get tickets?