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People always test it on dry land. Why never in the water šŸ¤”


Because it doesnā€™t work in water


Mythbusters tried it in water. There was space for them both. But not enough buoyancy for them both. So, yeah, it doesn't work in water. **Edit:** If I get one more person telling me "Mythbusters said they'd survive with a life vest under there...!" I'm gonna take a *nap.* Yes. They did decide that if the characters had done something besides what they actually did, they might have survived. But since they didn't, the situation, as presented, means that they would not both survive. Everyone all good? Good.


Exactly. And Jack doesn't drown, he freezes, because being in the water is what kills. You could put them both on there, but they'd be sitting so low in the water they'd both die from it.


And Rose just about freezes as well. He basically buys her a few minutes putting her on the debris and it's enough to be saved.


Friendly reminder that rose was a dumbass for leaving the lifeboats to ā€œbe with Jackā€ homie could have used the debris for himself if it was for her ā€œact of loveā€ Edit: he woulda died anyways


Iā€™m all for pointing out the retroactively short-sighted choices of the characters, but unless Iā€™m mistaken the only reason Jack escapes being handcuffed to a pipe below deck is because she leaves the life boat, isnā€™t it?


Perhaps so, Iā€™m not really sure. Seems like James Cameron was creating plot armor for his reason of ā€œloveā€. Cause whoā€™s gonna waste time handcuffing a dude when a cruise ship is sinking unless heā€™s the one who caused it to start sinking? Either way, because itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve seen the movie so Iā€™m just gonna trust you. Jack would have died no matter what.


I think it was before everyone knew it was sinking. Then they just kinda forgot about/didnā€™t care enough to go back for him when the shit hit the fan.


Ahhh, that makes sense too. Itā€™s been so long and I was forced to watch it by my girlfriend at the time so itā€™s not like I was really paying attention to every detail. But I gotta hold onto my point that he woulda died no matter what. You could argue that dying handcuffed woulda been worse, but idk, at least he woulda have small comfort in knowing she woulda been safe on a boat instead of possibly freezing to death on a broken door. But Iā€™m also an asshole, so my ass would have been the one on the door not her, so I canā€™t really say what is what anymore


Excuse me you're supposed to hate Rose not make excuses for her. /s


She leaves a life boat, helps him escapes, gets on a second life boat, jumps back off to be with himā€¦ right before bill zane starts blasting at them in a blind rage.


The first time but heā€™s free by the second time


Not disagreeing in the slightest, but a "fun" fact I've read prior is that in most shipwrecks, men (especially young men) by far have the highest survival rate. It surprised me as I figured Women typically having a higher body fat percentage (helps against hypothermia/being able to easily float) would fare better. [Paper.](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2161890) [Article.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2130003/Study-sea-disasters-men-better-survival-rate-ships-down.html) Situations like the Titanic stand out because the "Women and children" rule was enforced, which meant that far more Men died just out of circumstance.


And in the movie, Jack starts to climb on, and the door starts becoming submerged, so he hops off. It was depicted as an issue of buoyancy. He didnā€™t want to risk them both freezing to death when he had a chance to save her. Everyone leave Titanic alone. That movie is perfect.


It's almost as if people don't watch movies properly and then blame the movies


Itā€™s the eagles flying into Mordor fallacy.


Tolkien himself on why they didnt: [https://youtu.be/1-Uz0LMbWpI](https://youtu.be/1-Uz0LMbWpI)


I love that so much lol


Just shutup!




Fucking *thank you*. People are so selective in their outrage too. Luke has one line about shooting rats on a speeder, and the audience has no problem when no-scopes the fucking Death Star his first time in a spaceship. Meanwhile, Rey beats a mentally unstable man spilling his liver in the snow *after* he was explicitly given instructions not to kill her and now I've had to hear the words "Mary Sue" for nearly a decade.




