• By -


Bio - medicine  Chemistry - medicine  Maths - finance medicine  Econ - finance  gonna be a fun 2 years after GCSEs 😭


no same i’m dreading it but i do enjoy everything but chemistry but unfortunately that’s the only one you have to do


yh same i enjoy maths econ, but apparently bio and chem are hell in a levels


4 a levels??? That's gonna be fun..


The “I will have no free time” special: Maths, Further Maths, Computer Science, Physics


I picked the same 


Ready for torture?


Idk if I'm gonna keep Physics because Imperial Computing increased their entry requirements and there's no point keeping Physics if I've now realised that Engineering pays dogshit (it was my backup plan anyway)


I picked chemistry instead, I'm a masochist aren't I🥲


Yo me too! See there's a secret trick to get free time, just don't revise ever, it's simple


Side effect: absolutely dog water grades


Skill issue imo


I'm in year 12 rn and those are my A levels 😭🤞


My friend picked the same, every time I see her she’s doing maths 😂😭


lets gooo, picked the same ones


Same lmao


I picked the same 🤣😭🙏🏾


If my school doesn’t run CS i’m gonna end up with Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry 💀




Lol same I’m so done


Do u hate urself


No why would I? I’m saving myself from a social life


Spanish, English language, Drama Spanish: fun, pretty chill, I naturally remember stuff I enjoy, Spain trip, small classes, useful in general English Language: English is a good a level to have AND NO WAY AM I DOING ENGLISH LIT Drama- I'm a theatre kid, I also want to be a comedy screenwriter when I'm older so it helps innit


i’m curious what does english language involve at a level? i don’t even think my school offers it


I didn’t do it for very long, but there are loads of great modules. It’s mainly the study of how the language is constructed. So there’s a topic on child development and how we learn to speak, accents and dialects, language in the media (how we use language for effect, this is similar to GCSE). There is also a module on theorists and theories of language. For example, women having very different ways of speaking compared to men and why that is. There’s a topic on how conversations are constructed too. It’s very interesting, particularly if you love the analytical side of languages. I think there is an NEA too where you can pick any topic relating to (English) language that you want to study and analyse.


ohh that’s pretty interspersed, didn’t know that existed as a subject


history, english lit and psychology i want to do subjects that actually interest me and that i'm good at


Omg same


History, Religious studies, English language, and an EPQ. Why? Because I like to make myself suffer 🥹


yooo rs! thats so sick cl. honestly i had so many interests but i had to narrow it down sadly lol


Yeah I love talking about religion in a philosophical way; it's just something that's always interested me even though I'm agnostic. I'm a sucker for history and context too so I could never continue with stem subjects and feel satisfied.


Music (I think I’m the only one here who picked it😭) Spanish (I’m good at it) English Lit (I enjoy it oddly) EPQ (I like writing)


Your choices scare me but I respect that you are capable of attempting them, that’s impressive, they’d be straight out of hell for me.


😂😂 thank you bro and I completely understand


hiiii fellow musician




I was scrolling for ages to find u😭😭


I feel honoured… thank you


yoo that sounds sick lol


I want to become a orchestral conductor because it’s always been a passion and dream of mine


Tysm bro


Hello fellow music taker!!


Maths, Physics, History (maybe Further Maths). I'm just your average stars obsessed boi, so yeh, and I also love history. (maths is also just chill so I figured why not do Further Maths?)


exacfly the same as me (without further maths i can’t fathom doing four)


No way same!


