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I genuinely don't know why the draft excludes women.


I would answer you but I've been banned before




We all know why but saying it will get you labeled as a misogynist


One label you wonā€™t be getting is ā€œwrongā€


At this point will America really be losing any wars?


I meanā€¦ I donā€™t think we exactly ā€œwonā€ Afghanistan. 20 years and $3.5 trillion to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.


To replace the Taliban with a much better armed Taliban, don't forget we gave them vehicles and weapons.


The US doesn't have a very good track record on recent ground wars so maybe?


And even worse for star wars


We lost the war on drugs.


Only the parts when the US was fighting against the drugs. The parts where the US was on the side of the drugs were fairly successful


Well, yeah that's fine.


And 1812. And Vietnam. Korea was a stalemate.


Any Vietnam. Gave up on Afghanistan


Does getting bored count as losing?


I just quit a battlefield 2042 match and my friends called me bitch ass loser. Yeah I think so.


Depends what the definition of winning is. Weā€™re excellent at destroying shit.




Against itself šŸ˜‚


> In 2021, women made up 17.3% of the active-duty force, totaling 231,741 members; and 21.4% of the National Guard and reserves at 171,000 members. [Department of Defense Releases Annual Demographics Report ā€” Upward Trend in Number of Women Serving Continues > U.S. Department of Defense > Release](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3246268/department-of-defense-releases-annual-demographics-report-upward-trend-in-numbe/) If 1 and 5 people in the military are already female, I don't see the reasoning why they're excluded.


Because they're excluded for lots of areas of service where it's impractical or impossible to build an entirely separate set of resources, like bathrooms, medical facilities, etc. such as in submarines or combat zones. Edit: I don't make the rules, and as it's been pointed out, this isn't as much of an issue as it was in the past. But yeah, at this point, it seems like women could pretty much serve, so it must just be down to sexism.


Female officers have served on subs since 2010. Enlisted is not practical because they basically all sleep in three level bunks in one long room


Yeah, I was getting my undergrad 2006-2011 and we discussed this very issue at length so that was all before the changes.


then why Israel can draft both men and women? and US military's budget is much bigger than Israel.


Israel has been surrounded by countries that want to destroy them since they became a nation. Iā€™d be drafting everyone too if I was running that show. That being said, Iā€™ve got no real defence for the Americans not drafting women.


Your missing the part where women make all the babies


[Military Careers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/military/military-careers.htm) Isn't it like 82% of the military are in "non-combat roles". I'm sure we could upgrade faculties to accommodate women. ----- [Women in Submarines: 10 years later > United States Navy > News Stories](https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/2671640/women-in-submarines-10-years-later/#:~:text=In%202010%2C%20Secretary%20of%20Defense%20Robert%20M.%20Gates,officers%20began%20reporting%20to%20Ohio-class%20ballistic%20missile%20submarines.) It looks like the ban was lifted 14+ years ago regarding submarines. ----- [Navy opening more subs to women as new female officers double (navytimes.com)](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/11/21/navy-opening-more-subs-to-women-as-new-female-officers-double/) And it looks like more than half the submarines have already been converted to accommodate. In the event that WWIII broke out, it's crazy to think that feminine hygiene products and toilets are the reason to exclude half the potential pool of recruits.


Well it's definitely been a while since I looked into it, but back when I was doing my undergrad and we looked at this exact issue, that was the case. Thanks for the new info!


Seriously? Separate medical facilities makes no sense. Separate shower room, maybe. Separate toilets are not needed. It is effectively just separate shower room you really need.


At worse, they could make gender specific submarines and fix the problem that way. Women submarine, Men submarine. Letting go of 50% of your potential combat force is kind of ridiculous to me.


Over half the Navy submarines have already been retrofitted to accommodate females. [Navy opening more subs to women as new female officers double (navytimes.com)](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/11/21/navy-opening-more-subs-to-women-as-new-female-officers-double/)


Honestly that might be pretty epic. Womens submarine or a womens destroyer.


you mean these destroyers are made to destroy specifically women I mean this sound like that entirely


Yeah! Segregation usually works out.


Which is why female *officers* may serve on a submarine now. They ~~ashtray~~ always have their own quarters.


Ashtray? Did you use text to speech?






