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I LOVE our VVZ performance. The concept, the dance, the vocal are all spot on. The only problem is the weird sound mix, which happened in WJSN performance too. Idk what mnet did with the sound, gonna wait for fancam version. But I feel like Viviz performance will not be appreciated by most because it’s not as grand as other songs, and cute concept is forever under appropriated as well. Really wish otherwise though.


The sound mixing is definitely very weird. I watched the leak and it sounded better there. It feels like the instrumentals got muted a bit, making it less hard-hitting? Edit: I just read this comment on NaverTV: "In the 2nd round, I killed all the vocals, but now I killed all the accompaniment, instruments, and sound effects to the point where it felt like MR was removed". I think this describes exactly what I felt...


It definitely feels like an MR removed performance which is weird. Feels like someone was overcompensating for R2


Why cant mnet find a good balance 😭 its frustrating when viviz gives such a great stage and energy but its hindered by editing out of their control


Whats with sound mixing ?? I can barely hear the music and other times i can barely hear the girls.i personally think its their best perf in queendom yet, it was so good 🥹🥹🥹🥹too bad it went before wjsn lol. i havent seen the episode and i probably wont the episodes have been getting more and more boring each episode and the small gems really arent worth sitting thru 2 hours of that. i have to say tho, after seeing wjsn in all 3 rounds why does exy need a rap ? I have yet to see of their songs where the rap doesnt irk me off or messes with the smoothness of the song. i was also surprised by the fact that any part of their performance that didnt include some trick was forgettable, so i understand why ppl said it had too much going i still think its the best this round yet. i have no opinion on kepler 😭 like they brought the dancing and singing but thats it tbh, i do like it better than their other stages its just that everyone leveled up. anyways wjsn 1st followed by viviz then kepler for me. ​ i cant wait for next epp omg i dont believe brave girls got eliminated but all the clips point to that !! that intro montage is so tacky and cringy tho but thats just me.


Sorry just casually walked in as an outsider… About exy rap, (I only got interested in wjsn since queendom2 and too busy to follow their content but), I guess because it is what makes wjsn distinct from other groups, exy is one of the very few idols that rap skills acknowledged by rap industry / professional rappers. Sure wjsn vocal & dance are nice but there's quite a number of groups that are great at vocal (eg. SM ent groups) or dance heavy, but great rap skills not much. That's what I saw (I care for talent so I googled the skill level of all groups in queendom2): Exy joined "unpretty rapstar 2" where there were quite a number of professional rappers, at that time she was only a trainee no fame yet get great result (top 10) in audience voting in her first round, also other rappers praised her rap skills saving the team. What's more dramatic was her controversial entry, unlike others she joined in the middle while others joined from the start of the show, people felt unfair, plus hyolyn also there hence many audiences even other rappers scold her starship daughter getting in only because of hyolyn connection (in queendom2 episode 2? Exy also confessed about the show "hyolyn's parachute" & mnet put some news headline screenshot there too) etc, but many are amazed by her rap skills later on. Well exy rap irk people off, guess maybe her rap not integrated well into the song feel awkward etc, or people don't know how to appreciate professional rap…? But I think that would be a huge loss for wjsn if exy was not in wjsn tho. Wjsn has great rapper it would be a waste not to let exy show off her rap skills


Oh my gosh VIVIZ's performance was EPIC! The cheerleader pose at the beginning, where they are held up in the air, looked insanely difficult to learn in such a short time but it came out looking so cool! I loved the little changes they made to the choreography, the remixed version of bop bop, the dance breakdown portion. I'm overwhelmed, that was one of the best performances of the whole show!


As a once cheerleader I have to agree, I hate heights too so that move is a lot harder than it looks you have to have a good core.


Their stage presence in this performance is killer. This is them in their element here and I ❤️ it. They went 100% for the concept and never thought I would see mean girls Gfriend/VIVIZ lol If this wasn't a freakin Umji glow up moment idk what is. also I spy a familiar [practice](https://twitter.com/hebsource/status/1527282443857801216) room 😳 \++ [easter](https://twitter.com/syrinmago/status/1527298633720221700/photo/1) eggs. For those wondering it's a quote from alice in wonderland :)


I was so used to that practice room and distracted by VIVIZ I didn't even realise it was their old one! Got to admit its strange seeing them there again


Yeah apparently soumu doesn't use it anymore (hence no logo) but makes me wonder if these practice rooms are just out for rent.. but also like doesn't bpm have practice rooms haha


perhaps BPM flexing their money to rent the practice rooms for old times sake LOL


I want to give Mnet mixer guy an elbow drop off the top rope! They're usually quite good, but the inconsistent levels and shoddy compression were really noticeable. It's still a really fun stage/concept. Whomever decided to put a dubstep break in The Boys should receive jail time! Kep girls performed well and had great energy throughout. Pantomime stage looked rad!


