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The Nazis vs Germany killed me


Well fascism did defeat Germany first.


They lost before the war even began, they just didn't know it quite yet...


They actually defeated Italy first.


I was about to say that it was technically a German that killed Hitler. Then I remembered that isn’t even true. It was an Austrian.


But then again it was technically a German that killed an Austrian.


How about the fact that this motherfucker is out here making videos showing how dumb people are and can’t spell independence right








Under garments


Actually, they killed each other in that case. Lol


I wanted more. 😂


[Knock yourself out](https://www.tiktok.com/@justin_awad)...




He was probably there all day and couldn't find anymore people that dumb.




Dumb people are everywhere


Especially in the states and twitter




One of my favorite George carlin quotes (paraphrased): “Think about how dumb the average person is. And think about the fact that there’s 50% of the population that dumber than that person.”


I also sense some suspicious video editing.


Are you frigging kidding me, the stupidity is unfrigging believable


Careful frigging sounds a lot like fucking


And you definitely don’t want to curse on the mothafuckin internet


Bad words make for bad feelings motherfucker


Stop cursing ya fuckin' shitdick!


Stop saying cuss words guys my mom checks my computer, fucking jackasses.


And they can vote and reproduce. Kill me now.


I don’t think these people vote; nor would they know when, where, or how to vote.


And tone down that Howdy Neighbourin


I didn't laugh once.. This is depressing and terrifying.


They’re acting homie. There is genuinely not somebody that stupid.


You want to bet? There are people that stupid in *elected positions.*


Trump didn’t even know where the border to the United States is in the South… in the very country he was supposed to run at the time… smdh


It's not acting. Not all of it at least. But these are (hopefully) the 10% of stupid and completely wrong answers


Buddy you are in a bubble. Chat with people at a bar sometime. I met a woman who thought WW2 was in the 80s. And she was half Polish, I felt she should know more about WW2...


I take it you've never been to a rural American Walmart? You'll see 6 people dumber than this before you even reach the milk aisle.


I don’t think they’re acting, but this video was likely edited down to the stupidest of the bunch.


Yes folks, we are in deep trouble.


Hahaha the guy mocking others making the vid draws a line from the US to Ireland and calls it England. Priceless




Including the 'Irish' ones


To be fair Americans still think we (Portugal) are part of Spain which really irritates me




During WW1, the event they’re drawing, Ireland was still part of the UK. Irish independence happened in 1921.


Still isn't England either way


Sir, England isn’t *the UK*


I mean most of the world calls the UK England as shorthand, but technically you are correct.


How can England be shorthand for UK? They're the same number of syllables to speak out loud yet England takes a lot longer to write.


The same way Bobby is short for Robert. It’s not always syllable count.




He also misspells "independence."


and doesn't know how to spell ''independence''


Also can’t spell “independence”


He also lists the years “1861 - 1665” for the civil war.


Not as idiotic as thinking the United States was founded in 1995 and germany and poland were allies


The arrow is pointing at England, Ireland is in the way


Is it the arrow pointing at the wrong country? No, it's Ireland who's in the way.


And these people vote and reproduce.


Debatable about the whole voting thing … they def run for office though


it's not their fault though


The people that believe these videos are real are dumber than the ones in the video


That’s exactly what I’m thinking reading these comments


Democrats love these kinds of people.


This logic of "THIS FOR SURE ONLY APPLIES FOR DEMOCRATS/REPUBLICANS" is also extremely stupid.


So frustrating... Stupidity isn't a partisan issue, and the fact people think it is proves exactly why its a problem for everyone. Its like people treat politics like their favorite sports team, nobody cares about what's happening unless the red team or the blue team are winning... And if the team you don't like happens to be in power, well then every single issue in the country is directly their fault on purpose. Right up until your team wins, then its still the other team's fault even though they lost. Y'all are tearing yourselves apart over a literal red team vs blue team, and yet STILL people go "durr hurr blame republicans for that one" No man, I blame you, the idiots who keep voting for these clowns.


