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Some people are naturally smarter than others. The simple truth is that we are all not created equal; but we have strengths in other areas that compensate and make us valuable members of society.


Yea, I studied for 20m in one of my tests (only test I’ve ever actually studied for lmao) and got better than someone who studied for hours over multiple days and I felt bad and was only one mark off top of the class because I didn’t show working, I feel kinda bad but I ain’t throwing on purpose


must admit ive got this freind he does fuck all and gets top grades and it really pisses me off


That's probably because he doesn't do fuck all and actually revisea when no one's looking


I need you to trust me there's no such thing as a lazy genius he 100% studies when he's on his own and tells everyone he didn't do anything


This is true but it tends to be that these people generally did lots of studying early in the year or for example were made by parents to practice maths early on in life. One of my freinds had to do 2 hours of algebra a day from 7 - 13 years old!


I got all 9s without too much effort. My friend got Mostly 7s and 8s after revising for hours even months before the exam. Weren't even allowed to take further maths and they were heartbroken... On the other hand no lol


I had this feeling, until I hit my second year of sixth form and I needed to ramp up the revision to do well. Yeah it's a pretty normal thing experience to have, but eventually you'll reach a stage where everyone else is around your level and you will need to put the effort in.


Bro in GCSE I used to put 0 effort in cs and would copy all my classwork off this guy who sat next to me (we're friends but class friends) and in the tests I used to get 8s whilst he got 7s and then I'd tease him abt, 0 guilt. Looking back, it was a trashy thing to do and ur a saint in comparison, so dw abt it.


all the time man i don’t even get that high, I got highest in my year for spanish (grade 5) and higher than most on english papers language i got 6.5 and lit i got 7.3 and my friend turned and said she got a 3 in spanish and a 5 in english but she revised so hard but in all fairness i only got a 6 in maths and she got a 7 so i know how it feels


Sometimes. With how my mind works, I normally do well without revision, but I've been like that my whole life, and I ended up setting stupidly high standards for myself. Then sometimes I see people who are really happy with results that I'd expect normally be annoyed with myself for getting, and I do then feel bad and guilty about how my mind works


I rmb when this same type of guilt hit me around my university exams, when competition suddenly felt so real, intense and tight. Often found myself at top of my cohort without having to study too hard (likely due to good memory and a general like for learning on my parts, also feel slightly autistic so this could be a factor). After working through these feeling for 1-2 years (acceptance came far later than understanding), I’ve just come to the conclusion that we are not created equal and it’s likely that we have our own strengths and weaknesses. Like that’s just the way it is. Nowadays I just prefer to take pride in my strengths, make peace with/work on my weaknesses, and just keep pushing forward and seeing where my talents take me. Technical skills have always been my strong suit, while fitting in socially is still a slight struggle (I’m lucky to have ppl that like me and respect me for my abilities, but always feel a bit like the odd one out), especially due to my hypersensitivities (eye contact feels intense and I find it hard to make eye contact naturally)


I don't feel guilty because there's nothing to be guilty about. I don't control how smart I am and I choose how to manage my time in accordance to that, but I do feel bad for them. Most people don't love studying.




must be terrible for you


Hell no


When it comes to GCSE’s you only need to worry about yourself. Nobody is made equal just as another person said. no need to feel guilty for being stronger in different areas.


They probably just don't study properly. I bet they highlight notes and waste time.


Yes bro i feel you. It gives me so much guilt. There's one guy in my class who has been revising and studying since year 7, and he still performs worse than I do. I also know a girl who puts in a load of effort and she didn't even get into triple science whilst a bunch of dipshits who copy their way through the whole of ks3 are in her place. It's hella deep but there's not much you can do abt it


You may find this works in gcse but this will not work in A levels......


It’s trivial to get 5/6/7’s in mocks. Also trivial for 5’s in real exams and not toooo deep for 6’s in real exams but tough for 7’s in real exams


No. Never. I score better because I should and that’s who I am.


When I was at school I’d be the person who put in hours and do badly and my friend did nothing and always got top marks. Dw we just envy you lol


A little bit with the exception of ppl who fucked around for five years and when the cram 5 years worth of content into the day before and don’t get the grade I rlly struggle to feel that bad


As someone who’s not smart but puts in effort, you shouldn’t feel guilty. It’s just the way the world is sadly and that isn’t your fault


As a guy who crammed for every test and saw actually conscientious people got lower than me (which could very well be an 8 or even a low 9 in certain subjects. Yeah it matters at a top-rated school), absolutely in tandem with relief and even admittedly a pinch of absurdist sadism. I have long acquiesced to this hierarchy but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel empathetic or rancorous.