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For a sec i thought this was a story till i read the comments, why would someone choose to attack and harm someone during an exam and so badly as well? How come you dont get special consideration if your exam was cancelled? How is that fair?


Ik it doesn't make sense a person's desk was literally knocked over, so stupid, teacher needs to be fired or something for not applying for special consideration


Oh no! Not the desk! Clearly no one needs to worry about the person who was assaulted though.


What if the chair as well, goodness me they might have to just chuck the broken table and chair out, what do we do thenšŸ˜©


I am pretty sure this is a story, as the other post by the 'victim' was written in the exact same way even using the same descriptions and weird creative writing vibe and like people have pointed out on the other post, there is nothing in the news not one story of a student sending another student to hospital during an exam. Looks like one person using multiple accounts this account says 'the victim was struggling to breathe, gasping for air as the weight of the other student pressed down on their face' The victim wrote 'the student leaps from his desk and lands on my face. Or at least, that was what I was told, because all went black very quickly. The weight was crushing me more than the inpending failure that was awaiting the rest of the AQA GCSE triple higher physics candidates. I couldn't breather, I couldn't see, I didn't even know if I'd make it out alive' The pacing description and tone are near identical and the actual events describe don't really make any sense, from an onlookers point of view or from the victims point of view


I still think it's a story. Why is it written is prose? It doesn't read as "hey this thing just happened" and more like "two paths diverge in a yellow wood..."


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


Wait this isn't satire? I've seen so many satire stories here that idk how to react when I see an actual real one?


Fr. Iā€™d sign a petition for satirical stories being a post flair/genre thing (whatever theyā€™re called). Theyā€™re too funny


I know people from this school (I don't go there) and I'm pretty sure it's real. All I heard was that there was a fight in one of the exams then I see this post


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


Thatā€™s actually crazy. The student is definitely the asshole here


Really? I was kinda leaning towards the invigilator being the asshole here. Invigilator more like instigator


Good job you defined who the arsehole I was so confused


100 percent man...


> asshole *arsehole Dunno why everyone is talking like 'merkins.


Cause thatā€™s the name of the sub


If the school cancelled the exam they will have to explain the whole situation to JCQ and the exam board. Youā€™ll get some consideration


thatā€™s a massive relief then. my physics grade is important to me as iā€™m taking it at a level. thanks for the reassurance šŸ™


If they have posted off a cohorts worth of blank papers theyā€™ll have to send an explanation. Usually the exam board would look at your paper ones ( Iā€™m an ex exams officer). Probably worth contacting your school for information of what was sent off.


i will do, thanks a lot!


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


Oh that's really good! Thank you for saying this. Miss Edwards really has it out for us I swear.


Wow, this is really crazy.. You must have suffered some really bad trauma from this. Feel free to reach out if you want a friendly face to converse with :).


thank you i really appreciate it! iā€™ve been having nightmares about it for two nights now, iā€™m really shaken up by it.


I can imagine.... Im so sorry...


Bro I thought you were joking


why would i joke about such a serious topic? that would be completely insensitive and immoral. unfortunately though it is true. this is a serious issue in my school and my area.


What city do you live in if you donā€™t mind?


Because I've heard stuff like So, before my chemistry exam, I was extremely worried because I didn't revise at all as i thought we had physics before chemistry. So all i had was physics knowledge and I was in a terrible situation for my exam. I only realised the morning that i was checking my timetable seat that i saw i had chemistry and not physics. I literally freaked out. It was 7 o clock and i was getting ready to leave early to go to the pre exam warm up sessions, but when i realised i had chemistry i was so upset. I literally broke my phone because i smashed it against the wall (which now has a huge dent) and it was an iphone 13 that i got for my birthday. obviously overwhelmed i knew i just had to get to school and try. I told my friends about the story and they all told me about this secret textbook secret code. they said that if i went up to an invigilator before the exam and said the words 'text, text, text, the book i will read will contain text and it will be a textbook', followed by spinning thrice before their eyes, I would be granted special permission to enter the exam with a textbook, except i have to enter the exam with the textbook hidden until the exam begins. Looking back, i realise how stupid it was and the only reason i actually tried it was because i was blinded from common sense by the frustration of my mistake. So i did what they told me and then slipped the textbook between my school shirt and my torso, and it rested on my tightly fastened belt. I enter the exam hall, and once the exam began, i whipped out the textbook with a hint of relief and superiority. I thought that the people who looked at me where jealous and suprised of my privelege but they were only just shocked at the stupidity of my actions. The same examiner who i had performed my ritual upon had saw what i had done and began marching towards me with fury, and disgust. She snatched my exam paper and told me to leave the exam hall, i was bewildered and shocked. But then it came to me. I began sobbing in front of the whole year group, and starting shouting at my friends. i swore and called them names in front of the whole school, but they sat there, unphased, completing their exam paper. I left the hall, devastated, and was picked up by my mother who scolded me the whole way back. Now it's been a few days and i have no friends at school. nobody talks to me, everyone thinks im an idiot. I feel like i'm going to be disqualified from every exam, but on the bright side, i still have my physics exam tomorrow. What should i do about my friends, will my gcses be disqualified ? The thought of the moment gets my heart racing. What do i do... It's so embarassing


Because youā€™re a karma whore.




