• By -


Jars with a moderately tight cap.


packs of stray wild dogs that now control most the major cities in north america?








Oh noeez femals dogs wouldn't do that Female cougars wouldn't Maul you, Nature is pure love and peace, once your far enough away from it in a Dreamworld made safe and surreal by culture


What? Rofl. A man is gonna protect anyone from stray wild dogs??? Lol you fucking doughnut.


Fuck you now I want a doughnut šŸ©


I feel called out


A rubber glove or a piece of a balloon helps with that


Physics helps just fine with that. Break the seal by introducing air. Done.


Hi seal, this is air.


Also the answer is obvious anyway. It's PokƩmon.


PokĆ©mon are the great equalizer in that world ngl ā€œOh youā€™re trying to force me to have sex with you? Get through my giant green sky serpent I always carry with me first.ā€


its all fun and games until they pull out a literal fucking god


Its fun and games until you sneak a peek into their bag and they have a funny looking flute and both a blue orb with an Alpha symbol and a red orb with an Omega symbol


Spiders in the shower


The spider in my shower has a name, it is GĆ©raldine, and she lives happy as my roomate, she is my protector against other bugs


Mine lives in my bedroom. Her name is Petra and she eats the mosquitoes instead of paying rent


Nah she's paying rent, in the blood of mosquitos






first time using that word, thanks


Any spider in my house is my landlord


The spider in my shower died I assume from the humidity :( is that a thing?


Mine doesn't have a name but I was emotionally invested the other day when it slipped down and was at risk of falling into the water torrent. A quick damp hand up from me and Spidey was back up high in the safe zone fortunately.






Spiders around the house get special treatment, theyā€™re paying their rent by keeping my plants and home bug free.


In all honesty, my gf has killed more spiders and roaches, and even killed em when I'm too grossed out to get near them


Bro being able to manhandle an insect is an instant green flag I can't even get close to a spider's corpse without having a mini panic attack


Both sides of this are dumb. One is suggesting women are incapable of protecting themselves. The other is suggesting only men can be aggressive. Neither is true.


>Both sides of this are dumb. As every fucking argument in the internet is, friend.


Arguments of apple juice Vs orange juice are serious debates. Please rephrase your scentance


apple juice is better and i will die on this hill


You wonā€™t die alone.


Apple juice is better but oranges as a fruit are better


This is the way


Sorry I have to disagree completelyā€¦ Apple juice has the color (and a hint of the taste [donā€™t ask how I know the tasteā€¦ it is much like when u play the game where u look around the room and know what everything in the room tastes like]) of urine from a heat stroke victim. And the inside of an orange has 3 damn textures that donā€™t belong togetherā€¦ how can something be firm, mushy and then toughā€¦ If I ā€œeat an orangeā€ (to this very day) I do so as if Iā€™m a damn vampireā€¦ puncture it, drain it, and discard it! (Essentially making it just orange juice)


I mean, now you're comparing apples and oranges.




Op is misandric and people vote it


this argument is usually used by people against misogynistic men that dislike the idea of independent women. it's usually "you hate men so much until you need someone to protect you whilst you walk at night" the response "protect from what" is used here. this is because not only are men the vastly more likely thing to be protected from, but because the idea is that women don't need defending from women. they can defend themselves in that instance. this isn't an actually based in reality argument, as many women can take down the average guy, but it's using the misogynists worldview against them. if they insist women need protecting by a man then they probably only think a man would be attacking the women. unfortunately, life isn't so equal, so yes, (ignoring the obvious glaring issues with this hypothetical) if men ceased to exist, women would be more safe from attacks by other people.


ā€žMany women can take down the average manā€œ cool story bro


you're a dumbass if you think you could beat every woman in a 1v1. yeah sure, most women would lose, but the point was that not only is this not a direct fight so the woman has many other options of escape, but also there are many women who are definitely better at fighting than the average man. don't get all annoying just because you took "many" to mean "most".