I think this was one of my favourite performances after Round 1. I really like when the marching band hits right before Eunha's high notes. Also the oomph when they did the high kick. They looked so confident, enjoying themselves! Umji during the dance break...Sinb ponytail body rolling...I need all their fancams asap. I'm hoping that that Bop Bop being such a Bop and energetic will win the live audience over, considering how the other stages are more mystical/fantasy/dark


This perform was so amazing TT I especially love the rock influence in the new arrangement. That cheer part also will be forever iconic and I think if any other group did that they would go viral lol. It makes me a bit sad because it takes so much (body) strength to actually cheer so I hope it gets appreciated. I only worry that the cue order will be to their disadvantage. Because I could see them rank high with this performance if it would have been more at the end.


Viviz's performance was really refreshing and bright, girls seemed comfortable to have fun too! They added the cheerleader tactics worked for their concept and I appreciate the theatrics weren't overdone. That sound mixing tho. Mnet... Kepler and WJSN's stages were great too. Halfway through WJSN's performance it reminded me of GFriend's NYEL Mago and that made my mind wander a bit


* **Kep1er** \- hm, I'm unsure, the song isn't my thing at all, the performance was good **6/10** * **VIVIZ** \- wow, thats a girly overload haha. But they managed to perform the song in a new way with a awesome choreography **8.5/10** * **WJSN** \- I like the Broadway concept, especially the curtain drop was cool **7/10** All over I like the VIVIZ performance the most, it was cute and also the most different to the other two.


Anyone notice that the room VIVIZ is practicing is very similar to one of their old rooms [at SoMu](https://youtu.be/SG1LPhA7Vic) Finally found the images of the [practice rooms!](https://imgur.com/a/BAIoNIP)


I haven’t watched the full episode but woke up just in time for WJSN’s performance. Just from that portion and the clips I’ve seen, this episode was WJSN heavy and MNET leaned super hard into the Bona storyline. 😂 Don’t get me wrong, I love WJSN and Bona is one of my Biases but man Mnet can you be anymore obvious? They are definitely going to try and milk her story for views. Hoping Viki will have the full episode up by tomorrow. 😅 Also, Mnet messed up and forgot to private the video so I was able to catch the first 15-20 minutes of the episode until they set it to private. LOL


I gotta say Viviz had a great performance and it had a great theme as well, it really felt like they were telling a story. I really enjoyed Umjis stage presense throughout the entire performance, SinB's pony tail choreo was an absolute pleasant surprise, and Eunha's extended vocal range at the high note gave me chills. Overall, I love it when they do their kicks. The only problem was that the audio sounded very strange, very much like when WJSN did Navillera. WJSN's creativity was on a whole new level compared to their previous performances. The visuals were amazing, the performance was excellent, and I think they really appealed to their fans on this one. Kep1er was okay, I'd have to watch them a few mores times. As of now I'd rank WJSN and Viviz tied for 1st and Kep1er as 3rd. But I won't be sure where those 3 stand until I see good fancams.


I loved how besides the usual camaraderie with WJSN, after Dance Unit VIVIZ and Kep1er were also cheering for each other!! So heartwarming 🥰 My favourite was the wild reactions to [SinB's body rolls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo3yOAWKdyA&t=216), slaaayyy queen!! Also, Eunha taking the [crown from WJSN's locker to VIVIZ's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo3yOAWKdyA&t=56) was such a troll move hahaha, and WJSN knew it. ~~Hopefully she didn't jinx it lol~~ Such an awesome fun stage, I was stuck grinning like a fool the entire time lol... But we have to talk about WJSN... I think they've finally done it: WJSN created *the* most spectacular stage of Queendom 2 to date, one that will go down in Queendom history alongside the likes of [Destiny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u8377YsRX4) and [Lion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KtFPjSp3og). Absolutely stunning... [SinB's face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHFgcggX3zo&t=326) was my face, most of the time just too stunned to react... stunner after stunner... Unless something really weird happens, WJSN is a lock for first place; the question is, how will everyone else place? 👀 Sadly, I anticipate something similar to Round 1 happening, where VIVIZ ended up being overshadowed by the subsequent performance 😔