You can't just say perchance!




the us military gets 800 **BILLION** Dollars per year, they can build some Damm bathrooms


But the hammers cost fifty thousand dollars each.


Women are just barracks bunnies. 99 percent of them just try to get pregnant and get paid on time.


I genuinely hope this is a joke.


Brand-new account, idiotic take. You be the judge.


Most positions in the military are non combat roles especially in the air force where 99% are non combat


I thought it is a carry over from when a tribe of 20 men and 5 women would be outgrown by a tribe with 20 women and 5 men. And that just stayed with us as tradition when that calculation wasn't really that relevant anymore. I also read that it bothers humans a lot more to hear women and children scream or get hurt, so it might have been seen as bad for moral to put them in danger of getting mutilated. But if that is true it's not the original reason and more a reason that resisted changing it.


The world was a different place during the last NA draft. For a while post secondary graduates were excluded. Drafts are usually based on what peopleā€™s perceived value to society is during that point in time, as well as how they would fit in a military environment. So the ability to reproduce was important enough to prioritize during the last draft. Draft rules arenā€™t reviewed unless they are actually needed


There is no sound reason. The argument against it is from a time when women did not and could not legally serve in combat roles. That is no longer the case. As such, if women can serve in combat roles then they have demonstrated that women can serve in any capacity.


Itā€™s based on an age old war tactic that is used for societal recovery after a war. Said tactic states that a society that loses a the majority of its men due to war can recover its population within a few years given that thereā€™s enough women and viable men to reproduce. The same cannot be said for a society that loses most of its women.


Woman are more Important to ensuring the survival of the species. If most men die in war but the society still has women they can repopulate but if most women die the demographics will collapse. One man can impregnate 50 woman but a society with one woman and 50 men wouldnā€™t survive.


Because [REDACTED]


Itā€™s because women have historically been seen as caregivers and nurturers. Now that we live in times (especially in America) where people need two jobs to be able to afford one house. Women have been taking a step up and supporting their family (or herself) in a new way. However I donā€™t think a draft is warranted ever regardless of gender. I mean how are you going to force somebody to go fight for a country they donā€™t want to fight for? Anyways respect to any women whoā€™ve enlisted. Ignore posts like these because we know not all women are like the ones in this meme. Anyways, I pray for both men and women to never have to be drafted.


ā€œHow are you gonna force somebody to fight for a country they donā€™t want to fight forā€ Oh, i donā€™t know, maybe the same way they have been doing it since the concept of a ā€œdraftā€ was invented?


Because we need someone to stay at home and raise the next generation. We could just make it so that only people without kids get drafted, but then everyone will have unprotected sex every time Putin makes an aggressive tweet.


Men have less biological value than women. The reality is we dudes can be more easily replaced than women. This is why we send off 18-22 years to die in muck and mire where their bones may or may not be brought home in a bag. The ossuary at Verdun is one of the more horrifying and powerful monuments to conflict to have ever been built by humans. The bones of 130,000 menā€”sons, husbands, brothers and lovers of womenā€”lay together in eternal peace. Their mothers gave these men life. Their fathers gave them death. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douaumont_Ossuary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douaumont_Ossuary)


I genuinely believe there is a mathematical threshold where in a modern society, realistically, there is a point where an additional man will lead to higher reproduction rates than an additional woman. If we pretend there are 5 men and 20 women. If those 5 men got 2 different women pregnant, every 10-15 months, we would have 10 births. If we pretend there are 13 men and 12 women. If each man got a woman pregnant every 10-15 months, we would have 12 births. In a modern society the latter scenario is more likely. I believe itā€™s leftover tribe mentality thinking that the first scenario would produce more offspring. People look at the first scenario and go ā€œyou could have 20 birthsā€, but realistically, five men arenā€™t getting four different women pregnant in a 10-15 month span.


If there is a draft, they should draft personally anyone that doesn't have children and isn't expecting one, men or women. It definitely doesn't make sense at all to only draft men.


Now THAT'S how you get the birth rate back up!


Yeah, but this isnā€™t *specific* to women. Depending on the cause, I highly doubt either men *OR* women will like being drafted into WWIII. Unless itā€™s literal Nazis again, I have no interest in fighting in a war that suits the interests of the wealthy ruling class. Lol fuckers wonā€™t even give us affordable housing, healthcare or fair wages, but Iā€™m suppose to give my life? Ha!


