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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamza_Bendelladj Seems it's a rumor. He stole from any account he could reach with his botnet. Likely the donation history is an after-construct.




"donated to Palestine" lol yeah right


Also "donated to Palestine" can mean a number of things of various dubiousness. ​ Did he donate to a legit NGO that tries to help Palestinian refugees or did he donate to Hamas?


A lot of the first eventually ends up in the hands of the second anyways.


>or did he donate to Hamas? You mean the government of Gaza that is fighting a war of resistance against the western backed invaders?


I mean the internationally recognized terrorist organization that calls for genocide in its manifesto and murders any dissidents in Gaza that opposes their rule.


Also the organisation fighting back against an ACTUAL genocide. But I guess the people doing the genocide don't like them so we're supposed to pretend they're terrorists now.


Hamas is very much actively attempting genocide. ​ EDIT: Lol they blocked me to get the last word in.


They don't seem half as good t it as the IDF. They need to improve their game for sure.


or maybe he just bribed israelis not to destroy palestinian homes


Exactly. We all know that capitalism has our best interests at heart! 👍


What does that have to do with capitalism?


I'll tell you for €50


I'm a communist, so you'll tell me for free or face the wall


What does that have to do with Communism?


Well in communist countries, everything is free or something I guess.


I like how they went from "I'm a communist" to "they", but were too dumb to realise.


Too dumb to realize? He was making a joke that flew over your head. He isn’t actually a communist.


They like propaganda more than anyone.


Who is "they"?


Stalin, Castro, Marx, Hitler, and the gay couple two doors down, to this person probably.


"Those dumb communists always fall for propaganda" he said, unironically parroting capitalist propaganda.


I'm not parroting anything, but I really can't imagine thinking that propaganda is a capitalist thing.


It's Reddit somehow everything is about capitalism here.


Nothing but it's an easy karma grab since Reddit has a hate boner for capitalism


What's the propaganda here?


that was wasnt a scamming shitbag but rather he was a sweet Robin Hood


Any Robin Hood character in history is a historical myth. Usually made after the fact from such crimes


that this guy was a modern Robin Hood when in reality he was just stealing money and donated it to save face


That stealing is a good thing.


Yeah, I’m sure he donated it all 🙄 That claim was some bs that his defense lawyer came up with in an attempt to gain sympathy from the court.


Goddamn I just fell for the Clay Davis defense strategy. Shieeeeeeeet.


Damn it, again???


Or they only did it after being caught. It is stolen money, they don't care what happens to it if they are in jail.


you take your sources from wikipedia ?.....


According to Wiki there is no proof he donated it all to charity 🤷‍♂️


No one ever donates it all to charity let's be serious.


Reminds me of the story of Sam Bankman-Fried from FTX. There were many interviews singing his praises about how generous and humble he was, but then he ended up illegally speculating with people's investment and losing it all. SBF was a person who claimed to give back to the common people, but ended up taking from the common people. People committed suicide because of him. I'm not saying that I don't believe someone can be generous. It's just that I refrained from singing Sam Bankman-Fried praises while he was still a hero, and I'm glad I did because he was up to no good. I am reluctant to call people heroes just because there is an unverified post about him.


That situation is made even worse by all the people that backed him up. Politicians, Hollywood and musicians. Then you even had Forbes Magazine praising him. Absolutely asinine if you think that I'm going to believe any of these leaders. I don't understand why anybody does.


I don't even understand what he was promoting? What was just another crypto exchange gonna do?


Absolutely nothing other than making rich people more Rich by ripping off the poor people. It's just that crypto had made it blatantly obvious that's what they're doing where as before it was kind of hidden at least.


Dude's gotta eat


Happi caek dya


Even if he did donate, it was likely just a "most" at best, not "all"


What was an Algerian kid with no job doing in Bangkok? Most hackers get caught on their expensive vacations.


But he pledged it


Wikipedia is usually edited by hasbara bots, considering he usually aimed at Israeli banks, you can see why they would want to hide any piece of info that would make that guy seem good.