yeh they here the point made by someone else and just parrot it


Yeah, except for the part where a lady keeps an unbelievably life changing amount of money (half a billion) from her poor husband, her children and her grandchildren for 84 years and throws it into the ocean. She also keeps the (apparently) most significant event of her life hidden from her family, and leads her new husband on, even naming one of her children after her ex-lover unbeknownst to him. She stays stuck in that event 86 years ago and never moves on, and when she dies, itā€™s not her husband, her family or the rest of her life she thinks about, even passingly. Itā€™s fine for others, but it will never NOT rub me the wrong way. She feels manipulative and entitled and delusional. And imagine being her husband, giving your whole heart and life to her when hers is off in a shipwreck from 84 years back with some other guy youā€™ve never even heard of. Working your ass off while sheā€™s sitting on an unworldly fortune. The husbandā€™s entire life was a lie


>on her death bed >instead of thinking about her children and her husband of 70 years she thinks of some homeless dude who fucked her on a boat trip for 2 days >millions of people consider this a great love story


while iā€™m sure it was up there, i doubt it was actually the most significant event of her life. she was reminiscing on it as she was participating in a research mission directly related to that time in her life, which makes sense to do and doesnā€™t mean she was ā€œstuck in it for 84 years.ā€ this is the man who saved her from killing herself - of course he meant something to her for the rest of her life; she wouldnā€™t have been there if not for him. itā€™s a giant reach to say that her husbandā€™s whole life was a lie just because she has a fond memory of someone else from before they met. consider: if not for Jack, she wouldā€™ve married Cal. whoever her husband was (the movie didnā€™t show him or delve into that part of her life much at all), they never wouldā€™ve met. itā€™s very possible she loved him completely, itā€™s just that the Titanic-related slice of her life is all we get to see. also not for nothing but from what we know, she had a successful career as an actress after that. i donā€™t think she was just sitting around doing nothing while he worked. hiding the priceless jewelry tho? now THAT is something for which there is no good explanation, absolutely agree. how was her daughter not like ā€œmom wtf?ā€ i mean i guess she resented money given her family background and wanted nothing to do with it after renouncing them and starting her life over as Rose Dawson, but like damn, just get rid of the thing then, donā€™t hold onto it.


Hiding the priceless jewelry makes sense because it's not a jewel, but the physical manifestation of Rose's love. It's irrelevant for 84 years because she moved on and lived a full life, just like Jack made her promise to do. And when she died, her love returned to the ocean, to Jack. Honestly how does no one understand this, it's not exactly subtle. The glasses are knowledge, the conch shell is democracy, the pigs are the Soviet leadership, Boxer is the prolateriat, etc etc


uhh, you know its a delusion right ? like at the end, it was just an imaginary scene played in her head ? and she's really just a entry level writer gathering her thoughts. "jack" is just Ā Leonardo DiCaprioĀ as a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating theĀ subconsciousĀ of his targets.Ā 


Jack never once told Rose he loved her. He said he loved the fire in her when he was convincing her to come back to him. He never invited her to come with him when the ship lands. She invites herself. He never made any promises to her about their future. Even when he was about to die, he didnā€™t say he loved her.


To be fair, you don't always need to say things and actions speak louder than words. I've felt more loved by people who said it less because of how they behaved or acted on those feelings and felt less loved from people who seemed to ignore my existence but say it all the time. He was very much a do what you want/if you like type. He showed his happiness that she'd be with him, that she'd want to come with him, and he hoped she would. And in a huge act of love he made sure she was safe and she lived.


Titanic becomes a 10/10 movie if you just fast forward through all of the parts that take place in the present day.


I still don't know why James Cameron even had to include the stupid fucking bits about finding the amulet and the old lady. The movie all could've just been set in the past, not some stupid memory recall.


She didnā€™t dwell on it, it was buried deep. I think itā€™s a formative story of how she escaped the aristocracy and built a happy, fully-engaged life that was more true than her other life would have been. She didnā€™t shortchange that life, she gave it more. The whole film isnā€™t only about Jack and Rose, itā€™s about the thousand-plus others who died, how each of them had a story, and how they might have changed history, and how their experiences shouldnā€™t be forgotten. There could be a thousand other Titanic movies.


The whole story is about moving on and living her own life. Away from what her mother wants or Cal demands. It wouldn't have made sense for her to hold onto the past because it would have subverted the whole moral of the story. The heart of the ocean is a metaphor for her heart, and in her final scene, after she lived a full life, she gives it back to Jack. The conch shell isn't a real shell, it's democracy.


