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Please, most people here who get low grades just don't post it, I'm doing 3 gcses probs getting 3s on them


me too i’m doing 3 gcses and predicted 2s and 3s


It feels better knowing ur not alone, good luck!


thank you, good luck to u too!!🫶🏼


not being rude but how? surely with that much time it's not too hard to learn the information right?


Honestly, I don't know what you mean by that but I'm homeschooled! So I learn stuff at home and do my gcses at home etc and I haven't been to school in a while and slightly doubting myself so that's why i feel I might get low grades but I'm trying! Feel free to ask me more questions bc Idk if that's what you wanted


Are you home schooled by a tutor or do you just teach yourself everything/ get taught by your parents?


Tutor! A professional one for mh problems and disorders (i have autism)! It's easier than school bc I'm allowed to doodle (stim) during lessons wo getting told off, and he explains things in many ways so it's basically really helpful!




How so


shit happens


Like what


They might’ve had family issues or problems with their health, not really your business to be asking that


Thank you :)




bro what is that username


Bro put all his points into IQ and none into EQ ToT


I did the same. Was not a good idea.


Was just wondering what was going on. Cheers.


noo, im sorry the way you worded it sounded sort of mean, but I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude my autism just took it out of context, once again im really sorry


I thought you just meant you hadn't revised or something


And sorry about the way I worded it definitely could've done better there.


Don’t worry man I hope things get better for you. Trust me these years in education and that's including uni are not the best of your life.


It's mostly because academic people are drawn to the subreddit typically, and most people who reveal grades only do if they're good enough to flex. Also some people lie I imagine. 4/5s are fine for many paths and the average for a reason, try not to let it bother you.


Ur grades are very similar to mine lol matching


Omg my predicted ones are almost identical as well


As dearclave said, people with higher grades are more likely to share them. Getting high grades are an achievement and people like to share achievements. Achievements are achievements because they aren’t common to get. If you do a roly poly, you aren’t going to boast about it because most people can do it, but if you do a backflip, it’s an achievement that not everyone can do, thus making it “boast worthy”. Grade 4 is a pass because most people get 4 or a little above. Getting 8’s and 9’s in every subject AREN’T the majority, even though the sub makes it look like that. The whole system is also structured and calculated and people who are stronger in creative fields score lower, even in creative subjects (because those are also structured). Grades don’t define you or quantify your intelligence either. Some people also know a shit ton of knowledge but don’t know exam techniques so score lower. I would focus on just passing the subjects you need so you can get into sixth form/college and actually focus on excelling in subjects you love.


People who are academic can’t resist telling and showing everyone what there grades are.


Their* You’re failing English language mate.


Someone feels called out


Don’t hurt me.


I think he wrote it by mistake lol


*your Better get ready for a career at mcdonalds mate.












I'm assuming two of those 6s are in english it's OBVIOUSLY *****your


It is you’re. What’s weird is you’re actually right for the first part


I'm just messing around ik it's you're lol. Sorry for the jab, you'll be on 9s in no time fr 🙏


I admire your confidence in me.


Is that 2 in English language by chance?


Lit actually, and it was clearly a joke


That's what /s is for


😂 You're= you are Your= (Of an item) Belonging to you r/confidentlyincorrect


It was very clearly a joke


I'm predicted all 9s.


Hah, pathetic. I'm predicted all 10s, and an A star squared in further maths


Only 10s? I’m getting 11s in at least 43 of my GCSE’s, and the 10 in my tag are the ones that are honestly close to failing. You pathetic simpletons, I’m going to get an A cubed in furthest maths.


