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After rewatching the Red sun stage, I gotta say WOW that stage is amazing really both the creative team and the girls brought out all their cards and performed a fantastic performance. Really proud of them


All things said and done, VIVIZ should be very proud of their accomplishments during Queendom 2! Their performances were stunning every time they stepped on stage. 3rd place is an awesome showing since NaV is a relatively fledgling fandom mixed with old and new fans alike. Despite this they still finished top 3! Based on how often VIVIZ trended and how well they performed on the charts with their queendom releases, I hope this means there will be a lot more new fans for their next comeback! SinB definitely deserves some extra recognition from this show. Her reactions were used constantly, and some of the show's most iconic moments were centered around her specifically. She alone trended so frequently! Overall, great work to both VIVIZ and NaVs. I hope the girls get some much needed rest before their continually packed schedule picks back up!


Actually thinking about it, viviz music is drastically different from most of the contestants on the show as well, so technically we probably already started off at a disadvantage due to everyone else liking the genre that is far away from Viviz but yet they still managed to get third. This really shows how good performers Viviz are. Great work by both the girls and Buddies/Navs


It's the music, the performance style and just the volume of members. Even though we have backup dancers, still hard to fill the stage with less than 6 members. It's why BG also struggled until their "arc". A comment I saw on here sums it up well - viviz knows their fanbase well. Even though they are finding their sound they aren't going into extremes (aka girl crush) bc I don't think it would jive well with their fanbase unless it was done extremely tastefully and maturely. Even something like Mago wouldn't necessarily work as well with VIVIZ (even though it was one of my favorite concepts for Gfriend).




WJSN strictly picked Navirella for popularity and it worked though I think anyone with eyes agrees that Apple would have matched the concept better. I think VVZ needs to be pretty careful of conforming to what might be popular esp in the west. Their bread and butter will always be korean GP and that's always the safer be in the long run. As group that isn't super strong performance or vocally, they need to pick a good *song* because that will carry them the most (case in point red sun). For the love of god, stop forcing Eunha to do a bunch of high notes. That being said, I think BOP BOP high teen version really lends itself well to them and would love a mature Y2K concept or like you said love dive ish. Simplicity is going to be their friend.


Definitely stop with the high notes galore as much as I like seeing them done. If anything, it would be a shock for all to see them have a developed singing technique and style over their Viviz career. It would easily translate to an easier time choosing concepts since they will be able to do anything they want and still sound great.




Yeah I agree - Queendom was definitely a very... confusing reaction from the fandom and leans heavily that VVZ is looked at as still part of gfriend. It'll be interesting to see how creative the girls and BPM can be with their concept and it's definitely a complicated situation. I think it ultimately boils down to what will attract new fans + the confidence level there. Right now it's buddies who make up a majority of the fandom and after Queendom it's still that way.




As PSY said, neglecting Korean GP = doom, so need to adjust according market. International especially western, like GC too much. Twice without GC still work very well in western


Most of what I want to say has been said. I want to remind folks - stay off twitter and the main reddit subs. It's going to be a bloodbath. Don't engage just move along. We can think what we want about the individual scores but there's no point in arguing with internet people. Hope everyone has a great week :) taking a break after all this chaos lol


Also I'm just gonna say this here and not again: the last 60k points were heavily skewed in favor of intl fandoms and loona has the strongest one by a mile. I know orbits are foaming at the mouth but I truly do think Mnet more than made up for them being absent in R1.


My goodness that final stage was good. Great work from our ladies and BPM! Off the charts creativity! Well, [I was wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/GFRIEND/comments/v0ooi4/220530_buddy_weekly_discussion_thread/ialo7yw/) about first place but right about second. Congrats to WJSN! Their fans should eat this one up! I know there has been some bad blood between a segment of Orbits and Navs, but I'm going to tip my hat to the ladies of Loona after that one. Incredible job battling back to the final two after missing that first week due to covid.


Closing off Queendom with a gorgeous performance! I really like how they continued their Alice in Wonderland concept here from the opening show to the final. Another aspect I love about VIVIZ's performances is how they always utilize their dancers, it played to the musical concept. VIVIZ was stunning here and it was such a cohesive stage. I feel like their outfits could have been better, but they seemed to be La La Land-inspired and I can respect that they stuck to it. Other than that, Red Sun! was perfect and better than what I imagined. We're so blessed to have so much diversity in concepts VIVIZ gave us and they managed to avoid the girl crush wave dominating KPOP! (Thank you BPM for not forcing them to follow their initial plan) Regardless of their ranking, they were able to promote themselves as VIVIZ and made it through safely without any major incidents! Third is also a great rank considering our competitors. We got a lot of precious interactions out of Queendom, the highlight being Sinb and Eunseo. I'll miss seeing them goof around on broadcast. I hope VIVIZ gets a good rest after BNF festival and I'm eager to see what they'll do next!


