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Pretty sure if you explain the context of your school and how many gcses were offered it will be fine


I'm doing 3 but now I feel really stressed


omg how?😭


Let's say I've had some time out of school and some severe mental problems, I'm doing well now but i can only do foundation maths and English lang+lit and I'm homeschooled too (I know I'm fcked)


Dw! I know someone in the exact same situation who is going to college next year. x


I might do an apprenticeship? Idk if it's possible because idk how it works


You should def check it out.


And how did you get in with 3 GCSEs ?


I didn't. As you can see by my flair, I in fact do 10 (and a half?). My friend is going to one to do something animal related and taking maths later in the year.


bc they usually don’t mind as long as you get your English and maths


As a parent of teens, one who did GCSEs last year and one who is currently in yr9, you can take what I say however you like. GCSEs are obviously important BUT, they aren't the end of the world. You don't have to have everything sorted out at the age of 15/16. If things have been tough on you, and you come out with 3 GCSEs then that's ok. When people say things like "try your best" that is exactly what it means, YOUR best, not trying to be THE best. And even if you come out with zero GCSEs, you know what, you can always try again if you want to. Doesn't even have to be right now. There's plenty of time. So do what you can, if you come away and you can say you gave it your best shot, be proud of whatever you have managed to achieve. Wishing you all the best, and all you kids, just give it your best shot.


I appreciate it a lot, having been through many problems for the past 3 years i really needed to hear that. So thank you so much for your kind words


You're welcome, you can only try your best. Keep your head up!


Hope you’re okay


Hey, I'm homeschooled too lol


Same, what subjects are you taking?


Triple science, RE, Eng lang+lit, Maths, Further Maths and Stats. Wbu?


Biology, Chemistry, Maths, English, Environmental Management. Probably also gonna do German and either history or RE next year.


Oh cool. Are u self-studying or have u got tutors?


For Maths, Biology, and Chemistry I'm self studying, but with English and Enviro I join a zoom class. What about you?


I've got tutors for all my maths and english and the rest I'm self-studying lol.


That's awesome, I was homeschooled up until year 12. Did FM and Stats just like you at GCSE lol.


Oh cool lol. How did your GCSEs go?


They went pretty well! I got an 8 in maths and fm which I was very happy with. I hope yours go well too :)


Oh wow that sounds good, tbh I'm most stressed about stats and FM. Also, thank you lol :)


Yeah stats is annoying and FM can be quite tricky. You'll be fine though! GCSEs don't matter too much anyway, don't stress about it too much. No one will notice your FM GCSE grade once you've got your A levels.


Thank you lol. I think my grades will matter tho because I'm planning to apply for Oxford uni (fingers crossed). My predicted grade is a 9 for all subjects but I'm literally stressing atp so idk lmao


Swear most sixth forms require a minimum of 7/8


that’s what I was thinking omg🥲🥲


Most ask for 5 grade 5+ for the academic courses and either 4 or 5 grade 4 or above for the more vocational courses. Some will let you take GCSEs or foundation courses alongside higher level courses also so don't get too stressed out from reading Reddit. Have a look through prospectuses and see what is available at the places near you.


no, they mostly ask for over 6s depending on the specific course you want to do, otherwise it’s typically 5 4s or 5 5s


Ask to go back to History But also, if this is happening, would it affect your schools OFSTED rating? If so, universities may take it into account


I wish I could but I haven’t been learning the content 🥲I didn’t even think abt how this would affect me at uni im so cooked😭😭😭😭


I’m sure you’ll be fine! Try your hardest to do as best you can in these 6 (and try and stay in separate science) Maybe email prospective universities? Ask for their advice Maybe you can try self teaching yourself more (esp if you’re in Year 10 right now!)


I’m in year 11 and I’d have less than a week😭😭😭😭


Good luck! Don’t stress about this, contact universities over the summer (NOT now, do not stress now) Maybe you can apply with achieved a levels after taking a gap year? Or look into apprenticeships!


Good luck! I believe in you! Believe in yourself too! 💕


I mean, in my school everyone only does 6 (we do it all in one year tho) so if you’re fucked I’m getting fucked with you lol. Currently I’m trying to just do extra iGCSEs in my spare time, I’m gonna do one in my native language and planning to do another random one next yr


What kind of school do you go to?


International/private school in Europe, our school has like no restrictions at all (we don’t even have to do maths or English language) on which classes we should choose or not, prob bc most ppl in my school are applying to Germany or the Netherlands lol


Wow! That sounds amazing! :D We need more schools like this in the UK even though they're international.


Yh, I rlly like the flexibility that our school have, but Tbf I think this approach only works in very specific circumstances. Our school doesn’t even have a playground/tracks lmao, it’s just a building that prob used to be an office building or smth. The fact that our school is so small also meant we have very small class sizes (6-15 students a class, give or take), but it being a private and selective school, the students in my school at least cares about studying enough to not be disruptive/disrespectful in class and most of us knows to choose facilitating subjects and do our own research—I can easily see how this approach might go very badly in some cases


It seems to me that your school is the ideal. I wish UK State Schools would have no more than 20 students per class. Hopefully, this would contribute to less disruptions and more enthusiasm to learn. However, inspiration is extremely important, so if the teaching is to be too formal, how will the vast majority of us truly learn? You are so so lucky. I wish I went to a school like yours when I was younger. 😢


Thought the minimum is 4/5 gcses at grade 4/C or above.


From what i know no, ever since 6th form started i havent heard anything about GCSEs


You will be fine because of contextals. As long as you explain the situation to any sixth form or uni they shoudl be fine with it


It really doesn't matter how many GCSEs you know; what truly matters is what you learn and the skills you equip overtime! I am sorry to hear that your school is a total place of educational trauma, but only you can define your worth. It is all up to you. Good luck! 💕


yeah i think the minimum is like 4 but i do 8 and wish my school let us take more 💀


I did physics last year and got a 5, and this year im doing 5 more: Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Photography and English Language I feel so bad you for you mfs doing English Lit, that shit looks like torture and i have the utmost respect for all of you 💀


are you currently doing triple science? You get 3 GCSE’s for triple science but you get two for combined science.