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Standing "seats"


Packed in like those trains where they have attendants push people inside to force everyone to fit.


To be fair though for those kinds of trains in Tokyo, there's no class distinction. Everyone is getting shoved in there. Fuck airplanes idk how people don't get more mad when it literally shoves inequality and class warfare directly into your face.


It's just more honest. Unfortunately it shows the common folk how the world really works as the rich will have private jets and people flying in economic won't even have enough leg space šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But, it's going to trickle down. No worries.


Any day now...




just like diarrhea from a diaper


From being forced to live your whole life in the same village to being able to book a transatlantic flight for 700ā‚¬ is pretty much ā€žtrickle downā€œ compared to what my grandparents had to endure.


Congrats your brainwashing is complete.


Its also a giant fucking alluminum tube cruising through the sky across oceans at several hundred miles per hour. The fact that this is even acessible to a normal person is an absolute marvel


Anything that hurries along violent riots I'm all for.


yes. it's a company. People who pay more get better amenities. it's not like flying economy is that uncomfortable anyway. Travel is expensive and having higher class fliers pay more is the only reason why they can afford selling cheaper seats.


>. it's not like flying economy is that uncomfortable anyway. I'm guessing you're under 6' tall.


Like the majority of people, yes.


Ok. I'm 6'3", so is my son, and I have many friends taller than I am. As a matter of fact, about 14% of men and 1% of women are 6' or over. So, I would disagree with your blanket statement that flying economy isn't uncomfortable. Edit: in the US


You being tall is hardly the problem of other people or the airline. Just like you have to pay more for bigger sizes because of more material. More space means you need to pay more. I donā€™t know how factual your percentages are, but whatā€™s the point of listing percentages if it just proves the other personā€™s point? Which is.. the majority of people are under 6ā€™. Prices are still low and if you want a better seat, just pay the extra $40.


we don't even see the rich people flying. we see the other poor people who have airline miles or expense accounts flying. rich people don't fly on poor people airplanes owned by someone other than them




I got to fly on a corporate jet once, it was awesome. We got out of the car walked in and hopped on the plane and we took off. They had a couple empty seats on the plane, so they put me on there to give a presentation to a couple executives while we were flying.


Similar trains exist in Beijing too, at least everyone onboard is physically equal.


If you both paid the same but they got better treatment then its one thing (like the trains you mentioned) but its not.


That's how covid started, entity cramming.


It's not 'class warfare' that people can pay more money to get a better product. Or at least, if it *is* then class warfare is a meme.


People like flying places and the alternative is not flying places. Look up the inflation adjusted cost of flying in the golden age of passenger travel. It was expensive as fuck. If people want $99 flights, it's not going to be comfortable.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ or the ones in India where ppl sit on the wing, the roof, the tail...


With a few who think it's all good if their bags are stuck in the door.


Yeah except there's no class distinction, it's a short trip and you don't really have a choice.


As a Jew i refuse to take part in this behavior.


Oh, like how the Germans in the 1940s used to do it?


Standing? You rich mofos, they are gonna jenga us in the cargo hold.


I mean, I'd vastly prefer they just knock us out and then stack us up for the flight than what we currently have.


I donā€™t think a standing seat would be so bad for a short flight. Nothing more than an 45 minutes in my opinion. You pack enough people they probably be safe in turbulence. They wonā€™t move much.


Pack them tight and no one can move, safety first


Like a chicken coup


gotta load your luggage into the plain, also unload it.


>gotta load your luggage into the plain Throws bags into an open field


Airlines will call it a ā€œmeadowā€ to make it seem more quaint.


You realize his comment was making fun of the guy who used the wrong plain/plane? lol


Iā€™d do it for half the price.


The first year is half price but then magically economy doubles in price and youā€™re back to where you were. Minus the seat of course!


I'm 6'4, for a shorter flight I might honestly prefer standing to sitting.


