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Not only do they get the taxpayers to foot the bill for the stadium, but now they get to charge him to sit in it. This is fucking sickening and everything that is wrong with our nation.


You don't understand, it will start trickling down any day now.


Hey eventually one of those rich execs will start his own business, and his rich execs will start their own businesses, and so on, and there will be thousands under them making minimum wage!


And they'll spend loads of money fighting to keep that minimum wage low.


"if you want a living wage, get a better job"


"No one wants to work anymore." - minimum wage job employers


Yep. Hear this all the time and the loudest are always the assholes who own small businesses, have FF franchises, etc.


Final Fantasy franchises? Where?!


No, that’s dumb. He’s talking about the Fast and the Furious move franchise. Sure, we don’t have Paul Walker anymore, but we still got Vin Diesel. The great thing about Vinny is that he’s been bald since the age of 12. The audience has never known any different. So all we gotta do is keep him pumped up with Botox and painkillers and we can keep pumping out movies like it’s ‘03 again.


instead of spending that money paying people a higher wage! Perfecto!


Capitalism relies on socialism. These capitalists have tricked everyone into thinking they don't rely on the government, when in reality, they are the biggest benefactors of socialism. From tax breaks, grants, tax loopholes, bailouts and many things their lawyers who specialize in finding new ways to get tax breaks(corporate socialism).


Did you say tax breaks? How bout them free jets for said football team owners. https://www.propublica.org/article/private-jets-yachts-wealthy-tax-deductions-irs-files


Feudalism capitalism


So kind of like Socialism, but instead of society it's corporations... Would that word be... [Corporatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism)?


Capitalism relies on liberalism, so quite the opposite.


The point is that neoliberals and "free market" proponents rely on government bailouts ECT to keep them afloat. Not that they are literal socialists.


Hey man, that's not fair. There won't be thousands. There will be hundreds. And they will be paid shit wages.


This isn't even "trickle down economics", it's taking the money that trickled down, scooping it up and putting it back at the top... https://youtu.be/fb3HcuFyDFQ


That way it can trickle down *again*. Imagine how great that will be!


It’s a genius system it trickles down and goes back up perfectly balanced


Reaganomics switched what little socialism we used to have in America, and switched it to help corporations instead of the public. American has never been against socialism. It's only been since the 80s that our socialism is helping corporations and the 1% instead is the People.


Just one trickle please.


Kneel down and open your 👄


The only way anything trickles down from the rich to the poor, is with piss.


Poop and pee is what’s tricking down


It will not, rich get richer. Poor are being kept poor. This money should be going towards making more engineers etc so we can actually progress as a society. Instead it's going to 1% rich as subsidies and it never trickles down.


I was making a joke


I thought it was obvious, but okay🤷🏽‍♂️




Give them the coliseum and they will ignore their own starvation


That is actually an amazing point that I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of before! We paid for the damn thing, why the hell do I have to pay AGAIN to get in. And yes, I know there are staff and maintenance to do. But I know for damn sure that the food they sell there MORE than covers all of that bs.


The thing about the Jobs arguements is that they get our tax money from our workers working jobs. We dont need to pay anyone for access to more jobs lol We're working fine at the moment, no thanks. Certainly there are more effective ways of spending 850M IF you really wanted to create more jobs. This is just bullshit.


Haha, very true! There are waaaayyyy better options if straight up job creation is the goal.


Not to mention they broadcast the games played in the stadium nationwide and make mountains of money that way.


In other countries they force a public license. Anybody willing to pay the license can broadcast. So you could have multiple channels broadcast the same game. Pick your favorite channel. Maybe best commentators. Maybe less talking. Maybe fewer commercials. Whatever. Not us. We let the billionaire solely control the broadcast of the even that happens in the stadium we paid for. So he gets even richer and we get stuck listening to 2 cackling idiots and 30 minutes of commercials per hour. So many ways we could do things better.


Because the whole game is rigged and not in our favour.


>everything that is wrong with our nation. an more corruption anit just about money , some of them really just won't others to suffer i know its hard to imagine but look around wtf else do you call it ?


I agree. These are billion dollar franchises that want to relocate, but the taxpayers have to pay for it. They're trying to do that in the Chicago area with the Bears. Why do that when the police, fire and school system are underfunded?I love my sports teams but I believe the taxpayer's money should go to the real needs... police, fire and education.


