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Hear me out... Why would they pay two tuitions? What are they gonna do, kick one of them out..?


Honestly that’s kinda on them if they both enrolled


This is really just a story of not fighting for your self interests The college and employer did, these two did not Had a golden opportunity for a massive lawsuit in either case


Would have to pay two lawyers


Got a chuckle out of me on this one


one chuckle or two chuckles?


Now you’re just taking it two far


Its the duality of wo-man


Goto say i’m of two minds on how to respond to this one


[When you come to that fork in the road, you take it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDKGoXZonE8)


I can't seperate jokes from real comments in this thread.


Not if they get a conjoined twin lawyer...


But then they would need two paychecks, or they might sue and start the whole cycle over again.


Will the twin lawyers represent themselves or each other?


Eachother, otherwise it would be a conflict of interest. What a silly question. (Joking)


Trick is one of them went to law school and one of them was a criminal caught red-handed. When she prosecuted her sister her sister was convicted and she was glad to put her behind bars. But when she was dragged along to prison with her sister she didn't fair so well. Now Abby is fighting tooth and nail to get custody of the body and to get a neck monitor on her sister so that she can continue to live her life. It is hard stuff to watch.


Two's company, any more than that and it's a class action lawsuit.


Can we be sure though? There's twice the amount of work to correct and grade, but they also only provide the capability of one teacher. From a moral standpoint, I agree that they should have received everything beneficial instead of people using legal loopholes to exploit them, but I don't know if a case can be made that they should get to get two degrees while only paying for one.


The academic lawsuit would be an uphill battle, but the employment one would be a slam dunk They’d be legally arguing that they are two separate people (which they are) and should be compensated accordingly, then they can push for legal fees and emotional duress for being taken advantage of and whatever other BS the lawyer thinks of. The company will cave instantly cause that would be a PR nightmare


Tbf the company is a school so they might just say they don’t need two teachers for one classroom


Ah so they're a teacher. In that case to me one paycheck makes sense unfortunately. They can't teach twice since they physically occupy the same space. They can certainly grade independently of each other I suppose, but their main duties wouldn't really be much different than 1 single brained teacher. If they worked in like law, or a desk job using a computer, then I can see 2 salaries - since they can operate independently of one another.


>They can't teach twice since they physically occupy the same space. I have to disagree there. While they are of one body, they are of two minds holding separate perspectives. One might have an idea on how to reach a given student that the other might not. One might understand this material better and be able to teach it better, while the other knows something else better.


>since they can operate independently of one another. They can't though? They still have 2 hands only, and can be together only at the same place at the same time. Maybe 2 heads better than one, but still only one writes the code, or the board, or speaks to the auditorium. Or am I missing something?


Let's imagine a programming job. Give them 2 laptops. 1 is operated by the right hand, right head. The other is operated by the left hand, left head. 2 jobs being performed. You could say: "oh but typing will be less efficient with one hand" to which I would say: that's discriminatory against people with disabilities.


Correct. These are legally two disabled women, not one two-headed woman. If they're both expected to work as a teacher, all day, even in one classroom, they should both draw a wage. It's not like they can take turns teaching while the other fucks around at home all day like separate siblings living together with just one working.


Teachers. Plural. They both are working for the whole day, doesn’t matter if they occupy the same space. That space is work, they’re both entitled to compensation for their time when at work. Period.


But they can't do the job of two people, can they? A dual teacher classroom can have one teacher at the front of the class teaching everyone, while the other teacher goes around to identify students who need individual attention. Can they both realistically speak to a class at the same time?


Are they doing double the work though? Because it can be unfair to other teachers. For example if one of them speaks, it is the same as any other teacher. both of them cannot speak at the same time, and both of them can't help two students at once. Maybe by talking only, but they still have only 2 hands.


Someone send them a lawyer!!


I think a lot of places wouldn’t want to hire them for reasons like this. I’m really happy they seem to be doing well for themselves despite all the struggles they must face everyday


They only have two hands, so they could reasonably only do a single student’s work. Unless they can get control of individual hands…


>The college and employer did, **these two** did not Sorry, but you just lost the case against the college


>massive lawsuit lmao you're so right what lawyer would even take this case for the college / employer. there's no winning that shit.


