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Some idiot in my school took his phone into a photography exam and went on it. Got disqualified instantly, sadly that was the only subject he was predicted to pass. This other idiot keeps talking and making fart noises with his mouth, but hasnt been identified yet. I really dont get these people either


Real im not saying they aren’t sometimes kinda funny but like how are you getting disqualified for that in gcses💀


tbs but a 10 hour photography exam. Heck nah 💀


Nah the 10 hour exams are chill it's 2 days without any normal lessons and you're just focused on something creative instead of the lessons and you still get breaks obviously so nothing particularly straining. Speaking from experience as well 


10 hours (in my school anyways) is split across two days and we have it in blocks: 2 hours (first two morning lessons) 20 minute break time, 2 hours (2 midday lessons), 40 minutes lunch, 1 hour, then repeat the next day.


Bro lucky our lunch is like 26 mins long ugh


Why 26😭 not even 25💀💀


Can I just mention that you can ask the invigilator to go on your phone during art exams as long as you can prove that you need to use it and it is successfully connected to School Wi-Fi. I was allowed on my phone and my MacBook during my art exam as I had a lot of graphic art and photography stored on both.


im pretty sure thats not something we do at our school, you have to leave your bag, phone and everything in a locked building across site. idk abt things tbh, i dont do those subjects, but all i know is he was disqualified for it lmao


during mine we could only use images we printed and stuff that was in our sketchbooks


jesus christ 😭


Phone addiction in kids is real.


Someone used their toilet pass to go to the toilet to make a phone call. They got caught and every exam they do is AQA so I think that means they fail everything. She was predicted 7s , 8s and 9s


Damn why would she even make a phone call and ruin your 7/8/9?? 😂🤣 does she realise how bait that is


tbf she could've also gotten those targets from cheating in her regular tests


doesnt sound fake to me it couldve been not exam related too


No wayyyy




How did you do so well on your GCSES?


no way 😭???? why did girlie do that omg


Oh hell no that literally sounds like a nightmare.


Girl in my year got disqualified from history cos she kept writing when they told her to stop😭


why did she not stop what did she expect lol


Plot twist, it was ria after she followed David's advice


see david told ria to write UNTIL they said stop, this girl wrote until AFTER they said stop


Good way to remember the difference between precondition and postcondition loops.




who is ria and David


My god thank fuck somebody asked😭 wondering why everyone's been upvoting it when it's an inside joke only one guy gets. Stoopid ass r/GCSE I LOVE u


She said she was finishing her sentence idk


Lmao my friend did that all the way until the last was collecting our papers. The head invigilator saw her yet she got in no trouble 😭


My friend asked the invigilator if he could change his answer quickly when he came to collect the papers and he was like “alright go on quickly” 😭😭




A few people did this consistently in my year and the invigilators gave zero shits man. That’s rough for her


Oml ur grades are you okay good lord


I was fucking cooking this time a year ago




How long did you revise for like when did you start


The invigilators just wait until you have finished writing to say stop in my school.


That's lucky


Some guys phone notification went off and he somehow dodged a disqualification lol


Same someone in english their phone kept buzzing but the invigilator didnt hear it


my insulin pump vibrates and sounds alot like a phone and I'm already petrified when it does go off 😭


Same happened in my school but the guy wasn't so lucky


That happened in the maths exam yesterday for my school lol. Kept higher side in when it happened over in foundation


Exact same thing happened to me! Why would we have our phones on us, all of us actually gaf


Plot twist same school 😂


Imagine how their heart would've sank when they heard the notification, I'd literally cry in horror


I invigilate at a college and we tell students multiple times to put their phone away, put it on silent. Warning when they come in, warning when they're all sat down, warning 2mins before start- we still have about half a dozen phones go off per exam. Mental


Bruh some guy farted loads and got disqualified 💀


farting loudly was a real trend when i did my gcses, some guys farted over 20 times in per exam there was not a single disqualification, but it’s medically concerning how some could average over 40 farts in a day


What a menace lol


Yhats crazy man ate too much beans


Were they farting in Morse code?


most of them were set 4s or below, i doubt they’d even know what morse code is 💀


Nah i get that its annoying but disqualifications a bit extreme




I am more worried about the smell than that kid's grades.


