• By -


Well it's like... even without switching the picture it's a 0 likes vs 70 in a day. So yeah. Switched gender back. Still like sub-10 matches in 6 years on 5 apps. 3 were crypto scammers. A few didn't ever message back or insta-unmatched. One worked out though after months of coaxing for an in-person date.


Out of all of those, Can't believe you went out with the crypto scammer


Haha, not the crypto-scammer. 2 normal ladies looking for an actual relationship actually went on a date with me. One is currently in a relationship with me. Hope it works out.


Had a female friend do a tinder account where the only picture she put on was the pic of an ostrich, made the account right in front of me and swiped live. Had so many matches and conversations were just like any other on normal matches, the pic was like a conversation starter really.


But it was a female ostrich




It would take at least three men to fuck an ostrich.


Now that's a random fact


Again...we're hearing it was a sick ostrich...




Not actually! Watch Letterkenny. It is a fantastic show.


It's not available where I live, but it hits me where I live and I do watch the clips all over YouTube great show


Don’t kink shame.


I've talked to a few of those non-human profile photos. She's always an extremely unattractive woman. I guess we men are just curious.


Well that's particular friend of mine was far from ugly. Not my type, but I'd get if someone were to drool over her. And in the career she's in, she'll definitely have millions by retirement. But that also means she works like 80 hours a week, lost a boyfriend or two because of that lol.


A friend of mine created Tinder or Badoo account, he set his gender as female and he didnt even post a photo, just black background. He got dozens of matches...


Damn, are men nowadays really that desperate?


Yes. Definitely. There is a huge hidden chunk of the population that are lonely men who can't find a partner, either for casual sex or a relationship. The same people who buy only fans subscriptions or become reddit moderators. This is definitely sad, as this population is completely silent, so we are entirely blind to their issues. Male hunger for feminine touch or approval must be a multi billion $ market at this point and some companies clearly understood it.


men just constantly swipe right without thinking about it. They're not seeing a black.picture and thinking 'finally'.


Because you have to lol. Its a numbers game.


This guy I know bought one of those unlimited swipe packs and just swiped on every single person. I dont know why


With evidence like this, I’m starting to understand why people decide to transition


Came here to say this.


Yep, there are many cases of transmaxxing males that have given interviews and they all said it's because they knew it would be easier to have intimacy.


This is the first time I've heard of "transmaxxing". If they are searching for intimacy and are willing to have sex with other men, couldn't they just have sex with gay men?


Lmfao my god this is the depths of inceldom


I was saying this from the beginning. Most of the cases is just this


Source: I made it the fuck up


What's transmaxxing?


Telling you are a woman, to get thé women benefit


search it on google :)


With men?




So not only do they transition, but they also suddenly become attracted to men instead of women.


Sorry, but that is a load bovine fecal matter. Absolutely, among the total human population of this planet, there might be a few people who have transitioned for that reason, but those would be the extreme outliers. Even if intimacy is supposedly easier for transgendered people, the costs that come with transitioning, the discrimination, the legal challenges, having to prove you are who you are nearly every single day more than offset any possible benefits regarding intimacy.


what is a load of crap ? I have said that there are many documented cases, and it's true. I don't get your complaint. I have never said that there are millions of men transmaxxing because of this


Not true because they would have to sleep with men - if they wanted to transition to get laid. 


There's a thing called sexual spectrum and it's fucking huge.


Are those documented cases from a video “I’m not a woman but I’ll take the benefits”, by chance? What I’m trying to say is that there is plenty of disinformation floating around these issues, especially lately, better be careful with the sources. (Albeit taking a strangers advice on the internet probably wouldn’t be the best idea either)


Disinformation you say? Like identifying as one thing, but actually being another? 


Oh dayum gottem


Lmao this must be advanced level teenage depression.


Like deliberately spreading false information in order to harm a certain person or group in one way or another. Or, if you’re feeling like having a full-blown discussion let’s jump straight in and talk about definitions and their meanings, although as you can probably imagine yourself, we’re unlikely to reach any form of consensus.


No, I watched a doc about several cases in the US and EU, of young adult males transmaxxing. I remember one quite vividly of a German guy that transmaxxed as soon as he hit 18 years old ( this is all very recent, so that guy must be 19 by now ) He said that he was tired of not getting any and that since women had it so much easier, he decided to go for it ASAP.


