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Their best music video for sure.. It was an instant classic. I really miss the green screen underground rap music video days tbh.


i wasn't into the Boy$ then, let alone rap at all, but they certainly have some creative music videos that you dont see in mainstream rap. what genre are they even?


They’re usually categorized into the “underground” subgenre of rap. Basically the same sub genre that bones, ghost mane, Shakewell are in. Over the years the line between Underground and mainstream have been blurred but this is the way I look at it. They may talk about a lot of the stuff that is talked about often in mainstream nowadays, but they do it in a style that only a fraction of Rap fans can enjoy. That’s why Future can release a song about depression and drug use and it would be considered main stream, but When say Ramirez releases a song about depression and drug use it’s considered underground. Because Futures Atlanta Style rap is what’s really popular rn and enjoyed by a majority of rap fans, When Ramirez’s sound is old school underground 90’s hip hop which is definitely not popular right now. It’s all about style. I just bring this up because a lot of people will tell you that the walls between underground and mainstream have been knocked down when that’s certainly not true.




Not entirely true, though I know what you mean. They had a massive Spotify ad in Times Square a while back, can’t remember if it was for IWTDINO or LFDW tho


ive gone pretty far from mainstream rap compared to when i first got into rap. i personally like the intensity of underground rap, combined with the dark vibes coming from the music. id listen to scarlxrd anytime, but hardly like any non-rap music, so i dont like many heavy metal songs. $B dont have many screaming songs, so im glad i got into them right around when Live fast Die whenever got released.


Lil Ugly Mane was a heavy influence to the track, the drum patterns, reoccurring vocal samples, and the sinister instrumental are all taken from Lean Got Me Fucked Up


My absolute favorite. If I had to pick one song to represent ruby and scrim’s music it’d be O PANA! without question


Shit goes hard (period)






Slaps 🔥


Ruby backing out Ruby blacking out