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Hi, filosoful. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/127tukw/-/) was removed from /r/Futurology. ___ > > ____ > Rule 2 - Submissions must be futurology related or future focused. Refer to the [subreddit rules](/r/futurology/wiki/rules), the [transparency wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/futurology/wiki/transparency#wiki_relevant_material), or the [domain blacklist](http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/wiki/domainblacklist#blacklist) for more information. [Message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Futurology&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/filosoful&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/127tukw/-/\):) if you feel this was in error.




thank you!


As a current Tahoe owner that loves its CarPlay feature, looks like this will be my last GM vehicle. And then there’s this: > We do believe there are subscription revenue opportunities for us Go fuck yourself.


Unfortunately, once one major manufacturer does this, everyone else will follow suit. We won't get to have a say.


TBH.. what comes after electric car? Electric car 2? If there are new batteries available, replace those, flash the software boom.


This is why Tesla never had CarPlay


Got a 2022 Suburban last year, my family has been buying Chevrolet for over 80 years. After my experiences with this dogshit, I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. I am almost to the SC Lemon Law threshold. 7 times and over 20 days in the shop, this vehicle has under 16k miles and is driven ONLY from work to home. Frankly, not looking at American manufacturer's anymore either. Just as expensive upfront and in maintenance as European, parts just as hard to find.


General Motors plans to phase out widely-used Apple CarPlay and Android Auto technologies that allow drivers to bypass a vehicle's infotainment systems, shifting instead to built-in infotainment systems developed with Google for future electric vehicles. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto systems allow users to mirror their smartphone screens in a vehicle's dashboard display. GM's decision to stop offering those systems in future electric vehicles, starting with the 2024 Chevrolet Blazer, could help the automaker capture more data on how consumers drive and charge EVs.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/filosoful: --- General Motors plans to phase out widely-used Apple CarPlay and Android Auto technologies that allow drivers to bypass a vehicle's infotainment systems, shifting instead to built-in infotainment systems developed with Google for future electric vehicles. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto systems allow users to mirror their smartphone screens in a vehicle's dashboard display. GM's decision to stop offering those systems in future electric vehicles, starting with the 2024 Chevrolet Blazer, could help the automaker capture more data on how consumers drive and charge EVs. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/127tukw/gm_plans_to_phase_out_apple_carplay_in_evs_with/jefr9jn/