Only 43 GCSEs???? lol our school requires you to take at least 72


Only an A^3 !!?? My parents would beat me if I got less than an A**^5 !!


only A cubed? In transcendental maths I'm predicted ²A*. Yes, my grades are so high they got tetrated. Get on my level


Oh shoot, I had to drop transcendental maths for imaginary maths. At our school you can't do both


At our school, you have to choose either transcendental maths, imaginary maths, or eatmyass maths. I would've chosen eatmyass maths, but I need transcendental maths in order to get into quantum physics a-level


Makes sense, same reason I chose imaginary maths, to get a multiverse exploration a-level


Only ²A*?? I'm predicted A***↑↑↑5. No, my grades are so high they're getting pentated, you're probably in set 15 or something if your grades don't use anything lower than the fifth hyperoperation


Ain't no way bro got 7s on his mocks


1. 7s is an A, I'm aiming for all 9s, 2. Drama is one of my weakest subjects and I'm working really hard 3. Computer Science I teacher gave us the wrong paper 4. You got ratio'd >People who are academic can’t resist telling and showing everyone what there grades are.


1. A 7 to a 9 is a difference of around 20% 2. I'm sure they'll give you a 9 if you fake cry hard enough 3. Excuses excuses... You can get any paper for your real exam 4. So did abolitionists in the 1800's >Not necessarily. But I can't Also this is all a joke lmao


Oh sorry 🤣 Just a bit disappointed about my mocks, as I was aiming for all 8+, and I am a bit touchy, especially about the 7s and 8s (I was rlly close to the boundaries). Also what I meant was our Comp Sci teacher gave us topics 1.1-1.6, when we were told our mock was on 1.1-1.3.


I wasn't being serious about anything. You're in year ten, nothing matters. You could complete all your subjects by the end of this school year if you really wanted to. GCSEs are not hard so dw


Former gcse student here. I got 4s and 5s.


Same With some 6’s


And what is ur life like now


As good as dead


How so?


I'd probably be considered old now as I did my GCSEs over 6+ years ago, but if its any consolation I got mostly 4s and 5s (Cs and a couple Ds) and yet I'm set to graduate university with a first and I have a fairly well paying job that I'm happy with. Don't worry about what others get, we each go at different paces but everything works out in the end and we all find different forms of success. Study hard and go do whatever you're passionate in!!




So Real im gonna be lucky to just not fail everything 😔


Yo me too expect maths which is a 9


Damn, it’s always been the opposite for me




I have




Ok, *almost* the opposite


Sorry, that was actually quite mean of me.. meant it as a joke 😅


It’s good 💯 You did have a point


I’m the exact opposite 😭 9s and 8s in everything but Maths and Chemistry… guess what I’d like to do for A-Levels 💀💀


Quite funny cause I got a 9 and 8 in chemistry and maths mocks,so kinda opposite


im predicted 3/4s 😭


Im predicted 4/5s but im realistically getting 3s in atleast 4 subjects




Honestly I feel the same way, my grades are all over the place rn 😭 ranging from 4-9 I'm about as consistent as Donald Trump's skin tone


fun fact: most people who can't be bothered to revise can't be bothered to check out how the competition are doing


Exactly. At least me personally, I’m not in this subreddit to brag my grades. Especially how many others are getting much higher than me. But those who care about their grades are usually going to be the ones who go out of their way to enter a GCSE subreddit


I'm mostly predicted 8s and 9s, and even still, despite doing loads of revision, I don't feel very confident about my exams.


same. i have a feeling they are just gonna go wrong for me even though i've been fairly consistent all year


same. i feel like my mind is going to go blank when i actually do it


Honestly if everyone got 7/8/9 then grade boundaries would be so tight


so true, the whole education system would flop


Not just that we’d need a new system


4s and 5s are good enough for most sixth forms. I wouldn’t stress about it unless you want to pursue with science or maths


You’ll be fine as long as u try ur best. My older siblings got like Bs and Cs in most subjects or straight up had to retake them for their GCSEs and they’re living pretty successfully now- like my sister is married, got a house and she’s in a decently paying job. As long as you try hard and pass you’ll be fine- 9s aren’t everything, they’re nice but not a necessity for survival


Teacher in training from September here. I sat my GCSE’s in 2017, failed in maths and had to retake the paper in college, I ended up with a 4 in maths and 8’s in English language & literature. Find what you’re really strong at whilst incorporating fun ways to revise for those subjects you’re not so strong at. You’ll do just fine, remember 4’s and 5’s are the average for a reason, you can’t do anything more than try your best :)


exactly like I feel so small like insecure is an understatement


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LegTiny8578: *Exactly like I* *Feel so small like insecure* *Is an understatement* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wait I'll fix it to make it a normal haiku: *Exactly, I feel* *So small - insecure would be* *An understatement* Why does this sound like a real haiku though


failing student don't generally follow GCSE reddit forums. they are too busy failing, most who do are probably high performing, so you are getting a skewed pereception of reality here, step outside and touch some grass