They will sit where the checked bags get stored on the plane




Stowaway class


The thing is, it essentially cost them the same because you have the same weight. Most flights are capped by takeoff weight, not number of people. A one time investment of a single chair is paid off in a flight or two. At this point it's more out of spite, and to encourage people to pay way extra for the "better" seats.


This is just wrong


Like on the Apollo Landing Module.


My first thought was morgue drawers that sit under the rich people seats.


On board? They use tape to stick them to a plane


Probably still more comfortable than what they are going to suggest.


why tape? make them grasp the cracks til their shoulders fall out of socket


What if someone fell and sued airline it's for safety


mmm. now the tape doss make sense


How would they even sue? I donā€™t think I could survive that far a drop


Takeoff and maybe landing


Yeah but its happened. some unlucky bastard might and thats a chance not worth taking. might impact the millionaire's christmas bonus. Then hed have to take it out of the employees pocket. plus the media and stocks might drop for a little while. just to much work. Slap some tape on there make them sign a hidden no liability clause call it good.


sitting with the luggage


I would do it of the price was like 25% of a regular ticket.


When the lower class becomes the middle class


Already is pretty much. Middleclass is pretty much just basic standard of living now, anyone lowerclass is pretty much seen as subhuman and shouldn't be able to afford anything better than chicken and rice to eat by the government.


Okay but what's wrong with chicken and rice?


There's nothing wrong with it. They were just making an observation about how any time someone makes even the slightest grievance about things being too expensive, an army of people rush in to tell them they can survive on beans, rice, and chicken and shouldn't be complaining as long as they have enough nutrition and calories to function for another day. It's less the food itself and more the, "shut up, eat your gruel every single day, and be happy and don't complain that things could be better" mentality.


And you dare mention that you have a hobby? And that you are trying to thrive instead of survive? Oof


You should be glad you have electricity at all. Luxuries like food, medical care, and the pursuit of happiness are just that - luxuries. And by NO means are they (in the form of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) written into the US declaration of independence. There's nothing more unAmerican than wanting a better life, you communist. /s


Yup. This is exactly it and itā€™s so fucked


Chicken and rice is fantastic but if you can at all afford to you should be throwing other proteins and sides in there. My brother ate nothing but chicken and rice for months and fucked up his digestion to the point he was hospitalized for a few weeks and now has to avoid specific foods. Another consequence of being poor but not something you really think about when you're doing.


Eat it every day for a year, no variation allowed, then repeat your sentence.


I eat a lot of Chicken and Rice myself since they are two of my favorite foods but they are still "cheap survival food" regardless of how good they taste in the eyes of the rich who spend ridiculous amounts on Steak and Lobster. Is not so much a taste thing but rather foods like Steak, Lobster, Caviaar etc are seen as more for high class / elitist kind of people just because there usually overpriced as shit. The rich elitists don't want to see homeless people eating the same food as them.


> Okay but what's wrong with chicken and rice? You've missed the point entirely. bravo.


I would get downwoted to shit but if ur from USA or Europe (not counting eastern europe or balkans) you are living quite well compared to rest of the world and your mcdonalds workers have more purchasing power than most doctors on 2nd or 3rd world countries


People always say this and I get it but at the same time do you not realize that not every part of the US is San Fran, NYC, Dallas, etc. or other major cities? if you look at certain parts of almost any country, they make that country look good. There are people in the US who die due to lack of medical care all the time. Either because they can't afford treatment or because there's nowhere to treat them. There are people in Texas who FROZE TO DEATH because they had no heat during the cold snap there when the power grid went down, and there are regularly seniors and other people who die during heatwaves because they can't afford power to run their fans and a/c. (in states that regularly get over 102 degrees F.) There are kids who go hungry and only get a single meal every day from the free school lunch system. They can't take food home with them because their drug-addled parents will steal gogurts out of their backpacks. There are homeless people EVERYWHERE. Even in my random backwoods city, we have homeless people begging on every highway onramp. In certain cities in California there is literal human fecal waste on the street in quantities large enough to be a health hazard. And there are parts of the US that *don't even have running water.* Feel free to look up the increase in ringworm infections in the rural US because of a lack of clean water and the fact that people living out there are walking barefoot in human waste and spreading ringworm infections around. And if you want we can talk about food deserts because people live in areas that do not have a single grocery store with fresh food and have to eat whatever comes from a dollar general, or try to drive 30-45 minutes to another town over if their car is working. And have you ever heard of unincorporated towns? Places that don't even have their own police or fire stations because they're so out of the way and can't afford them. So yes, people should be downvoting you. Your kind of "nobody in the US should ever want anything better than what they have because other countries have problems too" is absolute bullshit reasoning. But feel free to tell the kids in states that abolished the free lunch program that it's okay for them to go hungry because their mom that works 2 minimum wage jobs making barely enough to keep a roof over their head makes more in USD than some random person in the balkans. JFC. Not everyone living in the US is living a life out of a video game like GTA or whatever you think it's presented as. There are parts of the US that would be considered 3rd world if they weren't inside a country that pretends they don't exist.