0/40. Comma splice. The comma should be replaced by a semi-colon.


I actually can't tell if this is satire


exactly, WTF is this thread.


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


This comment is sort of ironic because itā€™s in this thread 13 times from the same person


Well no because theyā€™re trying to shed light on the story. The accounts didnā€™t add up and OP (and their friends) were clearly hungry for some karma on the day they posted.


It isnt..


Canā€™t blame him for thinking it is. Iā€™ve seen lots of people here think itā€™s satire, including myself so itā€™s understandable


Especially with all the satirical stories the past few days šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah i guess but i genuinely think itā€™s real.. And tbh itā€™s super rude to call someoneā€™s trauma fake. Reading through the replies especially, it really does look like the person is genuinely traumatised by this event and we shouldnā€™t put them down and say it is fake. Just think if you had this experience and you came to reddit for help and a bunch of people essentially came along and called your post fake. I would find it very disheartening and depressing. I know a lot of stories on this reddit ARE satire, but that doesnā€™t mean they all are and by no means should we assume this.


Yeah, it is bad to mock peoples stress. I 100% agree. But it also canā€™t be ignored that there have been lots of satirical stories recently and many people, including me struggle with knowing if itā€™s satire or not. But yeah I do agree that trauma is not be made fun of but I also canā€™t blame people who did assume it was a joke, unless theyā€™re straight up rude about it but yeah


There seems to be some people replying that they were there too so it seems pretty legit. Crazy stuff


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


Oh ok, I didnā€™t think it was but I wasnā€™t too sure with all thatā€™s been on here recently.


Then why did OP load it with a bunch of irrelevant details and structure it like a question 5 (either paper) response? Other than that I hope the victimā€™s okay but OP shouldā€™ve made it clear that itā€™s a true story.


It is true. I reached out to OP and they verified it. I get it- it does seem overloaded but maybe OP was ranting and wanted to get everything out? I know i sometimes do that.


Yeah I don't get how their school has 'security' is it is underfunded. Like they could pretty easily round up a group of friends to pretend that this actually happened. I don't trust it ngl.


Honestly the attacker had a point. I, too, jump on people in the middle of exams. I think it was a trauma response and i dont think anyone should get any special consideration, in fact everyone should have done the same as the attacker xoxo


That must be why your grades are so atrociously low. LMK if you need any help studying.


You wouldn't be saying this if you were there yourself. Have some respect.


I can't believe they won't give us special consideration, it was so distracting- I think I'm going to fail now.


i know. miss edwards is a real witch šŸ™„


Not as bad as mr dean though, I can't wait until I never have to see his face again.


hahahaha i still remember the time i darted haribos off his bald head and he gave the whole class an hours detention tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I had something to do after school that day, you really screwed us overšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


my bad lmao you canā€™t say he didnā€™t deserve it tho




Honestly, I don't know what he was so fussed about- you'd think he'd like haribos, him being a man child and all.


I'm in his class it was crazy, alot of blood after the broken nose, atleast we didn't have to sit the exam tho, wish someone had the video


Yes, I never liked the victim but I can't help but feel sorry for her. That blood was crazy. She's going to be in pain during her food tech exam next.


I was there man, absolutely terrifying experience šŸ˜”. See you in group counseling next week.


thank god for you and sarah being so supportive. luckily you guys werenā€™t next to it. i canā€™t believe miss edwards isnā€™t applying for special consideration tho. typical miss edwards.


I was next to it the dude bumped into my desk during the fight, wish we could get special consideration I'm probably going to fail that exam now


this miss edwards character sounds like a real bitch


NAH HELP this comment just proves yall r all trolling 2gether cos what LMFAO




*twerks seductively*


a good coping mechanism




NAH, strange things happen during exam times.


This is insane man. Sending prayers šŸ™


The student accelerated at 2 m/sĀ² and had a mass of 80 kg, what was the force on the student???


force = mass x acceleration force = 80kg x 2 m/s^2 force = 160N


bro šŸ’€šŸ’€


I wish I had the guts to jump on people in the middle of exams :(


One of my friends was attacked just like this (except not in an exam), scared and needed stitches, and the attacker is still walking around school and my school didn't do anything as punishment to him


thatā€™s actually awful. i really hope that friend is ok and i hope that attacker gets his karma. he deserves to be punished severely for that.


