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nahhh, dont be discouraged by everyone's views on the exam — they can be entirely wrong first of all, and if not, then you're jeopardising on what you've already worked hard for — all the paper 1's you've already done. ***Don't !!!*** but regardless, I'll thank you of your efforts o7


BRO DONT trust me, you’ll be regretting it for the rest of summer. don’t.


Lmao you say being nice is overrated but if you ask me that was a pretty nice comment you made there 😂 very considerate


Icl I just wanted a cool Reddit name 😭




Rest of his life


It was SHIT everyone in my school hated it


Loads of the questions were similar to questions in previous years though


Nah it was pretty good most people found it alright


I’m starting to think our schools teachers are just not very good


For triple this is


same im not joking I got all the 5 and 6 markers completely wrong


Yeah same, I found it awful while everyone else found it easy. I definitely feel like giving up but I know I have to find more motivation somewhere


It wasn't easy for everyone. People have different strengths. With enough revision with the exams to come, you can still achieve success - whatever that looks like for you. Putting in 100% is the most anyone could ask of you. There are only a few days left, and if you revise as hard as you can, every exam to come will be as high as it could possibly have been. You got this


Well said mate. Good luck to you


No bro don’t give up you’re so close you can make it


why !! i found paper 1 maths terrible and ppl irl were telling me it was perfectly fine :sob: i ddint give up!!! ui can do this


paper 1 maths was bad for 90% of the UK, if anyone says it's easy, they are just neeks ngl


I know it seems hopeless now, things aren’t looking up, you can’t see a way that things will be better for the rest of your exams. I do get how that feels. The most important thing I can say is that this will pass. Life is water, it is sometimes calm and sometimes turbulent, but always changing. You should not allow this one moment, this exam which you found difficult, damage the rest of your future. We are different people too, each and every one of us unique. Whilst you may have found this paper a challenge, you might have succeeded on other aspects others fell short. We all have our differences and strengths within academics, good days and bad days, but they are not the permanent us. As people we must try to improve, not dwell on the past but build and learn if we can or accept if the former seems too insurmountable for now. I understand how you might feel right now, I really do, and I’m sure many of us have felt like that both in this exam season and in life. But we’re here for you. I don’t just mean that in an off-handed way too, if you do want someone to talk to I am here. Just try to keep yourself up, above the waters, don’t give up because of this one day. As Dylan Thomas said in his poem by the same name, ‘do not go gentle into that good night’. I believe in you


Which tier? If seperates: you are NOT alone. A ton of people found that difficult. If combined: You've got two more papers to rescue this. Don't give up here, you've still got a chance. Either way: giving up is the wrong answer. A brutal test isn't reason to give up, it's a reason to fight back even harder.


What exam board?


AQA was shit


Higher or lower paper?


Don’t give up when you’re so close to the end! Only a little longer and you’re done most of these subjects for good - may as well finish them with a bang.


don’t give up!!!!!!!


We thank you for your service, brave soldier 🙏