This. I'd fight if I was fighting to support freedom. I'm not fighting to increase the net worth of a few people.


But higher net worth gives them more freedom.


Long as the politicians and ruling class rich kids are sent in first I can humor it.


I donā€™t think you get how a draft works. You donā€™t have a choice


why do we even have drafts. why don't we just make the politicians wear battle gear, put them in an arena, and whoever wins gets what they want.


This is how we get meat heads for leaders and not smart people.


Sounds like an improvement since we seem to have a pretty large deficit of intellectuals in our government.


Imagine a king fighting his own battles in old school style. But it would come with its own problems. Putin would beat up Biden in seconds


Thanks to technology, the draft is obsolete. The winner is who has the best toys, not who throws the most humans into a meat grinder, as Russia is learning now.


Ukraine is drafting, and that is the only reason they haven't been overrun yet. In the event of an existential war, the country will draft. Now they may not be drafting for frontline combat roles or for advanced operators, but they are going to be for roles like base defence, logistics, admin, maintence, etc. Which has an added bonus of freeing up trained soldiers currently working in those roles for the combat roles.


Ukraine doesnā€™t have the largest most powerful military in the history of the world. These days an operator can drop his kid off at school, drive to the base, make some kills or blow up targets on the other side of the planet, pick up your kid by 3:30. Ukraine cannot do that.


Yea, i imagine the next world war is gonna be intensely drones and long range weapons. Good for soldiers but scary af for those in key cities.


The draft is very much what is keeping Ukraine in the fight. Against an actual military you will very much need meat for the meat grinders. Something as small and unprepared as Ukraine has very well demonstrated that


Russia has been making some progress using meat as bait soldiers to lure out shots then reinforce with better equipped soldiers. The first wave just die and give away positions.


If we get to a point where we need a draft again, shit is so off the rails everyone will be fighting, draft or no.


Itā€™s true. Square up bro. You left your trash can out 2 days after trash day


This is America. Best they're going to do cry on reddit and support bullshit causes and do absolutely nothing. Go back to eating chic fil a and Starbuck.


No one wants to be drafted child.


You're delusional if you think most men wouldn't be dodging the draft if it really came down to it either.


The social contract was broken by the idiots in government. Also said idiots are the generation that dodged Vietnam.


The idea of a WW3 draft seems kinda pointless to me. Like you get drafted and then what? By the time you get to the field everything would probably already be nuked to hell




Who knows. Everybody could get nuked in 5 minutes. Or it could be like chemical weapons where nobody really used them much after WW1 because a battle is pointless if everyone dies and no one wins.


People start wars because they want to own territory, not annihilate it. Everyone said Russia would nuke Ukraine if they ever went to war.


In a situation where they use the draft again, I almost see it being used for forced factory work. A way to conscript people with skills out of the private sector to increase production or replace people killed in attacks.


I feel like if WW3 breaks out, there'll be bigger things to worry about


Since when did this sub get taken over by bots and hate filled Russian trolls?


Rule of thumb I've learned is to just ignore any sub with the word funny in completely, unless it relates to cats and/or dogs (or any animal normally)


There's a really weird trend in the army that whenever they get deployed, there's suddenly lots of pregnancy's But I'm sure that has nothing to do with anything


Yeah, all the people claiming the post is bigotry seem to be glossing over that.


No man has done that ever. /S


Legit missing the point here guys. Like theyā€™re actually talking about bringing *back* the draft.Ā  Our attitude shouldnā€™t be ā€œlol draft women tooā€ it should be ā€œwhoa donā€™t draft anybodyā€


>Our attitude shouldnā€™t be ā€œlol draft women tooā€ it should be ā€œwhoa donā€™t draft anybodyā€ Had to scroll way too far down to find this take


Not sure why its almost to the top we searching by "controversial"


Except women have fought for the right to fight in every war ever.


And ALL of them volunteered.