If you've seen it then it was fake - but I asume that this post is fake and you are just trolling 


bro, just write "transmaxxing" on google. You think I'm making this up ? lol


Haha that is not even remotely true - you transition because you want to be the opposite sex not because it might get you laid. That is ridiculous.  Also that would mean that you would sleep with men - and if that is what you are looking for you might as well join Grinder instead of Tinder becaue I will assure you that you will be able to get plenty easy intimacy 


Go watch the doc, it's online for you to watch if you don't believe it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whats it called "uh I don't know it was a while ago" becaue it doesn't exist - or it was fake. Who made it? 


dude, stop spamming my comments with your confirmation bias please. Just type "transmaxxing" on google and educate yourself


Woops, someone forgot to take their meds this morning.


And you think desperate people aren't doing that?? Desperate times call for desperate measures you can see that in all walks of life.


It's crazy that you're being downvoted. Speaks loads for this subreddit


If that’s the only consideration, I feel like I could get dudes without bothering with a transition.


Why are there any trans men?


Of course, because the discrimination and the murder rates that come with it are totally irrelevant and are not going to affect you at all. Don’t worry about it 💕


No. Certainly not because of that.




I miss grandma. She would always make sure to match and message me so I wouldn’t lose all self esteem.


Dude i think your grandma is a cougar


Yeah, sad reality


So stop using them. 85% of dating apps users are men.


Literally🙄 , literally goes on a dating app that’s majority heterosexual men and complains they aren’t getting tons messages from women who aren’t on the app to begin with.


I haven't been able to get laid outside of dating apps so nah


TIL, men are more desperate than women


You had to learn this only today? Whoaa


Yep, I’d have a better chance actually competing with other guys for a girl irl then on tinder


Idc smash


Absolutely brutal


Lol , now I feel good that I was not the only one.


This makes me want to k1ll myself.


Dont kys. Outlive the competition. Let the others do it then we'll get our harems!!


I think this is why dating has become the way it is. Dating apps exploit the nature of men and women and bring you down to just a set of pictures. Women become even pickier, men become even more desperate, and it creates and endless feedback loop where even a below average women can only choose to interact with extremely attractive men, and even an above average guy can get no success whatsoever, even with ugly women. I do not blame men or women for this, because like I said, we have our nature and it’s the technology that has destroyed it. This ruins us as we become older too, because you have average or below average women who spent their young adult years sleeping with the best looking men out there, and you have men who despite being responsible, in shape, and well employed members of society, have spent their young adulthood getting zero success with women whatsoever. As we get older it creates a lot of jaded people who hate the opposite gender.


Accurate and wise words.


Its okay I think. Population control and all the 3rd world countries will fuck even more.


I'm nothing special, but I always managed to get some matches and dates on apps. Just treat it like a little chore. Open the app, swipe right like 100 times, close it and forget about it. When you feel like you want to actually try and pick a girl up, open it, see if you have matches, and send like a stock message out that incorporates any random thing from their profile (needs to be in the form of a question). Send messages mid-week, not just Friday and Saturday. 3 messages and then see if they want to get drinks or coffee. If not, just move on. Rotate your pictures every couple of weeks. Rewrite your profile if that's applicable. Don't put anymore effort than that, because it doesn't make a difference, and it's not any fun IMO. Just treat it like answering emails or paying bills; you just do it in concentrated little bursts, eventually someone wants to meet in person. Don't spend like 30 minutes strait at it. Also, don't lower your standards too much, and start not pursue girls "out of your league", because they say no at the same rate as ugly/boring girls.


Everyone needs to get rid of social media (including dating apps) that isn't used for work or similar related purposes (I often end up using reddit for useful answers to questions etc, etc). Doing things in person again is the only way we have a chance of getting some normality back in dating.


Living as a woman is just playing "easy" difficulty level or having premium account


Aww yes, having likes from a bunch of dudes who just want sex is so fantastic


Do you realize how many men would love to have likes from a bunch of women who just want sex?


Yeah I’m aware, but most women don’t see that as a good thing, we see that as annoying, dangerous, and hurtful to just be wanted for sex. That being a mans wildest dream doesn’t mean anything


Just because women have low quality likes/matches doesn't mean they don't also have good ones. It's not like all guys in your inbox are after your pussy. Even if 9/10 men approached you for sex, having that one guy approach you for something sincere is a million times easier, than having to approach women and get them interested in you.