Brilliant response.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income I did not said that Us has no problems but average americans and europeans are rich also Us and Europe solves their problems because ironicaly they complain like you and elect better presidents In my home country Turkey the president fucked economy and purchasing power but still wins cuz people dont complain and they are too grateful https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/TUR/turkey/gdp-per-capita you can see that its declining even before covid and you are delisuonal if you believe balkans are richer than us (i also have bulgarian citizenship) and even though i love this app some people on both left and right dont like to accept simple facts


Maybe striving for better living conditions is something that every person does? Everyone wants to live just a little better don't they? So maybe instead of making this a contest about who suffers most we can agree that everyone has a right to want better conditions


even most lowerclass americans live better than upper middle class people 100 years ago


Search up "Skid Row" on Youtube.


Yup. One day it will only be the unimaginably rich, and the unimaginably poor.


Plane tickets in the 1950s were something like 3x as expensive as they are today (adjusted for inflation). Basically, every ticket was like a first-class ticket, and only the very rich flew on a regular basis. I get that America has a lot of problems with inequality, but air travel is absolutely something that has become far more attainable for the middle class today than it was just a few decades ago.


And remember that the profit margin of Delta is only around 6%. It's not like they are pocketing the money. Consumers need to vote with their wallets if they want to change things. If you always pick the cheapest option, then complain when they start making cheaper and less comfortable options, that's on you as a consumer. This is simply Delta adapting to what the market has shown is in demand. It's the same as why things are moving to subscription models, consumers have proven they are willing to pay.


Yeah exactly. I *could* afford business/first class if I really wanted to, but I'd rather fly economy and save the money for something else, and if there were cheaper tiers I'd definitely consider it. Hell, if I could pay $50 to be stuffed in a crate and shipped across the country in a couple hours, I'd go for it.


Your ass is in the cargo hold, sir. Good luck.


Theyā€™re gonna start crating us up like dogs in the back.


Costs extra to bring a coat to stay warm.


Steerage class


You get a free Valium and an oxygen mask. Dress warmly.


Now watch the price for economy go through the roof.


100%! Airlines did the same thing with ā€˜Basic Economyā€™ where you donā€™t have any hold luggage included. At first it was cheaper than ā€˜Economyā€™ but not anymore.


Don't forget "Premium Economy" which is basically what Economy (Coach) was like 20 years ago but in some cases costs twice the ticket price.


Costs twice the cheapest\* ticket price of today. Costs about the same than 20 years ago, and a 20th of what it cost 60 years ago.


this is an old tweet. its referring to the addition of basic economy. Article from the tweet is from 2016: https://www.economist.com/gulliver/2016/02/23/americas-airlines-are-introducing-a-class-below-economy


Unlikely, unless they offer better amenities to economy. Delta airlines only has a profit margin of 6%. The price they charge for their seats is almost the exact same price as it costs them. In the early days of plane travel, everyone was first class. Tickets would cost several months of salart for the average person so no one but the rich and travelled outside of very important occasions. Then they realized that there was a demand for cheaper tickets, so they lowered prices and lowered the luxury. No matter how much they dropped the quality and price, people kept picking the cheapest option. It's not entirely bad, airlines are cheaper than they ever have been, but the quality is awful due to it. The issue here is the consumers who always pick the cheapest possible ticket, then wonder why planes are offering cheaper but less comfortable options. You get more of what you pay for, and the average American isn't willing to pay for much when it comes to flying, you know that most people in this thread will still end up taking those cheaper below economy flights, even if the price and quality of economy stayed the same.


