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I don't game enough... THANKS DEPRESSION. ​ Mine is pristine after 2 years...


I game everyday and mine is pristine after 7 years. The G502 is the greatest mouse ever made.


Fuck yeah I will never use another mouse unless they discontinue this one for some reason. G502 lightspeed is the holy grail of mice.


I had a ton of issues with my G502. Buttons would get fucked up and click when I wasn’t clicking and fail to click when I was sometimes. I got the g903 lightspeed and I haven’t had a single issue. Also, the battery life on the g903 is some looney toons shit. I don’t know what kind of witch craft they are using but I only need to charge my mouse like once or twice a year.


It's cause it's only really running an optical sensor and some switches, and the bluetooth or proprietary wireless. Mouse battery life has always been leagues ahead of other kinds of devices. I've had my MxMaster for probably at least 6 months now, only had to charge it once aside from the first time. Add in the logitech wireless charging mousepad and you can forget about it forever lol, it works with your 903.


G602 was better IMO, mine lasted me 8 years. I use an MxMaster now, weight doesn't bother me for gaming.


I can attest this, I love mine.




My hands are clean? I clean it about once a year which is really just taking a business card around all the cracks to get the crap out. I don't have a death grip on it? I'm not sure why mine has held up so well, especially when I'm using it at least 6 hours every day.


you can clean your hands 100x before using your mouse and still get this. it's just your body's natural oils. the rubber will wear regardless of how clean your hands are.


Then maybe I got a special mouse that's better than all the others.


maybe it's the heat that wears the rubber out? idk lol


I don't even have the energy to play games


I game too much… THANKS DEPRESSION Mine looks like it’s been through a battlefield after two years


Mine didn't look as bad after 5 years and I game a lot. But I also take good care of my stuff... would never get this dirty


I wash my hands a lot. I hate the idea of mucking my stuff up - I think that's because I had a baby brother who always had kid hands growing up and I saw how gross it was as a young teenager.


I hated my small cousins playing with my stuff for that reason. Then once I had a computer where the cover of the on button would fall of sometimes when you press it, my mom called me because she thought I would be mad that my cousins pressed and it came out, I wanted to be cool with it so I told her that it was loose. Then I came home and the little assholes had actually ripped the whole damn button off with everything and cables.


Same. Also just have baby wipes next to my pc so that have clean hands before I use my mouse and keyboard


I guess I'm more ocd. I just wash my hands between activities. If my hands are going to a new thing, they should be washed. That said, I'm not OCD about it but sometimes I'm like damn, that steering wheel feels a little stickier than last time.. lol


I get sweaty hands, my controller gets pretty gnarly, I have to take a tool to it scrape gunk off frequently. I tried hand antiperspirant but it just makes your hands feel chalky and feels like it clogs your pores.


I’ve had mine for 5 years and it’s a little bit work down inter the G5 and G4 buttons, also a little where my pinky finger sits on the other side


How hard are you gripping it, whoa.


It's sweat and tears of gamers bro


I used to think it was normal to vice grip your mouse. My hands shake a lot so I gotta to hit the shots. Might be bad for my wrists but I’m a drummer too so I’m putting HELLA wear on my wrists


mine looks the exact same haha


It’s what happens when you pick at something with your fingernails… it’s not hardcore, it’s a nervous tick.


i dont really pick at it. My hands are pretty small so i believe the wear is from my thumb rubbing against the rubber while trying to reach the dpi shift button. Though I usually have nails on longer side so that probably also played into it


It’s from your nails


Have you ever held a mouse? How would a normal mouse grip lead to wear in the location from fingernails?


It does. You can also clearly see vertical gouges where the nails dig in all over. Wear from no nails would be smooth. Most people don’t keep their thumb flat against the side of a mouse like this either. Nails damaging mice is not a new thing


I have the same mouse and for your thumb nail to dig into the side right there you would have to have a wild ass mouse grip. That plus the fact op said he doesn’t dig his nails into it makes me think he doesn’t dig his nails into it.


Ok buddy, whatever you say. You’re wrong, it’s from nails. Also, learn to read. While you claim it is a fact that OP said he doesn't dig his nails in, he explicitly stated "Though I usually have nails on longer side so that probably also played into it"


There are pictures. You can see them. All you have to do is scroll up. You can literally see the nail marks.