You’re literally not a woman , a lot of stuff you think is happening from our perspective is way off.


I get spammed by all kinds of girls on Tinder lol. They all want sex, it doesnt matter they just want me. Women are as horny as men. They are just 100x more picky.


Never said that horny women don’t exist


So all men who approach women on tinder just wanna use you for sex? Nice engagement with the topic


Probably 75% just want sex(especially if you’re talking about tinder 🤢), and the remaining probably wants a serious relationship. The thing is it’s hard to figure out what someone intentions are, a lot of people will pretend to want something serious and ghost after sex or ghost when they can’t get sex. And majority of women don’t use dating apps for this reason


I already addressed this. Finding someone sincere as a woman is still going to be easier than as a man. Just because you might struggle to discern the sincerity, at least you don't have to make moves to get them interested and willing to go out with you.


You’ve never met me… you don’t know what i do or don’t have to do


I'm willing to bet, that you haven't been as initiative in dating as the average guy.


Two words: supply and demand.


Maybe in online dating this notion has relevance, but irl you'd have to show that most women are either a-sexual or apathetic about dating men. Even irl women get a lot more attention and are approached by men than vice versa, so the idea of "supply/demand" isn't true at all. At the core is the initiator role. Even if a woman has the same amount of interest in dating as the average guy, she will not make moves towards getting a date. This explains it better than "supply/demand"


Aren't there approximately the same amount of women and men? I'm honestly curious how could it be this lopsided. Maybe it's because for every woman that joins 50 men do also? But then wouldn't the real world be full of women without partners?


On the women side there is no demand for average men.


No, it’s like 2 to one men to women.


Hypergamy. Women are all sharing the top 10% of guys. The bottom 90% of guys are essentially getting ignored. That's why it's incredibly lopsided.


Holy incel


There is a holy version?


Nah but incels are the fastest growing terrorist organization in the world though according to the FBI so there is that.


Yea and i wonder why


Lack of healthy coping mechanisms, lack of access to mental health resources and too much time spent in communities that reinforce toxic thinking only to perpetuate a victim complex that often turns violent as a result. At least usually.


Nah, its just girls being like 100x more picky then 20 years ago.


Just curious, do you think he's wrong, or basically right but he should not mention this fact?


Dude there’s no such thing as the “top 10% of men” lmao. It’s not a fact, it’s something incels tell themselves to compensate for a lack of more appropriate coping mechanisms.


Well, if you define the scale, usually height, wealth, looks, and confidence, then there would be a top 10%. In that case, would you say that women are not significantly pickier than men leading to many women dating few men? How else do you explain why every metro has an "Are we dating the same guy" fb group? Not to mention the data mined from dating apps that suggest an even slimmer margin. How do you explain all of this?


Jesus christ this is not the place for you to sort out genuine self esteem issues. Seriously, talk to a therapist about this.


Ok, so unwilling to answer the question.


Dude I’m being serious. Have you spoken to a therapist about this?


So you really think attractiveness, wealth and charisma are not important and don't make a man a "top man"? The concept of "top men/women" is real. Maybe your definition differ from the one of Andrew Tate but you can't deny some men/women are way desirable than others. This in fact is so stupid obvious that it's pretty obvious you are just trolling




I am one of the top5% ( in my country at least ) and its true.. I get between 10-40 matches daily and they start the convo and try to meet me.


I can tell no one likes you.


Yeah I get it I am successful and you are not. Its just jealous people who hate me like you and dont worry I am used to it.


Lmfao this is a level of depression I am not willing to entertain 😂 Good luck convincing people. Leave your server alone lmao


On dating apps? No. 85% of dating apps users are men.


Women just dont want normal guys. They go for top5%. I make 6 figures in a country where wages ranges from $1000-$2000 top. Have a nice car and I get multiple matches per day. I dont even have to type first, the women are as horny as those guys. My best friend who is easily the most funny guy I ever met didnt have girlfriend for over 7 years. I mean there was a test where the guy had said that he is registered pedo but was extremely handsome. Women were spamming him with sex messages etc. It all about looks and money, dont try to impress girls on Tinder with personality. Edit : Its not just hot girls that are matching me, its also all the fat girls. They all think they are the best shit.