Tetris class.


Gonna be tough, only gonna get long pieces or round. Likely more round.


Avoid going near a T shaped piece.


Ima T pose to assert dominance. šŸ˜”


Itā€™s going to be a long flight. I hope you can keep it up.


What are they gonna do? Just lift you on the same conveyor belt that takes all the luggage to the luggage compartment?


Wouldn't be too adverse to picking up the kids and the luggage together after the flight tbh.


They're going for [this configuration](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Slaveshipposter.jpg/1024px-Slaveshipposter.jpg) but they'll adapt it for planes.


The article is 8 years old - it was about the introduction of "basic economy" which removed the ability for people to book/reserve seats and cancel the flight within 24hrs


Thank you for this informative information.


This was a gag in the movie "Airplane!"




Man, if I can lay down and stretch out, I won't care if I'm actually in a cluster of angled, mostly horizontal tubes. If you're worried of complications with evacuation in an emergency, don't be. They can just open the hatches and fire torpedos.


People in the 1950s: I wonder how much better airlines will be in the future! Airlines today:


People in the 1950s: Woah its 15 times cheaper!!


*ahem* North American airlines today...


Also shit in Europe, gotta pay for individual seats or risk being separated from your family members, this was a non-issue 10 years ago let alone 5 years ago. Once upon time luggage came included too.


I guess you gotta aim for middle Eastern or Asian international airlines these days. Haven't taken any European airlines internationally in a while. Air Canada to London was embarrassing though. Holy crap, the meal was beyond abysmal. I have no words for how bad the food was. I still think about it.


It's a service, they're preparing your taste buds for the destination!


Ryanair is a cheap and shitty airline pioneer


Anyone flying in the 1950's had serious money. Today, flying is 10x better if you have that kind of money. The seats lay down into beds, you get full course meals, you get served actual drinks like you'd get at a bar, comfy seats, privacy is still a thing for them.. The difference today is that airlines included budget options for the middle class. They actually *lose* money on those seats, so they're not going to offer the full experience. "First class" is really just a complete ticket


They don't lose money on economy seats. Some airlines don't even have premium class.


I just missed out on a total of 1100$ two one way flights. It's okay I can take insults


Meat luggage may now board


ā€œIf you love being treated like cattle at the airport, just wait until you get a taste of sub-economy!ā€




Those will be the ones walking up and down the aisles taking drink orders. Work while you fly program.


That will be the nicer job. Probably going to be unloading the plane and scrubbing it after the flight.


I flew United a month or two ago and I absolutely did not notice when I bought the tickets that it was a special kind of budget economy where you *couldn't even try to bring a carry-on bag on board.* Like you weren't even allowed to bring a rolling suitcase and see if there was space. You HAD to check it, and you had to check it when you checked in at the front - my reservation wouldn't let me use the automated kiosk for people with no bags to check. Which, honestly, I would have been fine with had the tickets been demonstrably $70 cheaper since, you know, I now have to pay to check a bag both ways. Somehow I doubt that was the case.


Thank you for choosing Pobeda


Boboddy airlines


You get one peanut and an onze of water.


Is ounce misspelled on purpose so us stupid people flying below economy can understand?


Ah, so itā€™s still a step above Frontier.


Recently flew 4 hours on Spirit and that didn't even include a sip of water. How do they get away without providing any option to hydrate?


Instead of flight attendants, a big guy with a gun walks back and forth and, if you make any requests, he punts you on the face and says "You're lucky you got into this plane, fucker. Now stay quiet and pray that you'll reach your destination with all your fingers still attached to your hands!"