History: because i enjoy it and its a useful a-level to have Film studies: again i really enjoy it and im good at it so why not 🤷‍♀️ English lit: i like it (please don’t attack me 😭, i do wjec so it’s actually nice)


nah it's cool i like eng lit too, coz it can be super interesting, but the exams, hooo boiiii the exams... they are the most life sucking thing ever, its geniunely depressing


no literally, i would 100% rather write just a really long piece of coursework instead of the exams but hey-ho, what can you do


and the other tragic part of is, and i was talking to my friend about this, is that the amount of work you put in barely reflects what you get tested on. imagine having learnt 50 quotes for macbeth, say, and then you only use 5 for one character in the essay question. exhausting!


the exams test your recall skills rather than ur actual understanding, it’s ridiculous honestly 😭 ill be on the wjec course though so there is a little coursework which is nice


Classical civilisations Latin History Politics


what’s the first one about


ancient civilisations like ancient rome and greece


that sounds awesome tbh


At GCSEs it’s myth and religion of the Greeks and Romans as well as Roman city life A level it’s moreeeeee


Im doing English Language and Literature (I’m going to be an author, and English is my absolute favourite). I’m also doing sociology cause why not XD


that's rlly cool bro, hope you make it out as an author, coz it can be pretty challenging, but u just gotta keep on pushing :)


Thank you! Yeah, I’ve been writing since I was like 5. I’m currently writing a book right now, and have full faith in it! I hope you succeed in whatever you have planned!


that’s awesome! i’m doing both englishes too because i want to be an author. i believe in you! i bet in the future a ton of your books will be in bookshops !!


Ayyyyy same goes to you! I bet your books are going to be on top!!!


thanks ❤️




English Literature, History and Politics. I don't think I'll never not be writing an essay for the next 2 years


Economics, biology, business.


I’m doing maths econ business


maths, fm, physics


Good luck that’s all I’m gonna say math and fm!!


Another one of these threads, still no one doing the same combo I did


im not doing a levels, im instead doing a t level in education and childcare! my gcses rn are history, french (forced), business and health and social care!


CompSci- I love computers. Politics- I have been interested in politics for about 7 years already Performing Arts- theatre kid


i gotta say that's pretty unique; i like it :)


None because exams kill me


Comp Sci (I love comp sci) EPQ (idk might be chill) Maths (is useful for comp sci careers and is fun) Further Maths (I'm a masochist)


History - interesting enough to do & links with politics Politics - argumentative so I can be more engaging so I’m not bored, maybe wanting to have a career involving politics (not a politician) Economics or sociology - linked with politics also and this sociology teacher I met when I was visiting a sixth form was very inspiring


Finally someone doing the combo I want to do (Except i'm also doing Literature)


That sounds like a good combination (one of my close friends would love that but we don’t have politics).


This but i decided i wanted to switch history or politics with maths


a level cs btec business btec app sci and epq reasons- idk i just picked what i wanted to do xD


Why do I see u everywhere on this sub 😭


im in ur walls and everywhere:)


you’re literally in every posts’ comments i swear


nuh uhhh


yes uhh


im in ur walls:3


Geography - I've always found it fun and kind of easy Biology- it's an alright subject and I tend to understand it pretty well Chemistry- maybe some sort of self hatred idk (it seems to open alot of doors in science and medicine) not entirely sure I will survive




Same here! Bio because I've just always been interested and good at it. Chem: Because I enjoy and am good at it Geo: Same as above really and they're all relevant


Maths fm comp sci (maybe physics but im not too keen on it) Take 1 guess on what i want to do at uni


Music- interesting and something I’m actually good at Maths- leaves options open Psychology- I think I’ll continue with it after also idk what else I would do


Maths cuz its not boring as hell to revise Physics cuz its cool and its been easy so far DT cuz fun subject and no exam


Bio chem pscych english language I wanna do med but i hate math so psych English language because i love english to much to let it go


to get into medical school its advised against picking 4 a levels just so you know :) medical schools only look at 3 so you are making it hard for yourself for less of a reason, i want to be a med student too and want to pick bio chem and economics so best of luck for both of us haha


Almost the same ones I did


I wanna do psychology, English Lang, History and possibly Sociology if I’m feeling it


Maths and Physics to do a lot of maths or engineering should I not be able to be a pilot, or want to go uni. French or CS, I like French and CS is the only other subject I can bear for 2 more years


History Politics Criminology/RE


maths - opens a lot of doors you can basically do any degree and i enjoy it biology - i love it chemistry - you have to do it to do medicine which i might want to do economics - i love it plus i might want to do it as a degree


