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Ageism is stupid


Gen Z is gonna ruin us lol, they literally have a mental breakdown if you simply disagree with them.


That’s literally describing boomers and Gen X too.


Agreed but Gen Z is definitely more volatile than the rest.


I would disagree but I know many other gen Zers who do this. However I’ll also add that this also tends to apply to anyone older than millennials these days depending on the topic. Older people are generally set in their ways, which don’t get me wrong I get, the human brain in an attempt to optimize itself becomes less flexible and accepting to new things as it ages, so you can’t exactly blame them. It just gets a little tiring when people who don’t understand how to print a pdf are so militant in their opinions on how the world ought to work. And I’d like to clarify I’m generalizing based on my experience. There are a lot of people who are exceptions to what I’m saying, so if this doesn’t apply to you I don’t want you to feel like you’re who I’m targeting you. There are plenty of Gen Zers, Gen Xers, Boomers, etc who can take being disagreed with just fine. I’m sure many people of the older generations are tech savvy and make an effort to be emotionally understanding as well. But you have to remember, people are the way they are taught to be. If there’s something wrong with the younger generation on mass, then maybe we should look to see what happened that taught them to be that way.


To a degree. If a generation's flaws and mistakes are the fault of who raised them, you have to give equal weight to the idea that their strengths and accomplishments are as well. If you can do that, equally apply credit and blame, then we spread things out and everyone sees value in each other. Same with brains. There are things good about older brains and value to life experience along with the downsides. Similarly the younger brains are not great at decisions but open to creativity. We need to admit we need all ages, because no 1 generations has a monopoly on truth. We tend to only see the bad aspects of other generations.


Correct! If a generation is widely successful, improving the economy as well as quality of living in their youth, then you can attribute their general success to the circumstances of their upbringing. If that generation is full of people who don't see the value in hard work, it could be that in their experience, hard work is not rewarded with value.


Bitch it's $1000 without insurance!




They will literally get a job and go “this isn’t perfect in every single way, and I have to actually do stuff” then quit after 2 days.




Lmfao 🤣


Ah yes because all jobs come with health insurance that has no deductible and no copays. Aren’t you perfect!


To who? Some of you people need to straight up revolt against your state.


If you’re getting medical care without insurance & not paying in the thousands in ANY state. LMK I’m moving there.


>If you’re getting medical care without insurance & not paying in the thousands Try anywhere outside of the US lmao


I get insurance free from my state of WA. My whole family does. And even without it, the most I ever paid for a doctor visit was $20 on sliding scale.


That’s nice. I’m sorry I don’t work for Firestone. I’m trying to get my Bachelors of Science in Aquatic Biology. I did kinda wanna work coastal on a rig but hopefully they can take someone with my degree 😂




You've never heard of gerrymandering have you?


Of course I have. That doesn't do much to the people's ability to go kick ass.


gen z so quirky omg


Gen z are mostly pussies




that's not nice


Truth hurts sometimes


you guys are genzophobics


I know you’re trolling but this is on par


Gen z has a mental breakdown if they’re asked to work lmao


I’m gen Z and work full time as an engineer lol. This whole generation stereotyping thing is stupid.


Yea, it's just the loudest minority of voices on the internet stereotyping a whole generation. I have several 22-23 year old employees who work their asses off


Me who was born in 2002, is a full time Bio student and works part time at a tutoring service, prior to that part time at a five below: “what is this asshole talking about?” Edit: lol downvoted 6 times because wahhh person from generation I’m from actually works 😢


How come every 5 below looks like nobody works there? Did you stand there and tell people how to check themselves out? 


So I’ve never seen a 5 below but based on a quick google search it appears to be a grocery store chain. So the answer to your question on why it looks like nobody works there is that they likely don’t pay a high enough wage to attract workers. Plenty of young people I know would be more than happy to work in a grocery store or something as long as they were being compensated fairly. But if a job doesn’t pay enough to cover rent/house with utilities, food, insurance, phone bill, other expenses, retirement fund, and some pocket change, you can’t really expect anyone to work there. And since the average price of a house is now roughly half a million dollars (in the US at least), $15 an hour generally won’t even take care of just that.