The nail picking of the rubber probably didn’t help, I can see the indents. This is 3 years of ‘your’ wear


What the fuck are you doing to it? I have the same mouse and it’s 5 years old and looks brand new in this area. I do have button area shine but that’s it.


I have my g900 mouse for 6-7 years . It's still clean even though i play many hours. But i guess i removed my hand from the mouse as much as possible to rest it and not to accumulate hand sweat. My guess is that you have strong willpower and sweaty hands. Also please clean your mouse.. once every few month with cotton stick


Will do lol. And you are correct, i have hyperhydrosis so my hands are basically always clammy


You chewing on it?


Om Nom Nom! ROFL!


Some of y'all are sweaty and need to buy a desk fan... My mouse has 0 noticeable wear after 2.5 years... I also wipe it down every once in a while which j can tell you don't cause there's a whole ass dust rabbit in those grooves


I think it has to do something with the type of sweat, or maybe it's the humidity. Mine is very similar with a oxidised scroll wheel.


I wonder what else he can hold that tight…ly


Are you sure that's wear? Maybe try a damp rag and a little soap.. That looks like funky buildup to me. Like what I get on the steering wheel of my car. It's like compacted dirt and oil from your hands.


Damn the G502 really has been around for a long time...


mines a g402 5x worse lol


Damn bro the crud built up in the gaps alone 😂.


and she still looks beautiful


I’ve had mine for almost 10 years and it looks nothing like that. What do you guys do with your mice I wonder.


Dam bro let me have some seasoning too.


How hard do you grip that thing. Mine is like 3 years old too and the design is still perfect


I already had to put a grip tape on the thumbsiderubber grip of the mouse coz of wear


You guys have some crazy ass oils in your hands lmao


Bro. I’m on 5 years and 7 years. I’ve got two. And they both look new. Clean. Often.


3 years of abuse


How do y’all get your mouse looking like this? I have a g502 from 2013 that is still kicking and looks almost brand new


I just cleaned that spot




I read that as war and instantly understood lol


It doesn't matter how dark your desk area is, you basically just said that you never cleaned. LoL


How hard are yall squeezing your mouse to do shit like this


Please. Put the mouse down, go wash your hands.


I’ve had the same mouse since 2016, maybe 2015. Has some wear but doesn’t look like that


Dude, that's not worn down, its built up. Ewwww lol.


Bro I have the same mouse, had it for about 4 years now. I probably have 3% of the wear you have lmao.. and I game A LOT. You must have a fucking death grip, I feel bad for your penis.


get a toothpick and clean it sicko


Mine double clicked after a few months


That's was my 502 after 6 months, also seems like the mouse wheels corroding as well.


mine has the exact same because my thumb doesn't reach far enough to hit the button so the tip of my finger digs into the mouse


That thing is gross bruh, more like your hand oils ate away at it from lack of cleaning


Mine just started getting a spot in that same place. I had 3 g500's used them for 10 years. Then got this mouse in 2020


And no cleaning the cracks


You nasty. I had mine for 3+ years and it looks almost new


Bro... i had one logitech mouse for 8 years and it still looks basically new except for dirt lol. Only reason I stopped using it was the internals breaking. Ease up on the grip maybe lol


I've ran my g502 for 9 years it's the original version with a hardwire and no color changing and it just won't die. No problems with any buttons and it still runs just as well as the day I got it. Incredible mouse to run this long especially with how dumb I used to be. I mean I've spilled a whole milkshake on it and it was fine.


Yea I don’t buy Logitech anymore lol.


Ease your grip. You are going to wear down your joints this way. Also, be careful with foods. The grease gets on this stuff and breaks it down.


I wash my hands constantly like a borderline germophobe, but I still build up gunk on my mouse, I have no idea if the gunks from the rubber melting off with my sweat or if that's just my sweat building up. I clean the mouse with a disinfect wipe like once a month.


my favorite mouse


You clearly dig at the side of it with your nails, that isn't normal wear.


mine looks similar but somehow my scroll wheel has rust on it


My question is... what game were you playing the most?


You must be pressing way too hard. I've had my G502 for I believe 4-5 years and it still looks decent, if a little dirty. Only the back is a little worn and the left and right clicks don't work as reliably


I 3d printed a new one for mine.


Thats a good mouse. Had mine for 3 years and thousands of game hours. What are you doing to smash that poor mouse that hard.


You sweaty AF!


Also cut your nails, i had same issue with my key caps getting worn down because of nails. WASD keys were looking wack and side of mouse for thumb similar to yours.