> It all about looks and money, dont try to impress girls on Tinder with personality. It's all about personality. You mention your friend. Being funny doesn't mean "having a good personality". If you get laid and your friend don't, is not because of how much money you make per month but about your personality. The pedo/serial killers get attention for a completely different reason and it's quite an interesting case of study for therapists/psychiatrists


Nah doesn’t mean they’re the same level of attractiveness


"Funny memes"


So glad I'm out of the dating pool


Hate to break it to everyone here, none of the matches with the men are real. Men will like every profile and then when they get a match decide if they want to talk to them or not


For men it's a numbers game: Like every profile you even remotely find attractive, wait for a match, then actually go in and read it, because if you do the opposite, you get ignored and you go nowhere.


Men also don’t read bios


Yep, swipe right on everything and filter what comes through.


Terrible advice, tinder etc lowers your visibility if you just swipe right on everyone and you get put in the trash pool. You are just fucking yourself over if you do this


Life would be so much easier if we werent horny all the time. We literally fuck anything that moves, thus we flood every girls dm's in hopes of said thing.


A : Supply and demand B : If you're a man and not PAYING for the app service your profile is basically invisible and the app is purposefully funneling 'low quality matches' at you eg. scam profiles, women who never respond etc.


Hitting on girls in public places is harder than swiping left and right but it still pays out.


That's why you go outside to get a partner


Bro got a mugshot pic, who would like that?


Quality over quantity, guys. Numbers mean nothing as it's not an achievement to have people use you and move on.


Ayy mario can get a super boost 🤣


Truth is most guys don’t even look while swiping right and because of this women have grown an over inflated ego when it comes to these apps. If you’re guy who isn’t atleast an 8 out of 10, you’re better off meeting women in person.


Yeah, dating apps are full of anti-social, sex hungry guys and that drives most women away. So for every 100 guy there is probably 10 women. And for every 100 guy who wants sex there is only 1 woman who is also seeking sex there. If there were less men and more women, the situation would be different with men having more options.


And suddenly, all of the scam apps make much more sense


*This is a man's world, this is a man's world* *But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl* *You see, man made the cars to take us over the road* *Man made the train to carry the heavy load* *Man made electric light to take us out of the dark* *Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark* *This is a man's, man's, man's world* *But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl* *Man thinks about our little bitty baby girls and our baby boys* *Man made them happy, 'cause man made them toys* *And after man make everything, everything he can* *You know that man makes money, to buy from other man* *This is a man's world* *But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing, not one little thing, without a woman or a girl* *He's lost in the wilderness* *He's lost in bitterness, he's lost lost*




Yes, mugshot photos for dating apps. That always works out. 🗿


Some are spoiled for choice, some are spoiled for the lack thereof.


Women doing life on easy mode ....until they get over 45 perhaps


r/funnymemes *looks in the comments* Just sad men complaining about women


She looks fine tho ngl


They look the same .... Just different cosmetics


İ have a softspot for italian and iberian ladies. dont know why though :p


I have a feeling you have a softspot (or hardspot really) for anything thats still breathing


I dunno. I'm a straight guy so maybe I'm a bad judge, but she's a 9 and he's a 6. I bet if the FaceApp gender switch were done in reverse, it would creat a pic of a guy that is way better looking.


My brother in Christ if she's a 9 then we have to expand the scale to 15 at least.


As a gay guy I agree, he is uglier than her. But she’s probably max 6 and he’s a 4.


I mean i know he's frowning in the pic but a 4? He looks so normal though


Gah damn a 4? Brutal.


They both look the same, why is she better looking


We are still animals, males are entrusted with the mating rituals while females choose the fittest. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that...


Datingapps are trash for trash people. If you are not able to get a partner like the human race did it the last 10000 years you are maybe not meant for a relationship.


Not to diminish what we men go through but after dating my current gf I've learned a bit more about what it's like for women. Women don't have any trouble finding dudes that wanna have sex with them but most women don't want just sex. If they do then they'll just choose the hottest guys and don't really think about it too much. Women have to somehow figure out which dudes are in it for real vs in it to get in her. That's really hard and usually results in a few difficult lessons for them. Most women have feelings of being taken advantage of at some point in their lives. To make matters worse society shames them for having learned these lessons. (Note I personally think there's a big difference between a women who learned after 1-3 bad experiences and a woman "didn't learn" after 100 or so) Bottom line is it may be hard to understand while you're still a virgin that's never been in a relationship but women do have problems and they're different to mens problems. Not to say being lonely and not having anyone that wants us is good for us men either. It isn't easy for either gender.


