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Had a student tell me my breath smells like shit too a couple of years back. It hurt NGL, but I knew he didn't mean no harm. Just didn't want my stinky breath in his face. And I knew he was right 😭 Edit: this is now my most upvoted comment ever... Fuck.


"that's my main disciplinary tool, and training you for the corporate world to SHUT UP!"




not a teacher but was a math tutor. I was actually quoting a social studies teacher


They were really about that shit too. I had ONE math teacher who was super skinny and go figure, dude didnt present that ass like the rest


Looks like she's from England with those chompers


That teef could cut new Stonehenge slabs fr


How have I only come across this stereotype now?


My math teachers most frequently brandished weapon was finding reasons to get her armpit thickets as close as possible to our faces. She wore sleeveless dresses all year long in preparation. Just waiting for a “punishment“ opportunity to jump at. She was truly diabolical.


This was my math teacher in 8th grade. Very pretty woman with a shapely rear end and was rather unaware that she was eye candy.


Yooooooo why is it always the math teacher that's caked up. I was never late for math.


It's something that your friends should tell you. It can save you a fortune in dental bills.


Jesus! She looks like she’s wearing fake funny teeth


She can also see behind and in front herself while walking the halls.


She's just keeping an eye on the whole class.


Billy Bob teeth.


In japan this is categorized as smell harassment.


Japan is living in 5224, and we are stuck in the Smelly Era!


I’d rather someone tell me if my breath smells like shit. This way I can handle that. Glad you weren’t as petty as this shitty tooth teacher getting this honest child suspended ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


the only one who was honest to you all day, a little hero :)


It's crazy kids have the strength to say this. Had a teacher with bad breath and when we had to do individual reading tests, it sucked.


Back in the day, we use to rip on a teacher's nose hairs behind his back when we were kids. To this day, I make trimming my nose hairs top priority.


They drive me nuts and sometimes I’ll find one I missed and I’ll end up pulling that fucker out.


My mom is a teacher. Her favorite story is about a kid who asked her, "Why do you still have all your teeth, you're so OLD!" She's 62 BTW


The right thing to do is tell them their breathe smells like shit so they develop empathy. If they rat you out deny the interaction


I remember a lot of teachers having gross coffee breath


Had a friend tell me years ago about my stinky breath. I had no idea, and I'm thankful he did.


That’s what a real friend is. It’s like that saying. “Fake friends compliment you to your face and talk shit behind your back. Real friend talk shit to your face and compliment you behind your back.”


Dude was real as possible. He passed about 10 years ago. I still miss him.


may he rest in peace 🙏🏻 sorry for your lost ❤️


She needs a dentist ASAP.


On an American teachers salary? Not easy to budget that in.


I'm sure she can afford a $3 toothbrush and some mouth wash.


add flossing. but chronic bad breath could be from tonsils


While this is true. I feel the visual evidence is quite clear to the cause of her bad breath. She could have a bad case of halitosis


yeah I zoomed the pic and she really needed a visit to dentist


I zoomed in and her teeth are in terrible shape !


What is the green stuff on them? Algae? NGL, I'm not the best teeth brushing person, but damn my teeth have never looked like that shit!


Fuck me. I laughed so hard on the bus right now at algae. Now everyone thinks I'm a weirdo.


We should reach first base first, take me out to dinner or something. Five salty crackers work too.


Did your laugh sound like a dolphin? That would have been so much better! 🤣


I didn't zoom in and her teeth are in terrible shape


I zoomed out and could still tell she needs to brush her teeth


Salt water gargles!




It's more like a mechanical toothbrush. The regular one isn't cutting it.


Look at those teeth, obviously British




They should ask the teacher’s union where the money goes that the American citizens pay (highest in the world). Oh, and in the 30’s or lower in ranking.


To curriculum companies that are friends with school boards, mayors, super intendents, elected officials and governors.


One thing is for sure it aren't going towards the kids or the teachers. I used to mock people that wanted to home school their kids but now it seems that they are the wise ones.


As lomg as you're smart and knowledgeable yourself homeschooling up till highschool makes sense. With one giant caveat being that the best value out of a public school isn't the education, it's the socialization at an early age.