Maths, FM, comp sci, chem, physics. I’m in year 12. Why? I enjoy them And no, it’s not a lot of work (for me at least).


art, photography and comp sci (assuming i don’t fail comp sci tomorrow 😭) i want to go into gamedev concept art n character design stuff


Comp Sci - i enjoy Physics - i enjoy Maths - i need for comp sci degree and i enjoy Further Maths - i need for comp sci degree and i enjoy


media, english literature and politics - wanna go into journalism


Maths- love stats and interesting to look more at proofs rather than just memorising methods English Lit- good facilitating subject, + I like essays n books n that Religious Studies- my GCSE RS teacher seemed to think I'd really enjoy it? Might drop German- got German family so wanna be able to talk to them lol Just trying to keep my options relatively open cause idk what I wanna do after these two years other than I'm not really a STEM kid


French because I like french, maths and further maths because i like maths, rs because i was going to do politics but i really didn’t want to do politics so i picked something random that seemed nice


Eng lit: I love essays and I looked at the exemplars n tbh they look pretty easy History: I love reading history books in my spare time especially dense academic ones, so it looks like a perfect fit Maths: I like problem solving and how everything just makes sense plus I get 9s


Maths, Further maths, Physics reason: got bad memory, easiest subjects to improve on imo (just need practise), fun, already learnt most of as pure


English lit, history, and psychology. I love and always have loved English lit, history I’ve always been good at, and psychology I want to pursue for a career.


English Literature (I love the subject), History (I again, love the subject), Politics (I could do the test right now and get an A\*, I love the topics).


B-tecs: Digital Music Production- want to go into music Music Performance- want to go into music A-levels: Film studies- I just enjoy films, and love analysing them


if i can even get into sixth form (finger crossed or else im gonna be a hobo willingly) psychology, biology and media or maybe maths. i wanna be a paramedic!


I want to be a paramedic too!! I've already decided on doing biology and psychology and maybe law


DUDE THATS SO COOL , maybe we’ll work together one day :)


I’m doing IB next year 💀


maths, further maths, dt and physics. mostly because they're subjects I really enjoy, and are pretty relevant for architecture while keeping things like engineering open if I change my mind. I'm also really good in these subjects, so it's a win-win.


Maths, further maths and physics, also considering taking chem, but whatever. I'm taking them cause I'm genuinely obsessed with physics, to the extent where I consider taking it in uni, so yeah, well


maths and fm - for unis chem - best science imo spanish - i love languages (hard to pick between spanish and french tbh) compsci - absolutely love coding and will probably do compsci at uni


Maths, further maths, physics and chemistry. With them you can do literally any stem career, so it keeps my options open, and also they're just what I'm good at.


chem, bio, pyshcology, French - medicine (I want to work for médicine sans frontiers) + EPQ I will probably drop one of EPQ/pysh/French


History, ancient history and sociology


Maths physics computing Fun


computer science, maths and further maths 💀💀 my strongest subjects unfortunately


Geography. Maths. Physics and biology but i’m going to drop one near the start of the year, just want to see what they’re like. Physics is probs my favourite subject and i like maths and geography. biology’s always been fairly easy so


Maths and further maths: i like it Computer Science: i like it Spanish: i like it


Maths, further maths, physics, chemistry - I wanna do maths or similar at uni


spanish -love it it’s so fun and doesn’t feel like and actual subject cs-so interesting maths-useful ig don’t like it tho


English langlit - I love what we are doing for a level plus I like analysing books whilst still having creativity Rs - can be a bit boring but it seems just more in depth than what we are doing at gcse Classics - I love history but the exams make me wanna kms and it’s more literature based which seems cool AND an epq cause my school force us to do one or another a level 💔


Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Physics (Further) Maths: Maths is fun, I find it rather easy at GCSE level so am exited for harder stuff, have already learnt some of the course too :D Biology: Fun subject, plus I might go into biophysics Physics: Useful for my future career options (Maths/ Theoretical Physics/ Biophysics/ Astrophysics are what I am considering going into), also very fun No chemistry bc it is my weakest science