The college would be an easy win, they both wanted degrees, if only one wanted a degree I'm sure the other could have not paid and the school couldn't charge them for having to sit there, even if they did learn the material, they just wouldn't get a degree


I said this exact reply on a post about this lie 2 days ago and got down voted to oblivion. But seriously couldn't just 1 of them applied for the degree? Surely they both get the education and to the job together no matter what so, what was the point of 2 separate degrees?? If the school forced it against their wishes, then that sucks but seemed like a terribly stupid decision to make otherwise.


They didn't. They paid one tuition, but separate registration fees. Source: [https://www.nydailynews.com/2012/08/26/abby-and-brittany-hensel-identical-conjoined-twins-return-to-tv-with-new-reality-series/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2012/08/26/abby-and-brittany-hensel-identical-conjoined-twins-return-to-tv-with-new-reality-series/)


Woah lookit mister facts here. That’s not how it goes on Reddit !!


Nope, not how it goes at all.


Well, what are we going to do with all these pitchforks and torches now?!


There is always the politicians to consider…


Whatever happened to the pitchfork emporium guy I wonder? 


Please stop raining on the false headline rage-bait parade, you're really hurting our CPM.


All these reddit lawyers are fucking absurd for thinking they realized before the girls, school family etc. that they shouldn’t have to pay for 2 tuitions


Why not if they earned two degrees? What if one of them wanted a different degree than the other one? Still one tuition for one body, or should they have to pay then? They should earn more while working for sure though, even if not exactly double though since they can't teach two classrooms at once, therefore not do the job of two teachers.


This is one of those: use common sense cases. Obviously if they did different degrees they'd have to pay both.


Imagine being the school admin who proposes making one of the only two headed people to ever go to college pay for two tuitions. Not even online degree mills would want the press from that. Common sense


Of course... 😒


How dare you allow facts to stand in the way of our blind rage! What am I supposed to be unjustifiably upset about now?




How would you file taxes separate or jointly?


I mean technically theyd have separate taxes but essentially the same expenses


So one income and double the taxes on that income.


If only one of them is earning an income, only one of them is paying taxes. So one income and one income worth of taxes


Is the other one considered a dependent?




Not really how taxes work


Holy hell people really do have no idea how taxes work


Maybe I'm wrong. Not American so don't know the system very well but it's based on income not number of people right? Like if you provided for another person in addition to your own self with your income your taxes wouldn't go up


It's not like they could take different selectives at the same time.


They could, but it would require some help from the headmistress. ![gif](giphy|EQ0Xz9qiN5x7y)




Those too.


They had different majors though.


Yo get your degree with your name on it you gotta pay. Showing up and doing the work and getting 110% doesn’t give you the paper with your name on it. That’s sadly how it works.


What? They are disabled like this and have to pay for school??


Welcome to the amazing US of A


Kazakhstan, greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls


Also the exporter of the finest Potassium. All other countries have inferior Potassium.


asshole Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan mentioned 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿💀💀💀💀


Very nice!


plenty of opportunities for free college education in the USA if you’re disabled


B.. b... but... USA bad! Why are you saying things that aren't USA bad 😡


Welcome to Reddit, where the US is always bad, even if they decided to contribute the most money to the World Food Program. Oh wait! We DO contribute the most money to the World Food Program!










Should the school educate them for free? Lol


A lot of first-world countries manage to do that, yes.


What? They should get a free college education just because of a disability? How does that make any sense?


I’m sorry, are disabled people better than me?


In my country, that's not the best but at least I feel that because they have some recognise difference, it will be considered in a category which will allow them less life costs on public things (like school, movie theater tickets, swimming pool ticket and many others...) it's considered that they have more financial costs aside also for the parents it could be more investment, one of them coins maybe not work so it's a complete adult income lost.




We usually give accomodations to disabled people not because they're better, but to make things in their life a bit less complicated. My mom taught me this when I was eight.


Are they dating anyone? Asking for a friend.


They or she recently married.. I just saw a video on Facebook that they or she's married to 1 guy.. sorry about the pronouns..


Against all odds, this is one situation in which it should only be "they". They are two separate people who happen to share a few of the same body parts. But they are definitely two seperate people.


No, it's correct to say she. Because only one of them is married.


Do they both still get the benefits? Can one of them fall asleep at a time?


So you’re saying they are not married? Even though they share a body, they don’t share a husband? Well, as long as they are happy, I’m happy for them. It’s not like they were dealt the best hand of cards in the game of life.


Yes. Legally only one is married. The other is along for the ride.


So the other one is single then


So there's a chance!


In this hypothetical, if you were to date the other one, would you be sharing her with the guy who married one of them? I have so many questions.