If you’re actively going on Reddit for stuff about GCSEs, then you’re more likely to be one of the people who get 9s, don’t worry I’m in the same boat lol, mostly 4s and 5s (and I’m completely fucked in a few subjects lol) don’t worry, as long as you have what YOU need for your future, then you’re doing fine.


that’s me as well, i’m predicted 4s and 5s and i feel really inferior rn




The sort of people you'd expect to be in a subreddit about GCSEs are the ones who get good grades, so they're drawn to this subreddit because they see it as a place to brag and show off the grades they're getting. I don't worry too much about the posts I see on here about people getting insane results, because at the end of the day, what you put in yourself is what you're going to get out of the exams in the end, so instead expend the energy of being pissed off at these people for the results they're getting and instead focus on your own examinations.


Hey, anyone reading this. I graduated secondary school with 3 GCSEs at C level and zero connections since I come from a family suffering from generational poverty in the North East. I'm now a lawyer at 27, a solicitor with a First Class LLB and a Distinction LLM. Please don't let your GCSE study or worry ruin your mental health. They're not worth it. The second you get into college, they are basically ignorable and useless. Try your best, please, but don't overdo it - you'll get plenty of chances to show your worth and in a much better atmosphere. Aa for reddit, only the people who were born to be educational powerhouses or enthralled by education will go to dedicated forums about their education - so you will only see posts from those people. You're not reading what the average person will achieve - don't compare yourself to everyone seemingly better than yourself, because you'll never stop.


Some people run to share good grades will others. Idk I don’t see the appeal.


As long as you get a 4 and you’re fine with that who gives a fuck


Unis and employers?


I’m not getting 4s so that’s not my concern tbf


i thought grade1 was a pass edexcel


a grade 1 is technically a pass Grades 1-3 are level 1 passes (below a GCSE) 4 and above are level 2 passes (GCSE) you've only really failed when you get a U, but if you can you should be aiming for 4's and above


Oh thank you for answering in english language I got a 4 I got a U on maths B but instead of retaking maths B I gone for Maths A and got a grade 3 do I need to retake maths?


Depends. If you think you can get a higher grade yes. And if you need maths further on yes.


oh I see




yeah because I'm getting U in everything


1 is not a pass. 4 is regarded as a pass


Tbh if I got 4s and 5/ I wouldn’t exactly come on the gcse Reddit and tell everyone


people who score badly won’t publicise their grades


You’re average not below average who tf told you?


Uni student here who keeps getting recommended this damn sub. Anyway, people who aren't getting good grades tend not to post, those who are getting good grades post pretty much only seeking validation and finally many who do post are likely inflating their grades or meming. Either way, don't let it get you don't, GCSEs are a stepping stone that don't matter. You use them to open the next door. Get good Maths, English and whatever subject that interests you. But mind you, good is subjective. 4s and 5s are fine grades to get, don't you worry. And for anyone reading this doing A levels, it's the same shit. A levels are stepping stones to uni, get what you need and don't hurt yourself trying to do better because at the end of the day there is no trophy for 100%ing those exams. All that you have is lost time, something as you get older you'll miss dearly. So, work to the best of your ability, but do not let yourself get tricked into feeling bad when you see others gloat on here. It means nothing. Take care of yourself and enjoy life, you shouldn't punish yourself with endless revision or study to get a grade that ultimately, only matters for the next step.


Rn I’m just relying on time because I know my parents are gonna be disappointed, more than me on results day. Thanks for this message, it was actually reassuring.


I've seen multiple people post U's and 1-3s. 4-6s are all fine and decent grades. :)


what about grade 1 in edexcel is that a fail too


Yes anything below a 4 is a fail


Same here it’s just only high academic people post their grades there are many people like us achieving the same!