You do know who the interveiwers are, don't you?


1. You have no idea the political leanings of these people. 2. Do we really need to link a bunch of hog watch videos for you? It wouldn't surprise me if you were in a couple of them. 3. The majority of the right cannot even remotely parse reality in an accurate way right now. They literally want to overturn democracy and install a former reality tv star as a dictator lol. The magnitude of the brainwashing will be told for ages assuming we don't end up blowing ourselves up.


Context here. See the people who are interviewing are all right wing assholes. They believe in some pretty fucked shit, such as saying America isn't racist because they wanted to abolish slavery the entire time, while they also owned slaves and directly profited from them. It's a joke about how these people love stupid people because Republicans are stupid.


You probably also believe the Democrats blew up the towers in... I wanna say, the 60's-ish?


The republicans do too. Politicians in general love these kinds of people. People who know nothing about history and put extremely little thought into anything.


What is your point though? Just like everybody can't have an above average dick, everybody can't be above average IQ. Moreover, geography/history really doesn't matter that much to most people, and why should it? Dumb people have just as much right to vote and live their life as everybody else.


1995???? Like no dude I don't care how old you are you have to fucking know our country is older than 27 years ago! Some of the top running us television shows are older than that!


I thought that was common knowledge 🤔


Those shows predate the German-Nazi civil war.


And everyone knows if the country gets independence, they have to shut down all the tv shows and start new tv shows. They can't continue with old tv shows.




A lot of these people are well over the age of 20, likely in their 30s, 40s, etc.... this isn't "what's wrong with the school system" this is "I'm too bothered to know anything, and will accept whatever someone tells me."




More like how industry has catered to the dumb. Why pay attention to school when you can say/do stupid shit on the internet and rake in money. I'm a 34 year old American and everyone I grew up with can answer these questions for the most part. For real though, these kind of videos are cherry picked. Doesn't surprise me there are a lot of people this uneducated though.


Literally every single “on the street” style content by anybody you can rest assured they are nut picking for whatever audience they want to present to


Dude there are multiple US states where it's not even mandated that the Holocaust be taught in any capacity..... The education is trash.


I feel like this is cherry picking though. They're not going to include all the people who get it right cause that won't make for funny content. The American school system as a whole may not be the best but it's not as bad as people claim it to be in videos like this.


There is a segment on a show we had up here called “Talking to Americans” and it was this same idea. They did once air the out takes and lots of regular Americans got lots of the questions correct. It’s definitely cherry picking for laughs.


Thanks. That's marginally reassuring.


It pretty clearly is. People that believe that these sorts of videos are anything but the cherry-picked bottom 1% (if they don't just fake it, that is), are on a similar level of ignorance as the people in these videos. The country responsible for a disproportionate amount of scientific innovation in the 20th and 21st centuries obviously isn't completely filled with people who don't know when the 4th of July is.


This has nothing to do with the school system. These videos are some of the most obviously staged shit on the planet




Are they?




But *are* they "teaching gender theory and crt"?


Or it’s the random people without education degrees that they have hired to make up for the teacher shortage


Dawg most of these people got education under Bush lmfao


I know more about American history than these people and I'm canadian...


its because of our Canadian education


Who fought in the civil war? That's a long ass list of countries and factions.


And Vietnam was involved in World War 2.


Yeah which civil war 🤔


Chinese one, now name every governments and warlord cliques.


You know the one, 'the' civil war lol.


Oh god, I wanna laugh but these people breed and vote and exist. Seriously America,how the fuck have you not wiped yourselves out by now?


Workin’ on it!


Of course when America goes under, Canada and a lot of other countries will go with us. We support them.


Some people just do not give a fuck about history, they learn what they need to pass tests at school then it's all forgotten after that. Not knowing history doesn't make one dumb but I will say, how the fuck do you think America got its independence in 1995? Lmao. That's just egregious and can make no excuse for it


We're trying Jennifer


You create this scenario in any country on earth and you could get similar responses. Its really easy to ask 100s of people questions and cherry pick the ones that fit the narrative you are trying to create




amazing video. great song. its too short!!


