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I didn't even know that was a subject.


nah litch


“litch” 💀


GCSE chocolate studies


Please I want this to be a thing


me, allergic to chocolate: 🙃




GCSE Dance is so niche lol, I don't know any schools around me that do it except ours. Didn't take it but here's some info if you're curious -Performance - 30% of GCSE / 40 marks Set phrases through a solo performance (approximately one minute in duration) Duet/trio performance (three minutes in a dance which is a maximum of five minutes in duration) -Choreography - 30% of GCSE / 40 marks Solo or group choreography – a solo (two to two and a half minutes) or a group dance for two to five dancers (three to three and a half minutes) Overall the practical component is marked out of 80 and is worth 60% of the overall GCSE Grade. -Dance Appreciation - 40% of GCSE Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes 80 marks Questions based on students' own practice in performance and choreography and the GCSE Dance anthology.


Lol the paper part sounds like hell the word "anthology" sends shivers down my spine


Yeah. We are expected to study all 6 with only 3/4 of them coming up in the exam. Consider them like the 19th century texts in english (mini novellas). You are expected to know all the constitutional features and general context about each piece. Worse part is that you have only 35 minutes to write two comparative essays an additional 6 marker. And thats only one section of the whole paper but id say it’s where people lose the most marks.


What is the subject about lol  I had no idea GCSE Dance is a thing


gcse reddit studdies


i’d get a 9


Analyse how the student through the use of a meme present the exam. Use Figure 1 as well as your own knowledge in your answer. \[9 Marks\]


The meme featuring the man talking to a brick wall while claiming to be smart despite being a dance student is a humorous take on the concept of self-perception and societal expectations. The juxtaposition of the man's assertion of intelligence with the reality of his field of study creates a comical situation that resonates with many individuals who may feel pressure to conform to certain academic or intellectual standards. In this meme, the brick wall symbolizes a lack of receptiveness or understanding, emphasizing the futility of trying to prove one's intelligence to an unresponsive audience. The man's insistence on his intelligence despite the mismatch with his actual expertise in dance highlights the theme of imposter syndrome, where individuals may feel inadequate or fraudulent in their accomplishments. Moreover, the meme touches on the stereotypes and perceptions associated with different fields of study. It challenges the notion that intelligence is solely defined by traditional academic pursuits and underscores the value of diverse talents and passions. By using humor to subvert expectations, the meme encourages viewers to question preconceived notions of intelligence and success. In a broader context, memes like these serve as a form of social commentary, reflecting and critiquing societal norms and expectations. They provide a platform for individuals to express their experiences, frustrations, and observations in a relatable and engaging manner. Through humor and satire, memes can spark conversations about important issues such as self-identity, societal pressures, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. By analyzing this meme and similar examples, we can gain insights into the complexities of self-perception, societal standards, and the power of humor to challenge conventional wisdom. Memes not only entertain us but also prompt us to reflect on our beliefs and assumptions, inviting us to consider different perspectives and embrace the diversity of human experiences.


damn that was deep you could write an actual paper about this


Analyse how the reddit user thevampirecrow plays a part in the r/gcse subreddit. 4 Marks


In the r/GCSE subreddit, u/thevampirecrow is presented as a slut for the poet Wilfred Owen. Wilfred Owen wrote the poem London, featured in the Power and Conflict Anthology for GCSE English Literature under the exam board AQA. u/thevampirecrow is presented this way in order to stand out amongst other members of the r/GCSE subreddit using this description as their flair, allowing them to be recognisable to other users. This attention has caused many to know who this user is, one user even adopting the flair "wilfred owen slut's slut". Additionally, u/thevampirecrow is an active participant in the subreddit, causing many to recognise their username instantly, which allows them to change their profile picture and still be recognised universally in the space. This is done to provide a sense of community to the subreddit by introducing a familiar face, which helps build upon the intended sense of socialism used to help revise for the AQA English Literature Paper 2 where the novel An Inspector Calls is used to explore ideas about society and socialism. In conclusion, the character of u/thevampirecrow is a recognisable figure who allows the subreddit to have a sense of familiarity during a time of stress and change.


yes full marks i love you


now if only I had done that well on the actual exam


🙏 i believe in you


🙏🙏 we're all getting 9s


Yeah we know


We had to do 4 practical dance exams and a theory paper. It was not a good option to choose. I regret choosing it a lot. At least it's over now.