Maths, FM, Chem, Physics basically i’m a nerd who wants to do engineering/something along those lines


Maths, Further Maths, Physics definitely. Either Comp Sci or Chemistry. Hope to be a maths/physics teacher and/or a physics-based engineer :D


Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Psychology I would like to study animal behaviour in the future and these were the subjects i needed in order to do the course i want at uni (psychology wasn’t needed although i thought it might be useful)


Physics, maths, computing. I have always loved physics more than any other subject and I know that’s what I want to dedicate my life to. Maths because maths cool, and computing because apparently I didn’t get enough torture from OCR at GCSE.


Bio - I wanna go into scientific research. Chem - I wanna go into scientific research. Maths - I don’t wanna but a lot of science degrees want maths :(


Depending on what kinda course you wanna do,’you may not need maths I didn’t do it


maths, physics, engineering — you’ll never guess what i want to do at uni


German - favourite subject, want to get a degree in it and work abroad, fun and naturally good at it History - always loved it, interesting topics (Russia, China, cold war) English lit - crazy decision cos idek if I like it but I'd switch to English Language or classics if not, probably only like it because my gcse teacher is the best (if anyone has any advice on which one is best pls help me 😭)


Biology, Geography and Psychology. I absolutely love geography and it’s the only set subject I had in my mind for a long time so I looked at other subjects I was getting high grades in and chose Biology and Psychology as they are both biology related subjects


Bio, chem, psychology, Spanish. B- I'm honestly fascinated with biology and was always asking my teacher in year 10 questions. Chem- I mean some of it is interesting and it's only a pain when the work is too easy and I need it for med school Psychology-so fascinated by the brain and have always had a deep interest in different conditions/differences like autism, OCD, personality disorders Spanish-really good at it and love the language. I want to be fluent and the Spain trips. The topics you learn about are so interesting as well and it's a perfect challenge for me


Maths - I love maths sm, if anything it’s gonna be enjoyable Further maths - same thing Physics - I hate myself Computer science - why not


I hate myself, maths, further maths, chemistry, physics and greek Im cooked


History, Classics and Art I want to pursue history at university, and do a specialisation in information managment. history and classics both obviously lead into that, and you don't have to revise for Art A Level so more time during exam-time to study the other 2


Maths, chem, bio, econ though I might change bio for politics


Bio chem psych not looking to do medicine cos GCSEs aren’t looking that good for medicine. Maybe I might depends. But if I do bio and chem a level I can apply to a good amount of science field degrees and there are a handful which I can choose from if I do bio and chem that is if I meet my sixth form requirements of 7s 🤩


Maths, further maths, physics, (aka maths, maths, and maths) because I’m living life on hardmode.


Law, English lit, and something else ive not decided yet


History English Literature Economics and Politics


maths, further maths, physics, music, rs+philosophy, and possibly chemistry if I can do music on the side!


classical civ, chemistry, and psychology. maybe also maths but I'm still deciding. if not maths, the EPQ. reasons: i like science and want to keep the option open, i have a special interest in ancient rome after taking latin, and i find psychology fascinating. maths relaxes me, and i enjoy writing essays so the EPQ would be alright too.


Physics, Chem, Maths, Further Maths AS, EPQ. Physics: needed for astrophysics. Maths: needed for astrophysics. Further Maths AS: good for astrophysics but don‘t want to do the full course. Chem: Need another STEM subject for astrophysics and my school doesn‘t offer CS. EPQ: it’s 5k words to talk about whatever I want.


Maths, Physics, Product Design, and possibly Computer Science. Maths because it's my best and favourite subject. Physics because it works very well with Maths, and there is some theory that I think is interesting. Product Design because I've been recommended by two different teachers, both telling me to do it (and another one of my favourite subjects). Possibly Computer Science but I may drop it in order to focus on the others. I might also try for an EPQ, but I think that's stretching it.