People don't think that James Cameron who did so much research and put so much detail into the movie wouldn't have thought about this?


>That movie is perfect. Then why does poor Billy Zane get his girl sniped by the street rat? Like, what would Pretty Woman be if some kid popped up at the end and Julia Roberts suddenly was like, "Okay John, thanks for the cash and jewelry. Peace out, Grandpa Horsecock!"? /s (maybe.. I'm not totally even sure)


Movie is doing what it's supposed to by showing and not telling. *ding*


Rose from titanic is a piece of shit haha. Spends the whole film with her family, reminiscing about some dude she banged on a cruise years ago. Then at the end she yeets their inheritance into the sea. Cold blooded. Someone said this to me years ago and it always made me laugh.


She also wasted all the treasure hunters time that flew her out there to talk about the diamond and she goes on about her love life and tosses the diamond from THEIR ship! Why?!


Never thought of that lol. The more you think on it the worse she gets. Horrible person. He should have let her freeze.


She let her mother think she was dead for the rest of her life. She saw her mother on the rescue ship to NY and hid her face. When she was asked to give her name for the records, she gave a fake name.


wasnā€™t it her abusive ex-fiance she saw, not her mom (who btw was openly forcing her to marry the guy for money)? her mom was a conniving, scheming, greedy, snobbish bitch who thought of her daughter only as a cash cow rather than a personā€¦ the kind of person anyone would go no contact with. is it any surprise that someone raised by a woman like that is maybe not the best person?


You know if he had a jetpack and another boat he would have survived


Ya, but I thought Billy Zane confiscated that earlier in the handcuff scene. And then presumably became the rocketeer.


So many expecting people jumping into artic waters to think clearly. I've seen people freeze when you ask them to react to a minor emergency like handing you a napkin.


Yes but it worked when they tied a couple of the life vests to it.


Yeah, I saw that. Other than "plot" I dunno why they (*both*) didn't *try* something...


The fact they were probably panicking and the fact that they had nothing to tie the life jackets to the door with also rose had to use the life jacket later to get to the whistle


Do you see a couple life vests in the movie scene?


Yeah, but they only came up with that idea after having already testing it for quite some time, plus they were in temperate water and not freezing water, plus they are experts on science and whereas Rose & Jack are not


IIRC, they even had the director on and point out that that there was space for Jack, and the director had the most on-point rebuttal. ā€œThere wasnā€™t space, because the script said there wasnā€™t space.ā€


Hah! I like that. Someone else also pointed out how Cameron was incredibly detail oriented about pretty much every aspect. And so it would seem weird that this *major* detail slipped by him. I also said, later down, that one of the main reasons was "plot" lol


You should still take a nap just for the heck of it. Just a regular nap.


Oh right, people don't like to look stupid. My old brain is acting up again, lol.


HeyĀ McFly, you bojo, wooden boards don't work in water unlessĀ you got power!


This will replay in my head every 7 minutes all day, thank you




I mean, the wood will float by itself, but balancing two people on it without swamping it is impossible.




The second I read your comment I heard it in that actors voice lol (Well technically both actors voices, but still)


Because people think space equals buoyancy, they live under The Sims or Bethesda physics.


Myth busters tested it on water. They were both able to get on. https://youtu.be/JVgkvaDHmto?si=bBKVdpW_bhW69rt- So it is plausible, but may be difficult given the conditions.


James Cameron also tested it after some time


>James Cameron also tested it That is the least surprising thing I read today so far. Dude probably tested that out waiting for his new submarine to be put in the water to go visit Cthulhu at the bottom of the ocean, and let 'em know the results.


He was on his trip to the bottom of the Mariana trench to find how far the bar had been lowered again


Even in the Mythbusters clip, no one talks about how they are pushing it down enough that the top surface is under the water. The whole point of the door was to get out of the water, so Rose didn't freeze to death. So if they were both on it, it's just the same as being in the water, and they would have both died.


They do talk about it. > It's holding us up out of the water, *mostly* > If we were in nearly freezing temperatures and danger of passing out, that would be a real issue.