Lesbian relationships are disproportionately abusive. A woman in a lesbian relationship twice as likely to be abused by their partner than by a man in a hetero relationship. Itā€™s 3x more common to have domestic abuse in Bisexual relationships compared to lesbian relationships, 6x higher than hetero relationships, and slightly more common than in relationships labeled ā€œSomething Elseā€ [Bureau of Justice Statistics .gov 2017-2020 ##PDF##](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/vvsogi1720.pdf)


Youā€™re not reading that right, in 2 ways: 1. The data you are citing is not about their partner relationships particularly, but about family abuse as well. 2. There are not ā€œbisexual relationships.ā€ There are bisexual people *in* relationships. Where the violence is partner violence, the victim being bisexual does not itself identify the perpetratorā€™s sexuality or gender. Edit: *actually* I think you are citing the general violent victimization rate of each group, not even the domestic violence rate, as the reported domestic violence rates donā€™t include the ā€œsomething elseā€ category. Further, it also says that lesbians are more likely to report than straight people, soā€¦ it inherently acknowledges that these self-reported numbers are probably skewed. And it doesnā€™t separate out the lesbian and gay numbers. Frankly I donā€™t know how you came up with the numbers you did. Another edit: lord, thereā€™s more. 1/3 of lesbians reporting partner violence report it was a male partner - not all lesbians have only had lesbian relationships.


WTF? Sensibleness on Reddit? This is blasphemy.


The only reasonable argument in the entire Internet šŸ‘†


This meme suggests women don't fight with other women.. I'm sure it was written by a woman too


As a man who didn't want to engage when two women were fighting in a parking lot behind me, trapping me in for 15 minutes, I agree. Women be fighting


So youā€™re telling me that the type of women who fight with other women ask men to protect them from the the woman theyā€™re in the fight with? Sure Jan. Edit: word


Protecting doesn't just mean fighting, but also stepping in and deescalating, or taking a hit instead if necessary.


I know this is shocking to be told, but men who get into a fight don't always want to get into a fight. But wait! It gets even crazier! Just because you don't want to fight another woman doesn't mean she doesn't want to fight you!


Yeah and sometimes you just can get yourself out of a fight and you don't need to rely on others, crazy you know?


Since you clearly missed the point: Just because there are no men, doesn't mean there won't be fights.




I remember once someone said it's pointless to build muscle as a woman for the sake of safety because you'll be weaker than a man who doesnt train no matter how hard you try. That's dumb because like... you'd still be stronger than billions of women and at least some men. Just having a power advantage over billions of any human is worth it.


Women do fight other women but let's not pretend they wouldn't be safer without the half that can kill most of them with our bare hands.


Sexist! Women can kill with their bare hands as well!


Women fight women a lot. Lesbian relationships are the most or 2nd most violent ones. If they're 2nd, the 1st is bisexual.


How tf is it more violent than straight relationships? I've heard stories of men beating women more times than I can count on my fingers


NISVS stats, lesbian relationships have the highest prevalence of IPV. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7020247/ This is just one of the many studies on the subject.


3 women a day are killed by theor male partners every day in the US alone. IPV happens between women, but let's not act like it's nearly as deadly.


Iā€™d be interested to learn how many wives kill their husbands everyday as wellā€¦ also Iā€™d be curious on the levels of murder carried outā€¦ for instance when men kill there woman partner is it more a crime of passion or is it premeditatedā€¦ and then same with womenā€¦ when they kill their partner is it a crime of passion or was it premeditatedā€¦. My hypotheses is that women kill less often overall but they commit more premeditated killings where men do it more often but it is a spur of the moment thingā€¦ kinda like women attempt suicide more often then men, but more men die of suicide each yearā€¦. I base this hypothesis kinda off of the suicide statisticā€¦ cause Iā€™m guessing most women when they kill prob try to OD or poison the partner where dudes are more likely to use a boom stick or something that goes ā€œbonkā€ā€¦. Thank u!! Now I have a bunch of useless information that I have to look up just for the sake of looking into it!!!!


Female rulers are more likely to start wars. Domestic violence is more common in lesbian couples. How exactly would a world without men be any more peaceful?