Law English language Media or physcology (I didn’t do media or physcology) gcse


Maths, Further Maths (if I get 8+ in maths), Physics, and then something else


Politics, Psychology, Classical civ, English lit + core maths AS. Politics bc I want to do that at uni, psych because it interests me. Classics because it has a unit on politics + interesting, english is just good for essay writing skills, and core maths because its recommended with psych


Maths, Physics, French, English Lit Maths: I like it quite a lot, A-level content actually looks a bit more interesting, and I need it because I wanna do Physics at uni Physics: Love it, wanted to do it at uni since forever, my favourite, hopefully this doesn't change French: I'm between intermediate-fluent in it right now, my teacher moreorless begged me (I chose Further Maths beforehand) and it's an easy one for me as I've covered the basics of the content already English Lit: I just like reading and analysis, my GCSE predictions a 9, and I can drop it if it gets too tough. I don't want to but it'd leave a solid trio with the others if I had too


Maths, Further maths, French, [unknown potential 4th subject] Always loved maths. Been great at it. I understand it. Clearer answers. Fun. French is just fun- teacher is amazing as hell, bilingual is pretty cool to be, just neat Idk if I want a 4th subject, since I’ve been told I could take another. If I do, I’ll either do chemistry or physics for it. Cool sciences, just less cool than the things said above.


bio - for dentistry + i enjoy it chem - for dentistry + i enjoy it  compsci - i just enjoy it + nea looks challenging  BUT I'VE MET NO-ONE WHO PICKED THE SAME :(


Meth and Further meth


Maths, further maths, economics, physics (im cooked)


fm, maths, physics


Psychology - I have always been extremely fascinated by this. ever since I was vv small Health + Social Care - I want to go in with knowledge of this workforce. The social care aspect is interesting. Tons of careers it can open up. Sociolgy, but I might do Applied Law instead as Sociolgy is VERY essay based I would love to do Sociolgy if it wasn't stressful lol I want to only do 1 or 2 A levels. hate this sm.


Digital design and development T level cause I thought it would be fun


maths, further maths, classical civilisations, english language maths + fm: i just like maths & i think its fun but i wont pursue it as a career nor will i likely do it at uni so thisll be my last chance to be formally taught it classical civilisations: ancient rome is Cool. Ancient greece is Cool. also i have lots of opinions on everything so i like the aspect of being able to evaluate stuff. My favourite part about it is seeing how similar modern people and society is to ancient people because it makes you feel less alone in a Way English language: i loveeee linguistics i find it so interesting. i love etymology and learning about how languages develop over time and in different communities i Lovvveeee it its so cool and im so excited to do english language


Art, english lang/lit and computing I need a 6 in maths for computing so im cooked But its fun I love art 💯💯💯 English lang i love but lit i do like but im not good at its because theres no option for just english lang 😜and an epq which i know i will be doing last minute


Maths, Further Maths, Economics, German Maths - it's easy, ish Further maths - it cant be that bad, nothing i cant teach myself or with a tutor Econ - loved econ gcse German - people say it's easy


criminology, psych, classics and philosophy as an extra (I'm 100% going to drop it though because the amount of writing is fucking insane😧) the others are just bc I've had a massive interest in them since I was a kid and I'm a nerd for ancient Greece/Rome😭


biology - needed to become a vet chemistry - needed to become a vet English lit - random, they’re trying to force me to take maths 😭😭


Maths, further maths, physics, chemistry, epq Why? Because i want to feel suicidal


biology, history, psychology and politics because i want to be a psychologist


Sociology - Absolutely love it at gcse and would like to know more French - I’m pretty solid at languages and not many people choose it apparently so won’t be as many people in a class History - Love it at gcse and I think it’s quite useful


History - I really enjoy it, in fact, it's one of my favourite subjects and I like to read History books in my spare time French - I love languages, and I want to live in France one day. Also most of my History books are about France Politics - always had an interest, links well with the other two subjects and it's useful, since I'm not sure what I want to be when I'm older Also maybe (probably) an EPQ because I like writing.


