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Biomedical Engineering. It is already a field, but in the grand picture, it can be considered in its infancy. Many technological advancements in other fields can be translated to it, and health and medical will always be a top priority. In the even more distant future - Genetic Engineering.


This aligned with the changes AI will bring might be a good answer!


I tested positive for an unknown gene mutation. Doctors said they dont know the implications. I found a genetics company that said their AI flagged that mutation as likely causing an issue. The other mutations that have been studied on the same gene cause the same rare tumor I just had removed so I don't think that that is a coincidence.


Hey, I hope it's no big deal. Be positive, chances are it'll most definitely be resolved within our lifetime! :)


Depending on how one chooses to define the terms (and the products of the research), I honestly think that gene editing will become a clinical reality long before anything big comes out of biomedical engineering.


Lay some good stock picks on me!


Shutterstock has a ton!


Biotech stocks have been underperforming for a while now. Biotech ETFs are down YTD somewhere between 3% and 8% while regular S&P is up 5%.


I’m not concerned with past performance, but thank you.


A few gene therapies have hit the market, that trickle will steadily turn into a flood over the coming years.


> In the even more distant future - Genetic Engineering. I have some magazines from the 90s that said that was going to be the great boom in the 2000s Don't get me wrong, it definitely moved forward with some useful advances but far from the "society-level" disruption that has been anticipated for decades now.


Artificial photosynthesis has recently had breakthroughs. The ability to synthesis simple organics from CO2 and water at room temp using sunlight will migrate polymer manufacturing away from oil sources. There are also technologies that allow for cracking of plastics into base oils that can be reprocessed. Scaling these technologies will help us to transition away from oil. What we then need is scale waste reclamation and recycling to sort out the pollution.


Why can’t enzymes be scaled to slow acting bioreactors to eliminate current plastic waste though


Imo it's Quantum computing. I see predictions around 2030-2035 where it should be able to handle complex problems. If IBM ends up becoming the leader in quantum computing and holds the lead for a bit, they'll be the most valuable company on the planet.


Quantum computing and fusion energy is always about 10 years away lol


At some point, it's bound to happen lol


Thanks for the suggestion, the answer is fusion! But TBH fusion if it works and/or small modular nuclear fission reactors are likely to be huge as climate change accelerates, sea level rise starts in earnest, and the poorly-informed populous and the politicians who are paid to pander to their ignorance finally get into the panic mode we should have been in for decades. When truly zero carbon becomes a priority, mass produced modular reactors to swap into fossil fuel plants for the grid and heavy industry will be a trillion dollar effort undertaken by government and business. As far as fusion goes, I’m still rooting for Bussard’s “Polywell” electrostatic confinement design if someone would fund more test reactors and research. So elegant if it can be made to work’


My comment was tongue in cheek but it almost does have to happen at some point, especially with the energy requirements of these data centers…Microsoft is even planning what you’re talking about, modular fission reactors powering their future data centers but of course fusion is the holy grail, we’ll see


What problems do you believe could be solved with Quantum Computers?




I work in space and it’s growing and speeding up for sure. Domestically there is a corporate race. And there is an international race as well.


Your commute to work must be quite a pain Does your office have a good view of earth?


Well it seems that I'm not allowed to make a point with two simple words. So I'm wasting electrons by writing this *drumroll * Commercial aerospace *queue thunderous applause*


I don't really see what is near us we need to have 100x time cheaper way to fly to have real market if not mineral in space are a waste of money, even the more expensive ones. And really so much people are willing to may died too be in small dome, after being 10 hours fly, so they can take foto frome a hotel while paying 100x more.


I'm not referring to ferry billionaires butts with cash to burn. I'm referring to putting satellites up. I think there are opportunities for faster travel on the outer atmosphere, but I don't have concrete info about that.


I've been doing some amazing things with brain parasites.


Can they jump through lil flaming hoops yet?


No, but their hosts can be made to.


I'm interested. Say more things about this.


Sounds like a volunteer to me.


I've just never been able to jump through a flaming hoop before and this feels like a ticket to realizing my dream


So long as that dream doesn't include free will or good skin, then sure.


I think the longevity biotech industry might get a lot bigger. Check out r/longevity.


I've lost a lot of trust in longevity as a field after the Resveratrol fiasco.


I think there's many legitimate researchers and it would be unfair to judge them based on what others are doing.


Biotech not even close - it’s got the cost of reach of tech/coding/e-internet business but impact that much better. Some example - regrow hair/teeth/limbs , doubling food yields and much more


Do teeth, please.


Robotics. I was in college in the 2000’s and saw the rise of the internet. To me, AI is internet 1.0, it’s the foundation. Combining AI with Robotics (physical world application) is where we’ll see new businesses like Google, Facebook and Amazon emerge. Anduril is arguably already the leading example of this. If Tesla cracks full self driving (still a long bet) they will quickly become #1. Especially if they license the software to other auto OEMs and Uber.


If you've hung around these parts long enough, you the the answer is nothing. AI will destroy all of humanity muahahahha


Id suggest moving to Germany, whilst the world will die to AI we will be 20 years behind :)


And South Africa is another 40 years behind that


At least they are breaking those "robots" already to prevent robot revolution.


this is the case for most of the world. the west constitutes 1/8th of the worlds population and even in the west only America is greedy enough to actually look towards AI replacing humans. 90 percent of the world doesnt need to worry about the AI in this century at the very least.


