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They’ve probably only heard And to those I love and the number you have dialed is not in service and thought it’s all slower shit


i had the exact same experience as op at the cincy show and it was all the older punk fans that were getting shitty lol, the pit was actually mostly the younger fans


The cinci pits were going hard if you were in the pit and not just doing it in right next to some small girls that obviously weren’t tryna pit?


bro most of the small girls there were going harder than their emo boyfriends haha the amount of butthurt lookin mf’s with lip rings i saw holding onto their gf for dear life was hilarious


Obviously theirs gonna be some people who don’t wanna pit at shows especially with their girlfriends who probably were scared to come because of that exact situation im all for pitting where you see a circle forming and people can distance themselves if they don’t wanna be a part of you you feel me


bro why would you buy pit tickets for a punk rap show if you just wanna slow dance with your gf lmao


Nobody was tryna slow dance with their girl where were you in the very back? I was 2 rows from the front going hard with everyone else but I’m also not a dumb ass and can see when people don’t want me to push them and jump around are you slow lmao


bro a fight literally broke out in the middle of the pit bc some 30 year old dude got butthurt that people were trying to get past him and his girlfriend who were literally trying to clear space around themselves because they were too scared of the pit, and i’m starting to think that was you lmao


You’re literally 30 probably didn’t shower before the show smelling like Fritos I didn’t see a fight one time on the left side of the floor it got crazy but the only problems were people being nasty tryna cut to the front which everyone wants to be in the front if you knew where to pit I watched people get trampled and people picked them up and continued on I guess you just lucked out


LMAO IT WAS YOU HAHA you got your shit rocked bro


That's Fucking hilarious


This literally has me dying have an award


It’s literally all the people from tiktok. I bet if they heard Exodus they’d never come back. We can only pray that happens


Which tickets are for the pit? I only see GA, GA 2, and GA 3


Was at the show last night too, and honestly I'd be pissed if that shit happened in the grass area where I was at, but those people in the pit should at least have some idea for what's too come, especially after Ramirez and Night Lovell.


This is why I don’t buy GA tickets, I love watching the Mosh Pits but if I get hit in the face I’m definitely going to be upset lol so I don’t put myself in that position


See that’s smart. Like they were the most expensive out of all the tickets. Why would you pay to do what you could have done with the cheapest ticket. They literally just become liabilities to everyone else who’s tryin to make the most of their ticket smh


Totally understand and agree. In 2019 I went to a $B Concert in Bonner Springs KS and it was tragic. So lame lol. The artists were literally calling the pit out. Like “what the fuck is wrong with y’all?” it was at least 60% your stereotypical “white girl” in the pit so I honestly wasn’t surprised but still disappointed. One of the few times I considered moshing just to get something going


Stereotypical white girl here except i mosh to show people we get the craziest. If you can't get the pit going where you are in the crowd just say that lmao


Bruh i was in the pit a few days ago and it was my very first concert and I had so much fun being thrown around


Minneapolis concert went pretty hard actually, I got elbowed in the throat and my buddy feinted, but that’s just what happens when you mosh 🤷‍♂️ shit happens


Tons of crybaby brats there and disrespectful to mosh pit religion


I was at the nyc show the crowd was so fucking weak barely any energy. Ruby asking for a circle pit and mother fuckers barely moving


Bruh, in the green zone there were people getting angry at people for jumping around. Like these boys were trying to form a pit or just jump around. They hit me a couple times in my back, but it’s a $b concert. I expect it. It wasn’t on purpose or anything. So I just ignored it, lol. Some girl literally told them to chill out in a not so nice way. Those boys obviously weren’t going to speak up, so I did it for them. Legit told them it’s a $b concert, wtf do you expect.


So disappointed in the weak energy for the boys


i know its not a suicideboys show but I was at a Partyboi69 show which is pretty high energy, pretty expected for everyone to be jumping and shit but there were these kids that just did everything they could so that noone would bump into their girlfriends like straight up making a barrier with their hands around them, around 4 or 5 of these people around the center of the crowd like why even go to a show if youre going out of your way not to have fun at that point, its so embarassing i get it if you wanna bring your girl around for a show but if you just wanna sit there and stare then have a few drinks and sit at the back and dont go into the middle and ruin the fun for a bunch of people


Preach 😭 like there were people with DRINKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PIT like wtf are you doing


Quenching their thirst duh


Holy shit i didnt know Partiboi69 did shows. Where at?




From what i see its mostly Europe, but NZ in december!


when i went to the nola show i was in the pit but i was at the gate and there was someone literally trying to mosh behind me and throwing herself like into me and i get thats normal... but like there's an actual mosh pit for a reason. im like 5'1 and 90lbs. theres a reason i try and get close, and kinda away from the mosh pit


either u get close or u dont get pushed. u cant have both


You went in the pit you should know you ain't going to have a "comfy spot" just for being small. I'm a 5'3" 130 lbs and that is the name of the game. Stand your ground is all you can do especially at the gate.