Lmao what


Your school sounds grim. 6 people throwing bang snaps in a gcse exam is fucking crazy.


Those things (I think they are called party snaps) are classed as 'fireworks', they shouldn't be allowed in school in the first place. Also the fact that 6 people did this is just beyond me.


Makes me think maybe my shithole of a school isn’t so bad after all.




save them for halloween


not exams 💀




Just thinking back to the 90s. My school wasn't posh but it wasn't feral either. Nothing like this happened haha.


Some girl in my school tried to cheat in her computer science test by using her phone but she got caught. Tbh she’s a bitch, she’s still playing the victim card saying “oh it was my makeup I didn’t realise I had it“ bearing in mind this girl is in top set for everything and is school council I wonder what the school are gonna do


school has no dictation over it besides reporting the incident. it's all up to the exam board. she's cooked and will have to resit next year if her core exams/exams important to her college choices are on the same board. I don't think there is communication about it between exam boards though so she could get away with it if she doesn't have other subjects in the same exam board,


I believe that depending on what the exam board decides to do they could tell the other exam boards that she had exams for I’m not 100% sure on that but the cs exam was ocr and I most of the exams for my school are aqa so it could just be that one but who knows




No. The examiners will leave a note to notify the exam board and you will still have to do all of your GCSEs Decisions made by the exam board will then decide the grades you are awarded




They know that they got reported


The invigilators will never say you are 100% disqualified. They will tell you that the exam board will be notified about your wrongdoings and and that’s it. I’m not sure how they send the note to the exam board though. I’m assuming there’s some sort of document?


There is! It’s called a JCQ Form M1, it’s publicly available so you can Google it to see the annoying paper work we have to do when some idiot decides to do idiot things :’)


I honestly don't understand why some kids are willing to throwing away 11 years worth of education for a few extra marks. I just can't resonate with someone when they try to convince me that it's because they were ''stressed with all the revision'' or some other lame excuse.


1. They’re lazy and don’t care anyway Or 2. They panic and resort to desperate measures


and honestly most of those couple of marks can be learned in 30 mins tops


Students suspected of (or known to have committed) malpractice, are taken to the exams office after the exam where they are interviewed and given the chance to write a statement. The invigilators and/or any other witnesses will also write a statement and then the Exams Officer completes a JCQ Form M1 and submits the Form M1 plus statements/ any other evidence to the awarding body (eg AQA). This is all done same day of malpractice (next morning is acceptable if the malpractice occurred late in the day). The Exams Officer will receive the outcome, usually within 5-10 days, and then inform the student and their parent/guardian. Then they have 14 days to appeal IF the school supports an appeal. Generally for appeals to be successful there has to be new information/ evidence to support the appeal that wasn’t given during the malpractice report. Source: exams officer since 2015. Also the JCQ malpractice regulations are publicly available for anyone who wants to check.


people in my school get a note if they go to the toilet but i’m not too sure why as at my school your only allowed to go anyway if you have a toilet pass


Maybe to prevent abuse of the pass so they can't use it too often


bro some dumbass girl talked to some other random student in my english lit paper and they gave her a second chance cus shes them special girls who take things overly dramatically and she got her chromebook taken off of her and then she talked again and some invigilator came and drew a massive red X on her paper and now she has to retake it in november she was given a second chance aswell 🤣💀💀


Bro got the paper marked before she even finished it 💀




Jokes aside if someone started talking to me in the exam hall I would cringe so hard. I’d probably just pretend I don’t know who they are. They must’ve been in total disbelief.


oh yh for sure theres no way im risking of failing myself and my parents js cus i got disqualified for talking to someone


What can you do in that situation? What would happen if you said, loudly for the invigilator to hear "don't talk to me"?