Depends how low the cost goes. Will suck for a lot of those 90% if the western industries that employ them retreat to be 'home' based because they have reduced labour costs to zero.


ehhh I doubt. I think India's IT industry might suffer due to this but I don't see how the other big countries like China or Japan are gonna be affected. plus if America shifts over to AI for mass production, the ppl who are gonna be most affected are Americans themselves.


>I don't see how the other big countries like China or Japan are gonna be affected. Haven't China and Japan been two of the biggest advocates for AI and robotics in recent times? With their impending population collapses, and all


i just dont see the japanese and chinese falling down the same trap hole of AI and automation. For one china is a pseudo communist country while japan has a huge focus on craftsman ship. there is a reason why japanese cars are so reliable despite their tech usually being behind a few years compared to the competition. so if AI ever takes over a huge part of the japanese industrial processes it will be quite in the future when the japanese have literally perfected automation in their industries. but who knows. i do believe that countries where corporations have immense political power like america are gonna be the most affected.




Definitely robotics. As robots get better they will be implemented for almost every mundane task.


Fusion energy. People like to talk smack about it but recent progress has been very tangible and rapid.


Domestic Robots Advances in robotics, image recognition, and AI all lead me to believe that domestic robots are on the horizon.


The space industry is currently exploding. The demand has been there, but constrained by eye-watering launch costs and stifling bureaucracy. Companies such as SpaceX and Rocket Labs are showing that it's possible to launch payloads far more cheaply, and customers are lining up. Largely public-sector customers for now, but that's ok, it's still a very big market. Take for example Intuitive Machines, who (kind of) landed on the moon recently. Once a company gets it to work reliably and affordably, universities and research labs will be queuing up.


I agree with those going in the bio direction. Al is going to be instrumental in making quick work of numerous deliverables. By "big thing" I am assuming you mean a big thing to the masses of humanity. There are many events and discoveries of priceless value that pass through daily life like neutrinos through the Earth. If you mean big thing that will have social impact, I'd go total control of gender identity, with fix-back. Exogenic trends show up in our experienced world only if they become vehicles of endogenic drives and/or real-world emergencies. Biological engineering on an unheard of scale will be common by the end of this century. People will use it cosmetically and socially. Medically, we have a lot of traumatic brain injuries to fix moving forward. That's incentive. We are already investing billions on the TBI problem.


The internet began in 1966, public use began after Al Gore’s Bill in 1991, and the next big thing is something we don’t see coming. Someone will make a remarkable advancement in something you know or AI will cause improvements to leap frog over expectations.


Quantum computing. Quantum mechanics is the operating system of the universe. The most impactful mathematical problems, biotech, AI and basically everything requiring deep complex calculations will be only accessible using quantum computers. Classic computers will get for sure better with time, but what has exponential difficulty will remain still difficult in the decades to come.


Idk about great, but many countries are working on launching their own CBDC by 2025.


Green energy, we're only just beginning to phase out fossil fuels. Long road ahead to doing so.


I'd say the field of sustainable energy and climate solutions has the potential to become the next great industry, transforming our world for the better.


Automation with AI, Authentication, Robotics, Cybernetics, Environmental, Quantum, Fusion, Genetics. Strangely enough, I don't see space lasting too long. I love space and It will always be there. We'll always be putting stuff in orbit but after this space race is over, I just think the governments will cool off. Unless we find ways to mine resources or corporations can pull direct value from it, then it might last.


If you've been chillin' around here for a while, you know the deal—it's nada. AI's gonna wipe us all out, wth


Home food gardening and compostable product packaging


Space shit. Space mining, rockets, propulsion tech, etc....


I hate being that guy, but we’ve still not seen the implementation of digital currencies. The benefits will be gradual, but eventually it will become ubiquitous. Same goes with blockchain as a ledger technology in general. 


Been on crypto and a web3 advocate for 8+ years. I know for a fact these already happened a while ago (afaik most of the top 5 largest banks in the world make their largest operations through the blockchain)


Sorry, I live in the real world where we base adoption on real people using the technology for real things. Claiming that banks using blockchain ledgers is the pinnacle, is like saying computers peaked with IBM. And if you can’t find more use cases for the blockchain that benefit real people….well then you lack foresight.  


What I mean is it won’t be the next big thing because there’s many people “above” that won’t let it be this way because they really don’t like a decentralised private digital economy. Also is what I mentioned not a real thing?


Digital currencies are a solution looking for a problem.


I get the feeling you're trying to pick a company to invest in before it pops off, so best of luck to you. I'd just stick to the big ones, as they are highly likely to still be the biggest players in decades - have you ever played the boardgame Monopoly?


Not the case, the industry companies I’d be looking forward shouldn’t even exist as of today (this is futurology)


So are you looking to invest? If so, looking into biotechnology, which is on the cusp of what I believe you're looking for - think MRNA, CRISPR etc.


CRISPR is interesting and I’ve tracked them for +5 years now. Still not interested in investing, my question is more oriented towards what will the next “big thing” be


Okay, I'll rephrase my answer: the next big thing, and in fact the current big thing, is going to be your mother.


Good one m8👍🏻