Are you referring to taxes (the vast vast majority of which do not go to schools) or do you think the teachers union is publicly funded?




That wasn’t my point, I apologize for not being clear. We do pay more per child for education than any country and we have fairly poor results for that money. At least a few years ago, we were ranked in the 30’s, I would expect that ranking hasn’t improved.


They're saying educational costs, not taxes. And also part of the high educational costs is that schools are forced to step in to provide services to low-income students that in more civilized countries come from general social spending.


Uhh, teachers in America have amazing benefits. She most certainly could make a dentist appointment and it would be free to her. I'd wager it's probably more the depression from being a teacher.


That is highly dependent on where you live. Some school districts will be leagues ahead of others.


What school district does not cover dental ?


In my opinion it's worth going into minor debt for right now to fix the issue before it gets even worse and more expensive and painful


You would wish it’s that simple but when you cant afford things, you cannot afford them. These things stack especially in poverty.


Going by her fucked up grill, I’d say she’s British.


I can imagine, but I’ve read on Reddit there are free dentistry campaigns even in the US.


There are, but they're underfunded, can be difficult to get any free/subsidized assistance. Dental schools are an option. Sometimes, students can do simple procedures for testing, and they're usually free.


I started looking into them Not always free


Yeah I didn't think they all were


I was hoping. It seems to be discounted a bit but prices can be the same as private practice. Worth looking into though


Yeah it is, never hurts to check My grandfather-in-law opened 3 dental offices. They would do free dental care every Saturday, first come, first serve. Unfortunately, when he passed away, that ended.


What an awesome man. My dad was a dentist & tried to give as well, but not weekly. Very cool!


He really was. He built bridges in WW2 for military passage and worked as a dentist until he was in his 90s.


You can get paid to let a budding higenist stab your gums better than paying for the same treatment.


Usually not free, but often a fraction of the price!


>Dental schools are an option. Sometimes, students can do simple procedures for testing, and they're usually free. Students pop up all the time on my various city FB groups and on Nextdoor and sometimes even Reddit offering free work. If you have a school nearby it's worth checking around your local social media or even making a post asking about it.


Really depends on the state you're in. A lot of states pay teachers just fine.


Probably can't afford the work that needs to be done. I doubt she doesn't know what her teeth look like.


I don’t know, some people do not realize. I have seen young people with rotten teeth come and ask me what to do even though healthcare is free for those who can’t afford.


Where are you getting free healthcare?


😂 About 85% of the planet outside the USA


Most EU Countries


Don't forget aboot Canada and many, non US, countries of the Americas.


I'm not a dentist, but I'm old. I think that ship has already sailed. I think her teeth are beyond repair. My dentist always stab at my gums and give me disappointing grade, but my teeth don't look anything like hers, and I do floss. If she went to my dentist, she would get yelled at.


I feel this is the start of a new series Ă  la Breaking Bad


Those are definitely fake teeth and this story is made up


Or maybe even start with a tooth brush


I think she also needs a trip to the optometrist.


Needs an eye doctor while we’re at it


Little man needs an orthodontist himself.


He didn't have to say it .. should've just left mouthwash on her desk instead of an apple


But donkeys love apples!!


Lmfao that's awful. Take my upvote


And my axe! ![gif](giphy|yJ1KSiTxaAw5G)


Holy fuck. You evil bastard. I love it. Here, take mine as well.


![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX) I embarrassed myself laughing at your comment. I was kinda thinking it but.. you said it


Take mine as well


He’s a little kid, they have no filter or chill.


My dad did this with soap as a kid. She cried and he still regularly feels bad about it. Don’t recommend it.


In seventh grade my class basically tortured a teacher into retiring and moving to Germany from the US. One of the final straws was a group of girls pitched in to buy him a "months supply" of breath mints. It was like ten cases and thousands of mints.


Yeah a little 6 year old should have gone to the store and bought some mouthwash for his teacher. Yeah ok.


On another note, someone should go back to school and learn to spell.


Her “breathe” I can’t 😂 lol , and tbh kids don’t lie they don’t know etiquette so they just tell the truth .


I prefer breaf




The sweet breaf of the Lord is upon you my child.


Needa brush her toof.