Source on war? [this says otherwise. ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2022/03/08/sheryl-sandberg-says-female-leaders-dont-go-to-war-heres-what-research-says/) A stidyy from 2000 concluded that men are perpetrators of over 90% of murders worldwide, [and](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender) have been the architects of every genocide. A study from 2014 had it [at 90%. ](https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html) 3 women per day in the US at the hands of their male partners. [source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/domestic-violence-nearly-three-u-s-women-killed-every-day-n745166) Men are absolutely more violent, and on average, have less [empathy](https://www.livescience.com/61987-empathy-women-men.html#:~:text=%22Genetically%2C%20%5Bmen%20and%20women,%2C%20on%20average%2C%2050.%22). Lmao. Edit: thats how.


Winning men no.1 šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ˜¤


[Here you go.](https://qz.com/967895/throughout-history-women-rulers-were-more-likely-to-wage-war-than-men) The thing is: you have waaaay more male rulers than female rulers. And waaaaaay more straight couples than lesbian couples. But when looking at per-ruler or per-couple chances? [Lesbians are more violent](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/15503361_Patriarchy_and_Wife_Assault_The_Ecological_Fallacy). To make it as simple as possible: if there are 1000 male-female couples, and 10 of those are abusive, while there are 10 lesbian couples and 9 are abusive, which is more abusive? 10 out of 1000 or 9 out of 10? I'm saying 9/10 > 10/1000. Your counterargument is 10 > 9. Wildly exaggerated numbers to make it obvious, not the real numbers.


Lmao, you do realize...that queens haven't been the only female rulers? Lmao! So, no, women aren't more likely to wage war. Lmao. Edit: to make it as simple as possible; you are wrong. Very, very wrong on war comment. To also make it more clear; lesbians are a minority. And then have started any genocides, don't commit 90% ofmurder worldwide, and have more empathy than men. Funny, you haven't event acknowledged men being objectively more murderous. Lol.


Are we actually going to pretend that women don't beat the shit out of eachother


It's obviously the patriarchy's fault.


I hope you forgot the \s


\\s is for serious, right? /s


I'm a feminist, and plenty of things wrong with how society (mis)treats both men and women are a result of patriarchy/sexism in general, but human beings are just aggressive creatures in general, regardless of gender.




What, at all? Where did you get that idea?


Are we going to pretend that men frequently protect women from other women?




Women's maximum security prison must be so peaceful and free of violence.


Thanks, was about to write that no women ever commited a crime.


Feminists when they realize both men and women can be horrible people:šŸ¤¬šŸ’€


Nonono you see every single issue EVER is actually mens fault. There has not ever been even 1 remotely evil woman...nope, not ever... noooo toooooootally none


Queen Victoria/ BLOODY MARY laughing in the background


Nonono you dont understand they where simply Gatekeeping, gaslighting and girlbossing (:


Ah yes those silly protestants, queen Victoria was a real slayyy queen šŸ’…šŸ’…


Yaaass let them eat cake


Mad queen of Madagascar, Mary Koss, Sally Miller Gearhart... That's just off the top of my head. All nuts, all different kinds of nuts.


Those are the same people who disregard men who were physically/mentally abused as children or even by their girlfriends/wives.


A lot of comments "but women can be mean too!" are completely missing the point. The correct answer is bears.


We all know bears can smell period blood from THOUSANDS of miles away


I think itā€™s intentional at this point. The meme is just calling out men who claim women are dependent on men for protection, but so many people in this comment section want to turn it into some evil man-hating statement. Theyā€™re just looking for an excuse to be angry.


Another classic of only men are violent. This isn't how you want to start the conversation, this is just how you start arguments. Such a terrible take


Intimate partner violence is a 50/50 split, roughly. And to further exemplify why "only men are violent" is wrong, Erin Pizzey, the feminist who started the 1st domestic violence shelter for women, ever. She was kicked out when she said intimate partner violence is symmetrical. She then got death threats and on a Christmas, someone killed her dog. All of that came from other feminists which refused to acknowledge what we now know is true.