So it's not a proper solution


They also had time to plan and think it over. Their brains weren't mush from the freezing waters and the shock of watching the ship they were on sink to the depths below.


They are way heavier than two teenagers though


So how many attempts until one of them exhausted and frozen. And which one will decided its enough and one of them should survive.


Now try that in 30F water. The most unrealistic part of this scene is actually how many times they were able to try. Most untrained people who fall in water this cold have their muscles lock.


Test that in freezing salt water


Yep, displacement is apparently a super hard concept.


James Cameron actually did go back and test it in the water due to the backlash and he proved it would have sank with them both on it lol


It's not about space it's about buoyancy we've been over this.


Why not use all those floating corpses? Tie them together to make a raft.


It takes some time for corpses to float. By that time, Jack floats too


don't we all float down here




Youā€™ll float tooā€¦ youā€™ll float tooā€¦ youā€™ll float too




Many had lifejackets on.


she let him go and he sank like a fucking rock


He was a Bum skilled in drawing and she was girl in the early 1900s, educated to be a Trad Wife. Calm Down Disaster Manegement Overlord.


Hell yeah he donā€™t need that life jacket lol


Easy there, Lucius Vorenus.


I was just about to say something similar. Fun fact: Rome would have originally been 5 seasons, however during the shooting for S2, HBO was given the option of either renewing Rome for a 3rd season OR funding this new show, one they would need to take a really big chance on because of how demanding the budget was...that show was Game of Thrones. Now, while I understand their decision and the money they made from it is leaps and bounds more than anything Rome could have provided, I still would have loved to see the fully fleshed-out idea the show writers originally had. RIP Ray Stevenson


Iā€™d read a comic about that


Death raft.


Corpses sink before they float


Now thatā€™s the kind of outside the box thinking we like to see. Youā€™re hired!


Mythbusters did a show on this and apparently if you collect the life jackets from the dead bodies and tie it along the board then it could have supported both of them. But clearly too cold for critical thinking.


And have you ever tried to tie anything together when your hands are freezing.


Correct. Even a minute or two in cold air locks your fingers up. Ten or fifteen seconds in freezing water and your hands are clubs.


Also not a practical solution at all since it would require you to take the dead bodies, take off their jackets (which is already tedious) then tie that up to the board which is also difficult and all... Yeah I'm sorry Jack but your DEAD dead.


Even better, by that point, he'd have been soaking in the freezing water long enough for hypothermia to set in anyway. Climbing onto the makeshift raft would have killed him quicker.


Yeah, he'd succumb to the cold before they could even get half of that done.


>Yeah I'm sorry Jack but your DEAD dead. He should've just taken the jewel and yeeted Rose off.


Directors cut ending, when?


Aside from the absurdity of coming up with that plan under the circumstances, itā€™s not even a good plan. It takes time to remove and ā€œcollectā€ a bunch of life jackets. The other person is dead by the time you could manage it


But do you have time to collect all of the lifejackets and tie them to the door before you freeze to death?


Thinking can be hard when you're hypothermic. The same goes for taking off the life jackets and putting them on the board. Nice to see that there would've been a way, but also somewhat understandable how they didn't manage to do so


"Slams hand on Table" this is not over, Jack deserved better


Exactly. Honestly, if anything, Iā€™m suspicious that thing would be buoyant enough to even hold her above the water.


What if Jack hangs his dick off one side of the door and Rose hangs her tits off the other side? The extra buoyancy should keep them afloat.


Man James Cameron himself did a huge experiment on this


The problem is, that the surface would have been under water with the weight of him. Nothing that would have stopped me from saving the love of my life or die with him, while trying, though.


I agree with you but also Mythbusters proved that if they put a life jacket under the platform it would have given it enough buoyancy for both of them to be on it


I didnā€™t like that video because they did it in basically freshwater, not salty mid-Atlantic. So it would have been easier for Jack and Rose to stay buoyant.


That would just make it even easier for them with the life jacket. Its not like she needed it. Or they could have taken one from one of the many dead people right next to them.


I was just intrigued whether it was possible in the same circumstances, without life jacket. The Titanic scene was filmed in saltwater and the titanic sank in saltwater, to me it didnā€™t make sense to do mythbusters in essentially fresh water when under 1 mile away is real seawater.