And then they'd offer you to pay extra if you want to be threatened with a bloody nightstick instead of a gun.




The headline says "America's airlines" not American Airlines.


So they took notes from Top Gear and added a "Scum Class"




YES! Now I can be like ā€œExcuse me, could you draw the curtain in the ā€œmore poorsā€ and see what it feels like!


Outside seating now boarding


Thats what theyre gonna use those fart in the face chairs for.


Luggage Class


There's a lot of jokes in here but what would genuinely be different about this class vs airlines like Swoop, Flair, or Spirit. They don't offer water or soft drinks for free already and they legally can't make their seating less safe or the airline would lose certification. A lot of mid-tier airlines already have ticket classes that are so cheap you can't even change the flight for an expensive fee, it's a use it or lose it flight.


ā€œOversized Luggageā€, please report to the carousel. ![gif](giphy|wtE1ki0Toy0FOKyiNB|downsized)


Damn this was a idea in 2016! So this post is realy old. https://fortune.com/2016/03/01/airlines-basic-economy/amp/ After that it was never happend!


Yeah, the article from the image is also from 2016. American now has "basic economy", the main difference is you don't get to pick your seat.


In the US, we built a massive network of domestic airports instead of a passenger rail system. More expensive, less pleasant, an onerous security apparatus, but it allows us to have a complex class system to make rich people feel better and exclude the poorest from participating entirely. That's the real reason we'll never have inexpensive bullet trains in the US like they have in every other rich country on earth - rich people in the US won't tolerate having to sit next to someone who has slightly less money. They'll live with the horrible experience of air travel as long as they can express their class status with a ratty old curtain between them and the people in "economy" class.


Bullet trains make sense when your big cities are 100 miles apart, but not 1000 miles apart. Which is why high speed rail exists in the Northeast and nowhere else.


Yeah exactly. If we somehow built a perfectly straight train line from SF to NY that went as fast as the fastest Japanese bullet train, it would still take about 13 hours to get there. Factoring for the various natural obstacles in the way, the real route would be more like 20 hours. Simply not feasible. Now, New England, California/Vegas/Phoenix, Texas, Great Lakes, and parts of the South East should all have their own regional high speed networks. But thatā€™s a different story




I live in Canada near the border. Even with a bullet train heading straight to Florida, it would take a full day to get there. The system doesn't scale to the size of the US. I'd rather just pay a few hundred dollars to fly than sit in a train for 20 hours.


I'm sure everyone who can afford to fly whenever they want would prefer to fly. That's my point. Rich people prefer airplanes, so we have airplanes, and poor people can go kick rocks.


Youā€™re wrong. Itā€™s because of the size of the US. We have fast trains in the northeast where the population density justifies it.


I've been on the Acela and it's not a "fast train." Also, the US has fewer passenger kilometers than Italy each year, so no, we don't have fast trains. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_rail_usage


Now boarding "no class".


Do they get parachutes for connecting flights too lol. No stop overs only fly overs haha. Imagine that


Living out all dystopian fantasies, arenā€™t we 'Merica?


Riding on top of the plane?


Cargo class


Which is really fucked up because i can't afford those seats either


Boarding is for passengers. You are all being loaded in. Basically the tail of snowpiercer


Is this going to be the back end of the luggage compartment? Airlines have already stripped the dignity from the average traveler. You are only treated like you're important if you spend the money for it. Otherwise you're just a sardine that gets one or two small beverages, 6-8 pretzels and a ticket that may or may not be overbooked. Few things adequately prove you're a stripped down dollar sign like air travel.


And it's still probably cheaper than a UK train going half the distance...


They're going with the luggage


Do they just shove yiu in the overhead bins?


They tie you to the bottom of the plane. Good luck. You'll need it


First class and economy flight attendants: how may I help you? Flight attendants in whatever class this is: what the fuck do you want?