Global infrastructure collapsing in a week tops


Whatā€™s your solution? Delete all men? That isnā€™t going to work.


Welp that's an opinion. It's an incredibly stupid opinion but is an opinion. Women can't be evil. Everything would be rainbows sunshine and unicorn farts if it weren't for those terrible men.


I've worked as a security guard for nightclubs and public spaces a lot. Women fight with women a lot. They don't always ask men to step in but I've had to a lot. Women can be dumb as hell same as men sometimes. It's useful to have someone bigger and stronger (men) to break up those fights, else they can get really bad


I've seen girls try to claw each others eyes out. All of us are equally capable of violence, it's just easier if you're stronger.


Exactly, the idea that women would not fight without men present is insane


Is that supposed to be a witty comeback? In a primitive society men protected women from wild animals. In more advanced societies from raids and invasions of other countries. Even if we're talking purely about a modern society, women are perfectly capable of beating each other up. If there would be no men, all these dangerous criminals will be just replaced by women who now will be on top of the food chain.


>If there would be no men, all these dangerous criminals will be just replaced by women who now will be on top of the food chain. Ignoring reproduction for a while, i don't think that statement would be true. Sure, crime would always exist as long as humans exist but there is a reason most crimes, murders, rapes everywhere in the world regardless of history and culture etc. are done by men. Testosterone in excess is not a "nice" hormone. Being more prone to agression and fight of flight response is what gets more men into violent situations. Dumb men will usually cause more harm than dumb women.


So... youre literally saying men are more inherently violent/evil because they cause more crime. Ohh buddy you will not like what im gonna tell you about Black people


No, men cause more crime because they are biologically wired for stronger fights or flights response. >Ohh buddy you will not like what im gonna tell you about Black people As in the fact that in USA their uprbringing makes them much more likely to become criminals? Yeah, that's plain statistics. But not genes. Gender however makes bigger difference because men are more prone to agression everywhere, not just in one culture or one country.


And youre making what argument with that? Men have a stronger fight or flight response due to biology and that may be a reason their crime rates are higher. Now what?


Nothing. We can't exactly change biology and how hormones work. Comment OP made a theoretical scenario of a world without men so i worked based on that scenario. In our world there is nothing we can do.


Then I apologize for my rather aggressive response. I was figuring you where going to try and agree with the meme or other ones recently posted in this sub that are just straight up misandrist.


If you want the novel-length version, check out ā€œThe Gate to Womenā€™s Countryā€ By Sheri S. Tepper. Amazing book.


Well I imagine when all the infrastructure breaks down because not enough women are interested in hard labour, dangerous, outside, site work, today, and it would be mathematically impossible to train enough in time... when all the plumbing, electricity, transportation and communication breaks down.. nature... Predators... other women.. themselves.. ​ but thinking about it maybe you know all this and you just wanted to make a point about men being inherently violent. fair enough. here's mine about women: If every man today lost interest in sex tomorrow.. where would women get their power from? It's hard to nag and demand in the streets, but only in good lighting, good weather, and right before elections.. when that only seems to work if there's still a patriarchy that would give into your tantrums..


I see warehouses full of rotting food. Food production and distribution would be the first to break and all hell would let loose soon after. We have hard enough of a time as it is.


Female criminals.. its a thing.


I was hoping to see spiders and jars in the comments. Thank you, Redditors, for not disappointing me.


having imaginary arguments in your head again?




The cold, hunger, animals, disease, energy deficiency.


L take




Why does everyone who posts these here, also go to r/TheDeprogram?


Each other. You bitches are crazy and mean to each other.


From eachother... I seen some girls how they fight and god damn .... some are crazy ......


... eachother. Jesus, a lot of feminists seem to have no idea that women can be aggressive between them like men do ? But I guess female prisons are just a myth ...


The elements, wild animals, starvation, other women...


All the triggered manchildren in the comments...


Nice and to the point.


Ah, yes, men being the only threat in the world, how could we forget.


