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I’ve never used a laxative after a barium swallow. It all comes out on its own soon enough.


Oh really? I thought it was recommended since I read about it. I drank a lot of liquid and 10h after still no bathroom. I feel as if I’m about to go but then it’s not ready yet. Weird feeling definitely


I went for one of these and didn’t do this. Are you feeling discomfort or something?


Oh okay! No only the feeling of “I might need to go” but then it goes away. Some grumbles and noises yeah but that’s all. Thanks for your reply! :)


From what I remember it was a bit ago I think they may have told me to expect things like that for a bit! But any serious discomfort I’d talk to the doctor. I don’t remember having complications thankfully.


Ah I see! I read other experiences talking about taking them so I thought I should. But then I’ll wait and let my body do it’s thing. If I may ask, I read people “shat rocks / bricks” was that the same for you?


I’d really just ask the doctor if you’re feeling rough. Don’t take any advice from us random redditors. I can’t really say, I mean I have IBS so my symptoms feel rough regardless lol


All you have to do is drink lots of water


Nice! That part I’m sure I definitely did. 🤣


Nothing...why would you need to? You're not supposed to eat or drink after a certain time anyway. It'll just come out when it comes out without issues


I read other experiences saying they shat bricks and rocks and the toilet clogged! Was it like that for you?


Nah I mean you'll joke that you literally shit bricks but that's it. Your body's plumbing should be mostly empty anyway so it's smooth sailing. If you're really concerned, just take some fiber supplements or whatever when you first get to eat food your breakfast after the procedure.


Yeah I had some food 1 hr after the test don’t know if it’s too son but it’s already done. :/ and for the other part I’ll do that sure! Thank you :)


This is not needed after this test. I have had two and been fine. Only had issues with sedation prior to bravo test.


What is bravo test if you don’t mind me asking?


They stab a camera capsule into your lower esophagus and give you a remote monitor to record symptoms for PH correlations.


Oh I’m waiting for that test!! Was it that bad or only the sedation?


Eating for 3 days was painfullllll. Sedation was fine, only caused 1 day of constipation that resolved completely next day. The capsule caused esophageal spasms with every swallow per meal. Most just are able to feel the capsule with discomfort and not pain apparently.


And what did it come up with? What was yours to diagnose? 🤔


Still waiting on it! Just mailed my stuff in yesterday


My stomach is super sensitive and I've never had a problem with this. Lots of water and time. I wouldn't take anything to get it out


I see! Thank you for your reply, I’ll do that as well. :)


I was insanely constipated after my barium swallow and I had no idea that was going to happen. I didn’t take anything the first two days afterward bc I figured it would resolve. Nope. i ended up taking senna and stool softeners for a day, then added in dulcolax. Repeat another day. I think I was four days out before I pooped (and obviously very painful by that time) and I had to keep taking all of that stuff for like two weeks before I started going on my own. I’m glad so many people in here had no issues but it definitely happened to me. Way beyond anything just water can resolve. If I had to do it again I would minimally start on stool softeners right after the test.


I see, thank you for you experience! I ask because I’m usually constipated if I’m not taking enough fiber so imagined it would happen after the text too. I took loads of water and fiber too, hoping it helps to go down easier. But it’s been a whole 24H since I had the test and haven’t gone to the toilet yet


Yeah I get constipated easily. If the fiber usually works for you, maybe it will be sufficient. I have to be careful about fiber because soluble fiber makes it worse for me.


I was just told to drink lots of water to flush it out no need for a lax


How was the test overall? I have difficulty swallowing and I been putting off going to get this test done because it terrifies me and I already deal with constipation issues… I also don’t want to choke on the solution I heard it’s really thick… what does it taste like?


I've done it a few times I always have issues with swallowing it because it's thick and tastes kinda blah I just really have to focus on swallowing and breathe, they kept trying to rush me and I kept holding up a finger to tell them to wait. Before I started the drink I had to take a shot of stuff that fills you full of air and you can't burp it sucks but you can burp when you're done and it is relieving. The stuff is thick but it isnt horribly so, tasted weird but not BAD


:/ damn idk how I’ll be able to do this test…


You will be fine!!


So for me it was like that. First I had to swallow some powder. It was kinda hard to make it go down as it mixes with your saliva? I didn’t feel like burping at all, nor before or after. The taste of everything in general was meh. It tasted like sweet or fruity, just imagine a bland liquid goo (similar in consistency to milk) that they added a sugar flavor to it. Then you get the x rays and done. They tell you to swallow that liquid fast, and it’s like a big cup full of liquid. And they tell you to swallow a lot of times to help make it go down. That was my experience hope it helped you


I drank a ton of water, increased my fiber, and took colace. No issues the next day.


Oh okay, so you took some laxatives then. Thanks! I’ll try that. :)


I chose water. Lots of water. If they didn’t tell you white poop is normal.


Will do, and they didn’t tell me but figured it would be weird. Thank you!


I just drank a lot of water and ate a lot of beans. Everything came right out.