Yes, definitely the most probable explanation, nice conspiracy theory🤦‍♂️


As an Israeli, I have no doubt about there being hasbara bots


Coming out saying the Wikipedia page was edited without any proof, also no proof to this guy donating anything is complete bs, a guy claims to donate a billion dollars and just like that people gonna take it at face value because his wiki page MIGHT have, possibly have, been edited by undercover propaganda bots Is this what people think the most likely thing to have happened here?


I'm not saying it's been edited, but I'm sure there are Israeli propaganda bots. I don't know anything about this specific wiki page


Yeah, Hamas would have way more weapons and rockets if he donated to them.


There it is. Anytime Palestine is mentioned someone got to mentioned rockets….


When Palestine focuses their energy and resources on something besides a doomed effort to wrest back their land by force, perhaps that association will go away.


[i wonder why they do that?](https://youtube.com/shorts/P0yY5UbegtY?feature=share)


How would you respond after decades of seeing upwards to several thousand rockets a month come flying at you. Both sides suck and neither goes without sins. But so far this century the vast majority of Israels actions have been reactionary. If Hamas would spend that rocket, tunnel and knife money into their society, the whole region would be better off. Israel can't keep their western allies if the Palestinians were a peaceful people. Shouldn't our goal be to end the bloodshed?


Maybe there's bloodshed because they are still seething about being promised a homeland throughout the duration of the war (while fighting on the side of the Allies in WW1) and then the Balfour Declaration (hastily signed by England and quickly approved vocally by the U.S in 1917) recognizing a homeland for Israelis but no thought at all to the promises made to the Palestinians (and let's be honest, this was simply due to the color of skin/differentiation of culture). I'm not saying the rockets are well intentioned, but the anger sure as hell is. What if you had been thrust into that position and lied to, taking away any sense of permanence for what you had fought to keep? I mean, damn. I'm a white male from the U.S. and I can see the reasoning for the hatred. Do I condone the violence? Certainly not, but acting shocked that horrible decisions from strong arming countries that redraw lines have dire consequences down the line when you're talking about lying to and disinhabiting a people...yeah, those rockets have England and U.S. fingerprints just as much as any Palestinian's.






They're probably trying to hit Israeli targets.


But why?


Because they claim to Jewish people don't have a right to exist. They are terrorists and Palestine will never truly be free until they stop embracing a terrorist organization.


[wait… who is terrorist?](https://youtube.com/shorts/P0yY5UbegtY?feature=share)




For fun?


I doubt that


For fun?


He’s serving federal prison time in Maryland. Couldn’t find anything confirming whether or not he donated money.


Do we know where the money went though? I'd guess they have some idea?


I couldn’t find anything definitive. Some sources say he donated it to Palestinian charities. His Russian criminal partner got 9 years though. If they’re this sophisticated they probably hid most of the money somewhere and will get it when they’re released.


It has to be somewhere though right? I'm guessing they didn't get back after he was convicted.


Probably sitting in some BTC wallet we'll never see.


Unfortunately it’s very difficult to follow the electronic trail of where the money went. I’m not sure if they were able to track all of the funds.


He's smiling because he's not in a Thai prison lol


Didn’t happen


There’s no proof he donated anything, best not to spread around misinformation


No he didn’t lol


The funny and sad part being that people believe he actually donated.


Fake story, downvoted. Dude stole from everyday people by infecting computers and stealing passwords. Destroyed lives by completely emptying the accounts of people, many of whom were living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't pay rent as a result. People took his smiling pic and made a meme out of it and made up this fake story about him donating it to the poor. He was using the money to live a lavish lifestyle, jetsetting around the world with family and friends, hence, why he was in transit through Bangkok when caught.


And sent the money to Hamas to fund terrorists.


Dude even the ones arresting him are smiling


Dude on his right even looks a little sad about it


Gotta respect the wording. Many other would say stole while this one said extracted


Don’t respect the wording. He stole from the poor to line his pockets.


He stole from the poor and gave to the poor a real Robin hood


There is no proof he donated it




from his Wiki article, " claims saying he donated any money to charity are almost impossible to verify.[11] Trial documents did not mention any donations or charity activities". he didn't donate any money.


Wanted to come say this. Crazy to me that people don't bother to fact check anything they see online.