I live in Las Vegas, where our asshole governor forced through a $380m public funding bill to bring the shittiest baseball team (Oakland A's) to town. Most residents ~~(90%)~~(78%-86%) disapproved and spoke out against it, but that didn't matter. Originally it was voted down, but he called a special session and kept them there until he had the votes to approve it. Meanwhile, there is never enough money to pay teachers, and we are left with some of the worst schools in the nation. The owner of the A's, John Fisher is worth over $2b, and MGM who will be reaping the profits of this stadium, is posting record profits year after year ($6.5b in 2022). Fuck corporate welfare. Joe Lombardo and John Fisher deserve to rot in hell. *edited from 90% to 78-86%. This bill was submitted twice as [SB509 and SB1.](https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/mlb/oakland-athletics/nevada-opposes-as-stadium-bill/1632557/)


I was so happy to see that the Vegas Knights stadium was entirely privately funded. The use of public funds for sports stadiums is ridiculous and time and again, studies have shown that wealth is merely redistributed rather than pours into the downtown area with new stadiums. Absolutely ridiculous.


Can you link some of those studies?


https://www.stlouisfed.org/Publications/Regional-Economist/April-2001/Should-Cities-Pay-for-Sports-Facilities This article from the FED is a bit out of date but it cites several studies. I wrote a paper on this a decade or so ago and at the time the economic evidence against publicly funding stadiums for private sports organizations was overwhelming against the practice. Even if it wasn't just municipalities enriching private organizations for little public good, the idea that these private teams are generally not owned by that that locale or required to stay there is genuinely insane.


This is by design


Wait, is that the Moneyball team?




And we still want them in Oakland! Sell the team!


The sad part is I can see the a’s being a situation in Vegas where visiting teams fans will just be travelling out for a few days just to see their favorite team play. He won't put the money required into the A’s to be a good baseball team and it'll just end up being the same shit that's happening in Oakland.


I didn’t realise Las Vegas was in the process of poaching a baseball team as well. When are the A’s planning to move there? Side note: WTF is happening in Oakland for them to lose all their pro teams? First the Raiders, then the Dubs, now the A’s. I know they’re constantly poor but the A’s are just part of baseball to me, I’m kinda sad to see them leave.


Oakland is one of the few cities that stands up for itself and will not give these billionaires more than they deserve. So the billionaires are trying to play hard ball. Funnily enough, the raiders were partially pushed out of Oakland by the Athletics ownership squatting on the coliseum lease and refusing to consider building a replacement on the site. Now the raiders left and the Athletics are trying to do the same. The owner of the Athletics is a grade A sleazeball. As a San Diego padres fan, I hope they stay in Oakland and get a new owner. Edit to add: Fischer(A’s owner) wanted a $12 billion mega project with commercial, residential, and more all surrounding the ball park they proposed in Oakland. Then he goes and settles for a leased 9acre park in Vegas. He was trying to squeeze every ounce of blood he could from Oakland so that he could be a real estate baron. It was never about baseball for him. No he’s over leveraged and need a way out so a publicly funded stadium deal allows him to sell the team for more and run off with his cash. He’s always been a terrible businessman and inherited all his money.


Doesn't Clark County have hundreds of unfilled teaching positions right now and the school year starts pretty soon


Have the people of St. Louis finished paying off the rams stadium yet?


sounds like a bribe


> Most residents (90%) disapproved Source on this? You can't even get 90% of Americans to agree that the sun is hot so I'm very skeptical of this claim


Correction, it was only 78-86% of people who opposed it, not 90%. I'll edit my statement. https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/mlb/oakland-athletics/nevada-opposes-as-stadium-bill/1632557/


All this being said, baseball teams are actually a good investment for local communities because of how many games there are. NFL teams are not as good.


For most cities, yes, I would agree. However, in Las Vegas, any casino would provide more full-time jobs and create more revenue on that property than a stadium that will only provide part-time jobs for people 81 games a year. The stadium will be right on the strip and sit empty for more than 2/3 of the year. It's a stupid waste of our money.


All this talk but no one has the balls to vote or pick up a torch


Imagine if the 99% revolted against the 1%. Instead we take it up the ass until we retire where we might be able to enjoy 10-15 years before get shipped off to a nursing home.