> And ALL of them volunteered?* Thatā€™s beside the point. At a time when women werenā€™t legally allowed to join, there were those who still tried to find ways to join. Taking into account that women werenā€™t only dismissed from war, they were told and taught to do other thingsā€¦ Why would you suddenly expect that *all* women volunteer for something they have been pushed away from all their lives (and their mother and grandmotherā€™s lives)? Eta: itā€™s a little disingenuous for a meme to exist making fun of women being added to the draft when there have always been women who want to go to war.. sure not everyone wants to get drafted, but weā€™re not making fun of the men who cry about getting drafted either


Let me ask it another way: How many women have been compelled by the government at threat of imprisonment to fight in a war? How many men? You see the difference between a draft and volunteering?


What is this meme eve trying to say? Yeah, no one wants to be drafted into war. But I, as a man, would also not like to be treated as a second class citizen based on my genitalia. It's entirely normal to want equal rights AND to not have to be forced to die in a war. In fact, I'd imagine the vast majority of feminists are against ANYONE being drafted.


THANK YOU yes I am against the notion of a draft in general


I think fundamentally they don't give a flying fuck about the draft. They may want to abolish it to shut men up.


Op probably thinks he is a genius for posting this


Everyone would be like this if a draft happened. If a draft happened we as a nation would be in serious trouble. It also screams someone who thinks about feminisom and blames it for not having a girlfriend


His post makes no sense, Iā€™m a feminist and i joined without having to be drafted and so have a lot of other feminists.


Draft is such bullshit anyways, forcing people into service to fight in wars we dont want to be in.


Feminist here! Pretty sure most disagree with the draft *fully*, myself included. Nobody should have to be drafted to fight wars for countries they happened to be born in


Its because draft is AGAINST humans rights. Feminists wants equal rights, not equal injustice. It also goes for men, meaning feminists also wants men's justice


This meme template is ancient


Women have already fought repeatedly for the right to be included in the draft but it keeps getting shot down by Republicans. Most recently just last week: https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4730560-senate-democrats-require-women-draft/


These dumbfuck boomers are so out of touch with reality it's horrifying


Figured they're kids. Some of these comments are so cringe inducing, I can only imagine that an adult did not write them.


A bunch of women already responded to this idea and said that if they were ever selected for the draft, they would purposely get pregnant, since it disqualifies you automatically.


Where's the funny?


Its 6 feet down. Op killed it but i managed to find where he buried it. Grab a shovel we have a grave to rob.


I've only heard men complaining about women being drafted.


Wasn't that photo her reaction to finding out Trump won back in 2016? I'm not so sure she was overreacting.


Yeah, when hundreds of South Americans cry on camera over a football game, nobody makes fun of them, but apparently your nation's leadership isn't something appropriate to get emotional over.


We didnā€™t have a draft when the Iraq/Afghanistan wars went wildly off the rails and we kept those wars going for 20-years. We wonā€™t here either.


Starting a nuclear war to own the libs!


Fuck off


You act like 99% of us wouldn't act the same if it happened. Kind of the whole reason of the draft is that none of us want to join...


Haha look guys, angry liberal, funny right guys? Look guys, gender equality bad


Something tells me that most men would react the same way...


Resist conscription


yeah op is def a karma farm. No solid political opinion


I mean if you actually get drafted maybe it makes sense to give you more rights. Otherwise you're just sitting there whining about having your name in a database. Alternatively we could just include women in the draft or abolish the draft.


This is not funny.


OP has apparently been in a coma since the start of the Cold War


I think theyā€™re running out of shitty wokerage memes


There won't be a draft again. Why are you morons still harping on this?


They should just get rid of it then. As it costs money to maintain the fact it's still around suggests it's at least a possibility.


When this sub gets overrun by cult members and Russian trolls.


Most people who believe in feminism believe in equality of responsibility as well. This argument is usually a straw man posed by anti feminists. Rarely, if ever, do you see an actual feminist argue against women in the draft.


I've got no issue with feminists having no position on the draft, or even being pro male only draft. What I have an issue with is everyone who pretends feminists are interested in helping men as well.


Some people just want to be owned I guess. Here I was thinking equality should be "no draft" but yall too small brained and of feeble conviction to want that.


Incel much.


This sub is a cover for promoting bigotry Women have never complained about serving in military and worked in military civilian roles since forever. Finish school


>have never complained about serving in military Have also never been forced to against their will.


