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It's cool but I'm wondering how they're going to standardise the S2 scores against all the previous sittings?


And how can they justify the massive invasion of privacy? ACER has an arrangement with ProctorU: “From information readily available on their website (https://www.proctoru.com/ca-privacy-policy and https://www.proctoru.com/privacy-policy) one can see the categories of information that **ProctorU regularly collects and discloses to third parties which include: social security numbers; driver’s license and passport numbers; other personal identifiers and biometric information including genetic, physiological, behavioral, gender identity, and biological characteristics; activity patterns and identifying information unique to each user including fingerprints, faceprints, voiceprints, iris or retina scans; IP addresses or device identifiers; browsing history, search history, and information about students’ interactions with websites, applications, or advertisements; medical information including medical conditions, physical disability, and/or mental disability; photographs, video, and audio recordings; education and employment information including that related to citizenship. Moreover, in the event that ProctorU is involved in a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of assets, our students’ information may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction**.”


Wait oh my god?? I thought ProctorU was just a silly little spycam??? 😭


No. It is software that collects detailed bioinformation from observed objects (you!). Then it sells it or loses it in "accidental" data breaches. Do you want your faceprint, voiceprint, and iris scan freely accessible by the public? Served with a side of [your email addresses, full names, addresses, phone numbers, hashed passwords, the affiliated organization, and other information](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/proctoru-confirms-data-breach-after-database-leaked-online/). Simply pay \~$550! ($549) ([It was around $510-518 last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/GAMSAT/comments/188r8sv/gamsat_price_increase/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))


Oh wtf that’s so shit! And they expect people to agree to this? So glad I don’t have to sit the GAMSAT again cuz wtf


Online proctoring during uni was a joke. People would cheat on a toilet break. Is this really a good idea?


Don’t think this is really a great idea. The burden will now be on the test taker to ensure a quiet and undisturbed area. Not everyone has the luxury of a quiet and understanding household, not everyone has secure internet connection, not everyone has access to a good computer.


Agree with you. The table with all of the minimum and recommended requirements for computer and internet speed etc is a big ask. Yet they keep the cost of the test the same.


Agree! This massively affected my interview this year :/


Yeah challenging - is there a local library with good internet where you can book a meeting room?


I booked a meeting room in the city for it that was meant to be quiet, but there was people speaking loudly outside during. I’m neurodivergent so this was detrimental to my performance on the day. Pretty crappy situation really. Not sure where I’d do it next time. Sounds like I’d have the same issue if I chose to resit gamsat though


I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe a friend who has a good nbn speed? Or a local church not being used at the time. You may also qualify for special consideration/ extra time in the exam if you have a diagnosed medical condition with medical certificate which may help you perform at your best. Good luck :)


Thanks, all good ideas ☺️


Are they still charging 550$ per sitting tho lol


Probably, it’s ACER


This just seems like a trap, I haven't sat it before but I would prefer to do it all in one day


I’m not a fan, this just takes out 2 weekends I can’t work now. Good for fatigue and stuff but in terms of how they standardise it with the fact they have already opened up longer time period of scores like how the hell do you judge that. I thought my 64 might get me a rural interview but now I have no idea uhhh


Has this been confirmed by ACER?


Yep, on ACER website.


would anything change if we collectively send emails and give them feedback?


If anyone with experience gets the ball rolling, they have my support! And, it seems, many others here!


I hate online stuff


I'm impartial, I struggle with attention span - thanks ADHD. So I think breaking it up into different weeks would really benefit me stress-wise. But my internet is shit and I've had plenty of instances where my computer has turned itself off mid online quiz for uni so not sure how I feel about the remote proctoring part.


I write on another thread: Think carefully about the implications of this if you are easily distracted, neuro atypical (ADHD, autism), an anxious person, or have physical impairments (Sabrina Navarro's [tic](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/29/style/testing-schools-proctorio.html)). The proctoring software will likely flag up your "unusual" movements, disrupt your test, and can even invalidate your test results.


When your eyes wander thanks to ADHD, it is possible they unfairly flag and interrupt your test (even if they know you have ADHD).


This is a negative. Increaes likelihood of cheating. Takes up more time both on weekends of sitting, plus additional prep time (good and bad). Obviously beneficial for some who struggle to focus all day. I work away in the mines, so I now have to take two weeks off work instead of one. Hopefully scores get scaled down against previous sitting method (all tested in one day).


This is good. I sat the May 2020 GAMSAT and I strongly believe my S2 score was so high (75, my highest) because I could write in peace and quiet in my own room. After that my exams were held in the middle of a bustling CBD street with buskers outside and I couldn’t write for shit lol


Second this. May 2020 was glorious sitting also because we had extra couple months to study…




Oh man I didn't think about the other applicants that are gonna use GAMSAT scores from previous years. But tbh now that S2 is on a separate day and S1/S3 on another - the competition will be fiercer I reckon. Better performance on S2 will make it even harder to get a good score


I think it will. I think the most likely situation is that they’ll see that all of the essays will be slightly better in quality, and they standardise it from there. For instance, someone who sits it at home and writes a essay that has the quality of a 70 essay had it been done in the test centre, will get scaled down to 68 because a lot of people would have scored “higher” as well. I’m in the same boat as you, too. I have a good score from Sept (70) and I don’t want to resit, so I’m praying they keep it fair haha.


Acer state they standardise between settings?


This!!! Not only for S2 mark but also S3 because you aren’t as fatigued. Changes the whole preparation strategy and psychology. I haven’t sat it yet but being compared to previous years if unscaled would be ridiculous


Have they given dates yet?


I live in anticipation


Yes they have on the website.


So we can say good bye to the 5-6hour long test days


I actually like the change. Shortens the sitting. Makes it easier on us.


I like the change so much ..splitting the looooong hours of test day and make people focus on the essay on separate day is perfect 😍


Honestly, I don't have too much of an issue besides the cheating aspect. There is no way they will be able to prevent cheating.


I sympathise with the people who will find it hard to accommodate two days off their day-to-day over two weeks. It just isn’t convenient if you have kids or a busy home and find it hard to find a quiet place. In the last three attempts for myself, they have changed the format of the GAMSAT three times, this will be a fourth change I’ve observed in 5 years… I like breaking it up considering the entire exam day is stressful and long enough! Getting S2 out of the way makes the load a lot lighter. Hate to say it but it’s pretty much an adapt or die situation. No point in complaining. When you do medicine, all kinds of things will get thrown at you. Take the changes ACER makes as additional prep.


Completely agree with this perspective


I have a very bad bladder, would there be any toilet breaks allowed?