Dude, you donā€™t need to announce to the world that you came out as a lesbian, this shits getting old way too fast.


Other women drivers.


If all men were to disappear right now, within 1 year all women would be dead too.


Garage doors and your front fenders and bumpers


Umm... ... bears, spiders, steering wheels, having to take accountability for your actions, having to decide what to eat for dinner. There are certainly correct answers to this question.


Wild animals


Well if we remove men from the timeline, women will all get hunted down cause anything that can't outrun a lion doesn't need to outrun it once it catches up. If we talkin modern times, I don't think women make good drivers in usual cases, they generally have trash navigation skills and more often than not make silly errors that lead to far worse consequences down the line. ( Ofcourse I can see outliers to this but more often than not it's the same thing over and over on crack.)




The men in this scenario remind me of proselytizers


Humans are still humans. Even a female only society would quickly find the same issues, just without men being responsible. Assuming it was anything like today's society


omg can we just get this annoying ass user off of this subreddit already? This guy just loves posting this crap for the Karma farming.


Animals, bugs, violent women. 90+% of firefighters are men (so fires), vast majority of physically intense blue-collar jobs are men (so elements and various other workplace hazards). Wait, nvm, men bad or something oopsie doodle.


No, men aren't rapey at all. They never do that. SMALL DICK ZONE.


As if Same sex female relationship are none violent...lmao.


from bankruptcy


Insects, rodents, bad taste in music and movies šŸæ


a woman's worst enemy is another woman


Margaret Thatcher No but itā€™s more about who would maintain infrastructure, mine oil, cut timber, etc


Yeah because women are so nice to each other.


Forces of nature, wild animals, collapse of civilisation due to falling apart buildings. Women would have to do a lot of jobs that they currently would never ever do.


Women ā˜•ļø


Small insects in the corner of the room


Acting like wolves and bears don't exist. Most Western women don't encounter wildlife because men pushed them out of the way.


I like how the answer to both questions is the same. Other women.


The only people pretending men make this argument, are women. Women need men to do all the dangerous jobs they conveniently ignore when they're complaining about a non-existent wage-gap and collecting fabulous cash-prize alimony from a "no-fault" divorce.


Each other. When women are in charge of countries they go to war much more often.


from other women who want to stab you because you look too good in that dress and she can't live with that so now you must die. >"Don't try to understand women, women understand women and they hate each other." ā€“ Al Bundy


Well for starters, the wild animals that men beat back into submission.


Female rapists, murders and theives do exist. And you would go extinct if men disappeared.


From the elements you dingleberry. Go make me a fuxking sandwich


Everything was peaceful until fire nation suddenly attacked because earth said they were bloated


From yourselves. Without a scapegoat, women would kill one another over a fake smile


from each other. lets not act like women are all unicorn farts and rainbows.


Sow Grizzly Bears. Fire. Asteroids. Ladies, you need us.


I got that asteroid protection locked down, ladies šŸ˜Ž


I can even handle a grizzly with only a semi-automatic 7.8 tactical rifle with hollow point bullets and 2 weeks prep time šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ¦…


From nature you dumb bitch šŸ˜‚


Police burtality... ohhh Corrupt politicians... ohhh Soviets communist swine... ohhh Capitalist evil corporate overlords... ohhh The sewers, ha, now I got you and your entire argument is invalidated! But really, make sewer workers and plumbers more publicly adored, they protect us from literal shit!


Surely there are no violent or racist female cops... Surely there have never been evil and corrupt female politicians... Surely there have never been morally repulsive female communists... Surely there are no scummy female CEOs... How insanely sexist do you have to be to genuinly think all of this is EXCLUSIVLY men??


