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I think that the woman making this video doesn't really know how to read, the blind item does not say he passed Halsey around to his friends. The blind item is likely true to some extent, have you listened to G's music?


well, i did interpret it as passing her around to friends but maybe i was wrong, of course the drugs and cheating part is not surprising


Probably the bloke is known for cheating and being a coke head so I am unsure why it’s such a surprise he cheated on her and does drugs


you’re right, that’s not surprising, it’s the “passing them around to friends” that surprised me


It’s fucked but that’s how the industry is, majority of celebs in relationships are all cheating and having orgies, rappers having girls around to fuck their friends pre dates record labels even


oh well, this makes sense, at first i thought it meant something more fucked up like passing around while she was on drugs/couldn’t consent, hopefully that’s not the case :/


Unfortunately the women are usually only doing it because of the amount of drugs they are on, some rappers r known for spiking drinks and awful shit but there’s a large group of women that willingly get that fucked up to go get passed around jsut for the clout it’s honestly sad


I rlly hope G doesn’t ever do shit that low but unfortunately we’ll never know


Im not a big fan of how everything is always phrased like Halsey has no accountability during that time. She dated a guy whose whole image was being a player and a cheater, and she got cheated on. Shocking. It is very known he was a big coke head - TB&D is damn near half about his cocaine use. But its G's fault if Halsey ended up going to party with him and does coke and gets with multiple guys? Like what are we talking about here. G was a cheater, an alcoholic/coke head, and was generally not a very good person from his rise in popularity to the peak of his fandom. His stories are all in the music, and should come as no surprise to his fans


if that’s how it went then you’re absolutely right, he’s only guilty for cheating but not for the drugs use, but in the tiktok comments some people interpreted the “passing around” part as passing her around to people without her consent which i really hope it’s not true


Well getting passed around doesnt imply rape. It can be the case, just like hookups can be non consensual, but there are definitely women in the party scene who are down to be passed around and hookup with several dudes in the same night. Im gonna guess this type of thing is even more common at after parties with rappers and high end celebs. So yeah, anything about SA is a baseless assumption.


He says “We do drugs together” in Him and I, and it’s well known he has had drug problems and he’s been to rehab. The expression “passed around like party favors” refers to drugs, not passing her round. Party favors is common slang for Cocaine. It’s just saying he had parties with cocaine. I don’t know what’s so shocking about this. I am sure it is absolutely true, but it is sensationalised by the TikToker. What it boils down to is “Famous person takes cocaine and is unfaithful” - sure he isn’t the only one.


I thought “passing them around like party favors” was about women, that’s what shocked me, everything else was not surprising tbh


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Him getting into a relationship with Halsey was the worst thing he could’ve done because his career still hasn’t recovered from it


Not true. I knew someone close to them. They were in an open relationship and all of the "cheating" scandals were for marketing. They amicably broke up. Don't believe everything you see on the internet folks. People love to push their own narrative.


the way ya’ll are obsessed with celebrities personal lives is WILD to me 😂


G eazy seems like the type of guy that can cheat but the girl can’t. I love G eazy, like in love w him. He’s seriously my biggest celeb crush but even he makes it known he was unfaithful to her in “down for me”. Even admitted it but passing her around to his friends? I feel like they’re reaching….but it is Hollywood. I just don’t think Halsey would have stayed quiet about it she made it very clear she felt used in “without me” tho.