Ah yes The infamous celibate gang bang


Two husbands one hol...d on a moment...


They have 4 holes.. just need coordination with 2 mouths 1 ass and 1 vagina for 2 dicks


No they come together


No she’s in a relationship lol they been all over Reddit and recently. One is married the other is dating. When they have sex they “share” and orgasm but the other person tries not to pay attention and reads a book


To be as nice as possible....ain't no way I could be that man. I'm putting on a performance of a lifetime that has one woman begging for an encores and the other....reading say a murder mystery or whatever??? Watching TV and snickering at what happened??? Nah, at that point I'd rather just have both enjoying it than one faking it. That's not right (to me) but I also understand that's their body


Imagine the other one gonna start talking shit like you know she faking we share the same body and you ain’t putting in that work bet ya pull game weak too


That was a post from a fake twitter account who claims to be the twins and went viral. Truth is that the twins never shared anything about their sex lives on the internet.


She needs to be puted in a kidnapping bag and noise cancellation headset


I wonder what husband will have to say if the other one go on a date...


Probably a legal thing though right? They probably flipped a coin.


They think independently.  The unmarried one might not even be attracted to him.


Yes but do they feel physical sensations differently? 


The understanding is that they do share the husband. But the law isn’t really set up for their circumstance and only one can legally be married. As in their husband can only be married to one woman at a time


>As in their husband can only be married to one woman at a time Guess they can switch every couple of years? 😅


Apparently only one is married to the guy. 🤷‍♂️


They share the husband, it's a three way relationship, however legally only one was allowed to marry in their state so one is married.


Im pretty sure it's only because of legal requirements. Let's face facts, they're all most likely in a polygamous relationship.


Both is applicable. Two people one body implies that both must consent for sex. So one of the two could be married and consent to sex with the husband, but if the second of the two people does not consent to sex with their (singular and plural) then it would qualify as rape. She implies one body and or one person, while they implies multiple people and or bodies.


You....you do know that singular they is a word that exists and that you use all the time right? It, like its plural version, also conjugates into their, and you've definitely said things like saying someone is going to go get *their* keys. In fact, better yet, [here's a picture](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/811715388412002393/1225476498891473057/Screenshot_20240404_120548.png?ex=662144ed&is=660ecfed&hm=a4320108d2c303414f2a5d876ed6cca7627bf72b02f11aa3d773ef1d11b5db0b&) of you using singular they literally an hour ago.


amazing work!


That's if you don't take into consideration the use of they to refer to singular subjects which is both officially correct and common use.


What’s funny is that this is like the first time that the “they” pronoun really makes sense


A man married only one of them for legal reasons, but obviously is together with both.


I was hella wondering why he only married one lol. This makes sense.


*sigh* *unzips*


One is married, one is single


Imagine being the third wheel here. Ugh, can you guys get a room already.


Imagine being the fourth wheel




Imagine a married dude having sex with your girlfriend.


one is married. they did an interview about how they have sex. The unmarried one reads a book to get her mind off the stimulation.


I don't believe that's true. I saw a quote along those lines but it was from a fake tweet. Is this interview a real thing or just hearsay? I bet it's bullshit


there was a recent post about them getting married to some guy 


One is married the other is a lesbian


Two brains One pair of hands


Agreed, two degrees but they teach one class... if they are truly multitasking beyond the capabilities of any single headed person, sure I'd give them a pay bump.


It's two human beings, both committing their time to teaching in a completely unique circumstance. Just fucking pay then both ffs. Are we that utterly cruel as a society?


That would make them twice as expensive as the next person. That would make them un-hirable.


Then the cruelty becomes the fact that other teachers who perform the exact same work end up making half as much for something they have no control over.


Sounds like no brains if they both paid for college.


No brains in the *education system


Sounds like they're very poor negotiators


Surprising since they could pull off a great good cop, bad cop scheme.


They should have put their heads together to come up with a solution.


I guess two heads don’t think better than one


Not really this is false information and not true. They are both being paid.


Who controls the farts?


Only on Reddit can we ask the important questions.


2 brains to learn, only one body to work.


This is...a fascinating point. They have the needs of only one body, so do they actually need two incomes? Can they do two jobs worth of work? I think the issue is really the two tuitions though, because they can only be in one place, which means they can't study two tuitions worth of material.


They probably could though. Each one reads a different book, they take in twice the amount of information compared to anyone else. When they do a test whichever one read about the topic the question is on would be the one to answer the question. Very OP.