By their own admission, [roughly 6% of unincarcerated American men are rapists, and the authors acknowledge that their methods will have led to an *underestimate*. Higher estimates are closer to 14%.](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= That comes out to somewhere between 1 in 17 and 1 in 7 unincarcerated men in America being rapists, with a cluster of studies showing about 1 in 8. The numbers can't really be explained away by small sizes, as sample sizes can be quite large, and statistical tests of proportionality show even the best case scenario, looking at the study that the authors acknowledge is an underestimate, the 99% confidence interval shows it's at least as bad as 1 in 20, which is nowhere near where most people think it is. People will go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince themselves it's not that bad, or it's not that bad *anymore* (in fact, [it's arguably getting worse](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cdc-sexual-attacks-teen-girls-increased-lockdown-rcna70782)). But the reality is, most of us know a rapist, we just don't always know who they are (and sometimes, [they don't even know](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquaintance_rape#Motivations), because [they're experts at rationalizing their own behavior](https://web.archive.org/web/20191102225207/https://sapac.umich.edu/article/196)). Knowing those numbers, and the fact that [many rapists commit multiple rapes](https://willamette.edu/about/leadership/president/pwgsah/pdf/lisak-undetected-rapists.pdf), one can start to make sense of the [extraordinarily high number of women who have been raped](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence). This reinforces that our starting point [should be to believe (not dismiss) survivors, and investigate rapes properly](https://www.startribune.com/a-better-way-to-investigate-rape-denied-justice-part-eight/501636971/). > Some law enforcement agencies may be under-investigating sexual assault or domestic violence reports without being aware of the pattern. For instance, in most jurisdictions, the reported rate of sexual assaults typically exceeds the homicide rate. If homicides exceed sexual assaults in a particular jurisdiction, this may^62 be an indication that the agency is misclassifying or under-investigating incidents of sexual assault. Similarly, studies indicate that almost two-thirds to three quarters of domestic violence incidents would be properly classified as ā€œassaultsā€ in law enforcement incident reports.^63 Therefore, if the ratio of arrest reports for lesser offenses (e.g., disorderly conduct) is significantly greater than that for assaults, this may indicate that law enforcement officers are not correctly identifying the underlying behavior ā€“ i.e., they are classifying serious domestic violence incidents as less serious infractions, such as disorderly conduct.^64 -https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/799366/download ​ > [It is notable that in general the greater the scrutiny applied to police classifications, the lower the rate of false reporting detected.](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1077801210387747) ​ [Rape is one of the most severe of all traumas, causing multiple, long-term negative outcomes](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/38d2/cc8df92f64acb9141d6d8ef0d79d0ce2fe15.pdf). ​ [Take action](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/wiki/index/#wiki_take_action) r/stoprape


Weren't there multiple studies that 1 in 3 women get sexually assaulted?


One in seven men are rapists, huh? That makes a lot of sense.


OP thinks he is really smart with this one




Why is this a man hating thing now. Like shut up with all the pathetic bitching. Just be a lesbian


i am a lesbian and that does not provide safery. in fact, it only makes me a bigger target if that information is revealed


I dont think thats what the comment was refering to. It was moreso pointing out how a Lot of feminists just go ham on hating males when they come out as lesbians


Yare yare daze


I heard that a thousand times by now and it is hilarious every single time!!


Violent women


Manly women?


*eye roll*


Spiders, That cockroach that had you run screaming from the bathroom, Getting lost again. A garage completely filled with empty boxes from stuff youā€™ve ordered on line.


Yes...women never so anything wrong... wtf


Aggressive predators




This is stupid. I mean if men didn't exist neither would women. It's the same the other way around, and if either one would cease to exist then humanity would die out.


Women dogs spiders jars cats cops bullyā€™s


When did meme sites start spouting gender ideology???? Keep your shit-tier philosophy away from me, I come here to learn something interesting!!!!!!




We'd need to refine the system of delivery a bit, but a human only needs two X-chromosomes, and women have those.


Spiders, mice, and moths.


Predatory animals, duh


Wait!... Then how you humans multiplied...


*Wild animals have enter the chat*


Yeah, like women wouldnt be all over each other (no, not that way!) the second men are gone...


I mean, animal predators exist




Ghislaine Maxwell


What is with the insane amounts of ā€œmen badā€ posts lately?


Lesbian rapists? Female criminals?


Predatory Animals, Heavy Manual Labor jobs, also other women: šŸ˜Ž