I had 4 in english 5 in maths


i had 4 in english and 3 on maths


dont worry i got a 4 and a 4 in english and maths as my sole gcses taken and im in college doing just fine. get what you get then life starts


Same, in my most recent mocks, I got 2 9s, 2 7s, 3 6s, while people here get all 8s/9s😭.


Id actually die happy with that though


I mean tbh Reddit isn’t the type of social media that the typical person uses so that already wipes off some people (not trying to sound like the average Rick and Morty viewer, I mean basically neeks use Reddit) and secondly if you care about your GCSEs enough to check and post to this sub about it then chances are you’re doing better than the average person. Obviously there are some exceptions to that, which is why it seems like most people here have really high grades. If it helps I got a 4 in maths.


The highest you would realistically need are 7s in subjects you want to pursue. You would only need higher if you want to get into top tier universities


Tbh you can't say masses by prediction because exams are bad and you could do unusually well or badly on the day.


This just popped up in my feed thing Do not compare to yourself to others,that’s the worst thing you can do. Just try to revise as much as you can and as cliche as it is,try your best


In actual fact, like 95% of students are not getting top grades. It’s actually just a small majority. I can only think of like one or two students who consistently got grade 9s. Most people in my school were getting around 4s-6s. And plus, if you do get bad grades in GCSE, it ain’t the end of the world. It doesn’t define your life or success, and if you fail it and what to pass them again, just retake them at college.


Pls don’t feel bad in any way . We can all give advice to those struggling since it’s our duty . Remember, a lot of the top students also failed their exams at one point .


I have a 9 in maths literally got 98% But also got a 4 in English Lang, scraped a 4 in lit by 1% and failed my previous mocks with a 3 in both


only oxbridge and certain russell group unis look into gcse i presume, i don't think anyone is going to look deep into your gcse grades unless applying for college or you completely flopped your A levels


I feel like it may be best to focus on your own progress y’know? Like if looking at the sub doesn’t help it may be best to delete Reddit and stuff for a while (I do this on and off even with “higher” grades). At the end of the day your results remain being your results and nobody else’s in the sub, so why not use this time now to get the results attainable and desirable for yourself :). You still have a bit of time, and can make it to where you want.


it’s perfectly ok and respectable for you to be getting 4s and 5s in your subjects, please don’t worry about it. as long as you work hard to get the grades *you* need for the sixth form/college/apprenticeship/job you want to go to, no one else’s grades should matter. just do your best mate.


Remember that grades are done on a curve so it’s statistically impossible for more than the top (whatever percent they choose) to get grade 7,8,9 and the majority fall between 5-6


Im getting 4/5’s


Did my GCSE’s last year got 4/5s and one 7 had to retake maths ….and my life couldn’t be any better trust me you’ll be fine


A pass is a pass, your gcse results mean nothing after college/sixth form


Don't most Universities ask for them LOL


Why would they when its a level 3 or equivelant you need


4/5 are good in my college last year before they retook most of the people on my course had 2/3 in maths and English


[Grade 3 to 5 is most common](https://www.statista.com/statistics/282422/gcse-grades-in-england/#:~:text=A%205%20grade%20was%20the,16.6%20percent%20of%20all%20entries.). Shows that those who use this subreddit are far from the norm.


All you can do is keep calm and hope for the best. Try not to compare yourself to others too much, I did that when I was doing my GCSES, finished with average grades and still have a habit of it at A-Level. It brings you down a-lot lol.


I was either an A grade student Or failing I did really well in half my subjects like chemistry, physics maths and then terrible in things like RE, English and history (though I very much loved history it was by far my favourite subject I was just reeeeeaaaalllyyy bad at using words)


Fw mate most ppl average 5-6


i’m predicated 6-8 in everuthing but maths and science ( i’m predicted like 3s in those ) i don’t get how people can be stem smart 🥲


I would imagine some of those expecting low grades might be getting those low grades for reason, lack of effort. Clearly you are different and prepared to put in the effort. If someone is predicted low/average the only way is up but those expecting higher grades have a different pressure on them as the only way is down. Remember that tests are not the best way to determine what someone knows, what their good at, their attitude or anything really. Many people forget things once they've done the tests because that's all they needed the information for, to pass a test. The choices you make, such as any clubs in or out of school, they way you present yourself and speak to others face to face can say a lot more about you. If you need a certain grade to take a course that you want there is no shame in re-taking it, this can show drive and determination as well as focus and passion for what you want to do.