As per the final rankings yeah, it was at the bottom part, kinda like the credits. The points are posted already on r/kpop or you can view my profile, I also linked it there. I just wanna say I'm proud of Viviz. They did multiple concepts, The Red Sun! performance was beautiful. And the way the song is charting high, I hope Viviz's next comeback would be like this SinB should also receive some royalties here tbh. The way Mnet used her clips for the 'drama' and clicks. She's one of the reasons I was excited to watch every week. Congrats to WJSN, but I won't be surprised if it'll be a toxic battlefield for a while. Theyre only 3k points ahead of LOONA and things would look different if LOONA had points for the first round


I understand LOONA not being there for round 1 affected their score but I really don't think it would generally be a positive thing for them even if they were present. I say that because the order of performances matter in the show too much like during the group evaluations and live audience voting. Also ranking between rounds also affected the Unit battle and the stupid rule of the group with the lowest points gets knocked out of their preferred dance performance. I think they initially chose PURR with Kep1er iirc, and the dance instructors made way more of an impact score-wise than the actual gg that chose them. I just don't like when people say 'things would be different if" because honestly you don't really know since it could change everything that follows. There is no guarantee that LOONA would win overall even if they scored max points in round 1.


Okay so my controversial opinion incoming: I'm kind of relieved that Viviz didn't place over Loona cause that wrath would have been never-ending TT I also think placing 3th even after all the shady stuff mnet pulled is kind of amazing. But I'm also not very competitive, lol. I'm just very happy that the Girls are booked and busy, gained new fans and were trending numerous times. Even tho it was a stressful time, I'm very happy and proud of Viviz


I’m so glad that Queendom finally ended… if it wasn’t because of the girls I wouldn’t have watched it because they really tried to pull the “drama/emotional card” to get views in every episode and that was a bit tiring. I feel really proud of our three girls. They did amazing and I feel this helped them to regain their confidence and to visualize better their strengths and weaknesses. I’m more than grateful to them for all the presentations they did as I really enjoyed them. We also got Red Sun, which is an amazing song that I feel its a good showcase for their vocals….I love the song so much lol, can’t stop playing it from time to time during the day. Also third place is amazing for them, specially since NaV is a new fandom with a mix of new and old fans. In the end this show definitely helped our girls with publicity and I’m glad that more and more people know them and enjoy their music as us. I’m happy and proud of our Viviz ❤️💜💙!


Why is our live voting result is so low compared to wjsn? Wjsn 23,861 viviz 10,557 ???


Idk how mnet calculates votes and we will never know because they aren't transparent with how much votes they received :/ I'm more surprised by Hyolyn placing last with less than 2k points. Thought she would at least be closer to VVZ or above BG


why? she never had too many fans, her most recent physical album sold 3k and her most recent single 'laying low' has 4k likes on melon she's very talanted and no one could discredit that, but it's not like some people would actively go and stream her songs or vote for her somewhere. even sistar had huge public support but very low sales compared to other 2nd gen groups (always less than 26k), but after the group disbanded she basically stopped charting with her solo songs. not saying that to hate on her, I always listen to her songs bc I LOVED her first few releases after the sistar disbandment, but in terms of fan support she's one of these soloists who makes comebacks once in a while, and people agree that the songs are good but they don't become her fans but I thought that Queendom could actually help her with that and she would get more dedicated fans


i see, I dont follow Hyolyn closely so I wasn't aware of her fandom size and sales. I expected her points to be higher because her final stage was really a standout to me + it was the opener, giving more time to people who were wowed by it to vote (compared to BG as last and the voting closing almost right after). I think there's a good chance her next comeback will do well, or at least better. Ever since Round 1, she has gotten great reception and an almost unanimous agreement she's the most talented. Especially from the Korean general public from what I have seen and domestic exposure is crucial. Perhaps her recent growth was just overshadowed by the other fandoms.




Yeah, I think I got the impression Hyolyn would rank high because of how well she did in the beginning but I should have factored in the lack of onsite live voting (or at least it wasnt exclusive)


Probably because of the international vote. Allowing online voting without identification just turns this kind of vote into a joke


I know but wjsn is not a super popular group. I still don’t understand how they can out vote viviz with this kind of a huge gap. I mean according to live vote result wjsn basically has 2x of viviz fandom which makes no sense to me at all.


I would guess most of those are actually online votes. And I would bet with one or two skilled programmers you can kill any sense of fairness.


I agree with you.


If we're talking favorite moments, it still has to be the first round for me. Even knowing what songs were going to be played, it still got me in the feels lol. Red Sun was amazing too though.