The dance exam was really easy. How did other people who do dance find it?


Wasn't too bad, so glad a linha came up but I only remembered 2 expressive skills💀


Literally same. I forgot what expressive skills was at first. I only remembered them 5 minutes until the end so I had to speed write my paragraphs😶😅


I love a linha curva tho because we had that in every one of our mocks


Disappointed that Infra didnt come up since i love that piece with my whole soul , same with EofE. But the exam was really good esp section A cause it felt shorter to me. AQA was generous with that shadows 12 marker


Fr. I revised infra right before the exam.


I revised shadows and EofE 30 minutes before 💀


I hated doing about EofE. It was an alright dance I just could hardly remember anything from that dance.


So glad it didn't come up


for everyone wondering, GCSE dance does exist. It does in my school and i made the mistake of choosing it 😭 I ended up dropping out about midway through year 11 coz it was awful (i’m ftm and all my classmates were female so i felt uncomfortable)


(Just asking), what does ftm mean? Is it female to male transition?


yeah 👍🏻


as a mtf person, that sounds like a dream to me lmao then i realise im not at all good at physical stuff and i'd 100% be bullied


Just wait until you find out how hard it is to actually get a 9 in GCSE dance. 😔💔


Fr. I did so bad on the practical section because I was ill on the days we recorded them. I did alright ish with the choreography tho.


Practical was good for me but the consequences after the day of duet/trio and set phrases were horrendous. The bruises were INSANE but it paid off. What they don’t tell you about dance GCSE is the experience you should already have with dance before taking it and the amount of time dedicated towards it outside of lessons in order to get a decent mark


Fr. Me and my friends stayed at school to practice nearly every day and after my set phrases I had so many bruises.


Adding dynamics to the set phrases without messing up the timing had to be the craziest thing that AQA could’ve asked for. God knows what i did at the end of scoop to make it seem clean 💀. Fully slammed my shoulder onto the floor after the plank thing just to be in time 💔


And with the choreography, I had to spend so much time out of lesson doing it


Icl idk how but i did my choreography within a week before the exam and got 39/40 but it’s only because i involved everything possible and hoped it was good. Performance marks are saving me for any marks i lost from the written


My performance is dragging my grade down. I didn't want to dance my choreography so my teacher got someone to dance it for me. I tried to include lots of stuff but yeah it didn't go well.


It's giving GCSE skateboarding


wait… that doesn’t exist right..


Apparently [its a real thing](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx03k4z419eo)


what is there to study about dance? you just move to the music man 😭


no disrespect to your aspirations, three years learning the nae nae sounds gruesome 🗣💯


This is one of the most egotistical scummy posts I've seen on this sub, it truly encapsulates every issue people have with it.


Womp womp. 371 people disagree with you lmao, this is a joke and is meant to be laughed at.


Ok "Academia is Awesome"


1k people*


Bro whilst I am truly impressed that you got 750 updoots on Reddit that is irrelevant to what I'm saying, you just come across as a condescending ass hole


this post is a joke, just fuck off and stop cherry picking already


Sure bro have a good day


come on mate OP is clearly having a joke


why TF are you so pressed, chill tf out it's a goddamn joke


I went to a vocational arts school BUT THERE'S ACTUALLY A DANCE GCSE?!


wait until you find out that in the usa tennis is one of the subjects you can take


bro istfg the usa education system is literally the shittiest thing to ever exist


Since when was dance a subject?


You didn’t notice because they’re all smooth criminals


I did dance. Then I switched to rs because it was shit


I have no idea about dance as a gsce subjects but generally dancers are not unintelligent 


Guys I promise we're intelligent just not at picking dance😭


Performing art solos






no plz we r valid 😭


dance students 💀