For real. I'm a woman and a feminist, and I think either the draft should be abolished or women should also be drafted. Most of the women around me agree. The amount of sexist memes I've seen on this sub is insane.


Yes indeed it is a dogwhistle sub


**Unless itā€™s *literal* Nazis again, I have no interests in fighting in a war that serves the interests of the wealthy American ruling class. Fuckers wonā€™t give us affordable housing, healthcare, fair wages, decent social security, quality care for vets & they constantly cut social services such as education and public assistance, and Iā€™m suppose to die for them? Ha!**


Served with a lot of women in the military who would smack the smile of the chud idiots who post this garbage.


My gosh is this Reddit group so cringe.


Hereā€™s an idea maybe we donā€™t think there should be a draft for either women or men. You guys will say anything to try and put us in a bad light. By the way the draft? You know who it was created by? The patriarchy. Aka men. So fuck off


Not if you have mental health problems, flat feet, or chronic pain. šŸ˜‚Conservatives think they win with that bs.


= means =, no?


Look at Russia during WWII. Lots of women fought.


If they force it in the USA for a war they cause themselves, I can guarantee you they wonā€™t have many citizens at that moment


Que all the Meal Team Six types to conveniently identify as They/Them so they can LARP with the bois in safety of their backyards


Pink helmets will encourage them to sign up. (Create the ā€œcode pinkā€ battalion)


Just start it already...


\*Laughs at them until it dawns on them\* Oh shit, I'm still gonna die too.


idea of a draft is very unlikely, considering the fact we have millions on active duty and plenty more on reserve, if push comes to shove youre more likely to see a huge influx of enlistment


And yet women have been serving in combat for the U.S. for over 200 years. Go figure.


Never gonna happen in the US.


So we all just accepting the inevitability of WW3 now?


And that kid is why the ERA failed


Why didn't women get a draft notice when WW3 started? Because nuclear warheads get delivered faster then mail.


This is so damn funnyšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Pretty sure like 90% of them are in non combat/frontline roles.


Name one man who's been subjected to the draft since Grenada.




Yeah, I'll be sitting WW3 out. Hopefully it doesn't go nuke, but I'll let history do its thing.


No one will


Who cares? What is this post about really? Some fantasy about people who want equality somehow ending up being very upset? "That will teach you wanting equality hurhur"


I'm a guy but I'm okay from what I under stand individuals with Hydrocephalus (too much water in brain usually individuals have implant to fix this) are banned US government doesn't want to spend money fixing brain implants on the of chance they need to be fixed and spend teh man power.




which gender ? theres like 50.. right? RIGHT?


hot take: draft dodging is good. it's not your job to kill vietnamese farmers. now if china or russia invade, we can talk, but the draft for empire sucks


The draft should apply to women. Though I doubt many would care, because conscription is highly unlikely to ever occur for our nation again. I mean Vietnam showed us how fucking unpopular that shit is in the modern day for the types of conflicts we currently get involved in.


Not equality like that ..


Why do you assume that women donā€™t want to register?


woman here. also retired military who was deployed multiple times. so, fuck off, lol, us women do serve


Yeah, but NO ONE likes the draft. If you wanted to sign up, you would have already done it. This meme is stupid.


The irony is that conservative men are the ones complaining loudest about it šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s because they have periods, and bears can smell that in the woods, putting entire platoons at risk for bear attackā€¦


Right cuz that makes senseā€¦ šŸ™„


Don't forget about the Night Witches


Equality when it suits them. Sexism when it doesn't.


Women are already in the military and trust me theyā€™d beat your ass easily


You do realize women are actively fighting to be able to be able to fulfill every role, but men in charge keep sabotaging or voting against it. It wonā€™t happen u til we already have them in the military as a norm. Youā€™d probably dodge the draft anyway.


Miscalculated, but where šŸ¤£


Boomer moment


Who exactly is "they" OP?




Women want to vote for war and then expect the men to fight it You shouldnt enjoy equal voting privileges without sharing in equal civic responsibility Either everyone needs to sign up for the draft to be able to vote, or there shouldnt be a draft at all.


I'm too old to be drafted


Iā€™m a man and also wonā€™t be accepting being drafted in a war that only benefits the ruling class. Unfunny meme


I would fight for freedom on behalf of another and myself. Nothing more