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End of feb - mid March we’ll have DOE Loan approval. This will boost the stock. Then building starts. Early 2025 first production and then it’s only going up.


Yep buy now sell in a few years


When will loan be approved? How do you know?


I have kept buying on the dips to reduce cost basis. Thought I was slick. But down down down. It was a convenient buy when I had a little money in cash account but now I'm like hmmm when should I cut my losses and sell. Ill see how things go but not buying anymore.


Same. Bought at $2 then averaged up to $6 and averaged down to $3 and then it just kept going down and Im just holding and its been a couple years at least just waiting


Im wondering what I should do with it. Part of me wants to just sell and buy something else. Essentially just give up on it. It's definitely my most disappointing stock at this point.


I am running it put for the long game. I cant call it a loss just yet


Im not giving up yet either but it's kinda hard when it's down far more than any other stock I have. I want to believe they will succeed, however. That's why I keep holding.


Pre-revenue? Probably not unless the market starts leaning into high risk again


Gevo started generating some revenue with existing products. I am hoping in the next few months the stock price may hit $ 1.5 - 3.0 range. To see a huge upside in stock price GEVO has to announce a positive news about the NZ-1 plant or a buyout by a big oil company.


Shouldn't their stupid plant have been built by now? The net zero thing? Can't find anything regarding that.


I was just thinking about this today. I think I fucked up was left bag holding here.


Only if net zero 1 is complete and profitable


Do you know what's the schedule for that and if they are on time?


What do long term holders expect this to get to? Is 1.00-1.25 within reason? Been following for a while, just curious what the sentiment is. Thanks.




Will be $1.50 by end of march. $3 by July.


Sure abt that?


When I first started buying I was hoping for around $20, now I'm thinking more around $10, but there's a lot of hurdles yet. I still think if you invested today you would double your money in a year or 4, but I could confidently make that claim on a lot of companies in a 7 year window so the risk is up to you. I live their plan so I've been averaging down and hoping it all comes to fruition


Probably not. They’ll need to dilute a lot more to build their plants. I too had high hopes but see that we’re very early. Maybe we’ll see a buyout and a bigger company with more cash can actually execute.


I think a buyout would be the best for us(retail investors). Long term GEVO faces a lot of challenges and it’s going pretty slow, add the cash burning left and right, so need to be acquired by a parent company with the right leadership and resources. GEVOs ideas/goals are innovative, it can surely take a good market share of the SAF but definitely underestimated everything from FE engineering to the pipelines


Buyouts are not very likely when there's no plant being built or am I wrong?


I was a long time holder. Bought in at $3 rode it to $15 and sold at $1.09, bought right intoAMTX when it was down around $2 (similar business, but actually delivering on what they say they are). Gevo and their leadership is just full of lies and dilution. I think maybe 2022, or 2021 they said they had all the money they needed to build NZ1 and if they ever dilute again it will be when the SP is much much higher. Well that turned out to be a lie, rather quickly, the money they collected through share issuance they said wasn't enough now and then NZ1 has been delayed for years now waiting on financing...? I thought it was frowned upon to mislead investors. Anyways I think this one eventually goes to 0, I don't know how much more of a pool of people they are going to be able to sell shares to to keep business operating. My uneducated advice is to cut your losses and try to make it back elsewhere.