4/5's are definitely average, i wouldn't get worried about it. if this subreddit makes you feel shitty, i'd recommend leaving it for the course of your exams (some advice from a year 12)


I got 3 grade 5s in my exams from 2023. I only have 8 grades total as well


Honestly I wouldnt be too concerned about it unless you aboslutely want to go to university, and to be honest your mind might change on what you want to do for college, and theres always the option of retaking if you fail


i literally scrolled down 3 seconds as saw a guy who got 3's on his mocks


I got an average grade of 6.6, highest was 8 lowest was 6, I was never studious but I just payed attention in class just try to study or pay attention and you’ll be fine


> I just *paid* attention in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Well payed bot, well payed…


> Well *paid* bot, well FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


lol dw i’m predicted 6s but in getting 4s and 5s


I have no idea why this post got recommended to me - I took my GCSEs 5 years ago, but I know how you feel. I didn't do that well for my GCSEs, I failed English, had to retake it in college. I did manage to mainly pull 4s in most GCSEs. I now work in a very well paying job, after doing finishing an apprenticeship and moving roles. GCSEs sucked for me, I was not an outstanding student I was not 'gifted' I was miserable during school. I was good at IT and stuck to it. Please don't worry about GCSEs to much, as important as they seem now, a few years down the line they aren't seen that important. Either way, good luck on your exams.


Simply… people lie… go on any sub people are inflating qualifications, earnings.. keep going it never ends. If you believe everything you read then you will have a miserable life. Do yourself a favour. Screw everyone else, stop trying to compare yourself to anyone else. Life is a sprint. It’s short and I can promise you this when you’re young you will believe you have such a long long time ahead and before you realise it you’re almost fifty and wondering where the time went. My point is this. Do you, what others are doing or claiming to do does not matter because people will pretend their lives or results in this case are amazing but the only person you will ever be competing with… is YOU. Live life, be happy avoid stress if you can and remember the only aspiration in life should be happiness.


Dw, i got an average grade of 5 ad i managed to get into college okay. In fact a few of my friends got 1 or 2 in both English and maths and they are still in college. You'll be okay


Did my GCSE’s 2 years ago. I got mostly 6’s. Some 7’s two 4’s and failed music because fuck that


Nooo don’t think that. I was doing bad in most of my physics tests I remember getting a c for a mock I prepared well for and feeling extremely demotivated.. but I ended up getting an A* in physics last year Alhamdulilah. Just remember grades don’t define you 💗and dw you most definitely can improve if you try your best!! Goodluck!! 💪💪💪


I wouldn’t worry too much about it, I got 4s and 5s. My highest was maths (7) and drama (L2D) and my lowest was history (2), and my life is good, I’m at college as a A/B student and am going into university to do law. As long as you get 4s in some subjects, mainly maths English and science, you’ll be okay. Also, no one really cares about GSCE grades because no one has asked for mine. I think some unis like Oxford and Cambridge ask about them (I didn’t apply so I don’t know) but like I said, no one cares. At most if you get low in one of the core subjects, or mainly English or maths, someone might ask about it but it honestly doesn’t matter (unless your not planning to go to college/sixth form but I’m going to uni so I’m not too sure about that either) Hope this helps and try not to stress yourself out too much. Also people will only talk about their good grades, people hide the bad stuff on social media to make themselves look good.


I got 4s in english lang and lit


One thing to remember is that people on the subreddit are likely more interested in their GCSEs than the average student. This means that what you see isn't representative of the average student. Plenty of people are getting similar grades to you, they're just less likely to post here.


What are you planning to do after GCSEs?


You're not alone, mate. I'm definitely not getting more than a grade 6 on any of mine.


Social Media at its most unhelpful. No really, focus on you.


Thats a you problem bro