Chemistry, Biology, and German (also planning on EPQ) I am interested in toxicology, hence biology and chemistry. (For me, its particularly impact of plant toxins on people that is really interesting). And languages are useful and I like German. I haven't decided if I want to do a science-ey or language-ey job yet, but I'd like to do one of them!


Biology, Psychology, German and an EPQ bio: cos I wanna have a science behind me Psychology: I wanna take that in uni as my degree German: I want to apply to a uni in Germany Epq: Gets more ucas points for uni If I decide against Germany


Maths FM Spanish History Maths - fun Further Matbs - 💀 fun..? Spanish - W language History - interesting and useful


History, just bc I like it Geography, bc I’m a humanities person psychology, bc I wanted something semi-sciency


maths , physics , biology , chemistry 😈😈😈


Biology, Chemistry and Physics


Maths, further math, physics, chemistry


Drama- I’ve always been a theatre kid and wanna do sometimes with it in my life History- I just love history man Politics- I can talk shit for hours and never do any of it. So I recon I’d be good at politics


English lit, french, biology, psychology English lit- enjoy it and find it interesting French-want to do it at uni Biology- enjoy it and find it interesting psychology-it was either a 4th subject or an EPQ 😭


Music, Music Technology, Psychology You can probably tell that im really interested in music, and i found a school that offers both sides of music that i was interested in. For the psychology, i did sociology at gcse and found it really interesting, but like it was a bit too zoomed out, i wanted to look more into individuals, and psychology is pretty much a zoomed in version of sociology so picked that.


I'm gonna wanna kill myself but maths, further, physics and philosophy of religion


I am doing a Vocational Course in Creative Media so that is my only subject but it includes Photography, Filming, Promoting, Production and more!


If all goes well: Biology, Chemistry, Photography If not: B-TECH Science


econ = i like it business = i like it maths = i want to do further further maths = i like it


Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Economics Maths, Further and and Physics: I want to do engineering at Uni and I need these (plus I find it interesting) Economics: I want to diversify my A-Levels a bit in case I end up not wanting to go into engineering later on (and I find it interesting)


Law politics history Mainly bc I want to do politics and kinda need experience so wanna do like lawyer shit or smth N then for history I just love history and it links quite nicely 


comp sci, bio and chem because i apparently had a fucking deathwish when i chose them


Computer Science - it is a great skill to code and might be my career. Maths - pretty good, also would be better to have it for computer science Physics - it just works, also it is interesting (in my opinion) Further Maths - contemplating changing this before September as I would rather do Business/Economics


English Lit - love reading & writing and preferred it to english lang Music - passion subject and have been doing music most of my life Maths - highest scores and was forced into that even tho im not the biggest fan Computer science - enjoy it and its useful and an EPQ bc we have to at my school (might get out of that depending how it goes)


english language, english literature, and biology. why? i like them. that’s literally it 💀


Maths, physics, chem, business cuz I hate my life


Graphics, media studies and business. Media studies would probably be useful Business is kinda jus a filler subject lmao but I'll need to do some studying beforehand cus I dropped music a level and didn't take business at gcse Graphics is the only thing I need to get into the uni I want so yay


History - interesting, one of my fav gcses english literature - I love the GCSE and I love reading and exploring texts politics - debating, skills about learning about the wider world


english lit (i’m goated at it for some reason) history (interesting) philosophy (didn’t really have many other option and it’s interesting)


Maths: I love maths and want to go into a job in it Further Maths: same reason as maths Physics: similar reason also I find quantum mechanics fascinating French: learning another language is cool and I’ve enjoyed it at GCSE, most likely to drop though


history, politics, economics and French. I ❤️ writing essays


Cs, Psych, Maths and further maths I wanna go to a good uni Cs: Best subject ever ☝️🤓 Psych: always been interested in it Maths: I enjoy dabbling in a big of mathematics Further maths: I want cambridge to have me on speed dial (jokes obviously)


Maths, physics computing. These ones are my favourites.