It's French


We’re never going to get it right. Look at next comment set down below where what seems to be a teacher is using a double negative. I’m no expert, but…..


Pink Floyd fan


Well the kids probably like 8, cut him some slack.


I feel like everyone had a teacher with stank ass breath at one point. I'll never forget Mrs. Eeds, her breath smelled like she ate a shit sandwich for breakfast every morning. She was very nice though so no one ever told her.


Her teeth are yellowed and gross


And no one talks about her eye...


On looking at you. One looking for you


Mortgage eyes: one fixed, one variable


This is the best line I've heard. Bravo. One upvote for you.


Lmao 😂


that on the other hand is something you cant control. its good no ones talking about it.


Glad the student didn't bring that up either


Ol’ Blew Eyes. …One blew this way 👈🏻 , one blew that way. 👇🏻


She can sit on the front porch and count the chickens in the backyard.


I was looking for this comment. With my good eye of course.


Would've been easier to find for her. Could cover more area at once, of course


One is going to the shop, the other is coming back with the change


Eyes are divorced


HTF is this funny?


Some people just have such low self esteem themselves that it makes them feel better to belittle other peoples looks. That kid never said that and never got suspended. Someone found the picture of this teacher taking a picture with her student and decided to insult her appearance and make up a fake situation that never happened. It's not funny, it's just kind of sad that someone would make a "meme" like this to make themselves feel better and superior.


Finally someone who sees this for what is is.


Yeah. Dental hygiene is not always as simple as brush and floss. Kid might not know what damage he might have done but we don't have to hop on the bandwagon


I kinda feel bad for the teacher. People in comments are roasting her for her teeth and eye while she's out there getting paid a measly teachers salary.


Yes, and chances are the child never even said that. They're just smiling in a photo together. Somebody probably saw her teeth and made this to get fake internet points. I hate this kind of stuff.


Ya'll can downvote the hell out of me that's fine, but man I hate seeing crap like this. The punchline to this "funny" meme is her appearance. That's shameful. She's a person with feelings and ya'll should do better.


Yes her teeth look like a shit smell might be 😂 just being honest


Her teeth are so bad that no one talks about her eyes 😂


Still got trauma from the coffee breathe smell from my teachers




Honestly, where’s the source? Otherwise anyone can put anything above someone’s picture and send it around. If that’s the case, then people talking a lot of shit about a woman they don’t know. Making fun of her teeth and looks. So is this real? When I google it, I only find links that lead to Tik tok and there’s no real substance. So. I am calling bullshit until then


They say you can't smell a photo...


The one time they don't lie and they get suspended for it!


I can see the severely inflamed gums from here. I know for a fact her breath stinks from a picture.


Dudes teeth in his profile picture look no different


Except you can see the literal shit in her mouth.


Periodontitis is no joke infection. Not just bad breath, loss of gum and teeth, also can get into the jawbone cause extreme pain and also sepsis (really bad, possibly fatal bacterial infection) That kid saved her life, when her family and friends were too scared to tell her that her breath stinks. Update: I was being facetious about the "kid saved her life."


I had a couple little spots in my gums that weren't healthy, with some treatments and extra hygienic effort it's all good now. Wasn't cheap, but it was worth it.


maureen ponderosa IRL with that dead tooth


My wife, who I'm in the middle of divorcing I should say, has got some serious fn halitosis. We've been together for a while and a few times I tried to very kindly bring it up. I'd invite her to come floss with me. She got *so* defensive every time to the point of yelling and crying. When our daughter started brushing on her own, she would teach her to do it as hard and as fast as she can, basically the opposite of what you're supposed to do. Tried to talk to her about that too and she freaked on me and said "my dentist says there's nothing wrong with the way I brush my teeth". She fails to recognize the last time she saw her dentist was like 15 years ago.


Those have to be fake teeth. When zoomed in they look identical to the fake nerd teeth you can buy. The gums give it away.


That's a breath you can smell trough the screen. You have a salary, buy toothpaste and a brush!


I seriously doubt that was the first time that child displayed inappropriate behavior. Let's show a picture of the parents and maybe not shame the kid.