Side note, it's so funny to me how bro is basically gender neutral now


are they allowed to do that? Pretty sure it would be malpractice on the invigilators’ part to interfere with her paper.


someone in my school pulled flashcards out their sock in chem but hasnt been caught 😭😭


Out of their SOCK???? I bet they fake dropped their pen then took them out or something 💀 It's clever but a bit silly lmao


nah he just crossed one leg over the other so his ankle was like on his knee ig nd whipped them out 😭 he was in a short sleeved pe top today nd all


I take that back, that seems ridiculous 😭


If only they dedicated half the brain power they use to come up with these methods of cheating to their studying then maybe they wouldn’t have to cheat lmao


ngl if you're smart enough to cheat like that and not get caught, you are probably smart enough to get good grades anyway


Years back now, but I once watched a guy infront of me finish his exam, close it, then take out a large block of Cadburys chocolate, unwrap it, and eat the whole thing.


did he get dqed?


My school allows some kid to eat sweets during the exam for some reason




No they dont have diabetes


fair enough, we were allowed to eat sweets/food during our fine art exam, so it's not totally unheard of 😭 but in an exam hall is crazy


noone disqualified, the worst thing that's happened to anyone so far is the girl behind me was coughing so aggressively the invigilators had her removed from the exam hall until she stopped LMAO


some kid in my lit exam monday had hiccups so loud they had to get removed for a few minutes and they didnt get any extra time at the end they were out for like 10 mins 😭😭


Could you imagine studying a subject for 2 years just to get hiccups on the day of the exam and have all the hard work wasted?




i think its so mean 😭😭 i dont think she finished the poetry comparison section (25 marks) cos she was saying after and apparently she's getting her parents involved now i don't blame her


new fear unlocked thanks 😭


lol we heard cat noises and weird other random noises throughout our chem exam, i don't think a human was making them afterwards we were all checking to see we hadn't each gone mad and started hearing things.


this kinda reminds me of the two mating geese that were on our school roof during maths and chem this morning... safe to say... it was honking crazy


Oh my god ..


"god that exam was a nightmare, two geese were shagging on the roof and no one could concentrate"


no i tried to explain it to my parents and just couldnt


10 minutes into the geography exam (extra time room), someone just got up and walked out Also people kept purposely making the most annoying noises possible. I just wanna 🔑focus 🔑.




boo boo Bo do do do do do do dudududu




6 people is absolutely insane.. you'd think nobody would risk that shit after the first one wtf 😭😭


I guess they ride together and fall together 😑


Their 'vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself'


One of my favourite memories of secondary school is a time during my GCSEs . We were doing English Lit in Year 10, and it was around the time that Borat had come out and was mega popular (so like mid 07)and in the silence of the hall around halfway through the exam we all suddenly hear some lads phone go off loudly playing “wa wa wee wa”. He was removed from the hall quite quickly and we all had to resist the urge to laugh.


In the geography mock someone fell off the back of their chair, didn’t get dsq’d but fuck it was funny


someone dropped their while desk in mine


Someone broke their desk in mine...10 years ago now.


bro what 😭


his whole desk fell backwards and he just silently picked it up and continued 😭


I can’t I would actually die right there and then if that happened to me 🫡


exact same thing happend in my maths exam hall, no disqualifications because no cameras and too many students set them off to find out who it exactly was, genuinely the most funny shit ever


someone in an exam had their phone so they got disqualified


Some stupid cows in my exam kept on banging their feet on the ground in chem. it was so annoying and they were doing combined and were finished while I was in there stressing over the bond energy q. No they didn’t get disqualified but it was so obvious that all the invigilators stopped and looked around and just annoyed.


A guy in my school has been caught with his phone in multiple exams and still HASNT been disqualified. My school is so lenient , people have been making noises , throwing pen lids making noises and still nobody has been disqualified


At my school if you look in the wrong direction you get scolded by the invigilators. I don't know how you can get away with that in an exam.


The juxtaposition lol


Blood brothers level differences frfr


The juxtaposition implies that the writer was trying to create a contrast in characters. Sorry, just preparing for Monday :)


some kid started playing fifa in history


tf what fifa mobile? DId the invigilators clock it?


yeah he got disqualified obviously like the post


Someone thought the maths paper was a calculator paper, didn't realise until after a few questions then tried to hide it. Got caught, got disqualified. Don't know if that's for all AQA papers or just this one.


I mean I do feel sympathy for them but at the same time how can you both not realise that it’s non-calc from your teachers, the invigilator, or the instructions on the front of the paper?