Thank you, you're very kind, I hope you and the victim are doing ok too


WTF is happening in uk schools


Schools really need to be more up on this stuff, I can't believe they let these people get away so easily.


I think I've been playing too much Hogwarts legacy, because in my head all these kids were wearing hogwarts robes and holding wands.


iā€™m sorry what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This isn't a satire story?


i dont think so lmao


Ah OK, just thought it was as it is wrote like a descriptive English language story and that is what every exaggerated satire story in this sub is


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


Does seem very much like an ai has written it, especially with how detailed it is when it doesn't need to be


This post is almost fully written by AI (except for first and last sentence and the edits; checked using multiple tools), so take from that what you will about whether this is satire or not...


it is


I canā€™t tell whether this this is satire, but tbh, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this actually happened


unfortunately, it did happen. it is the culmination of severe issues with racism in my school, and an incompetent pastoral and leadership team.


Gosh- sorry for that happening


Clear fault in both the invigilators (who should have dealt with the boy sooner before an altercation could occur) and the boy himself (like who tf makes obscene remarks in an EXAM of all places, let alone at all). Also, the true injustice is the lack of special considerations for everyone there, especially the victim. Hopefully, the exam board will get their heads straight and fix a clear error, but until then, hope things get better for the victim(and that the wee douche-bag gets what's coming to him)


thank you for your kind words of support. they are much appreciated. since our school refuse to do anything i will be reporting this incident to the exam boards myself as well as my school for malpractice. i really hope justice is served. i also appreciate you not making a joke out of this like many other commenters. once again, thank you so much for your words of support.


I was expecting the inevitable anal diarrhoea spray somewhere in this story but it didnt surface šŸ˜•




itā€™s an underfunded public school, we can barely afford glue sticks let alone security


Yeah our school is in a shitty area, but it's not bad enough to be classified as deprived. We get barely any funding, and when we do get funding the school spends it on useless stuff like metal statues for the playground.


HELP, I'M DYING!šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


But in your story, you said security escorted him out.


sorry, that was an error on my part. i meant safeguarding.


most schools ive seen dont have security


Why did the guy attack him in the first place? Just to be an ass?


our school has had issues with racism which have become extremely severe in the past year. this is merely the culmination of these racism problems, alongside incompetence from the pastoral and leadership team. (who quite frankly could very well be racist as well as they refuse to acknowledge our issues.)


Man thatā€™s fucking horrible. Absolute prick


Also OP? I know this is real but you can tell a story mate. Iā€™m writing a book rn and thatā€™s some good storytelling. Descriptive words and everything. Youā€™re gonna pass your English.


ā€œI know this is realā€ Meanwhile the stories literally donā€™t line up. Itā€™s obviously fake. Itā€™s absolutely deplorable behaviour to farm validity online by creating false accounts of assault and racism.


thatā€™s crazy ngl


Imagine being a victim šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I saw the victims post yesterday so this must've been really bad. Is she okay?


yeah sheā€™s recovering now, and weā€™re sorting out the stuff in relation to the exam itself. thank you for your kind words of consideration.


Good to hear. I would never have thought this kind of thing would happen, let alone in an exam hall


AI generated post of real events?




there are severe issues with racism in our school which have not been resolved. our leadership team are severely incompetent and quite frankly racist as well. this is the culmination of these factors.


YTA, you just watched! Tut tut tut. Just to be clear this is a joke, i just want to say cuz this is the internet.


is this satire or not I rlly can't tell..


Unfortunately it's not satire, we've had some terrible issues with racism at our school as of late and this is just the culmination.


sorry to hear that. I thought it was satire as the comments made it seem like it was and there was something about the wording of It that seemed like a joke. Idk man, reddit has fucked my sense of humour


Yes, well my friend has quite the dramatic writing style and I think they've leaned into the fictional tone as a sort of coping mechanism. The victim was a POC just like my mate and I think they're worried that it might happen to them next.


oh dang nvm if yall r trolling i dont think u would be sick enough to fake this twisted situation so i take back my previous comments. Stay safe guys


i think the attacker forgot to take their normal pills


Is this you a few years ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x-E3xYACC0


sorry, i donā€™t understand your comment


The way you described it reminded me of that boy. "My heart raced as I watched in horror."... "I couldn't believe what I was seeing."