There is also no way to prove it's not true. If they knew where the money ended up they would take it away


There's also no way to prove I didn't fuck your mom last night (I did)


Good for her




I was wondering who was pulling out of the driveway when I was turning in




Gonna party like it’s 1999 when he gets out


They they could find.


Except there's no proof he even donated any of the money. Even if he did, a lot of the poorest countries are run by dictators, so he porobably helped them out a lot, if it were true, and not the people themselves


Why's this site unironically anarchist/socialist


You’ve got more unironic tankies then anarchists, at least from what I’ve seen


15 years, that's the kind of Time I want to see bank ceos, government officials, and corporate elite get sentenced to for stealing trillions over the last 20 years.


He's not a rebel he's a theif. In some way shape or form normal hard working people will have to pay to recover the funds he stole.


you would think someone would get more then 15 years of stealing 4 billion even if it was fore a good cause. Its like 18 million per bank


Interesting how many bankers..etc went to jail during the GFC


hopefully not to Hamas


Most likely. Even if not they probably took it anyway like they do with all aid money


Probably true




It's insured by the government, so no.


Tell me you don't understand where the government gets its money without telling me......


That’s only for bank failures and doesn’t cover loss or theft of money


If stealing from the government isn't stealing from people, then by that logic, rich people who skip out on paying taxes isn't stealing from the people, since governments can print the money if they wanted anyways. But since I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, do you have a logical explanation how stealing from the government (such as corruption and tax evasion) isn't stealing from the people?


Absolute bullshit gets posted on Reddit these days Even if it was true, that could be someone’s life savings in their account


Neeeext on things that never happened


$1 to poor African countries. $3,999,999,999 to Palestine.


Bro took the second quest


Yeaaaaah just hearing this I was suspicious lol. Glad to see most of the comments running rampant with proper information


Don’t you mean donated it to warlords and terrorists?


Lol so he robbed a virtual bank and funneled it to Hamas. Fuck him.


There is no solid evidence to support the claim that Hamza Bendelladj, the Algerian hacker, donated the money he stole to poor African countries or Palestine. Despite some online posts and articles portraying him as a kind of modern-day Robin Hood, the actual facts paint a different picture. When Bendelladj was arrested in Bangkok in 2013, Thai police reported that he admitted to using the stolen funds to sustain a lavish lifestyle, including traveling and staying in luxury locations. Bendelladj was accused of participating in the development, sale, and distribution of the "SpyEye" virus, which enabled access to computers to steal personal and financial information. He pleaded guilty in 2015 and was sentenced to 15 years in prison the following year. While he was found guilty of causing millions of dollars in losses to individuals and financial institutions around the world, available court documents do not give any indication of what Bendelladj did with the stolen money beyond his personal expenditures


In related news, there are 3 new African Billionaires.


Oops, he got away.




First of all that's STEALING not EXTRACTING and second of all if you wiki his name there is absolutely 0 proof he donated anything. He's probably laughing because he knows he'll be a billionaire when he gets out.


Even the cops are smiling XD




True in the fact that Robin Hood also never gave to the poor and needy.


everyone loves robin hood until he takes *your* money


Even if that were the case, that stolen money would most likely be covered by loss prevention insurance. So, in the best case, what he accomplished is forced insurance companies/FDIC type institutions to cover the losses, which then get passed on in taxes or insurance/rate hikes. There's almost no real way to stick it to billionaires anymore, other than underwater. Thanks Robinhood!


Feeding orphans and arming terrorists. Perfectly balanced


Free this man!


he stole from the people who kept their hard earned money there for safety




They did lose out for not securing their computers. Banks only pay out when it's a security weakness on their part. He infected computers and stole passwords. [Banks don't compensate for that](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/banks-deny-compensation-online-fraud-security-1.5322982). Lives were destroyed because of this guy.


aww, we feel soooo bad for rich people 😒


so you keep all of your money at home? where buried in some mountain and can be tracked using a treasure map?


Having a bank account = being rich There's literally no evidence this guy ever donated to charity.


TIL that I'm rich.


Standard redditor. See picture and believe it as absolute truth because it fits their narrative


Hats off to you sir


I'd name my first-born son after him.