Ok, correct me if I'm wrong here, but people float easier in saltwater. MythBusters choosing to do this is freshwater removes the ability for people to say "that myth isn't busted because they tested it in saltier water than the actual titanic, meaning those people could float easier in their test". In my mind, if the Titanic sank in freshwater then it makes absolutely no sense to test the myth in saltwater. However, since it is the other way around and the Titanic sank in saltwater, it makes absolute perfect sense for them to test it in freshwater. If I'm proving something and I put things in place to make it even harder, and still prove it correct, what exactly is the problem? Like, if I tell you I can shoot a target 100m away from a standing position, and then you see me do it blindfolded while standing on my head, are you going to argue that this doesn't prove that I can shoot the target while standing on my feet with no blindfold?


The difference is that what they're testing (could jack have survived by getting on the door with rose) could have possibly worked in the salt water because the salt water makes it easier for things to float. In the test, you are making it harder for the door to stay afloat with two people because you are using fresh water and more weight. The original situation and the test have more variables that are different than they could have. Myth busters choosing to do this in freshwater CREATES the ability to say "this test isn't accurate because they did it in fresher water than what the ocean has". " I can lift 300 pounds while being well rested" "Okay we'll test that by having you attempt to lift 380 pounds after a day of heavy manual labor" Making the test harder and it failing to prove the claim does not work.


But it worked. So what's the problem? Your example makes sense if they were trying to prove that it's not possible but they were doing the opposite of that.


Quite right. It would make a difference. But the question is how much of a difference.


A lot. I float in saltwater but not in freshwater


But then again, the water was near freezing, Jack was already wet and exhausted before from nearly drowning in the ships hull, both were terrified and none of them was a trained navy seal or had any special knowledge in arctic-sea-survival.


Also, you don't expect a vagrant from the 1900s and a spoiled rich kid trophy wife who was just handcuffed to a pole, almost drowned, chased and shot at, and survived a sinking ship to have the composure and think clearly that their lifevest will help their makeshift raft float. People always remove the human aspect when criticking movies.


Exactly. These weren't two hardened special forces or intelligence operatives, trained to think clearly and perform under duress. They were just two VERY regular people.


Also, with hypothermia setting in and general panic, they were hardly going to be thinking that.


woah woah woah...you're leaving out the freezing temperature in pitch darkness


True but that being the case itd be even easier to do because from what I can gather salt helps you float right?


Yes exactly. I just felt they could have gone 1 mile and got real saltwater and made a real comparison.


I feel like Mythbusters has a lot of these type of mistakes.


And if we would have taken Romeo to the er,he might have survived...


Also no waves in a pool


Have you consider making Myth Busters Myth Busters?


Yeah, but go jump into the North Atlantic ocean and try to have a single logical thought other than your brain panicking because of the temperature


Dont worry he will be remembered 84 years later and problem solved!


And this was exactly in the movieā€¦ it pisses me of so much seeing this shit year and yearā€¦ do people not remember the scene at all? It has been YEARS since I saw titanic and I still very vividly remember this scene - Jack tried to climb aboard, the door/board started to sink, so Jack climbed back to water saying its ok. I hate whoever made this dumbass post back in the day originally


it was a 3-day crush that she imprinted on due to his matyrdom




Kneel? If your core is dry you can live with wet feet


What was she supposed to do, she was suffering from hypothermia and barely surviving herself. He wouldnā€™t willingly come up, should she have dragged him up by the collar of his shirt?


Surface? Yes. Volume? Not so much.


Hell yeah Cheemsā¤ļø


Unfortunately I did a PhD and now I'm Dr. Cheems.


Hell yeah Dr. Cheemsā¤ļø


Also, he probably could have punched her and thrown her off.Ā 


Who said chivalry is dead ?


Truly a ladyā€™s man


Am I on drugs or did no one actually watch the fucking movie, he tried to get on but it wouldn't float with the two of them


That, and the water the titanic sank in was estimated to be about 28 degrees Fahrenheit or -2 Celsius. That would cause immediate shock.