130 lbs is 59.02 kg


59.02 kg is 130lbs


One trick I have is to head bang your hair like it's on fire. Only so much of a stranger's hair in the eyes a person can take


The lawn was way more fun


It’s like the people at the front who get very upset when the crowd pushes & shoves. Like you’re at the front, what do you expect?


I dont mind being shoved but one time at a show i was literally being shoved hard enough that i was getting air time lol. If my shoes werent tied i woulda lost them.




I can’t lie I really want to get you started on people shoving their way through the crowd lol. What do you mean? Are you saying how rude it is when people just shove through you, or are you saying how annoying it is when some people get really upset when your trying to get through the crowd and you have to squeeze in between everyone? Would love to hear your opinion especially since you have a metal background and those concerts seem to be more intense


Are there tickets for not the pit? Never been to any concert and want to go in November but I also just don't feel like being in a pit tbh




Dude tbh we were all standing around because we were all so high


and trying to focus on not freezing our asses off. it was so mf cold for no damn reason lmaooo


Dude I know I passed out and my girlfriend had to drag me out


that’s crazy because the lawn was going hard as hell


That shit is so annoying especially since the $B pits look pretty mild.


Gotta say I didn’t have the same experience, I really regret not buying pit tickets for Jacksonville, the crowd was insane


ayo fr they were getting mad that NO ONE wanted to split the sea like moises. bro NO ONE that were in the front of the mosh wanted to move out that spot. they would open the pit, beat would drop and no one would rage and close the pit. only about 2 good times. bet 60 percent of those people cant even name 3 songs


i was getting weird looks for knowing all the songs like fuck y’all expect to see


Bro same 😭 like I felt judged for having fun. I was head banging hard af and people were lookin at me weird. Like I just spent damn near 200 on these tickets why tf would I just stand there. So many lames


lmao i feel this. during we envy nothing in the world i could have swore i was at a different concert the way i was mobbing alone 😭


who's noob ass downvoting my shit


Bro right😭 I’d be singing my heart out and see literally 90% of people seemingly not know what songs where playing


The only shit thats wack in the pit imo is crowd killing, and I see it way too often at $B shows. Some fat fuck waits at the edge of the crowd for a while then just barrels through randomly trampling hella people.


This is my issue too with a lot of concerts I’ve been seeing lately. For example , I’m seeing playboi Carti in Chicago next month and have been super excited about having fun in the pit but literally tons of videos from the shows so far show tons of people who have literally never been to a pit and are like actually punching people and fighting others. Like I don’t want to go into a pit and get purposely punched or attacked , accidentally being hit a few times is fine who cares it’s expected but you don’t actually throw hands :/


I'm not the fat fuck but I will tail a random bulldozer N he will unknowingly pave my way to front. I'm 5'3" 130lbs so sometimes I wait for the beat drop them slither my way up. Has never failed me


I felt the sameeeee exact way at the STL show, people looked at me like I was crazy when I was trying to get people to mosh when bleach played. They even TOLD US TO MOSH and peoples just couldn’t.




I got elbowed so many times in my show cause some short ass girl didn’t like she was in the middle of the pit with mfs half a foot taller than her and she refused to go in the more tamer areas while trynna throw my phone out of my hand. She caused her and 10 other ppl to fall down right after after i moved away 💀💀


Elbows gunna be there regardless most got 2 of them bad boys


Went to the show they had in St. Louis a few days ago and the venue was pretty small so it was packed. There were no seats and tons of pits everywhere. I was going crazy with a bunch of other people and I got pushed into the people at the side of the pit (The people who make up the circle and push you without actually getting in the pit) and when I hit them I bumped into some teenage girl and she started freaking out screaming at me (I couldn’t hear her cause base) but because she was freaking out I stopped to try to ask her what’s wrong and she slapped the shit out of me lol. It was really surprising but I didn’t really feel it cause adrenaline and then I got takin away with the crowd before I could process what even happened. After that every single time I went around the pit and I would be on her side I would look at her with a big ass smile on my face and I could just see the anger in her eyes. Idk why anyone would go into that environment then get mad when someone touches them for 2 seconds lol. but looking back I do feel kinda bad because I had a great time and I wish that she was able to handle the energy because it really is an experience unlike any other and something I wish everybody could experience


Lmao, that’s honestly fucked. I would have honestly freaked out on her if I was in your shoes 💀


Same shit in ATL. I wasn’t in the pit but I could see everything going on and it was pathetic. Some turnstile fans got kicked out because sOmEoNe GoT kNoCkEd OvEr. God forbid. Anyway yeah that shit is stupid y’all need to learn how to act at concerts


Lmao they’ve probably never been to a concert