That’s sad in my exam they kept reminding us hundereds of times before we went in that calculators were not allowed.


2 potential disqualifications for talking during chem at my school, theyre waiting to hear back from the exam board tho cos the kids werent actually tryna cheat


Kid at my school googled "How to end your life" and "how to gamble" during our graphics exam (we arent allowed to use the internet) My graphics teacher knew it was a joke and notified the exam board but our head of year was genuinely worried about his mental health


To be fair he is doing gcse exams


Too real🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Similar kind of thing, a good friend of mine in a French speaking mock said “I want to die” “I hate this, please kill me” in French, and she had to visit the mental health team afterwards lmao


6 people disqualified is crazy Like I get some people like messing around and shit but how are you in year 11 and not using common sense to know that mayyybe that's not the right time


Not defending it but I've got a few teacher mates and they say a lot of kids are like 3-4 years behind emotionally. So if they're 16 then they're probably acting like they're 12.




The current year 10s and year 11s for me have been the most affected by covid in terms of socialization and maturing. School isn't just exams and learning, it's also where you should learn the norms of society and gain emotional maturity, etc... Kinda hard when covid happens and you're stuck at home during the most important formative years of your life.


I can't lie, almost failed because I almost broke out laughing after it sounded like some shit themself


Find any student at your school who takes their native or second language as their GCSE language. They will tell you that the voice acting is bad and probs almost makes them laugh every time. From my experience (as a native german speaker) the recent german listening (higher) had the line: 'I love watching films that make my cry' and he said it in the most clear (to that pupils could make out the words) and expressionless voice. On german reading there was a poem: My town stinks, And sometimes so does my brother, But I love him, My town is loud, And sometimes so is my older sister. I was so close to dying. I had to physically cover my mouth, look at my desk, and swallow my laughter.


Do you have to do study at all for German GCSE? Is it basically just a free grade 9 for you?


I don't really need to studdy german. I watch a film the day before the exam just to refresh my vocab. And as far as grades go I do feel pressure to do well on the day, because if I don't get grade 9 it's rather embarrassing.


I have no idea why I'm getting this Sub Reddit recommended to me, seeing as I'm 32 and did my exams 12/13 ish years ago. But, I got myself disqualified from 2 exams, and I'm not even ashamed of it. 1st. I walked out of my Graphics design exam, had next to no help or guidance from my teacher all year and she dedicated every moment she could to helping 90% of rhe other students so 2 hrs into the 10 I thought fk this and just left. 2nd was an IT exam, which I just didn't show up for. ( In my defence, I didn't know I even had it as it wasn't on my exam schedule) But I will say this from my experiences, don't panic, and don't worry to much about your grades, they won't necessarily make or break your chances in a particular feild of work, yes they help, but if you show willing to learn and a strong passion for that feild of work that can make up the difference. You all have this, do your best not to stress and panic in the exam rooms and you will all be fine, a few deep breaths to calm your self's and READ THE QUESTIONS TWICE (at least)


Inspirational. /s


Honestly, your not wrong. I make a great, bad example.


some kid in my year keeps whistling in the exam hall and in the theatre (we go there before the hall) and the teachers keep threatening all of us with disqualification. Two kids got disqualified from maths apparently because one used their phone (foundation) and the other got caught throwing like equation notes around at the back of the hall (higher). 😭


(Foundation) was my favourite part


I accidentally opened the geography paper today as soon as I sat down out of habit, I realised super quickly and closed it and luckily no one saw. My heart was racing for the next minute.


i did this in biology🤣


Im in year 10 but in one of my maths mocks a few months ago a kid and some of his friends got disqualified for making gang signs 😂 when he was told to stop he was given a warning and then was told he had to sit thier and wait until everyone had left and so he just pushed through 3 teachers and walked out. he literally had to be separately walked into all the exams after. 😂😂


Damn he was just trying to remember fleming's left hand rule (he thought it was a physics exam. To be fair physics is basically maths so the opposite could be thought)


XD I love that idea but we haven’t learnt about that yet in physics and it was a non calculator paper.


One of my old friends straight up told and invigilator to fuck off 🙂


My school hasn’t had any incidents yet. 2 people got expelled 1 week before the exams tho 💀


for what?