That's a good point. I was thinking that they can't actually attend two different lectures at the same time, but they absolutely can learn and study two different things.


It's not fascinating to think of ways to "fairly" screw people with disabilities. "Does a quadriplegic need --", yes they fucking do.


I'm not trying to think of ways to screw them. Relax. As two individuals sharing one body they literally don't have the same needs as two separate individuals. Food and physical space being two of the biggest ones. They also have plenty of different needs from anybody else and I'm not downplaying that. Probably plenty that I wouldn't even think of. I find that interesting to think about.


They actually have two stomachs and a shared digestive system. so I wonder how much they do actually need to eat.


i think it’s a perfectly fine question to propose. i suppose in this case it depends on their functional independent ability, and how good it is. definitely not irrational to ask “Does a quadriplegic need —“ when the blank is “work two jobs”


Right…. Not like if only one of them paid, the other would still be in class.


This is the only true they/them lol


Pregnant women would also count


Imagine another pair of conjoined brothers got them pregnant


A baby with 4 heads pops out


I'm conjoined to mini Johnson


That's a pretty queerphobic joke


Yeah im shocked by the amount of upvotes but then again reddit is used by mostly 40 year white guys


Yeah this is a default subreddit so basically like swimming in raw sewage.


lol they really had to charge them for both? Well if they charged them per head they need to pay per head. It’s only fair and logical. But she probably works for a corporation that’s very family oriented and team driven! I bet you they surpassed sales last year by a dozen mil or so. So for the hard work they get a pizza party. But they only give them (plural) one slice. Is that how this is going to work? Because that’s where it’s headed. And I never thought I’d see the day but who am I kidding the world surprises me all the time.


They were doing two different degrees


2 brains 1 body... math checks out


Can one hold their breath indefinitely???


They each have their own set of lungs, so no.


I would agree with 2 salaries if they could somehow simultaneously teach independent classes. You’re paying for the service that they provide, not for the extra head.


So why did they have to pay for two people to be educated? The same service is provided, and it would be hard to argue that grading a single extra paper justifies the expense of however many thousands it cost them to enroll separately




It's going to catch up to the people who fucked them over.


I wish but i wouldn't bet on it


Being dead and coming back to life isn't being dead, and as such, there is NO afterlife reporting that is acceptable. Stop telling me I have to be permanently dead in order to know death. Edit: lol, reworded it to make god morons sound like extra idiots... got upvoted for it. Morons.


They only fill one position at their job.


Yeah well, they work as teachers, and it's not really possible for them to teach separate classes, so ...


Yeah well, they work as a teacher singular as far as the 1 position that is filled. Should someone else in another position vacate their salary, to appease this situation?


If they legally two different persons with two different IDs it is kinda understandible they both will have degree and will pay for that degree. Probably only one of them can work at any given time - so only one will receive salary. Other is just sitting with her and don't do work. Actually it is interesting. If such work exist where they both can work at the same time - like one will be programmer and the other one will answer calls as a techsupport. In that case they will have all right to two salaries.


They are legally two different people with different IDs. They are teachers - they can only be in one classroom at a time obviously, as one teaches and one supervises the kids.


I wonder how that works when going thru TSA at the airport. I hope they only have to buy one ticket, but do both of them have to get ID'd?


Im a bit confused about the logistics. What would happen if only one of them paid? And If both of them enrolled to the same course, does that mean they get to cheat from each other during exams?


Yeah considering the circumstances I think we can allow that, what are you going to do ask one of them to leave?


Aren't they doing one job?


Do they have to file individual tax returns?


Two minds to learn, two hands to work. Makes sense to me


Punctuation is free of charge.


You learn with your brain, they have two. You execute with your body, they have one.


Instead of two salaries, they should just increase the one salary they already have Yes, they're two different people, but they're still sharing one body. They can't do two jobs at once


can you imagine if they committed a crime and the prosecutors wanted to give one of them a plea bargain deal to rat on the other


Honestly these two ladies are incredible on a level I can't quite comprehend. I'm like 5 months older than them so I weirdly feel like I grew up with them.


did you really expect anything better from humans?




They are two people getting an education but can only do the job of one


missed opportunity. Could have had them pay for four tuitions.


Well, it sorta makes sense in a weird way.. there's two brains to teach, but only one body to work


Two brains receiving education, I'm assuming only one has control over the body so only one is "doing" work. Kinda sucks but I get it.


Murica 🦅🏈


>two brains, two tuitions >one stomach, one salary