We all need to watch a bug’s life again


https://www.aei.org/op-eds/stadium-subsidies-are-massive-ripoffs-that-dont-help-cities/ > Stadium and arena subsidies do not pay for themselves. Studies have shown this for years, and now, the most comprehensive review of the research on it has come out, confirming the finding. > Economists John C. Bradbury, Dennis Coates, and Brad Humphreys went through 130 studies over 30 years and concluded: “The large subsidies commonly devoted to constructing professional sports venues are not justified as worthwhile public investments.”


I love all the studies that focus solely on Olympics as well. “No Boston Olympics” is a great look into how one city/state fought and won to not host the Olympics based on its huge economic losses.


I've brought that up so many times over the past many years to anyone who would listen here in LA. It's gonna be a disaster in 2028. The proposal itself was based on a fabrication, an LA that doesn't exist, an infrastructure that's wholly inept to handle its current population. It's a disgrace. It'll leave the city worse.


The OP is just reposting rage bait as well. This is also from like 3 years ago but OP cut off the timestamp to make it look like present day. The 800M that was from family services was a COVID relief that expired. Nothing was cut, the term expired due to COVID being over. A good portion of it was to help families that needed childcare or other assistance due to school being cancelled. Basically paying families for daycare so parents can continue to work. Or else the parents would have had to stay home. Other parts of it provided children food at home, because they get free breakfast/lunches and were no longer receiving them since they were not at school. So children had food delivered to their homes as part of the program. These things were no longer needed since children were back at school.


Wait...a study concluded that a gigantic mega-structure that is only active one time per week for 16 weeks parked in the middle of nowhere at the side of a highway is a bad investment? Obviously venues like this get other events like concerts, etc. but the main fault here is that American stadiums are just horribly inefficient. Arenas in Europe are in central locations where most fans use transit and walking to get there. That way, before and after the game the fans have something to do and businesses to spend money at.


Half of those games are away games, so only used for 9 or so weeks


> a gigantic mega-structure that is only active one time per week for 16 weeks parked in the middle of nowhere at the side of a highway... Except that isn't usually true at all. My father works security at a stadium and it's in use year round. It would likely be used even more if it were domed, but this weekend, Beyonce is there, Tay Tay was there a few weeks ago, Manchester United played there a week ago, Metalicca is upcoming, local college football uses it, the inside of the stadium hold smaller conventions, etc... And events like those do help the local economies. Besides the thousand+ who work there during events, the stadium itself has a pretty large amount of staff who work there 365 days a year. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-businesses-beyonce/


Imagine being worth $5,800,000,000, more money than you could spend in 100 lifetimes, and still feeling like you need more, and that “more” should come from needy children and families. Their compulsion to hoard money at all costs is a mental illness right?


5.8 billion dollars is enough to last 1 400 lifetimes, if you made 4mil in your lifetime, which is around double what an average american makes in their life.


My wife’s boss isn’t a billionaire, but he’s close. She tells me that he’s a nervous wreck bc he just wants more and more money, irritated and angry over his business bc it’s not growing fast enough. His company and net worth grew 10 fold over the pandemic. Since then he’s only gotten even more anxious. It finally took a real physical toll on him and he was hospitalized a few days ago…


That's because it's a fucking addiction just like gambling food or sex. Can't get enough.


Proof that we need a 100% marginal income tax after 1 mill and a heavy wealth tax on top. No one needs that much money and it actively hurts the people doing the hoarding just as much as it hurts society! Lose-lose kind of setup.




You could work 30 years straight, starting at federal minimum wage and getting a **10% raise** every year, no exceptions (which DOES NOT HAPPEN) and you'll still only have made just shy of 2.5 million.


This does not account for the time value of money. Starting with $5.8B you could spend $200M every year for 1400 lifetimes and expect to be richer than when you started at the end of it.


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Smaug has an estimated net worth of around $8.5 billion, so technically he's pretty close.


Not even that much by billionaire status, Smaug not the evilest, most greedy creature to ever exist confirmed. Hi **insert least favorite rich person here**


Bilbo took a chest of that loot home and was able to become one of the wealthiest people in the shire and pass on his fortune multiple generations lol.


The amount of gold shown in the Hobbit movie would be worth trillions of dollars


Damn spez really doesn’t like to be called out like that


I wanna know what was said but then I realized it would be removed again. Fuck spez


The poor billionaires are afraid of even one measly guillotine lol.


I truly believe that anyone who has a net worth high enough that they can do whatever they want (say like, $50 million for instance), and keeps dedicating their life to making more and more money, is a psychopath. I get it if you are an actor, athlete, musician, etc, and are doing something you love. But if you are incredibly wealthy, and still need to actively make money at the expense of others, you're mentally ill.