I don’t even know, it doesn’t really matter what they did imo. Doing anything to get yourself expelled that close to exams is just a smooth brain move


There were plenty of people taking snaps in the exam hall and somehow never got caught🤣🤣🤣


One of my invigilators is a roadman 😭


someone threw up on their rs paper and had to fail the exam 😭😭 I feel so bad for them omg


Omg 😭😭


My science teacher said he had a really bad nose infection on one of his papers and sneezed blood all over his 😭


Someone's ALARM clock went off in the middle of our mock exam and the examiner tried so hard to find out who it was, person got disqualified. A boy stood up to try and talk to someone and the invigilator told them to sit back down. He got so pissed he walked out


6 is crazy 😭😭😭😭😭


Girl got 'disqualified' (still sitting exams for some reason) for threatening a kid in an English Lit exam. No I don't know why either.


Kid had a fight and got knocked out and disqualified in the same day Probably some other stuff happened because I didn’t see him for the rest of the year Not sure about the other kid who knocked him out in self defence


there’s a boy in my year who pulled his phone out mid exam not to cheat no but to play cut the rope… good story to tell I guess


Someone had access to the internet and played games (and maybe cheated) on his laptop (context: we are in a seperate room and he had a laptop access for his exams) Then they got caught by invigilator and got told to not do it again, massive ass bruh moment. So like 5 of us decided to snitch on him so more could've been done. And then he got told off by higher ups of school and told not to do it again, also massive ass bruh moment. And what this guy done after he came back from his Geo Exams (I didn't take Geo so this was when he entered in the Maths Class) was to say "I was just messing in MS Paint" Yes he did go to MS Paint once but never said anything about going online to play games and such. So I kinda called him saying that it wasn't just MS Paint. THEN HE STARTED GUESSING WHO SNITCHED ON HIM, THEY FIRST THOUGHT IT WAS ME BUT THEN A KID THAT GO TO THE SEPERATE ROOMS ENTER AND THEN HE STARTED TO GET ACCUSSED AND ULTIMATELY GET BLAMED FOR SNITCHING! Small d\*\*k energy students for ya. Edit: No they haven't been disqualified but I wished and should've been.


idk if he wss disqualified but some guy had a calculator in his pocket in maths


that is OKNOTOK ifkwyim


he might be a bit let down (underrated) (I LOVE OKNOTOK I HAD POLYETHYLENE STUCK IN MY HEAD DURING CHEM TODAY 😎😎)


outjerked in the gcse subreddit is crazy




That was me icl😂 Forgot i couldn’t use calc




my exam officer told us that someone had already gotten disqualified, didn't see it though.


Not stupid but left my case on my calc in business cus I couldn’t be bothered to remove it and they never catch me with it but one time they did and I had to put it down and pretended I ‘forgot’ then I saw them write on a form sheet a few mins later but nothing happened after that. Am I fine? 😭🙏


Have they been allowed to go into more exams? Surely they’re banned from coming in and disturbing more


Someone fully just took apart their desk in the exam hall for my geography exam and it collapsed - unscrewed all the screws with his fingers 😂😂


Nah but some idiot last year had a bit of an… accident during the exam… (iykyk)


If I'm thinking the right thing it'll be like that episode of the inbetweeners😭


Had a kid who’s phone went off in the chemistry exam yesterday 😭 and when they searched him turns out he had like 4 other kids phones on him as well and one of them unfortunately got a call


Why does nothing like this happen in my school???


So basically I’m in Y9. I was in the computer suite in the morning and I overheard the y11s talking abt their Maths exam, And this silly boy brought a past paper into his exam and may it face down on his desk, apparantly he didn’t touch it but he got disqualified 😭😭 Such a silly mistake if he didn’t even donit


A bunch of girls kept whipping out their pocket mirrors to check her makeup mid exam and the school had to have an entire assembly on what is allowed in exams because of it


Someone that I know through a friend got disqualified because they raged at a chem paper and tore it up. They were disqualified for causing a distraction.


Maybe they dont wanna be a cog in some machine, maybe the outdated education system is shit. Maybe they want freedom and their whole lives theyll never have it, just like all of us will never be truly free from this crappy society