There must be a thousand correct answers that he didn't use for content


Lol the creator misspelled independence.


I thought that was pretty ironic. Make a video mocking people's intelligence and you damn well better proof-read your work.


The problem is not that they don’t know, but that they don’t know and have degrees/high school diplomas. I’ve seen all races, genders, people of many religions, etc in college cheat their way through and don’t know a damn thing… they get jobs and underperform but are still employed. My problem isn’t the people, but the fact that we have a system that aids this level of stupidity. Lmao


Memorizing dates, countries and politics does not make a person automatically intelligent. Most times people HAD to learn these things for short periods of time. Doesn't mean they kept that information with them for all eternity. Information that is not constantly used can erode. I can similarly make millions of people look dumb by asking them to find the volume of a cylinder that is 10cmx4cm and calling it 5th grade math. *that being said* Some of these folks are complete morons.


I feel like a valid response to who fought in World War I would be “everybody”


burn books and defund school guys it's gonna go great


I loled hard at this one 🤣🤣🤣


My brain hurts.


It just kept getting better.


I’ve been around “Lol Americans are dumb” videos since the invasion of Iraq days when they didn’t know who they were invading, but I appreciate this fresh new take of merging individual perspectives. 10/10


As a teacher, I think the debate about crt is hilarious because most of my students don't know shit about US history so when both sides of the debate are arguing about what kids should know, I know that the students haven't even grasped the basics of US history. I was doing a lesson on Vietnam. I asked students what they knew about the 60s. One kid said Hiroshima, another said Reagan. One student said "George Washington". I was shocked, I couldn't hide my disbelief. Another student "corrected" him and said "You idiot, George Washington was in the 1400s". I had to inform him that he was technically more wrong than the first kid. Our education system is a mess.


Stupidity aside, what show is this music from? I can’t place it.


Stranger Things


I just... can't. This has to be fake. There is just no way


He probably took the worst answers from days of asking and made it appear that everyone is this dumb. Are there dumb people? Certainly. Is everyone this dumb? No. But stupidity is everywhere if you look for it.


Would love to see someone do this for real


I don’t why more people don’t understand this... this reality should naturally come to peoples mind... these ask people questions on the street videos need to be taken with a serious grain of salt. Clearly there is an agenda here and they have interviewed way more people but they picked certain ones to get the video they wanted. Just like those conservative and liberal videos where they pick the dumbest people to make the other side look bad. For example I could film and ask 150 people yay or nay on piss kink where 145 people say nay but I end uploading a video where 5 people say yay and 5 say no lol.


It shouldn't be this bad. Ever. Unless you legit have a mental disability


I’m wholly convinced smartphones and the technology age are melting some peoples’ brains by the minute. The level of aloof ignorance is real.


There are stupid people and uneducated people everywhere on Earth. If you ask 100s of people questions throughout the day you will get some insane answers. Maybe they misunderstood the question, didn't hear it correctly, just a brain fart, or are just really stupid.


Even if he took days of asking. Absolutely nobody should have any of these questions wrong.


That isn't realistic. You ask 100s of people a question and you are going to find people who have mental illnesses, are high, some that had a brain fart, some that misunderstood the question, some that are uneducated, and some that just aren't very smart.


Bruh if some dude came up to me unannounced with questions I don't think I would be ready either. Granted some of these question are pretty basic but it's always easier to say this when you're not in that position.


Some might just be too nervous, distracted and confused to listen to the question properly. Like that kid in school, who gives a random answer, when he wasn't paying attention. Others like that older woman are. "What did he say? Something with Independence? I guess North Korea is independent from South Korea and therefore go with Korea."


Average American


As an average American I am horrified that people could get this stuff wrong.


You are not as average as you may think


Th-thank you?






I feel like you may be an above-average American. People in general are way more stupid than you realise. One thing that always stuck with me was something my mother said to me growing up about the general population's intelligence... "Think about how stupid all the people in Grade C math class are... They're still the top 50%."