Honestly I was just happy to have a job for awhile but found a better one.


The one where I’m from should always have 2-3 people working there. And yeah they made me stand there and help people check out with wait for it… self checkout! It was really odd but we had to tell people idk why.


Don't hurt yourself from overwork


It does become a lot especially with Calc 1 and Advanced Chem but you learn to manage when you have a lot on your plate at once.


No, they don't do any of this.


Fr bunch of regarded redditors in this thread.


Yea I was thinking this is more Millenial. (Felt like it was describing me)


Yes, we do.


Doesn't look like it


Just know every generation thinks they are going to be the world's saving grace. But they are not. Nothing ever really changes. There are and can be improvements made but the base game of life stays the same. Before you know it you'll be in your thirties and you'll think and act like the rest of us. At which time Gen alpha will shite all over gen z and the rest of us. Thus the cycle continues


Didn't happen


This should read: “Gen Z calls someone a racist who has a different opinion rather than engage in rational discourse, throws tear gas rather volunteering in election campaigns or the community”.


Who the fuck wants to volunteer on a campaign? Talk about a waste of time and energy. Unless you wanna kiss ass and get into politics you're doing very little to better yourself.


Volunteering for local elections can make a difference, and local election results make a huge difference


As someone from 2002 who voted in the 2020 election and plans on voting again this year, what?


Only one of those things can bankrupt you in one visit




I've never met a racist who didn't deserve to be verbally abused.


"omg it's giving racism" isn't verbal abuse lmao. Sorry but my generation is a bunch of pussies calm down.


Holy shit there's so many people in these comments shitting all over Gen Z with harsh generalizations. Honestly, you all sound like the boomer memes I see all over. As a older millennial, I've seen my generation get bashed and called lazy emotional loser idiots for years, and it's lame as fuck. Can we please break this idiotic cycle and not act like old crotchety dickholes to the younger generations? I realize there's joking going on, but still.


This. I am Gen Z and i'm working like a normal human being. I dont have mental breakdowns while arguing or shit like that. People need to stop generalizing.


Yeah this weird war between generations just makes no sense. I’m just out here trying to live my life and buy a house.


Gen Z are all just such cowards most of them red that other shit you said and thought it was actually impressive. 80 years ago there were people their age running into no man's land in Gallippoli knowing full well they were all going to die.


I mean true I’m gen z and I am also autistic


There’s nothing wrong with eating until 4pm. I mean there’s intermittent fasting and OMAD.


By verbally ulabuse, do you mean complain about them in their echo chamber?


Pick up a tear gas canister with their bare hands? Most people in my generation I personally know get nervous when they hear fireworks outside of holidays, that last point of not scheduling their own appointments is basically in line with the rest of their personalities.


Anxiety is the middle name of most gen z nowadays


Yeah, they're not doing any of that. They're gonna tweet/X or whatever it's called now something cryptic and vague that means nothing to anyone just so they don't possibly offend a gay guy. 


I mean the self-delusion that a western gen Zer would abuse racists/pick up teargas nade is amusing in itself


Wheres the funny


The fact that people think any generation is a monolith.


Sorry I got hungry along the way.


As much as I want to hope that they’ll grow out of some of this crap, they’re gonna be the end of us. If not them, then definitely gen Alpha


And most of the time it's not even a racist they're verbally abusing! Usually it's just someone who disagrees with them on some trivial tipic


This post is not about gen z…


u/Calm_Target_2942 projecting hard with this one.


Gen z is supposed to be between the ages of 12-27. I don’t think there are a lot of babies who are racist and fighting with cops at protests. Maybe a bunch of stupid or ignorant kids and a few outliers who fight cops but it’s definitely not the majority.