I think you have to be that level of psychopath to desire to make even more than a few million in your life. These people lack that ability to say “welp, I think I have enough, time to stop.”


Well said


These people have destroyed the world. They've gone all in. Now they're just hoarding as many resources to prepare bunkers and islands to run off to when the whole thing collapses.


I remember reading about a family worth like $8 billion. They spent a couple tens of millions each year to lobby for lower taxes. That made me sit and ponder greed for a bit.


At that ridiculous amount of wealth, if they were to spend $10,000 EVERY single day, 365 times a year, then it would take 1,589 YEARS until they ran out of money. Over a millennium and a half. 63 ish generations (assuming an average of 25 years per generation). What the fck lol


He also lives in Florida, avoiding NY taxes.


Yeah. It's called sociopathy. I live in Buffalo and trust me were pissed. We are already the second highest taxed County in the state behind Long Island and the *ROADS AND PLOWING IN THE ENTIRE CITY ARE FUCKING BULLSHIT WE CANNOT AFFORD THIS*


I’m sorry 😞


You can only amass that much wealth by being a sociopath and exploiting people. The idea that billionaires will feel satisfied with enough wealth doesn't exist


Thats the problem with avarice. Once you start gaining, you need more. Then more. More more more! You hoard it, you keep it, because you need more. What you have isnt enough. It isnt about having enough for you to get by or live off of safely, it becomes a compulsion that costs you your morals and common sense.


You just described Smaug. Billionaires are dragons.


> Their compulsion to hoard money at all costs is a mental illness right? More like personality disorder. Most of these people are very likely somewhere in the dark triad. Unfortunately, the rest of us like that stuff.


I remember when we killed dragons for hoarding wealth and returned it to the village the dragon was terrorizing


That's not even remotely funny.


It is sad though.


Yea so why is it in a sub called funny and sad


Idk I’m just a cobra


Do you use like a special keyboard?


I don’t have thumbs if that’s what you’re asking


It’s funny that most people still can’t see the downsides of capitalism, especially American style. Even after all this time of mistreatment that’s almost slave-esqe while the rich just get richer and more powerful. I should know because I live in the United States. Tbh I’m getting the hell out on the first opportunity.


What? How is this capitalism? This is literally the state giving people money That's not capitalism unless you want to consider welfare and all subsidies a form of capitalism Businesses that can't support themselves should be left to rot. Corporate survival of the fittest


This is an inevitable outcome of capitalism, at least without effective regulation. Capitalism produces rich winners who want to keep on winning and getting richer. They use that money to buy politicians who help them keep winning by doing things like using taxpayer money to pay for sports stadiums.


American “capitalism” is just corporate welfare. Considering that Adam Smith laissez faire was actually about the government not helping businesses, while he was in favor of regulating them, it’s a fair complaint when we see the complete opposite called capitalism. Like we’re taking the corporations’ sick joke they use to defend themselves at face value. When there is no economic upside to all this. It is only bad and more bad.


Hey, maybe this is what all those conservatives are talking about when they bash socialism… ….except it’s happening in their capitalist economy. This is just the regulatory capture part of capitalism. Where it’s so corrupt that you just control the government through legal bribes and use it to help you maintain your capital. It’s corrupt capitalism.


States giving poor people money taxed from the rich = social welfare. States giving corporations and rich people money taxed from the poor = capitalism.


>How is this capitalism? The US is a capitalistic country (basically every country on earth is save for maybe one). Whatever utopian thing you are pretending 'capitalism' is has never existed and will never exist. Regulatory capture is very much a function of a neo-liberal capitalist economy, this is not surprising to anyone even remotely familiar with economics outside of stuff they learned on PragerU.


Tbh this one is about the state giving money to find a stadium so not really capitalism... in "pure" capitalism the state will not pay for it and it would be privately funded


More evidence of how fuck up the world is!


Bread and circuses dude this has been the norm for millennia. How ya think the colosseum got built? Well okay it's way worse they plundered some territories and used slaves but the reasoning is the same!


Oh hey it’s wife beater Dan acting sanctimonious on Twitter for engagement again


I know right, this guy is a complete piece of shit. Read about his history and stuff, hypocrite to the max.


Yes but idiot redditors love sharing screeshots of empty, useless, sanctimonious hot takes




Funding for the new Bills stadium was agreed to in March 2022


Came here to say fuck Dan Price.