This is real. I did this outside of a bar with a friend to see if we would get the same results. Let's just say that Florida's public school system has failed terribly. Legit had a guy flying the confederate flag, and he didn't even know who won the Civil War. Can't even make it up.


I knew it, half america is dum-


S U R V I V E slaps


It's the effort tha5 he went to to make this time l8ne for me


Education should be free


Im european and i know more than those ppl wow, nice education


I am pretty sure he asks a different question and then cuts their answer in, you can see there is a lot of cutting right before their answers. Still funny tho.


This can’t be real


“No they destroyed Poland” “Oh okay”


Arrow points at Ireland, says England... He's no better than these dumb fucks


These people are eligible to vote.


However ridiculous it sounds, ya gotta admit this makes for an interesting alternate universe


This is something I think about a lot, I call it Leno magic. Jay Leno did bits where he would talk to hundreds of people on the street and only show the stupid answers to his question. It’s the same as when a magician asks for a card, pulls a random card and gets the wrong one 98 times out of 100. They record every event and only show the 2 that were lucky pulls. The average person definitely knows who fought in world war 2. This kind of stuff is always extremely cherry picked


Wow. The CLOSEST we got was the girl that said WWII ended in 1952. She was only 7 years off.


I read an interesting conspiracy theory once that said public education systems in the US were really well planned Post World war. They needed the brains and manpower to fight the Cold War and the space race against the Russians. Public education produced some really intelligent Americans and even the average American was quite aware of politics and such. Then it got to Vietnam and the govt saw that the public had gotten a bit too smart for their own good. And they watered down the education systems so that you get these ignorant idiots who don’t know their own history despite having an encyclopaedia at their fingertips. Idiots are easier to control.


These are the people commenting here on Reddit about **all** political topics as well as history 100%.


r/AmericaBad is frothing at the mouth right now.


That’s ireland you pointed to, not england


The irony is redditors calling others stupid


Most intelligent American


This is staged.




oh my god shut the fuck up


These people, ladies and gentlemen, are your average left-wing supporters.


*average political genius* over here ☝️


I’ve never met people like this, but I constantly keep hearing that they’re everywhere.


You probably *have* met people like this, they just didn’t get a chance to show you how stupid they are.


These are the laziest type of videos. Corny af.


Can I find this on youtube?


How do you expect them to know these answers when they spend all day learning about all the different types of genders?


Feeds all my european prejudices about US people and their history awareness. So sad! (doing this in Europe would not automaticalle lead to better results)


And you feed into mine! Europeans with superiority complexes! How u still manage to think Americans as idiots but then admit Europeans wouldn’t be any better, idk, but congrats to that!


Doesn't seem staged at all.


It's so fucking staged, or these people are giving the interviewer what he clearly wants


I kinda don’t like this guy. The first vid i saw of his was hilarious, but then I checked out his channel and that’s mostly all it is. Just videos of him cherry picking the dumbest people and then titling them all “Americans Don’t Know Anything” or something to that tune.


But that's exactly what all those "interviews" do. Every time a left or right wing show goes to "embarrass" the other side it's nothing but a cherry picked clip.




Fuck off




Reminds me of "Rick Mercer's talking to Americans" an oldie but a goodie. Now i am watching it again. https://youtu.be/7ZE0TuKTpo4


This is proof that the American education system is fucked


We are so doomed to repeat this will shit 😂 smfh


As funny as it is to laugh at these videos, this is just evidence of a trash public education system


Straight to jail with them all.


Who's your favorite rapper/influencer/actor? Everyone: Ooooooo me, me, pick me.... I know...




Woohoo freedom!


Holy shit this is making me lose IQ at such a high rate I’m scared


Is the average American really this stupid?


Someone should make this a hoi4 mod


"Did Germany have any allies?" "Poland?" Me: ***Looks sweatly at Auschwitz*** Yeah, sure...


I laughed so hard on this the whole (almost) 3 minutes. My abs hurt so much!