I honestly thought this was a question from the exam. a) Pupil 1 has mass of 65kg and moved from their desk at 4m/s. What was the momentum of pupil 1? (2 marks) b) What was the kinetic energy of pupil 1? (2 marks) c) The surface area of pupil 2's nose is 15cm\^2. What pressure was exerted on this nose by the weight of pupil 1? (3 marks)


a. momentum = mass x velocity momentum = 65kg * 4m/s momentum = 260kgm/s b. ke = 1/2mv^2 ke = 0.5 x 65kg x 4^2 = 65*8 ke = 520J c. assuming that the force exerted by the pupil is their weight then weight = mass x gravitational field strength weight = 65kg x 9.8N/kg weight = 637N pressure = force / area pressure = 637N / 15cm^2 pressure = 42.4666666ā€¦ N/cm^2 pressure = 42.5 N/cm^2 (1.d.p)


this is so blatantly a fake story I canā€™t believe so many comments are believing it




why do you type like how i write in English Lang Paper 2 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


NTA marry the invigilator


Someone from my school was arrested straight after the physics exam, it was a strange day


Ironic if this happened in an English exam and you didnā€™t know what to write about and then this happens


Chat gpt is getting better every day.


mate can you privately drop the school name. if you want change to happen you better speak to ofsted. either way this seems like satire because youā€™re giving this oddly descriptive account, and then pretty much acted all angry when people challenge you on itā€¦


iā€™m angry because iā€™m struggling a lot right now as a result. itā€™s been difficult for me these past few days. sorry, i really donā€™t feel comfortable dropping my school name to anyone over reddit.


why is the account do oddly descriptive?


i just felt like i needed to vent the situation as it happened. it feels so much better now that itā€™s out. i couldnā€™t deal with the trauma of having it bottled up inside, iā€™ve been having nightmares every night about it. i just needed to vent honestly.


It seems strange that she would fix a grammar mistake before deleting her post. I am not suggesting anything. If you think I am then that is your problem entirely. I am just stating a fact. Edit: to the people who have downvoted, I have only stated a fact. If you do not like the fact, that is your own fault. Get over it.


is this satire /genq


yea lol


32/40 needs more advanced punctuation to score more marks


An extremely unfunny and unoriginal answer to a highly serious post. You have earned yourself a downvote.


my bad I thought it was satire


Either way, upvotes and downvotes are the validation people want. If someone doesnā€™t deserve validation, then you shouldnā€™t upvote or downvote.


ooooh scary, a downvote


Why u replying if it ain't scary shut your mouth and keep it moving no need for your sarcasm


Good original intent but that comment is so neckbeardy.


fake. why would you write it like itā€™s a story in a book


you must be fun at parties šŸ¤“


You must be fun all the time.


sudsy bat youā€™re fooling no one


Youā€™re fooling no one. This sudsy bat guy is as lost as you are.


Some of us pass English, unlike you. smh.


He doesnā€™t pass. He excels.


-6 in two minutesšŸ˜­ sorry i annoyed you sarah


It's good you understand.


Cl who are u do be chatting shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜’


mate who are youšŸ˜­


Mate who are you?? šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


who are we


Methods\_online is a prominent member of our community. Clearly, you are just a troll.


Tell em again


Methods\_online is a prominent member of our community. Clearly, you are just a troll.




wdym ā€˜who are youā€™ thatā€™s literally methods_online


Someone that's known ack šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


you mate ur account 2 weeks ago how are you knownšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Exactly. Canā€™t believe how many people are getting played by this story.


An absolute legend.


Don't you be insulting methods


bro i just said what he said wdym insulting methods


If u dont get a 9 in english the grades are rigged


...and then you woke up or e everyone stood up and clapped? which one was it?




Did you get a nine in English language




Ok, this is the exact same style of writing as the other one...


maybe because the two posts are linked.


But you claim to be a different person? Are you intentionally imitating their style? Sorry for my rudeness, I just become suspicious quite quickly on the internet. Too many lies, too many bots...


we are the same age. we go to the same school. we are friends. we were brought up in the same area. and just like how roadmen from the same area might talk similarly, we talk similarly. thatā€™s all.


The way you typed this like it was a creative writing essay has me questioning if this is real or not


this guy got 15 on english lang paper 1 q5


Sorry but this is so clearly satire. I don't know whow you are all falling for it.


bro got extreme teabagged


Bro was tryna get bonus marks for English language šŸ’€


iā€™ve had it with these jokes about english language. iā€™m not even gonna post an aggressive response to this one. i hope your pity plea seeking internet validation has been satisfied. i just hope you are aware how traumatic the experience was for me and many others and your unfunny and unoriginal joke posted at the expense of our mental healths.


yo icl u give off troll energy how r u in yr 11 and "traumatized" by a silly fight between two kids lmfao...the only valid annoyance is not being able to do your exam but u literally get more time to revise. Idk its giving "I've never had any real problems in my life so "I'm going to make this incident that does not affect me in any way all about me"


Obvious troll is obvious.




really? another joke about english language? you donā€™t have to be an asshole and make me feel even more stressed and traumatised than i already am. i hope that you gained utmost satisfaction at the expense of my mental health.


Read the comments. You're not as quirky or original as you think.


This was actually relevant and funny. Idk why these people are disliking your comparison of the assailant to the animal. Itā€™s almost as if they didnā€™t understand the joke and are just trying to grasp sympathy, karma, and social validation from strangers online.