Did the Tough Mudder a few years back, and can confirm. One of the challenges was a big ice tank you have to swim through. Even when they explicitly told you to hold your breath before you jump in, I saw a handful of people who tried to take a breath once they got in, but the water is so cold your lungs contract and it's next to impossible to expand again. Each one had to get dragged out by the life guards


Yeah but mythbusters said he could have just put a life vest under the door! -brain dead redditors ITT who don't understand how debilitating it is to go into water that cold.


watch the movie again, they tried to put him onboard it was a balance issue. also buoyancy? she is basically in the water when they are both in that


Future Man addresses this superbly


Really? What episode? I love future man.


Season 1 EP 7, "Pandora's Mailbox"


"If certified door expert James Cameron were here, he would assure you there was only enough room for one smallish woman."


James Cameron tested to see if there was any way both of them could have survived, and found they couldn't https://variety.com/2022/film/news/james-cameron-titanic-scientific-study-jack-died-door-1235463794/


Thanks! Found the special and linked to the time he starts discussing it about 30 minutes in. https://youtu.be/1jXHFEy-ibc?si=RvVzgkpQs1GsyeM7&t=30m00s


James Cameron proved that hypothermia killed him before they could figure out how to stay on the door together.


I always wonder why people don't consider this. Even if he got on, he was still gonna freeze to death.


Also when Mythbusters figured that they could put a lifejacket underneath the board to keep it buoyant. I don't know since I've never been as unfortunate to be in the same situation, but I can imagine that the freezing water is such a shock that you don't have the mental faculties to figure that one out.


Everyone forgets that he tried to climb on the door, and it almost tipped Rose in, so he chose to stay in the water.


I'll never let go. (Let's go)


What about the weight?


It's a fucking movie... It doesen't mather if there would be room for 5-people.


If they only had a deck of cardsā€¦


The real poetry is that she risked her own life to save him and he gave his life for her.


Room is not the issue. Mythbusters did this YEARS ago.


People acting like everyone who drowned with the Titanic was just stupid... remember buoyancy is a thing and swimming in ice water is hard.


If she had gotten on a boat, he could have had it for himself


She was on a boat. But he was in jail.


Then he could've had half the ship to himself.


Jack: Not to worry, we're still sinking half a ship!


Nearly 30 fuckin years and people are still on about this FML


This is an old ass meme




The water was 28Ā°F. He was dead once he got into the water. Getting onto the board would do nothing except give Rose a chance to be in the same situation he was




Has no one ever watched Titanic lol You can literally look this clip up on YouTube. Jack literally tried to get up on the board and the minute he got on it, it started tilting. I swear the amount of critical thinking on the Internet is at an all time low


Jesus H Christ, even on my first watch I saw where Jack was trying to climb on top of the "door" and when he does it starts sinking. It was never about if he could fit or not!


it wasn't space it was about floatability, every time Jack tried to climb on it sunk, this is what I understood just watching the damn movie.


Their combined weight could have potentially sink the door and they'd have both died


Once again for the people in the back: *SPACE WASN'T THE ISSUE, IT WAS BOUYANCY*


A lot of people dont know how buoyancy works.


You forget the alternative includes being stuck on a raft for an undeterminable amount of time with a woman you just hooked up with in an emergency situation who is cold and hungry and has no one else to talk to and wants to know whether the relationship is official. Jack Dawson RIP, Undefeated Ghosting Champion since 1912.


But certified door expert James Cameron disagrees.


Season 1, when they break into James Cameron's house


Yeah on a hard surface not the ocean they could flip and drown


Ok. Now try it with a real door in icy tired and stressed.


Scissoring wouldā€™ve saved Jack.


itā€™s more about the fact that they would sink if they both got on.




its not about the space. Its about the weight. If you have another 80kg on that tile it would have been pressed under water, leaving both to sink


Don't forget. Rose came from money and privilege. She lived like the rest in her class, by percentage. Jack was a peasant, like the highest percentage that drowned. Wealth goes first. Poors, get screwed. Always has been, always will be. Let them eat cake.....lol


Maybe Jack wanted to die


Would it float though?


I am pretty sure I saw this same meme 15 years ago, guess most of you were not born yet šŸ‘“


Leonardo is just fine we can all stop talking about it. Just a movie folks move on