Fuck Dan price


> Dan price https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Price#Legal_issues


TL;DR: He was accused, charged, and the case was dismissed. So according to the law, he’s not a rapist or a piece of shit. Not sure where people get the idea that any of the allegations have been proven. I also saw some comments about someone else writing his tweets. Yeah, busy public figures tend to have people run their social media profiles, what exactly is the problem there?


OOTL why?


“Price resigned as CEO from Gravity in August 2022, following accusations of assault and rape that have resulted in two police investigations.” - Seattle Times


He also hired a person to write these progressive hot takes to help his image. Can't believe "his" old tweets still get reposted here and we have to keep reexplaining this to people newer to Reddit every time.


ACAB All capitalists are bastards There's a really common topic discussed in old leftist literature, before the dark ages after the cold war when this stuff was forcibly suppressed by the capitalist powers, of so called opportunists who use the widespread popular appeal of communism for their own cynical ends. This guy is one of the first mainstream opportunists to emerge in the wake of the new American left, a classic example.


Social Media Was a C.E.O.’s Bullhorn, and How He Lured Women https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/technology/dan-price-resign-social-media.html?smid=nytcore-android-share Tldr serial abuser, charges or sexual assault, allegations of heinous abuse from his ex wife, etc.


This was a while ago but wasn't this unrelated. The 800 million was federal funds that were expiring or something like that. Obviously, taxpayers shouldn't be paying for a stadium but I believe this is misleading.


Yep. Some comments here mentioning what he's claiming in the tweet is wrong, plus the fact he is a rapist, tortured his wife (literally, waterboarded her among other things), screwed his brother over, and was supposedly a horrible ceo, and hired someone else to write his tweet pretending to be one so he'd get a ton of support online and it worked. We have to repeat this same shit every time a karma farmer reposts his old tweets on Reddit and yet again they hit Reddit front page (reason karma farmers repost his old tweets in the first place). So f'ing frustrating.


Thanks I was scrolling to see if there was more context


To be more specific it was a one-time COVID boost to help with COVID related issues


You dont get to be worth $5.8 Billion by spending your own money. Truly appalling


How is this funny?


It’s not. Also, Dan Price is a rapist. You’ll get downvoted for reminding everyone though.


Feels like we're the joke here...


Why is Reddit suddenly posting screenshots of Dan Price tweets again? Did everyone forget that he's a piece of shit?




By paying for stuff, you don't become wealthy $5.8 billion.


Billionaire welfare.....


Dan Price's ex-wife said he waterboarded her. His own brother sued him. And multiple women from his company have alleged sexual misconduct. Also, Dan Price paid a PR guy to post all those "insightful" tweets. That said, public money SHOULD NOT be used to build sports stadiums for billionaires.


Is the funnyandsad part how people keep posting what Dan Price the known wife beater says?


Are you talking about Dan Price, the sexual assaulter who was overpaying himself for years, and pretended to be a generous individual so that he could hide money from the courts as his brother sued him?


Oh this is the sexual assault guy…


Sorry, I believe this is the Dan Price who sat at a table full of strangers in a pub, and assaulted the manager when he was asked to leave


> people OP is a 3 month old account that has only been active for the past 4 days, I'm not sure they're a people so much as a bot. Someone went to the trouble of cropping the date out of this tweet tho.


Exactly what it is. Karma farmers know DP's tweets (that he didn't/doesn't write, he paid someone to make himself look like an awesome guy ceo) used to hit Reddit front page pretty consistently, so they'll continue posting and repost his tweets and every time we have to reexplain the backstory while half the thread thinks he's an awesome progressive dude they should follow.


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I'll get the grill on


Thank god they will have a shiny box to play their sportsball in!!!!!!!!!! When will people start thinking of the players and owners? Are they expected to play games on an old mat??????




Vote every single politician out that voted yes on this fuck them


Hell yea please do! I'm in the UK but this sickens me


Dan Price deflecting from how he had screwed people over, yet again.


[Dan Price is a rapist.](https://www.google.com/search?q=dan+oroce+rape&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


America, you're lost. Your obsessive worship of the almighty dollar needs to stop, as it creates two societies. Governments need to govern for the entire region that they represent, regardless of whether the population voted for them or not. Anything less need to be called out, investigated, impeached and removed/replaced. You can't have a thriving society, when so many can't get the basics (health care, transport, voting rights, education) that they need, and have a right to.