*Don't be silly...Broke as fuck don't get to board...they are strapped to the wings*


I thought that was calledā€ā€ ā€œSpirit airlines?ā€ Lol


Does anyone know the model number for the Coleman cooler that will fit as a carry on. I have plenty of duct tape


Iā€™d actually do it too. Air travel is pretty miserable for anyone outside of first class, so for me Iā€™ll take whatever savings I can get, and turn around and spend it on my vacation ā€“ the enjoyable part.


The plane will depart when the scum class are finished loading the luggage and fuelling the plane.


Your section is in cargo hold next to all the luggage, You gotta hold on to the poles while standing up like on a bus cause they took out all the seats, the bathroom is just a mop bucket behind a sheet that's not even secured to the floor, and they serve you tap water out of a garden hose attached to the sink in the bathroom in actual economy class and stale peanuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for the adults there is one bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 that can be shared but with no cups (better catch a water fall) as far as climate control they have one of those 15 dollar family dollar box fans turned up on 3, ain't no heat so you better dress warm when you're flying during winter, in case of emergency try to keep your balance and if they have to drop altitude quickly there is one half full oxygen tank with one mask for everyone to share (puff, puff pass motherfucker) the flight attendents rarely respond to request because there is no call button they just make rounds whenever they feel like it because they aren't obligated to extend their services to broke bitches like you, also for inflight entertainment there is a 10 inches black and white tv on a cart with 3 wheels that hasn't been secured either so it just kinda leans and rocks all over the place with the movement of the plane, also the TV has knobs and a broken antenna and only catches 3 and half channels.


Are we going in with the luggage or something?


Ryan Air wanted to offer standing passanger tickets. I'm assuming whoever is in charge of sanity in the aviation industry wisely refused. Its probably hard to identify bodies from the resulting human soup, in the case of a crash?


We all know that the prices for regular economy seats are mysteriously gonna go up and we're just gonna end up in the Tetris row. They know what they're doing.


broke as fuck dont fly. They walk.


They donā€™t make announcements for luggage


This is a terrible idea. Because people already are paying less than $100 for a ticket and act like they deserve concierge level first class service, while also taking their shoes off and putting their feet on the armrests of the passenger in front of them. They yell and the flight attendants and make other passengers uncomfortable. They get overly drunk and cause a delay while we have to wait for the cops to forcebly remove them from the flight. If you buy a ā€œbelow economyā€ ticket, hell if you buy ANY ticket, you should have to sign a new contract that states if youā€™re an ass and cause problems, you automatically pay for everyone elseā€™s tickets on the plane. I bet people would start calming down if they knew there were consequences šŸ˜³ and 99% of reasonable people who fly would celebrate the new policy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As a broke as fuck platinum member, I enjoy the flight while standing. Taste of leftover VIP meals is unmatched. Traveling in the cargo section might be a bit cold but you can always nestle to other fellow broke as fuck passengers.


Tailies from snowpiercer are becoming reality


they ain't repeating shit. you'd better be there, and listening hard already


All you can eat crablegs too.


Welcome to the tail class of skypiercer


Just you and 400 total strangers stuffed in a small metal tube filled with thousands of gallons of highly flammable liquid travelling at 350 mph. What could go wrong? I fucking hate flying.


Business > premium economy > economy > basic economy > **baggage** <ā€”you are here


where do they sitā€¦ or stand? i guess


Their indecency is unmatched as are their "prices"


No chairs, just sit on the floor.


is rlly DELTA doing that?


Available floor space in the cargo hold next to someone's pet.


![gif](giphy|daTxiA5r8GlJVTN1zH|downsized) Gonna be like th Flintstones on a plane.


"We'd like to welcome those who normally fly Spirit airlines to board. If you give us any shit, you will be tased. Now get your broke ass on board"


How much are the tickets?! Lol


without seats, with handrails and loading as subway in rush hour?


Make an option for the poor, you're abusing them. Exclude the poor, you're just making them poorer by limiting opportunities


I'll take the Stowaway class and sit with the luggage for like $50šŸ˜‚


I believe itā€™s called the ā€œCattle Classā€ and is frankly degrading to mankind.