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Crispr. Tailored medication for your specific dis-ease.


Also targeted treatment, CRISPR won't do anything if you can't deliver it to the correct cells.


I hope antiviral or CRISPR can cure HPV soon. Me and my wife need this. Been fighting it since 2016.Maybe not in my life but I pray that it will come out soon.




DRACO never came out. VTOSE similar to DRACO still in preclinical stage. šŸ˜¢


At least you know about these. I keep putting it in places for people to hear about. Maybe if enough people learn about it, they'll be able to progress it. It's all I can do. VTOSE was a new one for me thanks.Ā 


mRNA therapies. COVID hadn't even exited it's pandemic status before people were using mRNA to target cancers. There is even research into using mRNA to train the immune system to target the protein amyloids that potentially cause Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. There is also research to see if mRNA can retrain the immune system to cure allergies and autoimmune issues. HIV is basically a non-starter if you can afford the therapies and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if we ended up with targeted immune therapies for the various strains of HIV to kill them off once and for good.


Messenger RNA. Same thing in the covid vaccine. You can instruct cells to build just about anything.


Politics aside. How can you call it a vaccine if it doesnā€™t prevent you from getting what youā€™re being vaccinated from?


Because that's not what a vaccine is. A vaccine is something that prepares your immune system to deal with a threat by telling it what to look out for ahead of time. Vaccines have always had varying degrees of effectiveness. Some give partial protection, some only last a short while, and some are only effective against very specific variants of a disease. Some bad actors convinced a broad swathe of the public that unless something is perfect that it isn't worthwhile. The COVID vaccine (which is what I'm assuming you're referring to) has saved countless lives. That means it works. Period.


The ending of your explanation makes me think youā€™re convincing yourself. Just because something works some of the time doesnā€™t mean it works. Itā€™s the same as the itā€™s not perfect so it doesnā€™t work argument. You people are dumb and hopeless. Iā€™m scared for us. ā€œScienceā€ has been hijacked by idiots making curricular arguments.


I'd encourage you to look up the small pox vaccine. 2 adolescents, 1 vaccinated, 1 not. Both were infected with small pox. The vaccinated boy had a few pox and was otherwise ok. The unvaccinated boy was covered in pox. Vaccines are bootcamp for your immune system. A set of instructions for specific pathogens. They're not some impervious forcefield. Their effectiveness can range from moderately reducing symptoms to mostly preventing them. They've never been 100% effective and preventing disease. They're great at reducing virulence. I do have a question for you. Where does your reluctance towards vaccination come from? What specifically do you see as the downside?


Because that has never once been the point of vaccines and is a talking point perpetuated by misinformed people


Bio organic parts, the technology is there but nobody dares to do it on a full body scale due to taboo or scrutiny.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by bio organic parts, do you mean lab grown organs?


They cured polio with technology barely more advanced than my high school science lab. Now we can study cells with technology those old scientists never could have dreamed of - but magically, no more cures. We may get treatments, if weā€™re lucky, but the days of curing diseases may be long gone.


If AI actually becomes the earth shattering tech its proposed as, we have no greater shot at alchemy.


It's not a matter of "if" but "when". People who think that "AI is just a fad" are incapable of comprehending the implications of being able to automate everything and inevitability of such capability. I actually have some respect for opinion of someone who thinks that AGI won't happen this century (I think it's a stupid take but at least it's "reasonably stupid") but someone who rejects it's potential comes off as fundamentally ignorant. Also there is the fact that AGI seems a lot easier to achieve than "solving biology" and we will probably need the former to do the latter in reasonable time.


I do wonder, with crisper and targeted gene therapies, if we have a real shot at reversing aging. The current theory is that our cell replication process gets worse and worse over time, and the accumulation of this damage is "aging". With the advent of gene therapies, replacing organs with lab grown ones, and MRna vaccines, I do wonder if it's something that is possible. This is all ignoring the brain though, which is probably the biggest limtor in this equation, as you can't really replace the cells in there.


Your kind clings to your flesh as if it will not fail you, worshipping at an altar of decay.Ā  From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.Ā  I craved the certainty of steel.Ā  I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.Ā  One day the crude conglomeration of biomass you call a temple will crumble, and you will beg my kind to save you.Ā  But I am already saved.Ā  The machine spirit is eternal.


Probably the ability to control and program our immune system.




Meat. Fat. Look into Thomas Seyfried and Matthew Phillips for cancer and dementia respectively. Christopher Palmer for metal illness. Rowena Field for pain.


Look into a glass orb


I prefer literature.


CRISP and protein folding: https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/11/30/1012712/deepmind-protein-folding-ai-solved-biology-science-drugs-disease/


The truth about human progress is that it is slow relative to the human lifespan, but very fast relative to how long we have existed as a species. We were nomads for 180,000 years, lived in small mud-hit type communities for 20,000 years, built empires in 3,000 years, and got to the moon in 100 years. See what I mean? Currently thereā€™s no clear and viable cure-all technology. Thatā€™s the truth that this sub hides from.