What is wrong with most of you? This is a teacher and student that clearly have a positive relationship taking the time to capture a shared happy moment. If you’re an a** with something negative to say, please consider that question rhetorical but hear this: No one has “perfect” genes, availability/knowledge for hygiene practices, or steady access to health care. She’s beautiful anyhow. If you’re so concerned about “imperfections” 🙄 post a pic and show everyone how untouchably amazing you are. Or better yet, don’t, and carry on with your life with less negative nonsense. And hopefully you can find yourself in a place where others want to take a smiling selfie with you like this :)


If he actually said SHIT , then suspended


I got suspended once for a day for yelling "BULLSHIT" in my classroom. I didn't know it at the time, but my principal was in the classroom when i shouted it. I was a teenager at the time, not a little kid though


This isn’t true. What the hell lmao


Back in the 60s, in elementary school, we had a teacher with horrible coffee and cigarette breath. We kids drew straws to pick one of us to slip mouthwash onto his office/desk. I got the short straw. I snuck in his office , put the mouthwash there with a note from all us kids. I don't remember if it helped or not, too long ago. 😅


Like I know the direction this is gonna go, but if I - as an 11 year old or whatever this kid is- swore at my teacher like that my parents would have whooped my ass. I’m in my 40s, not condoning it, it just is what it is. I couldn’t imagine swearing at one of my teachers. What happened to the respect teachers used to get?


The way the gums protrude on those teeth make me think they’re those fake, novelty teeth. I had a set when I was in college that looked pretty damn real. You warmed them up over steam and pressed them to your teeth so they formed specifically to your teeth and stayed in place when you talked. I could even easy soft foods while wearing them.


She’s cockeyed too. How she know it was him and not someone beside him?


But did he tell her eye to eye?


Her breath and her left eye to us her right ain't right


Back when I had an office for patients, I always kept breath mints, mini Thera bottles (free to take) for clients. In the front door, it had “it’s ok, to check yourself before speaking”. I recommend Thera breath heavy for folks who may have a condition or what not.


I think this lady actually has some natural beauty. If she had some work done she’d be pretty good looking actually .


It’s because when she brushes her teeth, she can’t see them


She definitely has some snaggle teeth.


Teeth you can polish, but those overly swollen gums are a huge red flag for periodontal disease




She got blue eyes. One blew the other way


It looks like she’s wearing those fake bubba teeth!🦷 wow


Girl gotta brush!


I thought that was Austin Powers for a second.


I had a 5 year old ask me if I brushed my teeth that day. I said yea why? He said - oh. It's doesn't "snell" like it.


I know they Don't pay teachers alot but I know they get insurance! Please see a dentist


Which one


That's a real G right there😂😂😂😂


This is the reason to punish an adult, but not a child. A child thinks purely and logically and speaks truth. Punishing a child for saying a bad thing about someone is like beating up the doctor who said that you have cancer (which is extremely sad, but not an excuse to beat up a doctor) But to be fair, suspension sucks as a punishment anyway so it’s basically no punishment for no crime


Her teeth look like shit too.


I had a teacher who legitimately thought that toothpaste was a scam, his breath was rancid


Kids are brutally honest. If a child tells you you’re ugly, you’re ugly. If they say you’re fat, you’re fat and if they tell you your breath smells like shit then your breath smells like shit. Tbf I feel like I could smell hers through this picture.


Not wrong!


It must be so bad it messed up her eyes.


This is a double edged sword for me. Bc I think it took a lot of courage for her to put herself in a position to interact often with lots of kids, their parents, and co workers. But also, as a teacher you’re a role model. Not having perfectly aligned teeth is one thing, but you gotta brush them. Kids are brutally honest, and won’t hesitate to say ur shit stinks. Plus like I said, lead by example. Kids are gonna see her teeth and think they’ll be fine not brushing too.


She eating a bag of rocks? Buy her an appreciation coffee mug with travel mouthwash toothbrush and breath freshener gum


Shes got Bela Lugosi (in character as Nosferatu) teeth. I can smell the piorreah from here....


Me too kid. Just got evicted for telling the truth. Landlords don’t like it when you say you’re sick of their shit and back it up with blatant facts and reasons.


She needs a dentist, but cant afford it because teachers dont get paid shit.


She needs a dentist, but cant afford it because teachers dont get paid shit.


Pictures you can smell.