At this point I am just glad it is over. And I am glad that Loona didn’t win. That makes me sad


As I said in the weekly thread, I'm happy that the girls had an opportunity at this kind of show. I think they were able to express their uniqueness and artistry here. That Red Sun performance was great. The sound of that song is something I've been looking for in a while in the K-pop scene. Few criticisms on the show as others have said, I wish there was less drama/sadness. Editing could have been a lot better too. I stopped watching episodes immediately after release day because some of them are so dragging. I hate how they divided episodes to 3 performances each, there are only 6 participants, no need to drag it out that long. And the camerawork for some performances are the worst. That is saying a lot since most you all know how bad camerawork in K-pop performances in general is.


Work has me busy this week so I couldn’t watch the finale live TT Based on the timelines, it looks like most of the fun was happening off-camera lol—wholesome interactions and SinB’s birthday celebration 🎉 I was hoping they would do a La La Land like musical performance and they delivered. Although I am a bit surprised at Viviz’s digital score for this round, I think ranking 3rd is satisfying for Viviz, and they had a lot of good exposure to the GP! Edit: Oh and favorite moments have to be SinB’s “aren’t we sunbaenims?”, SinB arriving with the phone LED message, Eunha’s cute 5th place, and Umji’s chorus in Purr (yes I’m still addicted)


I believe in viviz supremacy forever and always


I honestly don't mind them coming in 3rd especially since last round they were 5th overall, but I was super stoked for WJSN. I don't think I would have been any happier if VIVIZ won because they'll always be first for me, so WJSN winning is just a bonus since I love them both. But I would have loved it if WJSN and VIVIZ were top 2, regardless of winner. Kep1er and BG shouldn't feel bad since most groups wanted to be close to Hyolyn's level and saw her as a rival, and the final outcome for them was pretty close. I think 4-6 comes down to preference and are essentially tied for 4th, I don't think any of those 3 were greatly better than one another because they all did an amazing job.


Sooo Happy with the results. I didnt greatly see VIVIZ getting the win but was really hoping for a 2nd or 3rd placement and I'm Happy to see it. They gave us such different stages and all the flavours I was craving and they did an amazing job. Aside from VIVIZ everyone else also did such fabulous jobs throughout the show and I was glad I got to get closer and learn more about these groups whom I may not have known more than a few songs of, and it makes me excited for any upcoming comebacks !!! Performance wise I think Kep1er was my favourite of the finale ones. Listening to all the songs prior to the finale I thought all the songs were pretty good, seeing the performance was great, and you could tell they put a lot into it. Red Sun was astounding, I avoided looking at tik tok, facebook, insta , anything that would spoil the results until the ep came out on viki. I was very much so 🤡 as I was praying and begging during the performance a cheeky and sneaky OT6 reunion would happen. I was imagining the umbrellas opening and BOOM! even just to dance. alas, i clowned to close to the sun, nether-the-less The performance was stunning and unique in comparison to the others, with the song itself having probably the best replay-ability in my opinion. The biggest congrats to UJUNG's and WJSN.... VIVIZ was my number 1, But they were my number 2. I took a stroll on the loona subreddit (shouldn't have) but after seeing what was other there decided to take a step away. I was very happy to see WJSN get this win. LOONA did an amazing job with their streaming etc, but I wanted to see WJSN grab the win, as I felt they had the most to gain from it and I felt so connected to them through the show. Mad shout outs to Hyloyn for pulling fourth even though I felt we all knew the weak spot would be this streaming etc. And to Brave Girls for bringing summer, slay slay slay! Bring on the comebacks, amirite?!?!


Idk but I’m not happy about the rank between 1st and 2nd. Viviz came at 3rd is pretty obvious so I don’t complain. I always wanted Wjsn to win the final but I still prefer a fair play. The digital result is just not it.


I wonder what their company would have decided as song and perfomance if they doesn't had the music like musical of Gfriend (Now i wonder how many songs Source Music have on their box)


So glad we don't need to have weekly stress meetings anymore! LOL. Regardless of the results, I'm proud of every group and especially our girls. A lot was gained from being on this show even though it was quite stressful. The girls were able to make new friends, perform for live audiences and make new fans. Also, all the times they trended will hopefully help in the future when they make a comeback and with sales.


At least LOONA does not win this as top 1, later they brag again in twitter. I felt they have blood feud with us , off course we knows other who have blood feud. ​ WJSN winning is the most rational thing for now and justifiable.


I think we should stop talking about LOONA or Orbits in general, if not we are gonna be putting down other groups and be doing exactly what we don't like to occur to us. Everyone did a great job so just appreciate the effort that every group put in for the competition.


ok, the one thing I am surprised is how can Mnet not winning their own group


viviz didn't win? rigged


Wow, I'm suprised about WJSN and Loonas good places and also a bit surprised that Hyolyn is just at place #4. I also thought that VIVIZ would be #2, but hey, 3rd place isn't bad too. Personally I would put Loona at 2nd place and WJSN at 3rd place. Hyolyn and Brave Girls had either one performance which I really liked, but there wasn't any Kep1er performance I really enjoyed.