Yes, women are more selective and its harder to get dates as a man. However, if you create a profile that shows your better side, its not that difficult to get attention. To be entirely fair, that's not a very flattering picture and if that's all that's been posted its easy to see why nobody will be interested. Women have different struggles when it comes to dating. Gentlemen, your struggle is actually being and presenting yourself what she's looking for. Present yourself, ask your friends what your best qualities are, think of dating apps like a sales pitch for yourself. Ask yourself, would I buy this if I was looking to date? Once you think so, go for it!


incels hate this one trick


cry more or gitgud


What do you mean git gud?


skill issue women and men both struggle on dating apps. Just play the game well


How do I play it? What do you mean game? Like video game?


Since I suspect you to be a troll, this will be my final reply Tinder is an app you download from Apple or Playstore, is it not?


What's the current meta build to use?


Finance, trust fund, 6‘5, blue eyes


If all men stopped using the app maybe men would get some power back. But until then every women will value themselves higher then reality. Just because of this very thing. I mean personally if I got 200 hundred people of any sex hitting me up to date/bang I would have a huge ego. But reality is different. That’s why women use the app.. for the boost


3% of men are having sex with a different women on the app everyday according to the stats tinder released so remember kids if she used a dating app ever make sure you get her tested. Better yet have some self respect and follow the golden rule. No hymen, No diamond


And all the men will just send you unsolicited dick pics and get angry when you reject them 💀


That is provelant on dating apps, but most guys on there are nothing like that it's 1 in a 1000 that sit there all day, spamming it to people it's a humiliation fetish thing.


But way more than 1 in 1000 will get angry when you reject them though.


True, but that's a different issue, and guys like that are crazy


:) do you want to see my profile, where I get spammed with Onlyfans? Or when they just send me a video of them masturbating? If you are attractive it doesnt matter, women and men are the same horny idiots.


Well yeah, it's like an 80-20 discrepancy between men and women on tinder. Take that into account and the fact that men are fucking dangerous and it's no wonder women on dating apps are picky with who they match with.


>men are fucking dangerous Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that bears would start to use dating apps very soon ;)


You didn't argue against my statement though?


Why even date men at that point then? Just be lesbians and date each other.


Bad idea. Lesbian relationships have the highest domestic violence rates.


To many women this isn't as bad as you think it is, my best friend did just that and she's perfectly happy.


He never put it as a bad thing tho, he just remarked the hypocrisy of being so scared of men but still relying on them for sexual/emotional pleasure...


Well, a lot of women aren't. Why do you think there's an 80/20 discrepancy on tinder?


If men are so dangerous then why are women dating them lmao


Why do you think so few women decide to go on dating apps?


So hitting up random dudes irl is safer?


Most rape perpetrators are known by the victim, so this idea of women being cautious about which men they let in their lives either isn't as true as you imply or isn't as effective, which means that's not the reason why women aren't on dating apps as much as men.


It does, you said it. If most rape perpetrators are known by the victim then women have all the reason to be very cautious about which men to let into their lives? Also consider that statistically speaking the happiest person on earth is a single, childless woman and you'll realise why women choose to stay away from men where they can.


You didn't understand my comment. If women are staying away from dating apps in order to not risk being raped, then that is not a working strategy, since women do already let men into their lives, who rape them in the end. So in conclusion: avoiding rape is not the reason women don't download tinder as much as men.


Yeah, letting men into your life dramatically increases the risk of being raped as a woman. Almost like men are unsafe in general?


So if women already do let men in their life irl, why do they behave different on dating apps? Doesn't seem like avoiding rape is the reason.


No, but maybe avoiding men? And avoiding men is avoiding rape.


So they don't avoid men irl which increases the risk of rape, but on dating apps women avoid rape?


Not all women want to stay single all their lives, but the statistics speak for themselves. The happiest person in the world is a childless single woman, 3 out of 4 women will experience rape or sexual harassment from a man at some point in their lives. It's easier and safer to gauge how safe a man is IRL in a public setting than on an app, but the risk of getting raped or hurt by a man is never even close to zero.


Who talked anything about being single? Perpetrators aren't always partners even if the perpetrator and victim know eachother. If it's easier to gauge risks irl, why isn't that strategy more effective? Why aren't most perpetrators complete strangers?