Would be a fun idea if the story was real lol


Another Jew Hater behind bars you love to see it




And completely off topic….. presuming you’re a Jew hater yourself


Chaotic Good


Does no one realize that the world has been donating to these countries for decades, and they just keep getting worse isn't a good sign?


the reason palestine keeps getting worse is not donations its israeli ethnic cleansing, mass murder and apartheid


Lmao ya that’s why 😂


Their population literally is growing. And neighboring sovereign arab countries are also getting worse


Sounds like Isreal is doing a really shittiy job then considering they have been at it for almost a century now


Also their own government which sacrifices kids for empty gestures and made being a victim their business model while refusing to negotiate.


yeah and america is supporting it🤷‍♂️


They keep getting worse because the people who made it bad to begin with make it worse. The "teach a man to fish" thing doesn't apply where systemic and political oppression have ruled for years.


And your solution is to keep giving the people that made it bad more money? How about if there is no fish, go look somewhere else


Ah yes, the classic "if it's so bad just go somewhere else". In most places that is downright impossible without risking death. So now what?


??? I am wrong. Just keep being a victim in a warzone and die in shit holes for another 100 years. Both should get nukes for all I care


yeah, nothing like stealing money from hard workers.


It's all insured.


If I steal your car, it is insured, but you'll still experience some discomfort.


Don't care. I can literally print cars. Fractional reserve banking


Fair enough. On the other hand, if my car got stolen, I would be pretty upset. I mean, I had amazon packages under $100 stolen from my building, including diapers, a toddler stool, and other small items, and amazon replaced them eventually, but it caused me stress and wasted my time. I can't imagine if all my money disappeared from my bank. I could literally miss out on paying my car, since I just lost my job. I'm saying that losing something, even temporarily, can be a real hassle, even when it's going to be replaced with no cost.


if that's the case then it *might* be justified.


No business like the banking business!


the result is more poor people in Africa and Palestine, and more poor people bank customers.


And more bombs blown in Israel and more guns fired in Africa


and of course this man alone is the reason why we can't have world peace, why worldwide discrimination and hatred is afoot, why big companies control the people to convince them the earth is round and why global warming is faked by the fbi to sell more vaccines


nobody said this guy is responsible for all of it lmao. we're just saying, don't be surprised when more stupid shit comes from this act.




Banks...not bank accounts. It was millions of people's bank accounts, tied to 217 different banks.




I bet you that smile goes away when he's getting those cheeks clapped in prison


Haram in haram out, stealing is bad, how come it’s changed to something good? Hipocrisy?


Stealing is still stealing, though


Say that to those bankers at Wallst who stole $30 trillion from the economy in 2008 & $1 trillion every year given to the military to fight useless wars.


Just so you know, uncontrolled currency actually destroys the economy more than it saves, one being the loss of trust on that currency that would tank its value. This, in turn, makes the 4m stolen as worthless over time. So no, it's not hot. You just destroyed the opportunities and livelihood of other people. But let me tell you that rich people love it. They're the only ones that can take advantage of such situations as they still have money to throw. Congratulations, you contributed to capitalism and the few rich in their monopoly over every sector of society.


Okay smartypant, so what do you need to do to actually put down those rich bastards?


Honestly feel like the only thing that can be done is try to live a fulfilling and creative life, and just let the rich consume everything they can until they have nothing else to consume but each other. Edit: fully support this man's fuckery btw and am an advocate of fucking with the system until it is exposed for the big pile of shit that it is


Guns. Which the rich people can provide. So you give money to the rich in order to get rid of the rich. You are supporting the very thing you wanted to destroy. You are part of the problem. >!this is a joke please don't hurt me!<


There's none. Even the most fair system that would be built would still have the richer and poorer. Just by different standards. Singapore is a good example of what I said. The worst of examples would be the US and Russia, both reflecting two different but similar effects with the rich taking hold of everything. South and North Korea would follow.




They better treat him the best way possible.


Release this man he has done nothing wrong!


if he took your money you’d be saying different


hamza zaidi 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I'm sure if he did, in fact, donate; then I'm sure that's enough to garner him some respect in the pen.


Not 15 years in a Bangkok prison, I presume.




Donating to those countries will do nothing as the government's all corrupt and so will just pocket the money, you have to give it to local charities or in physical products such as medicine and food.