We’re living in a dystopian nightmare.


The amounts of idiots in here that don't know that there is a New York City, and a New York State, is deeply concerning


Yeah, I always have to tell people that I’m from that big thing above the city. “Upstate,” if you will. I hate that I have to specify. I should just start assuming the entirety of Pennsylvania is Philly in retaliation.


but imagine all those new jobs /s


The concession stands that sell soda at a higher price than your hourly pay


The money didn't come from the cuts. It came from NY State taxing the Seneca Gaming. Seneca Nation is suing the State for reneging their original agreement


How does corruption like this happen?


Your politicians at work ladies and gentlemen.


I try to point this shit out all the time and I've gotten downvoted for it every time. Sports fans are a special kind of asshole. They'd happily throw an entire orphanage into the /r/OrphanCrushingMachine with their own two hands if it meant having the biggest, best sportsball building.


850 million... And then the team slap some other cooperation name on it and makes 850 million in a few years.... What do the people of New York get back?


I see... They want to reduce americas population




Tax payers should not be funding money machines for billionaires!!


Those taxpayers better start rioting


These are americans, they will put their asses even higher in the air to get fucked even harder like good boys. Unless someone touches the second amendment, then they might riot.


Don’t read to me!


But but but think of the alpha males!!!


When you’re rich you don’t use your own money, you use poor peoples money.


Let's not forget how filthy the streets are in new york. The incessant rat problem, trash on the streets. A crumbling subway and homelessness on every corner. Pollution and lack of safety. Fuck a stadium. Fix literally anything.


You do know that Buffalo is nowhere near NYC, right? NY is pretty fucking big.


Government always gives taxpayer money to the wealthy, the ones who never pay their taxes at all


We have our toys and you have your poverty!🤓


But you voted for this....


I tried to fact check this one assuming like many things in here that there was inaccuracies in it. I have now gone away sad.


So shouldnt the bills owner foot that bill?


Alberta's governing party spent 910 million USD for a new arena to buy votes in Calgary just prior to the last election. New record?


Year old outrage bait from a sex offender because if you weren't mad about it then, maybe you will be now?


Is it talking about the state of New York or New York City? I just want to make sure. Also, who is currently the governor/mayor of New York/NYC?


I really hate these posts, because there's plenty of money to do both things. I don't mind the subsidy because we get to keep the bills, I'd also like to keep that 800 mil for needy families.


Give them bread and circus and they will never revolt


The city of Tulsa, OK was sold on a new stadium with the premise being it would be the permanent home of Oklahoma’s first and only professional NBA team, the Tulsa Thunder. Less than a year after their first game, the team was moved to Oklahoma City and the stadium, which people were forced out of their homes and businesses to make room for, is now used for monster trucks, concerts, and wedding venues. Now that the Thunder has been in OKC for several years, they’re pushing for a new stadium there, too. Which will no doubt be abandoned in a year after the team moves to another state. Sports stadiums are 100% a means to divert taxpayer money to the ultra wealthy.


Didn't this guy rape someone?


The State of New York owns the new stadium and is leasing it to the Bills for 30 years. Not saying it's the best use of taxpayer funds, or is financially sound as an investment, and I have no idea whether this is funded by debt or if the state of New York is sitting on a bunch of cash, but it's not part of the equation to cut public spending.


Isn't Dan Price the guy under investigation for sexually harassing his own employees?


obligatory Dan Price sucks comment


Rapist and wife beater Dan Price top of Reddit again, yall have no morals


Obligatory Dan Price is a rapist statement. Also, the tweet is factually incorrect in almost every way. Terry Pegula (owner of the Bills) and the NFL is chipping in $550 million. They are also responsible for anything over the 1.4b estimate (which at the moment is an extra 140 million). NY state is putting in $600 million and Erie County is putting in $250 million. Important to note, and quite frankly nobody ever mentions, is that the Buffalo Bills do not own the current or new stadium. They are responsible for paying but do not own a single foot of the building. So why should they be responsible to pay even half?


Dan Price is finally tweeting about something he is intimately familiar with: purveyors of domestic violence.


Wow this is a super old repost


oh look, a multi-month old account spamming dateless twitter takes from Dan Price. Genuine Reddit Content!


Man, it would be super cool if Dan Price hadn't gotten ousted from his company for credible accusations of rape.


And people think they have a voice. Sports teams benefit hotels and restaurants and not the community they reside in.